The structure and electrostatic properties of the ORF3a protein suggest that it is not an ion channel. In 2021, the SARS-CoV-2 ORF3a protein structure was reported by Kern and colleagues, who also suggested, in concomitance with another study by Toft-Bertelsen and others, that ORF3a functions as an unselective cation channel that allows the passage of Na+, K+, and Ca2+6,13. This result was however confuted in the same year by Grant and Lester18 and two years later by the group of Clapham14, which showed that ORF3a does not form a cation permeable viroporin. Therefore, the exact function of this protein remains unclear. To unveil its possible function, we started by performing MD simulation on the ORF3a structure provided by Kern and co-workers to verify whether it has the right properties for a cation selective channel. ORF3a was inserted into a phospholipid bilayer, and the rest of the MD simulation box was filled with water, K and Cl ions (to give a final salt concentration of 150 mM).
The system was heated to 300 K and then equilibrated to 10 ns. In Fig.1A is reported, for the equilibrated structure, the backbone of the protein in cyan, while positively (lysine and arginine) and negatively (glutamate and aspartate) charged amino acidic residues are highlighted in yellow and red, respectively. The position of the positive charges, widely distributed at the intracellular entrance of the putative cation permeation pore (indicated), would make the passage of positive ions energetically unfavorable (Fig. 1A). This is confirmed by the analysis of the electrostatic potential profile of the ORF3a protein, shown along a plane perpendicular to the plasma membrane in Fig. 1B, clearly displaying the presence of a positive electrostatic potential at the entrance of the putative permeation pore. Consistent with the work of the Clapham’s group14, these preliminary structural observations suggest that the ORF3a protein is unlikely to function as a cation channel.
ORF3a is not an ion channel. We then tried to confirm the prediction of the MD structural analysis by performing electrophysiology to directly test the ability of ORF3a to behave as an ion channel. We first expressed, in HEK293 cells, the viral protein fused at the C-terminus with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and looked at its expression and localization by immunofluorescence (Fig. 2A). Consistent with the ORF3a endoplasmic reticulum (ER)/Golgi/endolysosomal localization, the EGFP fluorescence signal displayed a large intracellular distribution (Fig. 2A, left).
Given our aim of measuring the ion currents of the plasma membrane through the patch-clamp technique, to enhance ORF3a localization on the cell surface, HEK293 cells were also transfected with an ORF3a deleted of the first N-terminal 41 amino acids, which we called truncated ORF3a protein (tORF3a). Consistent with previous studies6,19, the removal of this sequence substantially increased ORF3a localization on the plasma membrane, as clearly shown by the enhanced fluorescence signal of cell surface exhibited by tORF3a-transfected cells (Fig. 2A, right), compared to ORF3a-transfected cells.
To evaluate whether the expression of the ORF3a protein correlated with the presence of an additional ion current on the plasma membrane, we performed electrophysiological experiments using the patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell dialyzed configuration. Ion currents were recorded at varying potentials following the application of different protocols, either voltage ramps of 1 second duration from -100 to 100 mV (Fig. 3B) or discrete steps of potential from -100 to 100 mV with incremental steps of 20 mV (Fig. 3C). As shown by both the representative current traces (Fig. 3B and C) and the quantitative analysis of the current-voltage (I-V) relationship of the steady state current (Fig. 3D), expression of the full-length ORF3a protein did not show any additional current compared to the control group (cEGFP). To demonstrate that the absence of a difference in current density was not the result of a low presence of the ORF3a protein on the plasma membrane, we repeated the same electrophysiological recordings on tORF3a cells. Again, the current density was not different from that recorded in control cells. The absence of ion currents when the 41 residues at the N-terminus were deleted, was consistent with a recent study showing that the same construct, which exhibited a robust cell surface expression, did not provide any additional currents compared to control cells19 Thus, together with the structural analysis performed on the ORF3a protein (Fig. 1), our electrophysiological results strongly suggest that ORF3a protein is not an ion channel.
ORF3a mediates water transport across the membrane. To obtain hints on a possible function of the ORF3a protein, we further analyzed MD simulations of the dimer placed in a physiological environment. Interestingly, we observed the presence of water columns through the transmembrane helices of each monomer, connecting the intra- and extracellular spaces (Fig. 3A and B). This was confirmed by the analysis of the distribution of water molecules within 10 Å of the protein, as a function of Z-axis perpendicular to the membrane, showing the presence of water throughout the transmembrane portion of the protein (Fig. 3B). To verify whether the ORF3a protein mediated a transmembrane water flux, we analyzed the MD simulation for the presence of water trajectories moving from one vestibule to the other one (Fig. 3C and D) and then counted the number of water molecules crossing the protein. The quantitative analysis revealed an average water conductance of ~2 molecules*ns-1 (Fig. 3E), suggesting the presence of a water flux. Notably, all the water molecules permeating through the ORF3a protein occurred through one of the two water columns of the dimer, suggesting that differences might exist in the conformational properties of the two subunits. To experimentally demonstrate that ORF3a may function as a water permeable channel, we quantified the rate of water flux across the plasma membrane in our cell models. We designed an experiment in which the rate of cell volume increment (i.e., cell swelling) was used as a measure of water flux. To induce cell swelling, we perfused cells with an extracellular 30% hypotonic solution. Cell volume changes were monitored with a phase contrast microscope and images were acquired at 10 s intervals, for a total time of 6 min, a period sufficient to reach the peak of cell swelling. As shown by the average time course of cell volume changes, upon application of the hypotonic solution cells exhibited a first rapid and linear increase of cell volume, which lasted about 100-110 s from the beginning of the hypotonic shock, followed by a second less steep increment that reached a plateau (Fig. 3F). As described in Supplementary Information, the volume of a cell is expected to change linearly with time at the beginning of the cell swelling, with a slope proportional to the water permeability of the cell membrane. Therefore, the analysis of the slope of the linear part of the curve (red fitting line in Fig. 3F) would be an indication of the rate at which the water passes through the plasma membrane. We performed experiments of water permeability in control cEGFP cells and in cells expressing either the full-length (ORF3a) or the truncated (tORF3a) protein. The quantitative analysis of the relative volume taken during the first 100 s upon the exposure to the hypotonic solution revealed that the increase in cell volume strictly correlated to the ORF3a expression on the plasma membrane. Fitting the experimental data with a linear function, we observed that the slope of cell volume increase was 1.3 and 1.6 times greater in ORF3a and tORF3a than cEGFP cells, respectively (Fig. 3G).
Our experimental data confirmed the presence of a greater water flux in cells expressing ORF3a on the plasma membrane, confirming the prediction obtained by MD simulations and strongly indicating that ORF3a mediated the passage of water.
In principle, the presence of water columns connecting two compartments separated by a biological membrane would suggest that the ORF3a protein might also mediate the passage of protons. To verify this hypothesis, we designed an electrophysiological experiment aimed at recording proton currents. Specifically, we recorded currents in cEGFP and tORF3a cells, by using solutions devoid of the major permeable cations (i.e., Na+ and K+) and anions (Cl-) (see Methods for additional details), at two different pH values (7.4 and 5.5). Results from these experiments clearly showed that changing the pH from 7.4 to 5.5 did not elicit any detectable current both in cEGFP and tORF3a cells, which showed a virtually identical basal conductance at two pH analyzed (Supplementary Fig. S1). This data indicated the absence of proton currents in cells expressing ORF3a on the plasma membrane, suggesting that ORF3a is not a proton channel.
Identification of the selectivity filter for the passage of water through ORF3a. The MD simulations reported in Fig. 3A, indicated the presence of a preferential route for the passage of water through the protein, represented by the water columns between the helices connecting the intra- and extracellular vestibules. Here, we used the HOLE program20 to identify the permeation pore and its surrounding residues. In Fig. 4A is reported the ORF3a dimer where the two monomers of the protein are indicated as monomer 1 and monomer 2, and the permeation pores for both monomers is shown with different colors indicating a hole radius above 2.8 Å (blue, there was room for two or more water molecules), of 1.4-2.8 Å (green, there was room for a single water), and lower than 1.4 Å (red, the pore radius was too narrow for a water molecule). The identified holes showed that only monomer 1 allowed the proper passage of water from one vestibule to the other, as clearly visible by the absence of red regions alongside the permeation pore. Conversely, monomer 2 showed restriction zones that prevented the correct transit of water molecules. The different water permeability between the two monomers depended on the spatial disposition of two specific residues represented in orange, the phenylalanine at position 120 (F120) and leucine at position 83 (L83) (Fig. 4A). In monomer 1, the arrangement of the two residues facilitated the passage of water. In fact, at this level the permeation pore calculated with the HOLE program was much larger than the diameter of a water molecule.
On the other hand, in monomer 2, as better visible in the 180° rotated protein, the spatial positioning of the two residues created a bottleneck (the hole radius was labelled red) that hindered the passage of water. In the water permeable pore, immediately under the F120 and L83 residues, it was possible to observe a transition area between the intra- and extracellular environments, in which the permeation pore in both monomers was marked in green, according to the HOLE program, characterized by the presence of specific aminoacidic residues marked in red, that entered in direct contact with all permeating waters. These four residues included two asparagines at positions 82 and 119 (N82 and N119), one phenylalanine at position 79 (F79), and an isoleucine at position 123 (I123) (Fig. 4A, bottom). Given the localization of these residues in the transition zone between the intra- and extracellular sides and since at this level the permeation pore coincided with the dimensions of a single water molecule, we hypothesized that these four amino acids could constitute a possible selectivity filter for water. We have also identified the amino acid residues that entered in contact (at less than 3 Å distance) with the permeating water molecules during their passage through the permeation pore. As shown in the bar plot of Fig. 4C, the highest number of detections was exhibited by both N82 and N119 residues. This data strongly indicated that these two residues might be essential for the constitution of the putative selectivity filter for water. To confirm this notion, we performed MD simulations of a mutated ORF3a dimer where the asparagine at 82 was substituted with either leucine or tryptophan, to create the N82L and N82W mutant proteins (Fig. 4D). Results from our MD simulations showed that both mutations disrupted the ability of the ORF3a to transport water (Fig. 4E). These results were confirmed by water permeability experiments (i.e., cell volume changes measurements) performed in cells transfected with the wild-type truncated ORF3a (tORF3a-WT) or with truncated ORF3a carrying both mutations (tORF3a-N82W and ORF3a-N82L). Consistent with the MD predictions, these experiments demonstrated that substituting the asparagine at position 82 either with leucine or tryptophan completely abolished the ability of the ORF3a protein to mediate the passage of water, since the slope during hypotonic-induced cell swelling was approximately half in cells expressing both the mutated tORF3a proteins (N82L and N82W) compared to that of cells expressing the WT protein (Fig. 4F), a difference very close to that observed between cEGFP and tORF3a cells (Fig. 3G).
ORF3a-WT transfected cells exhibit enlarged lysosomes. ORF3a localizes at lysosomes, where it induces their increase in diameter and deacidification with the consequent inactivation of the proteolytic enzymes8,21. Lysosomal inactivation, together with the inhibition of autophagic pathways, is the prerequisite for virus egress via the lysosomal-mediated exocytosis7–9,22. Since we had strong indication that ORF3a can mediate the passage of water, and since lysosomal swelling can be the reason for an increased lysosomal diameter and can lead to a strong reduction or suppression of lysosomal lytic power21, we investigated possible ultrastructural alterations/modifications of lysosomes caused by the presence of the ORF3a protein and related to its function as a water transporter. To this aim, we first analyzed lysosome morphology through ultrastructural EM analyses in control cEGFP cells and in cells transfected with the full-length ORF3a-WT protein. In electron micrographs, lysosomes are usually identified as spherical organelles appearing as single membrane-limited rounded vesicles of about 0.05 to 0.5 µm in diameter, which may present a granular, electron-dense content due to the presence of digested material. Autolysosomes are instead double-membrane limited organelles of variable shape derived from the fusion of lysosomes with autophagosomes/amphisomes when digestion starts23,24. Interestingly, as shown in Fig. 5, differently from cEGFP cells where lysosomes had the standard described morphology, that is circular vesicles usually containing spots of electron dense granular material (Fig. 5A and inset), in cells transfected with the full-length ORF3a-WT, lysosomes often appeared as enlarged white/clear circular vesicles, lacking electron-dense material inside (Fig. 5B and inset). The EM quantitative analysis fully supported the visual observation. Indeed, we quantified the average lysosomes size (area, µm2) and found that ORF3a-WT cells exhibited lysosomes with an average size (0.28±0.06 µm2) almost three times greater than that of lysosomes of in cEGFP-transfected cells (0.10±0.01 µm2) (Fig. 5D). We also evaluated one of the two mutant ORF3a proteins, the ORF3a-N82W and found that lysosomes were abundantly present and had the standard morphology (Fig. 5C). Interestingly, in ORF3a-N82W cells, the size of lysosomes was even smaller than in control cEGFP cells (0.06±0.008 µm2).
In the process of examining lysosomes, we also observed additional intracellular alterations in ORF3a-transfected cells including large double-membrane structures with materials inside and a striking remodeling of intracellular membranes (likely ER/Golgi) to form a labyrinth of a quite regular pattern resembling a honey-comb structure. In addition, mitochondria appeared structurally abnormal, with an irregular bean-shaped morphology, and with an aberrant internal matrix. Notably all these structural alterations were never found either in control cEGFP nor in ORF3a-N82W cells (Supplementary Fig. S2).