Overall, the above data showed that mothers who were hospitalised due to severe infection with SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy showed elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-17A several months after recovery from infection (average ~ 3 months post-infection) and increased scores on the EPDS. IL-6 levels correlated significantly with illness severity, but not with EPDS scores suggesting SARS-CoV-2 infection may likely underpin the prolonged elevation in pro-inflammatory cytokines. Infants exposed to severe maternal SARS-CoV-2 show altered DNA methylation of pathways implicated in ASD, particularly synaptic organisation and regulation. Severe SARS-CoV-2 infection exposed infants scored lower on communication, problem solving and personal-social domains of the ASQ at 12 months. Communication and problem-solving scores correlate significantly and negatively with maternal IL-6 levels, suggesting a potential association between elevated maternal serum IL-6 and poorer child development. No significant correlations were found between infant ASQ outcomes and maternal EPDS
Maternal serum IL-6 correlated significantly and negatively with child communication and problem solving. Whilst this appears to be driven mainly by one IL-6 value at 0.417 pg/mL, this value was not identified as a statistical outlier. Nevertheless, if it was removed the correlation with communication became non-significant at 0.09, but the correlation with problem solving becomes highly significant at p = 0.0006, r2 = 0.6. Replication of this finding would, therefore, be of value. The relationship between maternal IL-6 levels and offspring neurodevelopment is consistent with animal model studies that demonstrate IL-6 as a critical mediator of MIA induced neurodevelopmental disruptions 13. In addition, Graham et al. reported that higher maternal IL-6 concentrations during pregnancy are associated with larger amygdala volume and stronger connectivity (a brain region critical to communication and problem solving) as well as lower impulse control 49. The same group also reported an inverse correlation of maternal IL-6 concentrations and offspring nonverbal fluid intelligence and pars triangularis volume 50. Further follow up of the current cohort with detailed imaging may be informative. In retrospective studies of patient survival following SARS-CoV-2 infection, it has been reported that IL-6 levels are the strongest predictor of mortality 51, sparking interest in the use of anti-IL-6 agents for the treatment of COVID-19 8, 52. Indeed, anti-IL6R treatments tend to be effective in severe disease, but within specific windows of illness progression 53. Once again, further studies in mouse models such as the SARS-CoV-2 mouse adapted model 54 would be highly beneficial in determining if IL-6 blockade following severe infection during pregnancy may prevent neurodevelopment disruptions in the offspring, and could inform the appropriate timing of intervention.
We demonstrate here that offspring exposed to severe maternal infection with SARS-CoV-2 in utero show, at birth, altered methylation of gene pathways relevant to ASD, including synaptic organisation and assembly. In addition, many of the differentially methylated regions we identified contained genes implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders 37–44, 45, 46 and schizophrenia 47 48. Of the differentially methylated genes that overlapped with the SFARI gene list, many genes had multiple differentially methylated sites, including the ASD candidate genes Autism Susceptibility Candidate 2 (AUTS2) and RAR Related Orphan Receptor α (RORA). Increased methylation and reduced expression of RORA has been found in lymphoblastoid cells of individuals with ASD compared to sibling controls55. However, we identified hypomethylation (reduced methylation) of RORA in infants exposed to SARS-CoV-2 from samples taken at birth, which aligns with a previous study that showed hypomethylation of RORA in peripheral blood DNA of people with ASD56. This would be predicted to increase expression of RORA. Similarly, AUTS2 showed 6 differentially hypomethylated sites in SARS-CoV-2 exposed offspring and is associated with a number of neurodevelopmental disorders, including ASD, intellectual disability, schizophrenia and epilepsy, and plays a key postnatal role in regulating excitatory synapses 57. Downstream targets of AUTS2 that are involved in synapse formation, such as RELN and CACNA1C, were also hypomethylated in SARS-CoV-2 exposed infants with the DMP for RELN located in the translational start site, suggesting it is likely to alter gene expression.
DNA methylation is a dynamic process that changes substantially according to the stage of development. Global demethylation occurs during early embryonic development 58, therefore the significant hypomethylation profile in our sample of infants exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in utero may indicate failure to methylate demethylated DNA, whereby genes remain unmethylated into postnatal development (when the sample was collected). Furthermore, the persistence of elevated maternal IL-6 levels post-delivery suggests that the window within which a maternal immune response could affect the trajectory of methylation during foetal development is expanded well beyond the period of infection itself. Whether the altered methylation identified in infants exposed to SARS-CoV-2 persists throughout child development or is occurring specifically during this window of infancy is an important question that we plan to address through our prospective study design. It is also important here to reiterate that DNA samples are from peripheral buccal swabs, so we do not know if altered DNA methylation reflects brain transcript changes. Here, once again, preclinical models would provide much insight. Indeed, in a human brain organoid model, it was shown that SARS-CoV-2 similarly affected synaptic pathways, causing a loss of excitatory synapses in neurons 59.
A major limitation of this study is the sample size, which limited our ability to co-vary for factors such as pregnancy complications and mode of delivery, although we did assess the effects of these factors individually on ASQ outcomes and found no significant effects (Supplementary Fig. 1). Here, the authors suggest caution when interpreting the ASQ outcomes and encourage replication of the above assessments of both DNA methylation and child behaviour using the ASQ on larger cohorts of mother-infant dyads exposed to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy. In addition, while our control group reported no known infection with SARS-CoV-2 during their pregnancy, it is possible they were infected asymptomatically. However, it is important to note we compared controls with severely infected participants. Another limitation is that our infected group had one participant with twins. Ideally, our control group would have a triad with twins to control for this additional strain on the mother and infants.
In conclusion, we report infants exposed to severe maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection show signs of delayed neurodevelopment at 12 months that correlates with maternal serum IL-6 levels taken at birth, suggesting maternal serum IL-6 levels may be a potential candidate biomarker of future adverse child developmental outcomes. We furthermore demonstrate significant DNA methylation changes in infants exposed to severe SARS-CoV-2 in utero, particularly within genes involved in synaptic organisation and assembly. Further planned longitudinal assessments of this cohort will help to delineate the relative risk of SARS-CoV-2 exposure on child mental health outcomes and test the validity of infant DNA methylation markers and maternal serum markers as potential biomarkers of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.