In the current study, we reported longitudinal changes in SE and distributions of BCVA in Chinese children with eoHM based on a large hospital dataset. The mean myopia progression rate was -0.33D/year (SD, 0.37), with two-thirds of eoHM children exhibited myopic stability or regression. Children with older age, boys, and less myopic SE at baseline seems to experience faster myopia progression. Generally, BCVA improved with older age, but only half of these children achieved BCVA > 0.5 by the age of 6 years.
In a three-year longitudinal study of 60 children ≤ 6 years with eoHM in Korea, the myopia progression rate was -0.37D/year (SD, 0.39), with 40% of the children exhibiting myopic progression 17. Another study included 57 children with full-correction glasses under 5 years old from Taiwan with SE ≤-5.0D, the myopia progression rate for those with SE in the ≥-7.75D and ≤-5.0D, ≥-10.75D and ≤-8.0D, ≤-11.0D group was -0.47 (SD 1.33) D/year, -0.21 (SD,1.56) D/year and -0.07 (SD 1.38) D/year,respectively. Roughly 45% of the children showed binocular or monocular myopia progression, 23% showed binocular stability, the remaining 32% showed binocular or monocular regression 16. The myopia progression rate in our study was similar to these two studies, which collectively suggest that children with older age and less myopic SE at baseline tend to progress faster. Another study also reported associations between older age, less myopic SE and faster myopia progression among children with preschool myopia 13. This could be due to that children in this age group experience more schooling with older age and those with less severe myopia could imply more room for the eyeball to grow triggered by environmental risk factors. These findings are opposite to those found in school myopia, in which older age or less initial myopic SE were associated with slower myopia progression 18-21.
Moreover, 55%-65% of the eoHM children could remain relatively stable or even regression in the above-mentioned studies, which could be partly attributed to the effectiveness of timely interventions. The research from Taiwan involved full-correction, whereas the studies from South Korea did not report on this aspect. Although our data does not directly reflect this, it is speculated that the majority of eoHM children who seek medical advice at ZOC are likely to follow the doctor's recommendations regarding wearing spectacles and receiving other treatments. This finding underscores the critical importance of early intervention for children with eoHM. Additionally, about one-third of the children still experienced relatively rapid myopia progression, these children warrant more attention in clinics and future studies.
The mean myopia progression rate of boys is higher than girls in our study, but the study in Korea reported that sex was not related to myopic progression rate. It has been reported that boys had quicker AL elongation than girls in the preschoolers 22, but more studies are needed to explore whether gender difference exists.
Previous longitudinal studies based on preschool children with low to moderate myopia had reported a myopia progression rate of -0.79 to -0.59 D/year 13, 23, which is higher than the reported rates in children with eoHM above, the exact mechanisms underlying this are unclear. It might be due to that children with eoHM are more likely to be diagnosed and treated at early years, or that the already elongated AL in these children encountered biological growth constraints. The corresponding changes in biometric factors during the onset and progression of eoHM may help reveal the mechanisms, yet they remain unclear 24, 25. Further studies about longitudinal changes in ocular biometric parameters, as well as refraction in children with eoHM, are warranted to better understand the mechanisms.
From our study, it was apparent that the BCVA of children with eoHM was lower than that of children without high myopia at the same age 26-28, the risk of amblyopia is higher in children with eoHM 29. Children with less myopic baseline SE may be associated with better VA than those with higher myopic baseline SE, the result was similar to the study from Taiwan 16, and it was consistent with physiological pattern of visual development 30. It could be inferred that SE is not the only factor affecting BCVA (Figure 2). Up to now, our understanding of the visual prognosis and influencing factors for children with eoHM is still very limited, and further research is needed.
The strengths of the study included its large sample size of eoHM children, and the availability of cycloplegic SE and VA data on each study visit. But several limitations should be noted. First, this was a retrospective study from a single institution. Second, due to the retrospective study design, data on ocular biometrics, parental myopia, and length of time spent outdoors, were not available in this study, but this would not limit us from delineating the longitudinal changes in SE and BCVA. Third, different cycloplegia methods might be used at different visits. However, full pupil dilation was ensured before refraction examination regardless of the cycloplegia methods used, ensuring the accuracy of cycloplegic refraction. Fourth, whether the children have received myopia correction was unavailable in this dataset, but we assume that most of eoHM children, if not all, who come to ZOC have received optical correction. Still, the effect of different kinds of myopia interventions on the SE and VA changes among eoHM children warrants further investigation. Lastly, the mean follow-up period of the study was relatively short, prospective studies with longer follow-up period are encouraged in the future.