Using summary statistics from GWAS of European ancestry, we examined the causal effects of seven coagulation factors and four platelet parameters on RVO risk by applying a unified MR framework for GWAS data analysis. Genetically forecasted plasma levels of FIII, FVII, MPV, and PCT demonstrated inverse correlations with RVO, while genetically anticipated plasma FVIII levels displayed a positive causal association with RVO.
RVO is a partial or complete blockage of a retinal vein in which the formation of a blood clot causes the retinal venous system to narrow and impedes venous return from the retinal circulation. The exact pathogenesis of RVO remains unclear. The condition may be due to a combination of three systemic changes known as Virchow’s triad: hemodynamic changes (venous stasis), degenerative changes of the vessel wall and blood hypercoagulability42. It has been shown to be associated with thrombotic events due to systemic changes, especially hypercoagulable states3,41. The central retinal vein exits the eye at the optic disc and proceeds into the optic nerve. Within the optic nerve, it traverses through the lamina cribrosa, a connective tissue structure that offers support to the vein and the axons as they penetrate the sclera. Postmortem examination of eyes with CRVO revealed the presence of fresh or recanalized thrombus near the lamina cribrosa, where the vein typically narrows and blood flow intensifies3. BRVOs were observed at sites where arteries cross over veins, particularly those with an artery passing over a vein43. In cases of BRVO, postmortem analysis showed thrombus formation within a retinal vein compressed by a thickened-walled retinal artery crossing over the vein4. Narrowing or irregularity of the vessels leads to turbulent flow and causes stress on endothelial cells44,45.
Thrombophilia, arising from specific coagulation factor activation, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of thrombosis46. Our study notably demonstrates a substantial correlation between genetically projected levels of FIII and FVII and a reduced RVO risk, representing the pioneering identification of a causal nexus between FIII, FVII, and RVO. The activation of the exogenous coagulation pathway begins with FIII, which is released to form a TF-Ca²⁺-FVII complex with FVII in the bloodstream thereby generating a cascade reaction to produce plasminogen activator, which generates thrombin. However, due to the action of procoagulants and anticoagulants, thrombin production by the FIII pathway becomes a threshold-limited process and the small amount of thrombin in the initial phase is insufficient to maintain the coagulation process47. Despite the presence of a small amount of activated FVII in the blood, the coagulation process is similarly not initiated without the release of tissue factor. However, Hunter et al.'s prospective study, encompassing 18 central RVO and 22 branch RVO cases, did not discern a significant correlation between FVII and RVO48. Nonetheless, our findings significantly contribute to understanding the potential association between coagulation factors and RVO risk.
High coagulation factor VIII activity is an independent risk factor for thromboembolism49. Our findings are consistent with the observations in Glueck et al 's research, indicating elevated coagulation factor VIII levels in RVO or CRVO patients compared to controls50,51. Moreover, Faude et al. corroborated the relationship between FVIII and RVO occurrence in their study involving 62 CRVO patients and 107 healthy individuals, with over 53.2% of CRVO patients exhibiting Factor VIII activity exceeding 150% (> 150 IU/dl) 52. These collective studies underscore the relevance of coagulation factors, particularly FIII, FVII, and FVIII, in the pathogenesis and risk assessment of RVO.
The findings regarding MPV in our study imply a possible adverse causal link with RVO, contradicting some observational studies and meta-analyses53–57. Historically, studies employing traditional observational methods have generated inconsistent outcomes concerning the association between MPV and RVO. For instance, prior investigations have indicated a correlation between elevated MPV and RVO53,58. Sahin et al.'s retrospective analysis involving 193 RVO patients and 83 healthy controls revealed significantly higher MPV values in the RVO patient group54. Similarly, Yilmaz and Yilmaz reported a similar trend in another retrospective study58. They suggested that larger platelets have greater haemostatic reactivity. However, Ornek et al. did not observe any association between increased MPV values and RVO occurrence56. They concluded that the key factor in the development of RVO appears to be changes in the neighboring arteries rather than systemic haematological abnormalities. Moreover, within the cohort displaying clinical features of RVO, it was observed that patients diagnosed with BRVO had a lower MPV value compared to those suffering from central RVO and a control group56. These studies exhibited considerable heterogeneity in terms of ethnicity, study design, participant numbers, participant characteristics, RVO identification, RVO prevalence, and statistical methodologies, potentially contributing to the discrepancies in findings. Past research has consistently identified age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia as traditional risk factors for RVO58–62. Some researchers postulate a greater significance of thrombophilia in younger patients63–65. Study confounders could potentially bias the causal association between MPV and RVO. The inclusion of a small patient cohort might have influenced statistical significance. Notably, patient body mass index was not documented and considered, despite its potential impact on MPV values. Considering that most previous studies were traditional retrospective studies, the use of new research methods is particularly important for these clinical questions. Dual-sample MR analysis was applied to explore the risk factors for RVO. The exact mechanisms underlying the increased risk of low MPV and RVO have not been clarified. In in vitro experiments, smaller platelets secreted more P-selectin, which plays an important role in surface adhesion for thrombus formation66. Smaller platelets with lower MPV were more likely to form thrombi than larger platelets67. Notably, this result was observed in cancer patients. Therefore, the applicability of this finding to non-cancer patients remains to be confirmed. There are fewer studies and more basic research is needed in the future to explore the specific mechanisms. Furthermore, in the absence of a specific rationale for conducting a thorough hemostatic examination in patients with RVO, additional studies are required to elucidate the potential involvement of platelet parameters in the pathophysiology of RVO.
Our investigation has unveiled a association between PCT and RVO, a finding uncommon in current literature. There might exist a plausible negative causal link between platelet crit and RVO. Besides MPV, other indicators of platelet morphology, specifically PCT, could potentially wield substantial influence in vascular ailments, including atherosclerosis and thrombosis68,69. However, findings from Yilmaz et al.'s study revealed no discernible difference in PCT levels between RVO patients and healthy controls58. Further comprehensive research is essential to fully fathom the underlying mechanisms and mediators that dictate the relationship between PCT levels and RVO.
To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate MR studies that have assessed how different coagulation characteristics affect the risk of RVO, and the first to provide pooled estimates of the causal effects of FIII, FVII, FVIII, MPV and PCT on the risk of RVO. In addition, previous observational studies provided conflicting correlations and biological assumptions. By providing causality estimates, our study eliminates the true extent of the biological effects of relevant confounding risk factors on RVO.
Some potential limitation of our study should be mentioned. Firstly, in studies using sample-bank cohorts31–36, causal effects represent only selected European populations. These were chosen primarily to avoid population stratification. However, these findings may not be representative of more general or non-European populations. Secondly, although we utilized the largest available sample size and the most recent GWAS dataset for MR analysis, it's essential to acknowledge that our study had a comparatively smaller sample size and event count compared to population-based observational studies. In addition, the inclusion of different studies using overlapping cohorts (especially databases), while unavoidable, inevitably reduces the effective sample size and statistical power of our analyses. Thirdly, we did not evaluate genetically predicted coagulation factors and platelet parameters in relation to CRVO and BRVO because of the lack of pooled data on CRVO and the inability to further subdivide MR analyses by other factors such as disease staging, further clinical trials are needed to confirm our findings in order to obtain partially consistent evidence of an association between certain coagulation characteristics and RVO or RVO of varying severity. In addition, our magnetic resonance study demonstrated a causal relationship between genetically predicted coagulation characteristics and RVO; however, it is important to note that the results of the magnetic resonance analyses were based on genetic evidence only.
Platelet play a pivotal role in thrombo-occlusive disorders, with MPV serving as a vital indicator of platelet size and activity. Larger platelets exhibit heightened reactivity, increased thromboxane A2 production, elevated expression of glycoprotein Ib and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors, and a greater propensity for aggregation70,71. The etiology of hypercoagulable states in RVO remains uncertain, lacking robust validation for extensive screening of thrombotic and coagulopathic conditions in most patients. However, assessing underlying coagulopathies might be warranted when routine tests for common cardiovascular risk factors yield negative results. These investigations should delve into the effects of various coagulation factors and platelet function on RVO, utilizing MR studies with more extensive sample sizes. Furthermore, conducting RVO MR studies among GWAS cohorts of diverse ethnicities will elucidate how distinct genetic compositions and diverse environments from inter-ethnic diversity influence the causal implications of specific coagulation profile-related risk factors in RVO development.