There is a fundamental discrepancy concerning clay-rich fault rocks between the typical frictionally stable slip produced in rock deformation experiments and observations of unstable seismic slip on natural, mature faults. Seismogenic, mature faults, from surface observations and from drilling, typically contain significant proportions of clay and would not be expected to nucleate earthquakes based on laboratory measurements. For earthquake nucleation, the frictional resistance of the fault material must decrease with increased slip velocity to produce run-away unstable slip. In the laboratory, clay-bearing materials almost exclusively strengthen with increasing slip velocity1–5 and so deform via stable creep, which precludes the possibility of the onset of seismic slip.
In contrast, earthquakes of all magnitudes commonly occur on mature faults, in addition to a spectrum of stable and unstable slip behaviours including aseismic creep and slow slip earthquakes6–9. Examples of such mature, multi-slip-mode fault zones include the Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF) in Taiwan with several 10s of kilometres displacement, the Alpine Fault Zone (AFZ) in New Zealand with an estimated 475km displacement, and the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) in Japan, with estimates of displacement between 200 and 1000km (Figure 1). Field observations suggest that the fault core for all these structures, and other similar structures, contains abundant clay minerals, as detailed below.
The LVF constitutes a series of locked and creeping fault segments7,9 with fault rock clay contents from both fault segment types ranging from 20 to 57wt%7. Even in low proportions of the bulk material (<10%), a weak phase stabilizes frictional behaviour2,10–12. Hence, seismic slip at such clay proportions should be highly improbable, but the LVF has ruptured in earthquakes of Mw 6.8 in 20036 and twelve Mw>6.0 earthquakes in 19516,13. The MTL in southwestern Japan last ruptured in seismic slip in the 1500s14,15. Clay contents within the Anko section of the MTL range from 22 to 56wt%16 in gouges derived from the Ryoke and Sambagawa metamorphic belts (Figure 1A & B). A final example of a clay-rich mature fault zone is the central AFZ (Figure 1C & D), from which the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP-1) recovered cores from a principal fault slip zone of the ‘blue’ and ‘brown’ fault gouges, which contained 16% and 31% clay, respectively17. This contrasts with the current ‘locked’ nature of the fault and the significant seismic hazard posed by the AFZ due to the episodic ruptures of Mw 8 earthquakes at ~300 year intervals, such as the previous surface-rupturing earthquake in 1717 (± 5)17,18.
The vast majority of previous velocity step experiments that investigated the rate and state frictional stability of clay minerals were performed at room temperatures (~20°C)1,2,4,5,19,20. The seismogenic portion of tectonic faults is subject to elevated temperatures dependent on the local geothermal gradient – temperatures of ~180°C occur at ~9km depth for geothermal gradients of 20° in stable continental regions, compared to ~1.4km depth in the extreme geothermal gradient of 125° in the AFZ21. Thus, there is notable lack of friction studies at hydrothermal conditions, particularly involving clays. Elevated temperatures have been shown to affect the frictional behaviour of fault gouges, but studies have focused on gouges from specific localities or a limited range of fault gouge compositions7,17,22–25. Boulton et al.17 and den Hartog & Spiers23 observed decreases in the frictional stability of three compositions of clay-bearing (muscovite/illite, smectite & chlorite) fault gouges at temperatures up to 300°C (10 to 14km depth). While these studies provide key evidence that the stability of clay-rich gouges changes at elevated temperature, there has not, to date, been a study that systematically documents the evolution of frictional stability as a function of clay content at elevated temperatures. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of increasing temperature on frictional stability across the full range of clay proportions (0 to 100 wt%) in fault gouges, providing new evidence that resolves the apparent paradox that mature clay-bearing faults in nature can nucleate and propagate earthquakes.
Friction experiments:
Kaolinite was the chosen clay for this investigation as it commonly occurs in mature fault zones7,26 and it has frictional characteristics that are similar to other clays27. Kaolinite is a non-swelling clay with a dioctohedral structure and dehydroxylation to metakaolinite occurs at temperatures above 370-400°C28–30. It is a clay mineral that does not have the complications of ultra-low permeability and the variable frictional stability characteristics of a swelling clay, such as montmorillonite4,31, so kaolinite broadly represents a wide range of non-swelling clay types. The proportion of kaolinite (<2μm grain size, >99% purity) to a pure quartz powder (<15mm grain size, >99% purity; see Methods) was stepped in 25wt% increments to produce five synthetic fault gouge mixtures. The velocity-step experiments were conducted in a triaxial deformation apparatus in a direct shear slider assembly (see Methods). In addition to room temperature experiments (~23°C), temperature was controlled at 60°C, 100°C, 140°C and 180°C (+/-0.4°C) using external band heaters. A confining pressure of 150MPa and a pore fluid pressure (using deionized water as the pore fluid) of 60MPa mimicked the conditions typical of the seismogenic continental crust at approximately 6-7km depth with a hydrostatic pressure gradient (λ = pore pressure/overburden = 0.4). The experiments included an initial ‘yield phase’ involving 2mm of displacement at a velocity of 0.3μm/s, during which the samples were loaded to yield (Figure 2). Subsequently, in the ‘velocity-step phase’ the slip velocity was stepped between 3.0μm/s and 0.3μm/s every 0.5mm of slip until the maximum displacement of 5.5mm was reached.
Rate and state friction (RSF) laws are used to describe the frictional response to such changes in slip velocity and to identify the frictional stability. The rate- and state-dependent constitutive law32 describes the direct effect (a) and evolution effect (b) on the initial friction coefficient of a material (μ0) due to a change from an initial slip velocity (V0) to a new velocity (V) over a critical slip distance (DRS). The RSF parameter of (a–b) is used to assess the stability of fault slip in a material (Figure 2F). A material that has negative (a–b) values is velocity weakening, so that it weakens progressively with increasing slip velocity. Hence, negative (a–b) values are considered a prerequisite for seismic slip, although instability still depends on the stiffness of the loading system. In contrast, a material that has positive (a–b) values is velocity strengthening, so that it strengthens with increasing slip velocity, leading to the arrest of seismic slip and stable sliding.
A notable result from the experiments is the consistent negative trend of the averaged stability parameter (a-b) derived from velocity-step increases with increasing temperature in all the clay-bearing fault gouges tested (Figure 3). In the 25wt% and 50wt% kaolinite gouges, (a-b) decreases from velocity strengthening values at room temperature to become velocity weakening at temperatures ≥100°C. The gouges with higher proportions of kaolinite (75 and 100wt%) show the same negative trend with increasing temperature, but (a-b) does not decrease below 0. The minimum values of (a-b) for all the clay-bearing fault gouges occurs at 140°C, which is then followed by a slight increase as temperature is increased to 180°C. The only material that does not follow this pattern is the 100wt% quartz (clay-absent) gouge, which shows an opposite positive trend of (a-b) values with increasing temperature. The quartz (a-b) values increase to transition from velocity weakening at room temperature to velocity strengthening at temperatures > 60°C.
The critical slip weakening distance (DRS) needs to be considered when assessing the stability of frictional sliding, as the shorter the critical slip distance, the more likely a velocity weakening material is to show stick-slip behaviour. At room temperatures, all the clay-bearing fault gouges slip by stable sliding, but as the temperature is increased and both (a-b) and DRS decrease (Figure 3), unstable slip becomes more common in the clay-bearing gouges. At 140°C, the 25 and 50wt% clay gouges sometimes experience stick-slip, with significant stress drops occurring immediately following velocity step increases. This unstable slip rapidly transitions to stable slip within the displacement of the velocity step (Figure 2B & 2C). This behaviour is expected, given the combination of RSF parameters and apparatus stiffness, and can be modelled as a system that is on the boundary of unstable slip 26,34,35. The 100wt% quartz (clay-absent) gouge shows the opposite trend by becoming more stable at higher temperatures. At room temperatures, a velocity-step increase leads to repeated stress drops that repeat throughout the entire displacement range of the velocity-step, with the actual drop in shear stress occurring over less than 0.1 second (our data logging rate). At elevated temperatures, the 100wt% quartz (clay-absent) gouge undergoes a single, audible stress drop upon a velocity-step increase, but the behaviour transitions towards stable sliding.
The frictional strength shows a weak positive trend with increasing temperature that is consistent across all the tested clay-bearing fault gouges (Figure 2). The positive trend of frictional strength with increasing temperature is most evident in the gouges with higher proportions of kaolinite, as the 25wt% kaolinite gouge increases by 0.04 whereas the 100wt% kaolinite gouge increases by 0.07 across the temperature range. The only tested material that does not follow this trend is the 100-wt% quartz (clay-absent) gouge, which shows no significant trend with increasing temperature.
Following the deformation experiments, samples of fault gouge were recovered from the apparatus, dried, and impregnated with epoxy resin. The samples were cut perpendicular to the shear zone boundary, parallel to the slip displacement and polished for analyses using a Zeiss GeminiSEM 450. High resolution images across a wide range of scales were collected using a backscattered electron detector. Localised failure in granular materials is characterised by a high strain gradient within a narrow area, which includes such microstructures as grain comminution, shear or compaction bands, and preferred alignment of clasts36. Strain was accommodated in the gouges through shear arrays including shear-parallel Y-shears and low-angle R1 Riedel shears36 (Fig. 4) that were associated with grain size reduction and were typically less than 50µm thick. The most prominent features in the micrographs are stress-relief (unloading) fractures that open in the sample during depressurisation of the triaxial apparatus. These commonly occur along sites of shear localization that are marked by grain size reduction. Hence these fractures were classified as shear fractures only if grain size reduction of quartz via cataclasis could be identified along their boundaries. The number and lengths of localized shears were quantified using FracPaQ37 (Fig. 4).
Fault gouges deformed at room temperature had a greater number of shear localization features and a small average shear localisation length normalised to sample area, at 1.14x10− 2mm− 1 in the 25wt% kaolinite gouge. At elevated temperatures, the strain is accommodated in fewer but longer R1 Riedel and Y shears, as the localized shear length by sample area in the 25wt% kaolinite gouge increased to 2.5x10− 2mm− 1 at 140°C (Fig. 4). This indicates that localisation of deformation increases with increasing temperature in clay-bearing fault gouges. The total amount of shear-enhanced compaction of the bulk fault gouge in the velocity step tests also increased with increasing temperature across the 5 different fault gouge compositions. By the end of the experiments, the 25wt% kaolinite gouge had compacted relative to the initial volume by 7.6% (71mm3) at 23°C and 11.8% (123mm3) at 180°C. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) chemical mapping of the gouge samples in the SEM showed a minor concentration of quartz over kaolinite in the localised shear zones, perhaps due to the EDS resolution limit of 1µm.