Three distinct patterns of revised FSVs were observed between the dry and wet seasons. These differences stem from varying species composition between seasons, as well as changes in water quality conditions in urban rivers. The first pattern is that the revised FSVs has the same trend (either decrease or increase) in both seasons. For example, the original FSV of Baetidae was 7, revised to 5 in the wet season and 1 in the dry season (Table 1). A decrease in revised FSV was associated with species richness and ecological resilience of this family. There were two genera (i.e., Baetis and Baetiella) in the dry season and only Baetiella in the wet season. In the Ethiopian highland rivers, Lakew and Moog18 assigned three FSVs to Baetidae based on species richness, i.e., 9 for more than two species, 6 for two species, and 4 for one species, indicating that the family is tolerant to moderate or strong pollution when there are fewer than two species. Moreover, Ruiz-Picos et al.24 assigned FSV of 1 to Baetidae in Mexico rivers, suggesting that the family had a high pollution tolerance. These findings are in general agreement with the results of the present study, suggesting that the revision method is applicable to urban rivers.
The second pattern is that the revised FSVs increase in one season and decrease in the other. For example, the revised FSV of Glossiphoniidae increased in the wet season (5.1) and decreased in the dry season (1.4) compared to the original FSV of 3 (Table 1). This is related to the number of individuals of Glossiphoniidae in both seasons, with higher individual abundance weighing more heavily on the revision results. In this study, the individual abundance of Glossiphoniidae was higher in the dry season than in the wet season, suggesting that the family is more adapted to polluted environments, which is consistent with the findings of Luo et al.33 that Glossiphoniidae showed higher abundance in the more urbanized and polluted rivers.
The third pattern is that revised FSVs fluctuates in one season but remains constant in the other. For Hydropsychidae, the revised FSV remained 6 in the wet season but decreased to 1 in the dry season (Table 1). The revised FSV for Hydropsychidae in tropical rivers in Mexico was 424. Mao et al.34 revised the sensitivity value of Hydropsychidae in the Chishui River to 4.6 ~ 5.7. Despite Hydropsychidae species are categorized as environment sensitive indicator (EPT), they are distributed across different pollution gradients and display some degree of pollution tolerance in the larval stage35. The lower FSV for Hydropsychidae in this study may be related to the high level of pollution in urban rivers during the dry season, and reflects the lower limit of the family’s tolerance to pollution.
Typically, pollution loads, especially organic pollution, are heavier in urban rivers, resulting in enhanced macroinvertebrate tolerant taxa and reduced sensitive taxa9,33,36. We found that revised FSVs in both seasons were skewed towards lower value distributions, indicating that macroinvertebrates in urban rivers generally show stronger pollution tolerance (Fig. 4). Previous studies on natural rivers have demonstrated that revised FSVs tend to be normally distributed, with most FSVs at intermediate ranges18,23,34, consistent with the distribution of species toxicity response37. Therefore, it is hypothesized that this long-term adaptation of macroinvertebrates in urban rivers to highly polluted environments increased their tolerance to pollution33, leading to a decreasing trend in most revised FSVs.
The results showed that the revised FSVs were more variable in the dry season. This can be attributed to the decrease in water volume in this season, which exhibits an increase in pollutant loads concentrations in urban rivers38, highlighting that macroinvertebrates are more resilient to pollution5,9,39. The increased water volume in the wet season can effectively dilute organic pollutant concentrations40 and nutrients levels23, resulting in improved water quality conditions41. Moreover, differences in the individual abundance or species composition of macroinvertebrates during different seasons may also account for differences in FSV revisions. For example, Baetidae, discussed earlier, have lower individual abundance and species composition in the wet season due to less habitat caused by the higher water level, resulting in less changes in FSV revisions in this season.
Most studies have found that the adapted BMWP to be more advantageous in water quality assessment7,18,34. For example, Romero et al.23 reported that a modified BMWP improved water quality classification accuracy in the Embalse del Guájaro River, Colombia. Ruiz-Picos et al.24 found that the adapted BMWP distinguished the effects of agriculture and urban on water quality. The similar results were showed in this study where the revised BMWP and ASPT had better correlations with WQI (Fig. 6). Therefore, the adapted indices can be used as the tool for biomonitoring water quality in urban rivers in PRD. It is worth noting that the application of adapted indices for water quality assessment in other regions may fail. Ochieng et al.5 reported that the adapted BMWP indices from Costa Rica failed to separate sites along river pollution gradient in Eastern Uganda. Additionally, the indicative performance of the adapted BMWP and ASTP for water quality is controversial. The adapted BMWP shows a better response to the pollution than the adapted ASPT40. da Silva-Santos et al.42 also reported that BMWP was more able than ASPT to detect differences in habitat quality. Moreover, Deemool and Prommi43 found that the adapted BMWP and ASPT responded to different water quality factors, respectively. Consequently, combining both indices for river water quality assessment would reduce the bias generated by one index.