Silencing of IRE1 but not XBP1 downregulates IRF4
We recently discovered an unexpected nonenzymatic dependency on IRE1 in a number of MM cell lines, including AMO1, KMS27, L363, and JJN312. While some of these lines displayed weaker IRE1 and/or XBP1 dependency in massive-scale genome-wide functional screens (DepMap.Org Portal; ref. 30), an in-depth analysis based on inducible shRNA silencing revealed a much greater dependency of these lines on IRE1 as compared to XBP1 under exponential-phase culture in vitro and during tumor-xenograft growth in vivo12. Furthermore, while IRE1 silencing in these models caused tumor regression, pharmacologic inhibition of IRE1 did not alter tumor growth despite its effective blockade of IRE1’s enzymatic activity. To identify genes that might contribute to this nonenzymatic dependency on IRE1, we combined data from the DepMap.Org Portal (Chronos model, which assigns cell-fitness-effect scores of 0 or -1, respectively, to non-essential or essential genes) with our previously obtained transcriptomic and proteomic data from IRE1-silenced MM cells12. We first examined a set of genes that showed unique essentiality to MM versus other cancers (DepMap.Org Portal; ref. 30), while at the same time being required in IRE1-dependent MM cell lines (corrected gene-effect: Supp.Table 1). We then filtered these genes further based upon their reliance on IRE1 for mRNA expression in AMO1 cells (Fig. 1A). IRF4 had the lowest Chronos score (Fig. 1B; Supp.Table 1; ref. 30), highlighting it as the most crucial among these genes for MM cell survival. The RNAseq data further showed that Doxycycline (Dox)-induced shRNA silencing of IRE1 but not XBP1 significantly downregulated the IRF4 mRNA (Fig. 1C). Corresponding proteomics data12 confirmed the depletion of IRF4 protein (Fig. 1D). Further interrogation of the AMO1, KMS27, and L363 cell lines verified the selective depletion of IRF4 mRNA and protein upon IRE1 but not XBP1 knockdown (Fig. 1E-F; Fig. S1A-B). Thus, in IRE1-dependent XBP1-independent MM models, IRE1 upregulates IRF4 without requirement for XBP1s. To assess this further, we used an IRE1 RNase inhibitor, which successfully blocked both XBP1 splicing and RIDD (Fig. S1C-D). IRE1 inhibition did not decrease IRF4 levels; rather, in AMO1 cells it increased IRF4 levels (Fig. 1G-1J), in keeping with previous evidence that IRF4 can be targeted by RIDD31. These results identified IRF4 as a potential mediator of non-enzymatic IRE1 dependency in MM cells and revealed that IRE1 can promote IRF4 expression distinctly from its known IRF4 suppression via XBP1s and RIDD.
IRE1 silencing attenuates IRF4 activity
The evidence that IRE1 knockdown depleted both the IRF4 mRNA and protein suggested that IRE1 may primarily control IRF4 at the mRNA level. Indeed, an actinomycin D chase experiment revealed that IRE1 knockdown slightly accelerated IRF4 mRNA degradation (Fig. S2A), but this effect seemed too modest to fully explain the overall reduction in IRF4 mRNA. Importantly, nascent-mRNA analysis showed that IRE1 silencing significantly reduced de novo IRF4 transcription, affecting this particular feature more substantially than mRNA turnover (Fig. 2A; Fig. S2A). Our transcriptomic data12 indicated that IRE1 silencing in AMO1 cells upregulated the IRF4-inducing NFκB pathway32. Therefore, we interrogated several other transcription factors previously shown to either suppress (MITF) or induce (Ikaros, Aiolos, Myc) IRF433. However, IRE1 knockdown downregulated MITF mRNA and protein (Fig. 2B). Furthermore, IRE1 silencing did not decrease Ikaros/IKZF1 and Aiolos/IKZF3 mRNA levels (Fig. 2C), and although it did deplete the Aiolos protein (Fig. 2D), this occurred later than the downregulation of the IRF4 protein. Moreover, while IRE1 silencing decreased MYC mRNA and protein abundance (Fig. 2D; Fig. S2B), MYC knockdown did not reduce IRF4 mRNA or protein expression (Fig. 2E; Fig. S2C). Taken together, this data excluded these previously known IRF4-regulating transcription factors from instigating transcriptional control of IRF4 downstream to IRE1.
Cycloheximide-chase experiments further revealed that IRE1 knockdown did not increase turnover of the IRF4 protein; rather, it augmented IRF4 protein stability (Fig. 2F). This contrasted with a destabilization of IRF4 upon XBP1 knockdown (Fig. S2D). Moreover, a specific E1 ubiquitin-ligase inhibitor did not restore IRF4 levels during IRE1 silencing (Fig. S2E). These data suggested that IRE1 silencing does not downregulate IRF4 by reducing its protein stability. Since IRF4 is an auto-stimulatory transcription factor13,34, we next interrogated the activity of IRF4 itself. Subcellular fractionation revealed that IRE1 silencing markedly decreased the amount of IRF4 bound to chromatin (Fig. 2G), indicating a functional disruption of IRF4 activity. Furthermore, IRE1 silencing but not enzymatic blockade of IRE1 with kinase or RNase inhibitors significantly increased IRF4 phosphorylation on Ser114 as well as Ser270 (Fig. 2H). To examine the functional consequence of these phosphorylation sites, we ectopically expressed in AMO1 cells a non phosphorylatable IRF4 mutant in which we substituted the targeted serines with alanines (S114A_S270A). This mutant displayed a 5-fold increase in its chromatin-binding capacity as compared to WT IRF4 (Fig. 2I; Fig. S2F), indicating that phosphorylation on these sites inhibits IRF4 activity. Together, these findings suggest that IRE1 controls IRF4 transcription mainly by regulating IRF4’s phosphorylation state, chromatin binding and self-inducing activity.
IRF4 silencing recapitulates the anti-proliferative phenotype of IRE1 knockdown
To validate DepMap’s evidence for IRF4’s essentiality, we generated AMO1 and KMS27 lines expressing Dox-inducible shRNA against IRF4 (shIRF4) and confirmed efficient IRF4 depletion upon Dox treatment (Fig. S3A). Consistent with DepMap data, IRF4 knockdown substantially inhibited spheroid growth of these cells (Fig. 3A); notably, IRF4 knockdown disrupted cell growth with kinetics and to an extent comparable to those of IRE1 silencing.
Previous studies indicate that IRF4 disruption has multifaceted outcomes, including cell cycle arrest and/or cell death35,36. In keeping with this, depletion of either IRE1 or IRF4 not only inhibited proliferation (Fig. 3A) but also induced apoptosis, evident by increased cleavage of apoptotic caspase substrates PARP1 and Lamin A/C, as well as a robust increase in cytosolic histone H3, H2AX, and γH2AX–a marker of DNA-damage-induced apoptosis (Fig. S3B). Caspase Glo assays (Fig. S3C) and Annexin V/PI staining (Fig. S3D) confirmed the induction of apoptosis in response to IRE1 or IRF4 silencing. We previously found that growth deficiency upon IRE1 knockdown stems from loss of proliferation rather than increased cell death12. Notably, IRF4 silencing appeared to confer growth inhibition by 48 h, while inducing clear apoptosis activation later, at 72 h (Fig. 3A; Fig. S3B-D). Furthermore, the pan-caspase inhibitor Q-VD–used at a concentration that effectively prevented multiple apoptotic features (Fig. S3E-F)–failed to rescue growth upon silencing of either IRE1 or IRF4 (Fig. S3G-H). Thus, similar to IRE1 silencing, IRF4 knockdown inhibits proliferation independently of apoptosis.
To further characterize the attenuated proliferation, we quantified cell divisions by staining AMO1 cells with carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) and tracking dye dilution through flow cytometry. Etoposide, used as an anti-proliferative control, confirmed the lack of CFSE dilution in the absence of cell division (Fig. 3B; Fig. S3I-J). Both IRE1- and IRF4-silenced cells underwent fewer mitotic divisions than did their non-silenced counterparts, whereas XBP1-silenced cells showed no difference versus controls (Fig. 3B; Fig. S3I-J). Additional staining to monitor cell death indicated that cells that failed to divide proceeded to die (Fig. S3J), suggesting that proliferative defects precede the apoptotic phenotype in both backgrounds. Bromo-deoxy-uridine (BrdU) incorporation further showed that knockdown of IRE1 or IRF4 progressively attenuated DNA replication with similar kinetics (Fig. 3C). To characterize specific cell cycle phases, we tracked DNA content by propidium iodide (PI) staining of AMO1 cells. Flow cytometry showed that knockdown of either IRE1 or IRF4 led to G1 phase accumulation at the expense of S-phase by 16 h post-Dox treatment (Fig. 3D), suggesting rapid G1 arrest. KMS27 cells, which have a longer doubling time, nevertheless displayed G1-arrest by 24 h of IRE1 or IRF4 knockdown (Fig. S3K). We next followed a cohort of G2-synchronized AMO1 cells transitioning first into G1- and then into S-phase. Not only did these cells undergo a G1 arrest, but also their G1 proportion further increased due to a faster transition from G2 to the G1 phase of the next cell cycle (Fig. 3E). Thus, the proliferative disruption conferred by IRE1 or IRF4 silencing may be due to defects in early as well as late phases of the cell cycle. Substantiating this notion, already at 24 h after Dox addition, IRE1 or IRF4 silencing inactivated CDK2–a kinase that temporally coordinates not only G1/S transition but also G2/M progression and mitosis37–41 (Fig. 3F; Fig. S3L-M). This CDK2 inactivation was evident from the altered migration profile of the CDK2 protein42 (Fig. 3F); as well as from its increased binding to p21 and decreased binding to Rb (Fig. 3F). Furthermore, IRE1 or IRF4 knockdown attenuated stimulatory CDK2 phosphorylation on Thr160 (Fig. S3L-M) and IRF4 knockdown augmented inhibitory CDK2 phosphorylation on Thr14 (Fig. S3M). One factor that may contribute to the altered CDK2 phosphorylation state is the phosphatase Cdc25A, which was significantly downregulated upon knockdown of IRF4 (Fig. S3N). In keeping with the known nuclear localization of CDK2 in proliferating cells43, we detected CDK2 in the soluble nuclear fraction of control cells; strikingly, silencing of IRE1 or IRF4 eliminated CDK2 from this compartment (Fig. 3G), providing further evidence for the disruption of CDK2. Taken together, these results show that knockdown of either IRE1 or IRF4 leads to a remarkably similar anti-proliferative phenotype in IRE1-dependent MM cells, characterized by cell cycle arrest in conjunction with CDK2 inactivation.
IRE1 and IRF4 regulate a highly overlapping set of cell cycle genes
Previous transcriptomic data revealed marked changes in the expression of multiple cell cycle genes already by 24 h of IRE1 silencing in AMO1 cells12. To assess if IRF4 exerts similar cell cycle controls, we performed bulk RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of AMO1 shIRF4 cells treated with Dox for 0, 8, 16 and 24 h and KMS27 shIRF4 cells treated with Dox for 0, 20 and 30 h (to accommodate the slower KMS27 growth rate). For comparison, we used cells expressing non-targeting control shRNA. As expected, IRF4 silencing depleted mRNAs encoding IRF4 itself and other previously characterized IRF4 targets such as MYC14,44, PRDM113,14,17,19 and XBP117,19 (Fig. S4A). For consistency, we re-analyzed the published IRE1 RNA-seq alongside the IRF4 data. Gene-set enrichment analysis (GSEA) revealed a strong and significant decrease in the Hallmark pathways “G2/M Checkpoint”, “E2F Targets”, “Myc targets” and “Unfolded Protein Response” for both datasets (Fig. 4A; Fig. S4B), corroborating the observed cell cycle defects (Fig. 3) and the previous IRE1 RNA-seq results12. To gauge the overlap between IRE1- and IRF4-dependent differentially expressed genes (DEGs) further, we leveraged the GSEA Leading-Edge analysis feature (Supp.Table 2). DEGs in the top cell cycle-related molecular signatures (G2M Checkpoint and E2F Targets) overlapped by approximately 84%, with 91% of the IRF4 DEGs being shared by IRE1 (Fig. 4B). Analysis with the more granular Wiki Pathway “G1/S Cell Cycle Control” indicated a similar overlap (Fig. S4C), consistent with a mechanistic linkage between IRE1 and IRF4 in cell cycle control. By contrast, while both IRE1 and IRF4 knockdown depleted the ‘Unfolded Protein Response’ gene-set and led to a similar decline in PERK and ATF6 (Fig. 4A; Fig. S4B), the two backgrounds showed only 45% overlap (Fig. S4C), suggesting different entry points into this pathway distinct from their strong convergence on cell cycle pathways.
In keeping with the GSEA, multiple cell cycle genes including E2Fs were perturbed also at the protein level (Fig. 4D; Fig. S3N). Of note, MYC protein was more refractory to changes under either of the two silenced backgrounds (Fig. 4D), suggesting a plausible explanation for why MYC targets were not prominent among enriched gene-sets (Fig. 4A). Rb transcription remained essentially unaffected upon silencing of IRE1 or IRF4 (Fig. 4C). If anything, the Rb protein appeared to be degraded, subsequent to its dephosphorylation in both silenced backgrounds (Fig. 4D; Fig. S4E-G). These results exclude Rb as a key mediator for the attenuation of E2F and of cell cycle progression. On the other hand, inactivation of CDK2 (Fig. 3F; Fig. S3L-M; Fig. 4D) likely accounted for the cessation of Rb phosphorylation. The loss in E2F function, as evident by the downregulation of multiple E2F targets and concomitant modulation of several cell cycle regulators (Fig. 4C-D), could decrease CDK2 activity through a number of mechanisms, including de-repression of the CDK inhibitor CDKN1A/p21 and downregulation of Cyclins, UHRF1, and Cdc25A (Fig. 4C-D; Fig. S3N).
IRF4 directly controls E2F1 gene transcription
E2F1 was one of the earliest G2/M checkpoint gene transcripts that IRF4 silencing decreased, and its downregulation preceded and persisted beyond the onset of cell cycle arrest (Fig. 4E). Additionally, in IRF4-depleted KMS27 cells, ‘E2F Targets’ was the most downregulated pathway (Fig. S4H). Notably, IRF4 knockdown induced DEGs that displayed only partial overlap between AMO1 and KMS27 cells (Fig. S4I), likely reflecting their distinct mutational background. Nevertheless, in both cell lines, IRF4 silencing specifically depleted E2F1 and some of its downstream targets, such as Cdc25A (data not shown and Fig. 4C-D).
E2F1/224 as well as E2F514 have been identified as direct IRF4 target genes in lymphoid cancers including MM. To determine how IRF4 controls the E2F1 gene in IRE1-dependent MM cells, we performed a chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis for IRF4 and in parallel for Serine 2-phosphorylated, transcriptionally-engaged RNA-polymerase II (RNAPIIpS2) in AMO1 cells. As expected45, IRF4 bound to intragenic (promoter) and intergenic (enhancer) regions, aligning with RNAPIIpS2 (Fig. 5A-B). IRF4 bound such regions within the PRDM1 locus (Fig. S5A), validating data quality. IRF4 occupancy was negligible at the RB1 locus (Fig. S5B), the transcription of which is not IRF4-dependent (Fig. 4C; Fig. S5B-RNAPIIpS2). In contrast, IRF4 silencing clearly attenuated RNAPIIpS2 binding to the E2F1 locus (Fig. 5A), indicating reduced E2F1 transcription. Interestingly, while IRF4 knockdown did not alter intragenic IRF4 occupancy, it significantly diminished both IRF4 and RNAPIIpS2 binding at the E2F1 gene-cluster proximal enhancers (Fig. 5A). A targeted transcription factor motif search using JASPAR identified not only IRF4 (and overlapping IRF5) motifs in these distal peaks, but also an E2F1 consensus sequence (Fig. 5A-bottom). Given that E2F1 exerts positive autoregulation46–48, this finding supports the possibility that the non-coding region proximal to the E2F1 gene-cluster is an enhancer region that is IRF-dense and controls E2F1 transcription. IRF4 also bound intragenic regions of E2F2 and E2F3 (Fig. 5B), suggesting that it may control the wider E2F family with varying intensity. Similarly, IRF4 likely regulated Cdc25A gene expression via an IRF4-motif-containing intergenic region (Fig. S5C), suggesting an additional mode for IRF4 control of CDK2 activity. In stark contrast, IRF4 did not directly regulate UHRF1 (Fig. S5D), suggesting that the modulation of UHRF1 by IRF4 (Fig. 4C-D; Fig. S5D) may be indirectly relayed via E2F1, as previously shown49–51.
IRF4 repletion in IRE1-deficient cells rescues E2F1 expression and cell proliferation
The regulation of IRF4 activity by IRE1 and the similarity between the cell cycle phenotypes of IRE1 and IRF4 silencing supported the possibility of a functional linkage between IRE1, IRF4 and cell cycle control. To more specifically affirm IRF4’s ability to mediate the non-enzymatic dependency on IRE1, we attempted to ectopically express IRF4 in AMO1 cells harboring inducible IRE1 silencing. However, constitutive IRF4 over-expression proved to be cytotoxic (not shown). To circumvent this, we opted for Dox-inducible expression of IRF4, which was better tolerated–provided that the ectopic IRF4 levels did not greatly exceed the endogenous amount (Fig. S6A-D). Dox-induced IRF4 re-expression successfully rescued shRNA silencing of endogenous IRF4 (Fig. S6A), providing functional validation of this strategy. Underscoring the importance of stoichiometry for IRF4 reconstitution, higher IRF4 expression did not improve the IRF4 rescue efficiency; rather, it was more lethal (Fig. S6A-B). Importantly, IRF4 repletion during IRE1 silencing was sufficient to rescue the proliferation of AMO1 cells (Fig. 6A-B). Similar to the dynamics in IRF4-deficient cells, small increases in IRF4 levels had a major impact on the extent of proliferative rescue in IRE1-deficient cells (Fig. S6C-D). Although IRF4 re-expression effectively restored growth for up to 72 h, a modest growth decline of up to 15% occurred beyond this time point (Fig. 6B). Of relevance, IRF4 re-expression delayed yet did not prevent caspase-3/7 activation during IRE1 silencing (Fig. S6E). Residual apoptosis was also evident from Annexin V/PI staining (Fig. S6F) and TUNEL assay (Fig. 6C). Therefore, it is likely that the non-rescued apoptosis limited the restoration of growth by re-expressed IRF4 after the 72 h timepoint. IRF4 repletion was also sufficient to rescue the previously documented decrease in DNA methylation due to IRE1 silencing12 (Fig. 6D). Importantly, IRF4 re-expression enabled a substantial recovery of G1/S transition in IRE1-depleted cells (Fig. 6E; Fig. S6G). Furthermore, it rescued expression of E2F and the downstream targets UHRF1 and CDC25A and restored CDK2 activity (Fig. 6F-G; Fig. S6H). Together, these results demonstrate the ability of IRF4 to reverse all the primary features of the growth inhibition caused by IRE1 silencing, affirming IRF4’s pivotal functional importance in mediating non-enzymatic dependency on IRE1 in MM cells.