5.1 Reliability and validity test
Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Subsequently, convergent and discriminant validity of the data were analyzed. Estimation, reliability, Cronbach's alpha, and average variance are shown in the SPSS and R language results.
• Natural Semantic Network Analysis.
Natural semantic network analysis was employed, yielding 49 definitions. Data were collected manually in Excel tables, as depicted in Table 1. The exercise definition was the most cited by students and was also chosen as the top hierarchy by most respondents, followed by "videos," then "books," etc.
Table 1
Definitions of the exploratory study by semantic networks
exercises | videos | books | practice | review |
notes | write | read | review | time understand |
study | Projects | see | analyze | examples |
equipment | explain | interest | memorize ask | practice |
reviewing | attention | aid | grasp | concepts |
constancy | teach | listen study | do | investigation |
reading | reading | organization | to reason | relate |
tasks | theory friends | scoring | analysis | application |
article | advisory | associate | search | clear |
The obtained results are displayed in the levels graph, Fig. 1; the most voted words from the semantic analysis can be seen here, compiled manually using Excel software. The most voted words are shown hierarchically, but there are different words with similar meanings counted separately. For example, "nota," "reseña," "review," among others, are not shown. We also have the same words with or without accents, which differ depending on the software.
The English translation of Fig. 3 is presented below since the data are originally in Spanish:
Videos: Videos. Libros: Books. Practicar: Practice. Repaso: Review. Apuntes: Notes. Escribir: Write. Leer: Read. Repasar: Revise. Tiempo: Time. Entender: Understand. Estudiar: Study. Ver proyectos: View projects. Analizar: Analyze. Ejemplos: Examples. Equipo: Team.
Similar meanings were manually collected and grouped with a representative label, considered as the outcome of the sought problem. Subsequently, the results model of semantic networks by nodes is presented. In response to the inquiry from the university student group: "How is a university subject learned?" The final result is depicted in Fig. 4.
In subsequent results, the confirmatory analysis is presented, where these eight identified groupings were validated.
In this second method, utilizing ATLASti© software, a word cloud, Fig. 3, is generated, displaying the most mentioned words by students in larger sizes. The process was automated using the provided software. It is noted that, in order of appearance and size, the following words were found: Exercises, videos, study, practice, review, reading, etc.
For further details, a word count was requested from the software. Using ATLASti©, the unclassified word count is shown in Fig. 5.
In Fig. 6 word count, it can be observed that exercises were mentioned 37 times, videos have a frequency of 31, study 18, reading 16. Review 16, practice 15, among others.
In this confirmatory analysis, the defining features are extracted and presented in affirmative (or negative) sentences. Subsequently, both results are compared. Two techniques are employed: one manually and the other repeated automatically, this time utilizing the same database but importing it into the R language. To achieve this process, groupings to be validated must first be proposed. Initially, manual groupings are suggested, followed by the automated procedure. These proposals are then analyzed.
Manual confirmatory analysis using factor analysis.
Similar words conveying the same meaning were identified and reduced to 8 out of 49 (+ 1 redundant). The equations are depicted below in Fig. 7. The dimensional reduction of the problem is illustrated by Xi1, Xi2, Xi3, Xi4, Xi5, Xi6, Xi7, and Xi8. In the structural equation model, the X's could also be observed, where in the exploratory analysis, the 45 defining factors are found; each containing a percentage of error Es.
Based on the results obtained, with the aid of Excel manually, the strategies found by the four careers of the Faculty of Engineering are displayed. Figure 8 illustrates that students from all careers need to be more organized in their study approach; conversely, aerospace engineering students prefer working in teams to study a university subject.
Confirmatory factor analysis using R language
Using the factanal() command, which is factorial analysis:
as an example, illustrates it for a single group or, equivalently, without grouping with factors = 1: >modelofactor <- factanal(datosFCHE, factors = 1, method=”mle”
Table 2 presents a summary of the results for the groupings of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 obtained from the confirmatory factorial analysis, similar to Fig. 7 using the R language.
Table 2
Summary of results of the confirmatory factor analysis for groupings from 1 to 10.
No. factores | p-value | No. factores | p-value | No. factores | p-value |
1 | 4.81e-29 | 4 | 2.4e-11 | 7 | 0.000148 |
2 | 5.08e-20 | 5 | 4.27e-8 | 8 | 0.00159 |
3 | 1.37e-14 | 6 | 3.42e-6 | 9 | 0.0113 |
| | | | 10 | 0.0475 |
From Table 2, one should seek a p-value close to 0.001. Therefore, acceptable values occur when grouped into factors: 7, 8, 9, and 10.
The result obtained, in the R language, for KMO is 0.72, indicating an acceptable outcome.
The collected sample consists of 111 participants in the exploratory part and 142 participants in the confirmatory part, ensuring a confidence level of 70% and an error rate of less than 1.12%, considering a total population of N = 220 electrical engineering students.
● SPSS Results
As shown in Fig. 9, KMO is 0.721, signifying that factorial analysis can be employed.
The Bartlett's test of sphericity should fall between 0 and 1; here it yields 0.001, which is satisfactory; hence, the factorial analysis is valid for our survey.
Next, we discuss eigenvalues greater than 1, as shown in Fig. 10, suggesting 16 components, explaining 68.125% (locate component 16, in the cumulative percentage) of the variance. If we were to reduce it to 8 components, it would still explain 47.918% of the variance, which is also acceptable.
Part 2. Extraction of components 8, 10, 19, 20, 23, 25, 43, and 4; Another factorial analysis was conducted, yielding nearly the same KMO and Bartlett's test statistics as the previous analysis, as depicted in Fig. 11.
With 14 components, it suggests a 68% cumulative percentage, but with 8, it suffices with a 51%. Therefore, the grouping of 8 is chosen.
Multiplexed CLASSROOM Management Model Proposal
Next, the result of unifying the POSTTIE strategies with the classroom management process (planning, executing, and evaluating) with content multiplexing is presented.
In Fig. 12, the content multiplexing in the planning phase is depicted, where the teacher should have at least three content items planned and prepared representing visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and reader-writer aspects, proposed as: videos, PDF notes, and end-of-class projects.
In the execution phase, the teacher's presentation, evaluation methods, and rubrics should be prepared. Classes can be conducted via platforms like Zoom, Meet, Teams, and methods for addressing queries can include email, in-person interaction, video conferencing, or other social media platforms. For the evaluation phase, it is suggested to assign simple tasks per session, enabling quick grading by the teacher and proposing slightly more challenging tasks on a weekly basis.
In Fig. 13, the multiplexing of processes is observed, where parallel processes will occur, requiring selection. For instance, during the execution phase, one could opt to show the video (specifically created for this topic by oneself or one's working group) while simultaneously addressing queries from students who have already watched the video and grading simple daily tasks. Subsequently, during the execution phase, student videos will be available, allowing teachers to grade assignments at that time.
The idea is to reduce the workload of teachers by having all the content prepared in advance. It would be beneficial if each teacher could teach topics they are passionate about or create content based on their expertise.
This proposal can work effectively not only in classroom management but also in school administration, especially if multiple teachers contribute to a single class, a concept currently known as teacher mobility by subject.