The utilization of male sterile lines has provided a crucial tool for breeding and producing hybrid crop varieties. Moreover, male sterile materials can also be employed to investigate genes involved in anther development. In this study, we identified two male sterile mutants, M5026 and M5073, in Chinese cabbage and cloned the mutant gene Brems1 (BraA10g029920.3.5C). Brems1 encoded an LRR-RLK. According to our knowledge, this study represents the first successful cloning of the EMS1 homologous gene in the genus Brassica, contributing to elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying male sterility in Chinese cabbage.
The abnormal development of the tapetal was a primary cause of male sterility in plants (Wilson et al. 2011). The tapetal functioned as the innermost layer of the anther wall and directly contacted the microsporocytes to provide them with nutrients and generated enzymes that degraded sporopollenin to facilitate microspore release (Ma et al. 2015). Additionally, it regulated the formation of the pollen exine by secreting sporopollenin precursors (Zou et al. 2023). Persistent expansion of tapetum cells and abnormal aggregation of microsporocytes in the GMS line ‘AB01’ in Chinese cabbage led to male sterility (Zhou et al. 2017). The vacuolization anomaly of tapetum cells in the male-sterile mutant ftms in Chinese cabbage resulted in anther abortion (Tan et al. 2019). The programmed cell death of tapetum cells in the male-sterile mutant msm2 in Chinese cabbage was delayed, leading to an inability to produce pollen (Dong et al. 2022). The abnormal development of the tapetum in Chinese cabbage msm1 resulted in male sterility (Zou et al. 2023). The abnormal enlargement and vacuolization of tapetum cells in the Chinese cabbage mutant ftms1 resulted in infertility (Zhao et al. 2022). The abnormal degradation of the tapetum in the male-sterile mutant msm3 of Chinese cabbage led to complete stamen degeneration (Xu et al. 2024). In this study, the mutant M5026, lacking the tapetum, resulted in complete stamen sterility.
The exine is a multilayered structure precisely assembled from sporopollenin, exhibiting characteristics such as radiation protection, high-temperature resistance, and resistance to degradation (Hou et al. 2023), and abnormalities in the exine structure led to anther abortion. In the Arabidopsis thaliana male-sterile mutant ms1, exine formation was aberrant with limited sporopollenin deposition (Vizcay-Barrena and Wilson 2006). The rice male-sterile mutant osms1 displayed aberrant exine morphology, presenting a bilayered structure with an absence of bacula (Yang et al. 2019). Exine thinning in the rice mutant ms7-6007 results in male sterility (An et al. 2020). Severe exine deficiency was observed in the Chinese cabbage male sterile mutant msm1 (Zou et al. 2023), and the abnormal exine of the Chinese cabbage mutant msm2 resulted in anther abortion (Dong et al. 2022). The tapetum provided molecules for exine formation, known as exine proteins and callose, which constitute the proteinaceous coat of pollen. The abnormal microspore exine structure in the mutant M5026 investigated in this study led to male sterility, possibly due to the absenct tapetum.
Receptor protein kinases (RPKs) constituted a transmembrane protein family that played crucial roles in cellular signaling pathways in both animals and plants (Becraft and PW 1998). RPKs were typically composed of three structural domains: the extracellular domain, the transmembrane domain, and the cytosolic protein kinase domain (Walker 1994). Based on the presumed ligand-binding domain structures, RPKs in plants were classified into five families: wall-associated kinases (WAKs), the lectin-like RPK family, the CR4-like RPK family, the S-domain RPK family, and the LRR-RPK family (Mccarty and Chory 2000). LRR-RPK family genes were implicated in defense responses and diverse growth and developmental processes, including nodulation (Gresshoff et al. 2003), plant transpiration (Masle et al. 2005), organ shape and size regulation (Xu et al. 2008), cell fate determination and patterning in anther development (Jia et al. 2008), organ abscission (Kumpf et al. 2013), steroid hormone signaling (Santiago et al. 2013), nitrogen acquisition (Tabata et al. 2014), regulation of root and shoot meristem size (Shinohara et al. 2016), defense responses (Zorzatto et al. 2015), and pollen tube reception (Takeuchi and Higashiyama 2016). In this study, the causative gene Brems1 of the male-sterile mutant encoded an LRR-RLK belonging to the LRR-RLK family, resulting in defective anther development.
In conclusion, this study identified two male sterile mutants through EMS-induced mutagenesis. M5026 exhibited an absence of the tapetal layer, an abundance of micropylar cells, and aberrant microspore exine structure. The LRR-RLK gene, Brems1, homologous to the Arabidopsis male sterility gene EMS1, was responsible for male sterility in M5026 and M5073. A SNP G to A mutation was observed in the S_TKc domain of Brems1 in M5026. A C-to-T SNP was identified within Brems1 of M5073, resulting in premature translation termination. The present study provided insights into the molecular mechanisms of male sterility in Chinese cabbage.
Figure legends
Figure 1 Morphological characteristics of M5026 and ‘FT’. a M5026 and ‘FT’ at the flowering stage. Bar, 1 cm. b The flowers of M5026 and ‘FT’. Bar, 3 mm. c Pollen viability analysis of M5026 and ‘FT’. Bar, 50 µm. d - i The floral organs of M5026 and ‘FT’. d, pistils. e, long stamens. f, short stamens. g, petals. h, buds. i, sepals. Bars, 3mm.
Figure 2 Paraffin sections during anther development in ‘FT’ (a-d, i-l) and M5026 (e-h, m-p). Bar = 50 µm. E, epidermis; PT, precursors of tapetal cells; PPT, putative precursors of tapetal cells; T, tapetal layer; MS, microsporocytes; dMS, degraded microsporocytes; Tds, tetrads; Msp, microspore; PG, pollen grain; Se, septum.
Figure 3 TEM observation of microspores in ‘FT’ and M5026. a Microspore of ‘FT’. b Localized magnification of microspore in ‘FT’. c Microspore of M5026. d Localized magnification of microspore in M5026. Bar = 1 µm. Msp, microspore; MS, microsporocytes; Ex, exine; ba, bacula; te, tectum; In, Intine; ab-Ex, abnormal exine.
Figure 4 SNP-index distribution plot and KASP genotyping. a SNP-index distribution plot. The red line represented the mean SNP-index within the window, the pink line denotes the threshold line corresponding to the 99th percentile, and the orange line indicated the threshold line corresponding to the 95th percentile. b KASP genotyping of SNPs. C:C corresponds to red dots, C:T to green dots, and T:T to blue dots.
Figure 5 The cloning and gene structure of BraA10g029920.3.5C. a The alignment of cloned gene sequences surrounding the mutation site in ‘FT’ and M5026. The red box highlighted the mutation site. b The gene structure of BraA10g029920.3.5C in the reference genome Brara_Chiifu_V3.5, ‘FT’, and M5026. b1 The gene structure of BraA10g029920.3.5C in the reference genome Brara_Chiifu_V3.5. b2 The gene structure of BraA10g029920.3.5C in ‘FT’, and M5026. The red arrow highlighted the mutation site.
Figure 6 Protein analysis of BrEMS1. a Protein domain analysis of BrEMS1. The red arrow indicated the mutation site. b Analysis of the three-dimensional structure of the BrEMS1 protein. b1 The overall three-dimensional structure of the BrEMS1 protein. b2 The local three-dimensional structure of BrEMS1 protein around the mutation site. b3 The overall three-dimensional structure of the Brems1 protein. b4 The local three-dimensional structure of BrEMS1 protein around the mutation site. c The phylogenetic tree of BrEMS1. d Amino acid sequence alignment of the S_TKc domain.
Figure 7 Subcellular localization and qRT-PCR of ‘FT’ and M5026. a The subcellular localization of BrEMS1 and Brems1. b qRT-PCR analysis of Brems1 in different organs of ‘FT’ and M5026.
Figure 8 Transcriptome analysis of buds in ‘FT’ and M5026. a Transcriptional levels of DEGs associated with the tapetum, pollen tube and LRR-RLK family. b KEGG enrichment analysis of DEGs. The red asterisk indicated metabolic pathways.
Fig. S1 The allelic material M5037 of M5026. a M5037 and ‘FT’ at the flowering stage. Bar, 1 cm. b The flowers of M5037 and ‘FT’. Bar, 3 mm. c SNP-index distribution plot. The red line represented the mean SNP-index within the window, the pink line denotes the threshold line corresponding to the 99th percentile, and the orange line indicated the threshold line corresponding to the 95th percentile. d The alignment of cloned gene sequences surrounding the mutation site in ‘FT’ and M5037. The red box highlighted the mutation site.