Coral reefs are among the most threatened ecosystems worldwide (IPCC 2013, Intergovenmental Panal of Climate Change, 2013). Coral research is of immense relevance and must incorporate the entire life cycle of corals, i.e. both early and adult life stages. Critical research on early coral life stages includes the effects of stressors on larvae and juvenile corals, the settlement process, as well as post-settlement development. Acquisition of larvae needed to conduct this research is challenging and can be achieved with different approaches.
The most common reproductive strategy of scleractinian corals is broadcast spawning: during one or few nights per year, conspecific colonies simultaneously release their gametes into the water column. Approximately 80% of known species are broadcast spawners. Fertilization and embryo development commence in the water column and the emerging planulae actively search for suitable substrates to settle on and metamorphose into primary polyps. Hence, conducting larval research with broadcast spawning species comes with challenges: either be at the right location at the right time and have the necessary infrastructure available or induce spawning in an ex-situ facility. Ex-situ spawning induction is possible but comes with its own array of challenges and is thus not yet a common procedure (Craggs et al., 2017) The challenges accompanying research with broadcast spawners can be avoided by selecting species which follow the second strategy of sexual reproduction: brooding. These species usually release sperm into the water column which is taken up by conspecific colonies, followed by internal fertilization and embryogenesis into competent planulae, all within the mother polyp (Goodbody-Gringley et al., 2010; Richmond & Hunter, 1990; Szmant-Froelich, 1985). Alternatively, some species can produce clonal planulae parthenogenetically (Combosch & Vollmer, 2011; Stoddart, 1983; Yeoh & Dai, 2010). In either case, competent larvae are released into the water and are commonly ready to settle instantly (Figueiredo et al., 2013; Harii et al., 2002; Nozawa & Harrison, 2005). Compared to broadcast spawners, the number of released progenies is vastly smaller. However, due to the investment of internal development, larvae are immediately competent, often carry symbiotic microbes and even dinoflagellates and have a higher success rate in between release and settlement (Goodbody-Gringley & de Putron, 2016; Richmond, 1997). In many brooding species, reproduction happens at a higher frequency than in broadcast spawners, with some species even releasing larvae every day (Nietzer et al., 2018).
Many brooding species can be cultured in ex-situ facilities and thus allow continuous access to planulae. The challenge, however, is to obtain the larvae. Species releasing larvae on a daily basis, such as Leptastrea purpurea, allow a fairly reliable acquisition of larvae by temporarily isolating mother colonies in containers. In seasonally reproducing corals such as Pocillopora damicornis and P. acuta, the timeframe of larval release is sometimes challenging to catch. While it is known fairly precisely in some cases, e.g. in P. acuta from Guam (Richmond & Hunter, 1990) and P. damicornis from other locations (Kuanui et al., 2008; Tanner, 1996) these time frames are tied to abiotic parameters such as lunar cycle, thermal seasonality and photoperiod which would have to be simulated in an ex-situ system to maintain reproductive cycles. Exposing the corals to non-seasonal conditions will affect their reproductive periods. Pocillopora, as an example, tend to release larvae more often in lower numbers than at the concentrated high-number releases they perform in the natural environment (Jokiel et al., 1985).
For species like Pocillopora, Tubastraea or Favia, larval collection is commonly conducted by installing mesh boxes in the backflow of the broodstock tanks in order to catch the larvae being washed out of the tanks or collection containers, respectively (Jokiel et al., 1985). Alternatively, parent colonies are isolated in containers without flow-through for a certain amount of time (Kuanui et al., 2008; Stoddart, 1983). While these procedures are working well, they still come with quite some effort in both equipment and time. Larval collection in the field, e.g. on a boat, is not easily possible with these methods.
In this study, we explore a novel method that allows an instant acquisition of healthy larvae without harming the mother colonies.