This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2023 in the health centers affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
The study population included all people aged 60 years and older. Other criteria for entering this study included the ability to answer the questionnaire, living in Isfahan City, not suffering from cognitive diseases, and willingness to participate, and the exclusion criteria included incomplete completion of the questionnaires. Data collection was done using questionnaires along with interviews. The researcher aided participants with specialized terms from the questionnaires by clarifying desired words in simple language, and collected data were entered into the questionnaires.
2-1.Sample size and sampling method
A sample size of 500 was estimated by considering a 5% type one error rate and a 90% statistical power to detect a correlation (r = 0.25) between comorbidity and quality of life (22). A multi-stage cluster sampling with a systematic approach was employed for sample selection. The two main or first-stage clusters were health centers number 1 and 2 in Isfahan. The second stage clusters were health care centers covered by these two main centers. Five health centers were randomly selected from each main center, and a list of elderly people was obtained from each of them. The participants were selected with a systematic sampling method in each selected center.
2-2. Study instruments
2-2-1. Beer’s criteria
Beer's criteria is a specific list of inappropriate medications that should generally be avoided in older people or should be used in a low dose or with caution in older people with a specific disease or syndrome. This criterion is updated every three years since 2012 by the American Geriatrics Society (34). Currently, the latest update of the Beers2019 criteria has stated the potentially unsuitable medications for older people in several groups: 1- Certain medications that should always be avoided in older people. 2- Medications that should not be used in older people with a specific disease or syndrome. 3- Medications that should be used with caution in older people. 4- A list of medication-medication interactions. 5- Medicines that are considered inappropriate based on kidney dysfunction and should be dose-adjusted for each person(35). This criterion was used in previous Iranian studies(28, 36)
2-2-2. Charlson Comorbidity Index
Charlson Comorbidity Index or CCI is an index that predicts the ten-year survival of people with several diseases. In this index, each disease gets a score of one, two, three, or six (37). The score assigned to each disease is based on the severity of the risks associated with each disease. The age of people also affects the CCI score. CCI score for age less than 50 years is zero, age 50-59 years one, age 60-69 years two, age 70-79 years three and eighty years and older four. The score range of this index is from 0-37 in case of age mismatch and from 0-43 in case of age matching. CCI will be calculated from the total age of older people and the score obtained from each disease. Finally, the points are ranked in four degrees of discomfort. Higher scores indicate more comorbidities(38). Charlson Comorbidity Index was used in previous Iranian studies(39, 40)
2-2-3. Quality of life questionnaire
The quality of life questionnaire related to the health of older people or the 15D tool is a general, comprehensive, multidimensional (15 fields), standardized, and self-report questionnaire that examines the condition of vision, hearing, respiratory system, movement, sleep, mouth and teeth, and speech. It deals with excretory status, self-care, mental function, discomforts and symptoms of illness, depression, anxiety, vitality, and sexual activities of older people(41). This questionnaire was translated into Farsi by Heydari et al. (2021), and its psychometric steps were completed. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the quality of life questionnaire was 0.92% (28). The score of the tool is reported in two ways: single index score and profile measure graph scale. Each area is classified into five levels from "no problem" to "maximum problem". The overall score of 15D is calculated from the average of the total score related to all areas. and the range of the overall quality of life score related to health or any of the areas is between 0-1, the higher the score, the better the physical condition of older people (42).
2-2-4. Other variables
Polypharmacy (number of 5 medications and more used by older person), Demographic variables (age, gender, education, number of doctors visiting elderly people, Disease history).
2-3. Statistical analysis
The data were analyzed using SPSS version 2Data and evaluated with SPSS version 22 (IBM, USA). Numerical variables were reported as means and standard deviations (SD); categorical variables as numbers( percentages). Categorical variables were compared between groups using a chi-squared test and continuous variables using an independent samples t-test or one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression were used to evaluate the association between PIM and comorbidity index with quality of life.
2-4. Ethical Consideration
The study received approval from Isfahan University of Medical sciences Ethics Committee (Research Proposal Code:3401529, and Ethical Code: IR.MUI.RESEARCH.REC.1401.291). The informed consent was obtained from all study participants. All steps of study were conducted in strict adherence to the ethical standards of Helsinki Declaration.