We investigated how various biodiversity indices identify hotspots using plant species found in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. This region is ecologically diverse and has been inhabited by many Indigenous communities for millennia, with a rich and publicly available data repository on ethnobotanically important plant species. We clustered the biodiversity indices into groups based on the similarity in the hotspots they identify, shedding light on the patterns of how these biodiversity indices determine regional biodiversity hotspots. Generally, we find that the TEK metrics (number of Indigenous uses and number of Indigenous names) are clustered with some commonly used biodiversity indices including species richness, phylogenetic species richness, and functional species richness. Most functional trait metrics cluster together, except functional species richness; interestingly, phylogenetic biodiversity metrics exhibit substantial differences in identified hotspots, suggesting unique contributions to conservation prioritization.
Functional and phylogenetic hotspot comparisons
Many of the indices used to measure functional diversity did not identify the same hotspots as species richness, one of the most widely used measures of biodiversity. In fact, functional species richness is the only functional diversity metric that has a comparison index with species richness exceeding zero. Other work on biodiversity indices has reported similar patterns, where measures of species richness and functional richness more closely align with each other in measurements of global biodiversity, whereas other functional diversity metrics show distinct patterns of biodiversity (Safi et al. 2011; Stuart-Smith et al. 2013).
Unsurprisingly, several biodiversity indices cluster tightly together due to similarities in their calculation. For example, Simpson’s diversity index, and Gini and Simpson’s diversity index, which are complements of one another (Gini 1912; Simpson 1949), identified the exact same hotspots in every simulation.
All measures of functional diversity cluster together with the exception of functional species richness, which clusters with group 2. This suggests that, for the purposes of biodiversity hotspot identification, one functional biodiversity index is as good as another. For example, conservation practitioners might choose to use Rao’s entropy (Q) over functional species dispersion based on available resources and time, since both will identify similar hotspots. Importantly, even though these metrics cluster together, they still may not necessarily identify the same biodiversity hotspots. For instance, while McIntosh’s diversity index is nestled among functional diversity metrics, the highest comparison index it has is with functional species divergence, at 0.16- indicating that only 16% of the hotspots these metrics identify are the same.
Some of our results are supported by previous studies which found that phylogenetic diversity metrics and functional diversity metrics do not often correlate (Pollock et al. 2017). Species richness and phylogenetic metrics of biodiversity have shown moderate levels of correlation in previous studies, which is corroborated by the variability in the hotspots identified between species richness and phylogenetic diversity in this study (Devictor et al. 2010; Tietje et al. 2023). This highlights the importance of understanding phylogenetic diversity and its implications for conservation management, as choosing particular metrics for measuring phylogenetic diversity may identify different types of biomes that are important for the conservation of global biodiversity (Tietje et al. 2023).
TEK hotspot comparisons
Initially, we expected that the TEK metrics would align most closely with the functional diversity metrics. We hypothesized that species with more phenotypic variation and distinct uses would garner more individual name synonyms (i.e. when different parts of the plant have different uses and different names). Therefore a community of plants with a large number of uses may be expected to display greater functional diversity (Armstrong et al. 2021). However, we found that TEK metrics had minimal or no overlap with functional metrics when utilizing either precision or sensitivity, and instead were most similar to species richness and measures of phylogenetic diversity. Functional species richness, the total volume of functional space filled by a community (Villéger et al. 2008), was the only functional metric that identified any of the same hotspots as the TEK metrics possibly because the total number of names and uses for the plants in a community might also reliably estimate the range of functions of those plants.
Knowledge shared by Indigenous peoples has resulted in several biological insights and conservation contributions, such as the doubling of known fish aggregation and spawning sites (Mourão et al. 2006), and the designation of the Gladden Spit as a marine reserve for aggregations of mutton snappers and whale sharks (Drew 2005). In the Pacific Northwest, research has found increased taxonomic and functional plant diversity in regions that have historically been utilized by Indigenous peoples compared to neighboring managed or lesser utilized regions, with long lasting effects on plant diversity of over 150 years (Armstrong et al. 2021). Moreover, in this region there are integrative groups working to describe local ecological knowledge, with calls to study how this knowledge can and is being actively implemented in conservation management (Charnley et al. 2007).
The general applicability of these results is limited by assumptions necessitated by our modeling framework, which can be extended in future work to address these limitations. First, our hotspot definition led to variation in the number of hotspots identified both across simulations and across biodiversity metrics. As a consequence of calling the top 5% most diverse patches for every community a “biodiversity hotspot”, there are instances of tie-breaking involved which can lead to fewer than 50 (5% of 1000 communities) hotspots identified. Second, the geographic scale on which biodiversity metrics are applied is important and measuring biodiversity at a local, regional, or global scale is known to generate markedly different results (Crawley and Harral 2001), In the study reported here, we did not incorporate a parameter for scale, which is critical for applications of conservation and restoration biodiversity (Daily et al. 2003). Future work can consider the effect of scale, using more local (finer) or regional (coarser) data.
Finally, we chose to work with a dataset from the Pacific Northwest because this region had one of the most well-developed and ethically obtained datasets for our chosen TEK metrics (Charnley et al. 2007). Future work could consider a more holistic definition of traditional ecological knowledge to include “stories, songs, folklore, proverbs, cultural values, beliefs, rituals, community laws, local language, and agricultural practices, including the development of plant species and animal breeds” (Center for Biological Diversity 2021). Globally, scientists and managers should work to build, improve, and sustain collaborations with local and Indigenous communities to produce similar regional datasets and libraries, taking special care to preserve the intellectual property rights of communities (Ens et al. 2015).
Identifying biodiversity hotspots is key to the efficient allocation of resources to preserve ecosystems across the planet. This study shows that the choice of a biodiversity metric for identifying hotspots is not neutral: different metrics identify very different hotspots. However, this work also highlights key similarities among metrics that can be used to decide how to measure biodiversity cost-effectively. Biodiversity metrics utilizing TEK can recapitulate the results of more familiar metrics like phylogenetic species richness and species richness while incorporating very different types of data. Biodiversity researchers should continue to make use of a wide variety of metrics while taking care to recognize that ecological communities look differently through different lenses of biodiversity (Hanspach et al. 2020). This work offers novel perspectives on incorporating diverse biodiversity metrics, including Indigenous knowledge, to develop effective conservation strategies in ecologically diverse and culturally important ecoregions.