3.1. Dimensional and microstructural analysis
The specimens fabricated with different numbers of deposited layers and used for the posterior experimental evaluation of dimensional stability, macrography, hardness, and residual stress are shown in Fig. 8. As can be observed, the layers of all the test samples were well-formed. No clear delineations were reported between the layers. Visible discontinuities or cracking on the wall surfaces were absent.
The dimensions of the deposited beams are shown in Fig. 9. The length of the walls (L) did not undergo significant changes owing to the automated travel trajectory of the welding torch. The small variations observed in Fig. 9 (a) are probably the consequence of partial plastic deformation experienced by the samples, especially because larger length alternations were reported for the higher beams (for 50-layer and 100-layer specimens), where the restriction to contraction was lower.
As expected, the height H of the beams (Fig. 9 (b)) varied with the number of layers. However, this variation was not directly proportional to the number of depositions. For example, a 150% increment in the number of deposited layers (from 10 to 25) resulted in only a 120% increase in the wall height. Similarly, a 100% increment from 25 to 50 layers and from 50 to 100 layers resulted in 84% and 93% increases in wall height, respectively. Thus, the lower the beam, the higher the disproportionality.
Considering that the process parameters and volume of the melted wire were maintained for all test samples, this disproportionality was compensated by an increase in the thickness T of the top layers of the beams (Fig. 9 (c)). A similar observation was made by Laghi et al. [27] for stainless steel planar plates and tubular structures, where a 13% larger thickness than the nominal thickness was reported for the wire – arc DED process. This phenomenon can be explained by the progressive preheating effect of the material owing to previous depositions, resulting in decreased viscosity and better spreading over the wall. Further studies should be conducted to determine whether this behavior is progressive, potentially leading to significant dimensional instability or, at a certain point, preheating of the previously deposited layers is saturated, and the height-to-width proportionality no longer changes beyond a certain deposition height.
Figure 10 shows the overall microstructure of the DED – produced steel walls in different regions: coupling of the substrate and the bottom layers, substrate (base metal), bottom layers, and top layers. The substrate was represented by grains uniformly distributed throughout the structure, displaying a ferritic matrix with perlite grains evenly dispersed across the entire region. The bottom layers, characterized by being in contact with the cold substrate before the deposition and the consequent high thermal gradient from one side and post heating coming from the top layers from another, represent the formation of acicular ferrite and bainite needles in all the analyzed samples. In turn, the upper layers that experience the preheating effect from the previously deposited layers from one side and contact with the air environment from another manifest a higher thermal shock and completely different microstructure of the lamellar type. In particular, it is possible to distinguish that the microstructure consists of bainite lath aggregates composed of both ferrite and cementite. As the cooling starts from a temperature approximately 70°C greater than the critical temperature for the used steel, the growth of ferrite laths devoid of carbon is justified. In fact, because the carbon in the ferrite is contained in smaller quantities, it migrates to the upper areas, and the laths are filled with carbon. Similar results for ER70S-6 steel walls were previously reported in [6, 28].
As for the FZ and HAZ of the substrate-beam coupling, their widths were varied for samples with different numbers of deposited layers, as shown in Fig. 11. Thus, the FZ dimensions demonstrated the highest value for the lowest deposited wall (10-layer), decreasing with the number of layers, resulting in the lowest value in the highest wall (100-layer). The HAZ, in contrast, increased in width with an increase in the number of deposited layers. As the heat input was equal for all the samples, the repetitive thermal cycles and consequent reheating could influence the FZ + HAZ region decomposition, decreasing the fusion area and increasing the heat-affected area for each deposited layer.
The hardness results in terms of the beam height are shown in Fig. 12. Mean values exhibited acceptable variations resulting in 188.8 HV, 213.0 HV, 201.3 HV and 197.9 HV for the 10-layer, 25-layer, 50-layer and 100-layerwalls, respectively. However, a considerable hardness discrepancy was observed along the beam height for all the analyzed samples. The standard deviation of the measured values was reasonably high because the indentations were made in different beam microstructures. Therefore, a linear fit was applied to understand better the hardness changes in the DED beams. It can be observed that for all the tested samples, this material characteristic presented lower values at the bottom of the beam and higher values in the upper layers owing to the highest hardness of the bainite microstructure at the top layer. This tendency can be attributed to HAZ softening [29, 30] in the intermediate layers and carbon accumulation at the top of the beam [28]. Similar hardness results have been previously reported for DED – produced samples with ER70S-6 wire [6, 28].
3.2. Finite element analyses (FEA)
As mentioned above, a finite element model was developed in this study for a 10-layer deposition on a rigidly clamped substrate. Before further analysis, this model was validated by the FZ and HAZ dimensions obtained from the macrography of the equivalent fabricated sample as well as by the longitudinal residual stress measured using the EPSI-based hole-drilling technique, as shown in Fig. 5. Thus, according to the images in Fig. 13 and data presented in Table 5, error between the measured and simulated FZ depths is 3.5%, whereas error between the measured and simulated HAZ depths is 0.8%. The difference between the measured and simulated FZ + HAZ areas was estimated to be 1.6%, demonstrating a good correlation between the finite element model and experimental data obtained from the 10 – layer DED – produced sample.
For the residual stress values, a comparison between the simulated and experimentally obtained data is shown in Fig. 14 for the substrate and several beam layers, considering different measurement depths. An acceptable correlation was reported from the illustrated tendencies, with maximum and mean errors of 12% and 7.6%, respectively.
Table 5
Experimental and simulated data obtained from the macrography and finite element modeling.
FZ depth (µm)
HAZ depth (µm)
FZ + HAZ area (mm2)
Macrography data
Error (%)
From Fig. 15 (a), where the simulated model is illustrated, it can be observed that the residual stress distribution varies in both the X (length) and Z (height) directions. These variations are mainly related to the degree of restraint present in different parts of the DED – produced component and the heating/melting/cooling occurring during deposition. Thus, the bottom layers of the beam are more restricted than the top layers. This is because the structural stiffness related to the height/width ratio of the beam decreased with the height of the deposited material. Similarly, the side ends of the beam were less mechanically restricted than those in the center part of the beam. It can then be assumed that less restricted parts (top layers and side ends) can suffer partial thermal expansion during reheating and partial shrinkage during cooling. This generates a lower longitudinal residual stress in the piece. In contrast, the more restricted (by the substrate and wall sides) central part cannot expand/contract, even partially, leading to the development of tensile stresses in the lower center part of the deposited beam. Moreover, there is an effect of a lower temperature gradient caused by the preheating effect of the previous layers on the latter ones, explaining why the maximum longitudinal tensile residual stress in the beam was found at the bottom layers but not at the intermediate ones, where the restriction was also considerable.
In addition, compressive stresses were demonstrated by the finite element model at the top of the simulated deposition, which also varied in the Y – coordinate. For stress equilibrium and no bending moment, compressive residual stress is generated in the top layers of the beam. Higher compressive values were observed at the top side ends of the model. These were the points where the last deposition ended, and the last solidification of the material occurred. Similar longitudinal stress results were obtained in a finite element analysis conducted by Abusalma et al. [31] for Inconel 718 deposition on an A36 steel substrate. Moreover, the residual stress distribution observed along the height and length of the sample agreed with the experimental results reported in [3], [10], [12].
The residual stress distribution inside the DED – produced pieces is not uniform according to the finite element model, as shown in Fig. 15 (b). This phenomenon is expected because of the different cooling rates experienced by the surface and inner volume of the product. Nevertheless, unlike in the single-pass welding models [8], [9], where the maximum tensile stress was concentrated at the center of the weld bead, and in the DED case, this concentration occurred at the surface and under the surface area of the lower beam layers. Thus, in addition to the previous demonstration in Fig. 14, it can be observed that at the bottom layers (from 1st to 4th ), the stress values decrease from approximately 250 MPa at a depth of 0.5 mm (surface and under surface region) to 60 MPa at the center of the beam (in the transverse direction). Because the central part of the beam (which is the center of the weld pool during the deposition) is the last to experience solidification, there is sufficient time for stress relaxation until total cooling of the deposited layer. Moreover, this relaxation can occur during refusion and/or reheating when subsequent layers are deposited. This is why the stress gradient in the intermediate layers in the transverse direction was not as high as that in the bottom layers. A decrease in residual stress values with distance from the surface in the transverse direction has been previously observed for DED products in [10] and [19].
In contrast, the residual stress values increased from 60 MPa at the surface to 140 MPa at the center of the beam for the 8th layer height. In this case, the increase in values with distance from the surface can be related to the microstructural changes to the phases with a higher yield stress and hardness (discussed in Section 3.1), as well as to the transition area due to residual stress redistribution from tensile at the bottom to compressive at the top, as discussed previously. However, the tensile stress magnitudes in this area were still not as high as those at the lower surface of the beam (reaching up to 60% of the material yield stress).
As a result of the FEA, the longitudinal residual stress values demonstrated a tensile nature in the lower part of the beam and a compressive nature at its upper layers (both of different gradients in the X-and Z-axis), aligned with the Hönnige et al. [3] model demonstrated in Fig. 1. As for the substrate, compressive and tensile stresses, both of low magnitude, were reported in this study.
3.3. Experimental results of the residual stresses
The results of the mean (in terms of the measured depths) residual stress obtained experimentally from each measurement point according to Fig. 5 for the wire – arc DED – produced samples are shown in Fig. 16 for both the longitudinal (σx) and transverse (σy) components. From the raw data, a polynomial interpolation function was applied to trace their respective tendencies. It can be observed that the transverse residual stress exhibits lower magnitudes when compared to the longitudinal stress. This is because of the material volume of the samples subjected to expansion and contraction processes during the thermal cycles in each direction. As reported in [10] and [32], the volume of the heated material, together with the cooling rate and metallurgical transformations, are the factors that govern the stress generation in processed samples. Because this volume in the transverse section was much smaller than that in the longitudinal section for the DED beams, the thermal and consequent residual stresses resulted in lower magnitudes in this direction.
The distribution of the longitudinal component (σx) in the substrate and in the beams of the samples fabricated with different numbers of layers is illustrated in Fig. 16(a). The magnitude of the substrate stress was dependent on the number of deposited layers. They were compressive for all the studied cases, which aligns with the experimental results reported by Köhler et al. [11] for aluminum samples, the simulated results reported by Sun et al. [12], and the FEA in Fig. 15 for the 10-layer model. There also was an increase in the stress magnitudes in this area: from − 73.4 MPa (25 layers) to -223 MPa (50 layers), followed by a decrease to -71.6 MPa (100 layers). While the referred increase in the longitudinal compressive stresses with the number of layers ranging from 10 to 50 can be explained by the growth of the bending deflection in the samples, the decrease between 50 and 100 layers is justified by the saturation of the thermal impact at a certain height owing to the cooling of the bottom layers in the case of higher beam depositions.
A strong correlation with the number of deposited layers was observed with respect to the distribution of these stresses (σx) along the height of the beams. Thus, in the 10-layer beam, σx starts as compressive in the substrate and evolves into tensile stresses of greater magnitude in the bottom layers of the beam and, subsequently, into compressive ones in its upper layers. For the 25-layer sample, residual stresses begin as compressive at -73.4 MPa in the substrate, become nearly null at the point of substrate-beam coupling, and evolve into tensile stresses of approximately 22% of the material’s yield strength in the bottom layers. In the intermediate layers of this deposited sample, the stresses changed in nature again, resulting in compressive magnitudes at the top. In the 50-layer test specimen, the substrate stresses were compressive, as well as at substrate-beam coupling, evolving into tensile stresses in the intermediate layers and changing to compressive stresses in the upper layers. Finally, in the test specimen with the highest number of deposited layers, the longitudinal stresses exhibited compressive values in the substrate, at the area of substrate-beam coupling, and in the bottom layers, evolving into tensile stresses in the intermediate layers (reaching 38% of the material’s yield strength) and changed to compressive stresses in the top layers.
Thus, all the samples produced with the DED process for the purpose of this study exhibited compressive residual stresses (σx) in the substrate and at the top of the beam. The stresses in the bottom and intermediate layers were demonstrated to be dependent on the final height of the deposition; for the lower samples, the concentration of the tensile magnitudes occurred in the initial layers, and for the higher samples, this concentration occurred in the upper ones. These experimental results align with the simulated data for 20 and 30 layers, as illustrated in Fig. 2. However, in contrast to the conclusions of Sun et al. [12], this study demonstrated that the greater the number of layers, the higher the magnitude of the residual stresses along the height of the beams. Specifically, as the height of the depositions increased, the magnitude of the tensile stresses at the intermediate layers also increased, and the magnitude of the compressive stresses at the top layers decreased. This discrepancy between the numerical model data reported in [12] and the experimental results presented in this study can be justified by the dimensional instability shown in Fig. 9, particularly with respect to the thickness of the top layers. Thus, as a greater amount of the solidifying material accumulated in the upper layers of the beam owing to the preheating effect of the latter layers, higher residual stresses were generated in this area. This observation warrants further investigation, as there is a notable trend of a significant increase in tensile longitudinal residual stresses in the intermediate layers, potentially reaching material yield strength values at a certain point. Additionally, the experimental results indicate that the theoretical model presented by Hönnige et al. [3], as illustrated in Fig. 1, cannot be universally applied to DED components of all sizes.
Finally, it can be observed that regardless of the number of the deposited layers, all the test specimens exhibited compressive longitudinal residual stresses in the top layers, in agreement with [11] and [12]. These compressive stresses were greater for the shorter beams and lower for the higher beams. Following this trend, it can be assumed that with an even greater number of deposited layers (200–300, for instance), tensile stresses may be achieved in the surface layers of the DED – produced components (which would be an undesirable effect from the perspective of dynamic/cyclic service conditions and fatigue resistance). Further studies are required to confirm this hypothesis.