COGREEN d.o.o the commercial builder adopted the mix proportions by volume based on the previous trail mixes performed at laboratory conditions and formulated to produce the density range between 260-280kg/m3. Hence, the binder selected was Tradical thermo lime with aerial lime of 70%, 15% hydraulic and 10% pozzolans, followed by fractions of clay deposits and Hemp Shiv of size range 15-20mm as the natural filler material. The binder Tradical thermo lime of (150 kg/m3 and 160 kg/m3) and (110kg/m3 and 120 kg/m3) of shives with water 300 liters represented by 1HS:1. 5BL:3W as mix ratio by weight achieve the optimum volume mixes as shown in Figure 1 .
Method of Preparation
We adopted the planetary mixer for Mortar S 240 with also suitable for semi dry process. Drum size of 240 liters, electric motor 220V, net weight around 177 kg. Length: 92 cm, width 85 cm and height of 114/136 cm. Initially the empty run of the mixer was performed and further by adding water. Once, the mixer was ready, we added required water of 8 liters primarily followed by adding up the lime of 8 Kg for the primary mix. The mix took almost 2 minutes and stopped to add the Hemp shives of 40 liters by volume and allowed to mix with lime together for 6-8 Minutes with continuous grinding. Further the mixer was stopped to add the remaining proportion of lime of 1.5Kg and hemp shiv of 10 litres together for final mix for about 6 Minute. Once the mix is performed, we initially make the hand compressed ball out of the mix to see its consistency (Pressing between two hands). If the ball doesn’t break easily by passing from one hand to other hand on repeated counts, that confirms the stiffness of the mix is achieved for the construction. If the mix breaks on two to three repetitions, we need additional lime for binding.
Wall & roofing adopted at Site:
The proportions by volume mixes have differed for walls, flooring and roofing to counteract the load bearing factors. But in this case, we adopted the uniform mix considering the built-up area for individual sections of the house.
The wall thickness of 15 cm, filled hempcrete with interior clay boards of 16mm and exterior wall of oak wood with height of 3 m followed by 40m2 of floor area surfaced with hempcrete of thickness 20 cm. Roofing is layered with hemp insulation (Combi Jute) of dual layers range between 14 &16 cm with water vapor proof at exterior and interior zones followed by clay boards of 16 mm and 3-5 mm fine finish with the roofing tiles of 10.3 cm as shown in the Figure 2 .
Raw material Composition
The analysis was performed by powder X-ray diffraction, on an X-ray powder diffractometer EMPERYAN, PAN Analytical. The analysis was performed at a voltage of 45 kV and a current of 40 mA, with a Cu Ka anode, in the angular range of 5-70° (20), with a step of 0.01° 29 and an integration time of 150 s. The interpretation of the results was performed using the High Score v.4.x LTU software and the PDF-4 database. Quantitative composition was determined by Rietveld analysis procedures and the use of an external standard (Eddy; Brzyski and Fic 2015; Pietruszka et al. 2019).
The accuracy of the analysis method is estimated at ± 3-5%. The sample was crushed to a size of 63 µm for examination. Semi-quantitative chemical analysis was performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) (Oxford Instruments), on a JEOL 5500 LV apparatus. Backscattered electrons (BSE) were used at a voltage of 20 kV and a working pressure of 12 - 15 Pa. The EDS analysis was carried out at a working distance of 20 mm. The sample for the investigation was not specially prepared beforehand. Tradical thermo lime maker: Saint-Gobain weber France certified the physico-chemical composition as shown in the Table 1 . and Hemp Shiv fiber composition presented on Table 2 & Table 3 (Eddy; Sekolovnik 2016; Pietruszka et al. 2019).
Table 1 . Tradical Thermo Binder physico-chemical composition (Saint Gobain)
Essential Features
Technical specification harmonized
Compressive strength (28 days)
≥ 3.5 MPa to ≤ 10 MPa
EN 459-1: 2015
Setting time (initial)
> 1 hour
Setting time (final)
≤ 30 hrs.
Tests on mortars
- Air content
≤ 25%
- Penetration
> 10 mm and < 50 mm
≤ 2%
Free lime
≥ 40% to < 80%
Stability (reference method)
≤ 2mm
Particle size, refusal at 0.2 mm
≤ 5%
Particle size, refusal at 0.09 mm
≤ 15%
Free water content
≤ 2%
Assessment based on the provisions in force on the place of use
Table 2 . Phase compositions of Tradical Thermo lime.
Mineralogical Phase
Chemical formula
Composition %
Ca2(AL, Fe)2O5
Table 3 . Hemp shiv physico-chemical composition (Hungaro Hemp holding KFT)
Composition (%)
Particle length:
0,3-20 mm average
~ 10%
Ingredients: Shives
> 98%
dust shives etc.
Cellulose: 35%
Protein, pectin, tec 18%
Note: used 20mm sized shives from segregation
Thermal conductivity:
Increasing the amount of fiber derived from plants in insulation products is one of the goals of eco-friendly material design. This can reduce the environmental impact, increase sound absorption, and decrease thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity was measured on the In-situ cast sample according to the SIST EN 12664:2002 standard at Zavod Za Gradbenestivo (ZAG), Ljubljana Slovenia. 75x75x10cm the size of the samples submitted for the testing’s. The ambient temperature during measurement range at 23℃ ±5℃, the relative humidity of the surroundings during the measurement around 50%RH. During the measurement, the test pieces were installed horizontally in the measuring device. The temperature difference between the hot and cold side of the test pieces was measured with T-type thermocouples, embedded in the hot or cold plate, with an electronic thermometer HP 8532A/44701A. The connected direct current was measured with the same meter. The current through the hot plate heater was measured using a 0.1 Ω resistor. The sample was not sealed in vapor-tight foil during the measurement (Poletanović et al.; Collet et al. 2014; Rijavec et al. 2017; Marrot et al. 2022) . All measured parameters are defined in the same way as in SIST EN 12664:2002 (2013).
Mechanical testing:
Test specimen dimensions: 200 mm (L) × 200 mm (W) × 150 mm (H) Before testing, the samples were conditioned for 24 hours under standard laboratory conditions, (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity. During testing, the samples were placed between two plates Noi of the ZWICK Z030 testing machine, the upper one was equipped with a flexible joint, which ensured an even distribution of forces on the surface of the test piece. The test piece was first preloaded with a pressure of (250 ± 10) Pa, and then it was loaded with a constant speed of movement, equal to 10% of the thickness of the test piece/minute, until the end of the test. (Poletanović et al.; Sinka et al. 2014; Barnat-Hunek et al. 2015; Abdellatef et al. 2020).
Experimental analysis:
Thermal performances (λ):
As shown in Table 4 . thermal performances of investigated hemp-lime composite used at the construction depended on the material densities and its moisture content. In this study we have reported the density of 260-280 kg/m3 as constant proportions. The results varied with set temperature at 10℃ reporting the conductivity value in the range of 0.0882-0.0857 W/mK for the mix proportions adopted. Higher the density of the mix, lower the thermal performance value is been reported. Pure Hemp shiv (without binder) has reported lowest thermal conductivity of 0.046 W/mK. Compared to the conventional houses, the hempcrete has higher “U” values of (0.58 w/m2/K Control Homes 0.35 w/m2/k). We also bring down the density between 260-280 Kg/m3 for sprayed hempcrete compared to conventional filling type. Apart from, thermal performances the other factors like thermal bridging and air tightness have been substantially worked out with timber framings to reduce the heat losses (Hirst et al., 2013; Collet et al. 2014; Sinka et al. 2014; Barnat-Hunek et al. 2015; Abdellatef et al. 2020; Marrot et al. 2022).
Table 4 . Thermal conductivity (U) value of the hemp composites.
Thermal conductivity of the target - measured values date
Medium temperature
the target [°C]
the difference
the target
Thermal density
flow through
the target
the target
Standard deviation (S)
±0.119 ±0.0144 ±0.00134
8.57 1.18 0.085
Compressive strength:
The samples tested under mechanical press after 90 days. The adopted hemplime composites reported the change in the final strength as expected compared to the standard mixes in the range between 0.25-0.40Mpa. With the higher density mixes the samples reported with the slightly higher mechanical strength and lower density with lower hempcrete strength as shown in
Table 5 Table 5 . Hempcrete added with nominal shiv size range at 20mm has obtained the better “U” values with the high strength to take the necessary loads on the structure. Post construction the structure is visually inspected to check the joints and supports and they were completely moisture free and reduced capillary action from the surfaces. The damp course layers across the flooring has brought down the demerits to the structure (Hirst et al.; Poletanović et al.; Sinka et al. 2014; Abdellatef et al. 2020).
Mineralogical and morphological Interpretation:
The chemical composition
Table 2. and X-Ray diffraction reported the elemental and mineralogical composition with binder as hydraulic rich. The portlandite peak between 58.3% and CaO at 68-70% has reported the sign of earlier calcite formation in the prepared hempcrete mixes. Further, the bogues compound has its wide range and its role of setting properties with Alite 23.2%, Belite (10.5%), Anhydrite (2.7%) and minor fractional range of quartz and free lime less than 0.5% as shown in Figure 3 . Similar peaks are reported on the SEM-EDX from Figure 4. The EDX graphs reports the calcite with higher range peaks followed with clay minerals. The overall mineralogical deposits explain the role of individual minerals in hemp composite and its interactions for improving the strength and thermal performances on durable structure (Hirst et al.; Pietruszka et al. 2019).