This pilot study aimed to evaluate the operational feasibility, acceptability, and performance of LLIBNs and LLIHNs distribution, before scaling them up and adopting this intervention within the national integrated vector control management strategy. It demonstrates that an LLIN campaign is feasible and initially well received by the population in this setting, but it shows that LLIN use decays drastically over time, emphasizing the need for targeted SBCC efforts to sustain use.
The campaign had great acceptability in all localities, covering 97.7% of all sleeping spaces found during the distribution with very homogenous coverage across localities. The high acceptability may be linked to the fact that 59% of the households already had some kind of net before the distribution (untreated nets crafted by people using local fabric or made of mesh polyester), and to SBCC efforts made before and during the campaign that resulted in 83% of the people being aware of the distribution before it happened and 94% claiming to receive information about net purpose, use and handling during distribution. SBCC and community mobilization efforts may have also contributed to the low percentage of households that had to be revisited (4%). Hence, SBCC efforts should be replicated in future campaigns.
The campaign achieved a high coverage of the sleeping spaces registered in 2017 (89.9% of enumerated sleeping spaces were covered). We compared this coverage with that of the sleeping spaces found during the campaign (98%). Considering that in most localities fewer sleeping spaces were recorded during the 2019 campaign than during the enumeration of 2017, that there were leftover LLINs after distribution, and in the absence of major known demographic changes, we suspect that some households were missed during distribution, especially in the community Maguebgandi. This highlights the importance of 1) continuing to conduct an enumeration of sleeping spaces before distribution in future campaigns to have a realistic denominator for the estimation of real campaign coverage, and 2) implementing a real-time monitoring system to monitor coverage during the campaign and rapidly spot underperforming localities (e.g. Maguebgandi) where to take action to bolster coverage before the campaign ends. The adoption of a digital data collection system for LLIN distributions will help the country execute the latter in upcoming campaigns.
Interestingly, 12% less hammocks (compared to 1% less beds) were recorded during the distribution than in the enumeration exercise of 2017. This could be due to the miscounting of daytime resting hammocks as sleeping spaces. Both the enumeration of 2017 and the distribution of 2019 aimed to only count and cover hammocks used to sleep, however, due to communication challenges posed by the local language, some hammocks may have been wrongly classified as sleeping spaces. This could explain the discrepancies in the number of sleeping hammocks counted in 2017 versus the ones counted during the campaign. Efforts should be made in future campaigns to overcome such communication barriers and accurately identify all hammocks used to sleep before and during the campaign.
The number of procured LLIHNs and LLIBNs provided more than sufficient nets to achieve high coverage. This suggests that the buffer could be even smaller if an enumeration of sleeping spaces is conducted shortly before the campaign. WHO recommends using a buffer of 10% when census data is older than 5 years (14). The cost of the pre-campaign sleeping space enumeration could be partially offset by the resulting procurement of a more accurate number of LLINs. This further supports the need for an enumeration of sleeping spaces short before future campaigns. Assuming the default 1.8 people per net for LLIN quantification purposes (15) will not be an adequate strategy in this setting, as the average number of people per sleeping space was 1.34.
Despite ventilating the nets for 24h before distribution, 38.4% of the households reported having adverse health reactions among their members. Several other studies have identified that adverse reactions can affect community perceptions towards LLINs and significantly reduce LLIN use (16–21). Hence, such reactions may explain the rapid decay in LLIN use observed in this pilot. This association should be further investigated, the ventilation strategy should be revised, and ventilation time potentially increased in future campaigns.
LLIN retention two years post-distribution was very high (86%), LLINs were retained in good physical condition (only 4% torn), very few were washed with aggressive products (9%) or dried under the sun (15%), and LLINs were washed on average a bit less than once every two months (implying less than 20 washes over three years). This suggests that people retain their nets and adhere to the washing and drying recommendations provided, and that LLINs could preserve their bioefficacy for the three-year mark (although LLIN bioefficacy was not measured to confirm this). These results contrast with findings from Nicaragua (22), Guatemala (23), the Dominican Republic (manuscript under revision) and Brazil (24), where significantly higher washing frequencies, greater use of aggressive products, much more frequent drying under the sun or higher percentages of torn nets were observed. These differences could be due to population characteristics but also to the intense SBCC and community engagement efforts implemented in Panama at the beginning of this pilot (25). These results suggest that there is no need for top-up campaigns or alternative distribution channels in Guna Yala when campaigns achieve high coverage, but that SBCC efforts should be maintained in future campaigns.
Use decreased significantly from 85% of people sleeping under an LLIN six months after distribution to 38% two years after distribution despite households still having sufficient LLINs to cover 82% of their sleeping spaces at that time. Lack of mosquitoes was the main reported reason for not using the net in both surveys (reported by 24% of people). However, the first survey of this pilot project (when high LLIN use was observed) was conducted at a time when mosquito densities are lower (dry reason) and the second survey (when low LLIN use was observed) at a time when mosquito densities are higher(26) The observed differences in use may, hence, be due to overall year-round low mosquito densities in these communities (although there is not enough entomological surveillance data to verify this hypothesis). Variations in risk perceptions could be another factor affecting use, as the first survey (showing high use) was conducted during the high malaria transmission season and the second (showing low use) during the low transmission season. A relationship between LLIN use and vector abundance, risk perception and transmission seasons has been observed in other countries(27, 28) and WHO guidelines state that in areas where mosquito densities are low or where malaria transmission is low, individuals and communities may perceive less benefit to using nets(15). We therefore recommend investigating the impact of risk perception on LLIN use to identify specific SBCC strategies that can sustain use in Guna Yala and similar elimination contexts where LLIN are currently the sole form of vector control in use. One important factor in such investigation will be to establish an entomological surveillance system to determine whether indeed vector densities are low year-round.
Some differences were observed between LLIHNs and LLIBNs during this pilot, suggesting a slightly lower performance of LLIHNs compared to LLIBNs. Two years post-distribution, retention of LLIBNs was slightly higher than retention of LLIHNs (86% versus 80%) and LLIBNs use was higher than LLIHNs use (54% of LLIBNs used versus 40% of LLIHNs). Possibly because of greater use, the percentage of torn LLIBNs (6%) was higher than that of LLIHNs (3%). The lower retention and use of LLIHNs could be because some hammocks are used to rest during the day (not to sleep) in these communities. LLIHNs distributed to such type of hammocks may have been discarded or left unused. This issue should be further investigated to better understand coverage and retention of LLIHNs, and whether specific actions need to be taken to improve the performance of LLIHNs.
This pilot project has four main limitations. Firstly, the reasons for rejecting LLINs during distribution were not evaluated. Secondly, the first monitoring survey conducted six-months post-distribution did not count the total number of LLINs in the households, hence, attrition and overall coverage of sleeping spaces could not be calculated at that point in time. Thirdly, recall bias related to the reasons for losing the LLIN, or social desirability bias around approval of the nets or SBCC efforts may have occurred. Fourthly, bioefficacy assays could not be conducted to assess the killing effect of LLINs due to the absence of a susceptible colony in the country. Finally, LLIN use data was not disaggregated by sex, age, or specific population groups, yet such disaggregation is very important to identify gaps in protection as, in elimination settings, malaria tends to be concentrated in specific populations, such as adult males (29, 30).
The results of this pilot project were used to shape the strategy for the 2023 mass distribution campaign. First, the same distribution plan was followed in the campaign as in the pilot. Second, an enumeration of sleeping spaces was conducted closer before the campaign to quantify the needed LLINs and have the best possible denominator to calculate real campaign coverage. Third, a digital data collection system with dashboards (DHIS2) was implemented for all phases of the campaign (household registration, distribution and monitoring) to track campaign coverage in real time and promptly identify any gaps. Fourth, ventilation continued and was extended beyond 24h days in some localities. Fifth, the monitoring surveys were improved to estimate retention and coverage in every monitoring round, with a view to better understanding decay in such indicators. Sixth, the sampling method for LLIN monitoring was changed to reduce the number of households to be visited, and hence, make the monitoring more time and labor efficient. Seventh, physical integrity will be evaluated in one randomly selected LLIN per household, instead of in four, to further reduce workload. Finally, bioefficacy testing will be conducted to better understand the killing performance of LLINs over time.