This study assessed the applicability of B-mode ultrasound characteristics and qualitative and quantitative ARFI elastography data in predicting the malignancy of the lung lesions studied. It was observed that the parameters evaluated had no diagnostic value for predicting malignancy, but there was statistical significance in the quantitative elastography values, observing an increasing order of stiffness in atelectasis, nodules, consolidations and masses, respectively. It was also possible to carry out an important B-mode characterization of masses, especially in cases with pleural effusion, making it possible to guide the collection of material for analysis. Thus, in addition to the novelty of the results obtained, it is possible to recognize the possibility of using the methods to complement the evaluation of lung lesions in dogs.
Radiographs were of great importance in the study, preceding ultrasound evaluations, with the aim of defining the location and type of disorder found, determining the appropriate place to start the ultrasound examination, as described by [16]. However, when pleural fluid associated with lung diseases was present, it was not possible to characterize the type of lung lesion by radiographic examination. In this way, ultrasound allowed for greater detail of the intrathoracic structures, with the presence of the fluid serving as an acoustic window, allowing excellent visualization of most of the structures, in agreement with [17]. It also provides real-time guidance for any pleural intervention [18]. All the masses seen on the lung surface X-ray were easily identified and characterized on ultrasound examination.
This ultrasound contribution to patients with little radiographic contribution, in this project as mentioned above, corroborates the quality observed in humans for ultrasound examination. In human patients, lung ultrasound has shown an accuracy of 90 to 100% for detecting interstitial abnormalities and 90–98% for alveolar alterations and is considered to be within the diagnostic accuracy range close to radiography and tomography [19]. In medicine, when comparing this method with radiography, ultrasound detects alveolar and interstitial abnormalities, especially when there is pleural effusion which impairs radiographic evaluation, helps to determine diagnoses and contributes as a guide for collecting biological samples for diagnostic conclusion (example: FNAB - fine needle aspiration puncture and biopsy), unlike radiography which is inaccurate and limited in these points [11, 20, 21].
In terms of the B-mode findings, pleural effusion, although not statistically significant in predicting malignancy, it was observed that not all patients with malignant neoplasia had effusion associated with the condition, but 90% of patients with effusion had malignant neoplasia. Of the 16 patients with malignant neoplasms in the mass group, 5 had effusion; in the atelectasis group, of the 4 patients who had pulmonary atelectasis because of pleural effusion, 3 had effusion associated with malignant neoplasms; and in the nodule group, 2 patients with a history of metastasis also had effusion. These observations corroborate those of Antunes et al [22], who cite voluminous exudative pleural effusions as suspicious of malignant etiology. Furthermore, according to Teixeira [23], lung carcinoma is the most common cause of pleural effusion, accounting for almost a third of metastatic effusions, and this was the most common neoplasm in this study when cytology and histopathology results were obtained.
In general, the B-mode characteristics were unable to predict malignancy. Wei et al. [14], in a study conducted in humans to assess lung lesions, observed in B-mode that lesions greater than or equal to 5 cm, with irregular contours, the presence of air bronchograms and non-abundant vascularization were identified as predictive factors of malignancy. In our study, we believe that the size of the lesions was not significant since it is not possible to accurately measure extensive lesions such as consolidations, for example, and atelectasis. In these cases, a more diffuse and less focal appearance was observed, unlike masses and nodules; thus, making measurements difficult and consequently not being possible to compare in a statistical analysis.
The presence of air bronchograms in this study was only observed in the pulmonary consolidation group, which is why it was not a parameter assessed by the statistics to predict malignancy. However, 87.5% of the consolidations were caused by neoplastic infiltrates, in agreement with the findings of Wei et al [14]. The study by Wei et al. [14] also assessed B-mode parameters such as margination and echogenicity, which in turn were not predictive of malignancy, which according to the authors could be explained by the existence of overlapping sonographic characteristics between malignant and benign lesions due to the various types of lung lesions. As was the case in our study, where these parameters were also not predictive and, in some cases, there was more than one type of lung lesion concomitantly in the same patient. In addition, the researchers of the study considered that the sensitivity and specificity of the ultrasound characteristics varied considerably, 30.9–87.3% and 16.7%-55.6%, respectively, and the results were not satisfactory, thus suggesting that additional methods should be adopted to diagnose peripheral lung lesions. This corroborates our results in relation to B-mode parameters, which were unable to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions.
The qualitative elastography of the lesions studied did not show any diagnostic capacity, because there was a predominance of the "soft" aspect, indicating less rigid tissue, in the elastogram, observed in the blue and green colors, which were the most frequent colors in all the groups evaluated. This characteristic was expected in the nodule, consolidation and atelectasis groups, which according to Lim et al. [24], have less rigidity when compared to masses, but one assumption for this finding also in masses (malignant neoplasia) is based on the hypothesis that they have areas of necrosis. According to Daleck [25], neoplasms can have a mixed tissue constitution, explaining soft areas in the elastographic evaluation, present in possible necrosis processes, and rigid areas in the warm color tones of the elastogram (yellow and red).
Regarding quantitative elastography, atelectasis is believed to be the softest lesion found compared to the others, due to its tissue characteristics. Since the alveoli are surrounded and separated from each other by an extremely thin layer of connective tissue [26], containing blood capillaries which in turn have no connective tissue in their wall, in addition to the capillaries, the alveolar interstitial contains elastic and collagen fibers produced by interstitial fibroblasts [27]. The characteristics of the morphology of the atelectatic process and the elastographic findings of this study prove the reason for the high deformation in atelectasis (alveolar collapse), corroborating Konofagou [28], who mentions that the presence of collagen fibers, elastin, water and fat molecules provide specific attributes of the elasticity and rigidity of this tissue in the face of the forces exerted on it.
The mean quantitative elastography of nodules (malignant neoplasms) in this study was 2.84 m/s and was less rigid when compared to consolidation lesions (2.94 m/s), contrary to what was observed in the Lim et al. study [24], where neoplasms had greater rigidity when compared to consolidations. However, the authors performed compressive elastography, which is an operator-dependent technique, unlike ARFI where the shear waves are generated by the device itself. Another hypothesis for this result is that of the 8 consolidations studied in this study, only one was related to pneumonia and all the others were the result of neoplastic infiltrates.
This finding was also observed by Cole et al. [29], who found that lung neoplasia was the most frequent cause of consolidation in a population of dogs with respiratory disorders. It is believed that the tissue constitution related to the infiltrate present contributed to this finding, since in pulmonary consolidation there is the filling of the alveoli by different materials such as exudate, transudate, blood, neoplastic cells and others [30]. In many cases, the small nodules were still partially covered in air, suggesting that the tissue was still poorly structured, thus justifying their lower rigidity when compared to pulmonary consolidation. According to Konofagou [28], the mechanical properties of tissues are correlated to their molecular constitution and structuring, which affects the stiffness of the tissue, as observed in small nodules.
In this study, the groups with malignant neoplasms were separated according to the presentation of nodules and masses. In medicine, nodule size and density are factors that directly affect the prognosis and diagnosis of patients, and nodular structures are classified according to their density [31].
In our study, formations smaller than 7 mm did not have a visible tissue composition on radiographic examination, and it was not possible to identify them according to Thrall [32]. However, formations smaller than 7 mm when located in the lung periphery or when pleural effusion was present, were well characterized on ultrasound [12]. However, a B-mode assessment of the density of nodular structures is inaccurate, but when associated with the elastography technique, it allows an assessment of tissue hardness [33, 34], showing promise for screening, assessment and diagnostic accuracy of small nodules, smaller than 1 cm, where identification is not possible on radiographic examination [35].
The masses had greater tissue rigidity than the other lesions studied (3.12 m/s) and this is directly related to their morphological characteristics. According to Daleck [25], every neoplasm has a stroma and parenchyma, and the stroma is made up of fibrous and vascular connective tissue, providing support and nutrition for the parenchyma. This fibrous connective tissue is probably the cause of the increased tissue stiffness observed on quantitative elastography.
However, this pattern was not predominant in the masses evaluated, as there was also a wide variation in stiffness along the length of the formations studied, and "soft" areas of low tissue stiffness were also identified. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that in fast-growing malignant neoplasms, the vascular stroma may not be proportional to the volume of the parenchyma, so angiogenesis occurs at a slower rate than the proliferation of the parenchyma and, consequently, large areas of the neoplasm suffer ischemic (coagulation) necrosis or infarction [25], thus creating areas of less rigidity in certain tumor regions.
This study has some limitations that should be addressed: 1) One hypothesis for why this study did not obtain cutoff values for predicting malignancy is due to the challenge of assessing benign lesions on a routine basis, with the number of cases of malignant neoplasms in the lung parenchyma being much higher in this study; since thoracic ultrasound is mostly requested when there is a suspicion of malignancy, thus reducing the number of assessments of patients with benign lesions, in agreement with Kuo et al. [2]
Thoracic assessment with the linear probe in large patients was challenging due to the limited range of its depth, and attenuation of the shear waves was observed, forming an elastogram with few areas of good quality in these patients; 3) The presence of fluid also proved to be a limitation for the elastographic study, as was the case with cavitary masses, where it was not possible to obtain an elastogram suitable for studying stiffness, only in adjacent parenchymal areas; and 4) Adjacent normal tissue is generally used as a comparative site, but the aerated normal lung reverberates the ultrasound wave, so it is impossible to use it for comparison.