Ground magnetic (GM) survey interpretation
The total magnetic intensity (TMI) and residual magnetic intensity (RMI) maps of the study area are presented in Fig. 5. The maps showed variations in magnetic susceptibilities of different rocks beneath the study area. The TMI anomalies range from 33851 nT to 33865 nT, while the RMI anomalies vary from 116 nT to 126 nT. Major trends of the anomalies are in the NW-SE, NE-SW and E-W directions, depicting the dominant structural trends in the Benue Trough. High amplitude (red) anomalies trending in the NW-SE direction are observed in the northcentral part of the two maps, while low amplitude (blue) anomalies dominate the southwestern and eastern portions of the study area. The anomalies show sharp gradients, suggesting that they may be emanating from high-angle linear subsurface discontinuities like fractures or lineaments (Okoro et al. 2022). The higher amplitude responses observed in the study area were interpreted to correspond with conglomerate ironstones, while the lower amplitude responses correlated with shale units. In general, the high magnetic responses suggested the presence of rocks rich in magnetite mineral content that are associated with hydrothermal mineral alterations in the study area.
Figure 6 is the FVD map of the study area. The map highlighted the edges of linear geological features that may influence the formation of metallic sulphide mineralization in the study area. The linear features were observed as faults on highly fissile shale outcrop exposures in the study area (Fig. 7). These faults may have acted as conduits or path ways for the flow of hot mineralized hydrothermal waters from deep underground, that altered the composition of the rocks and deposited lead-zinc minerals in the study area (NGSA 2008). A major striking feature in the area is the regional NE - SW trending lineament located at the southeastern part of the FVD map. Lineaments with similar orientation have been mapped from aeromagnetic data over the Middle Benue Trough by Anudu et al. (2019). NE – SW trending lineaments in the Benue Trough are believed to form the major boundaries of smaller structural basins (mini-basins) and are mostly dominate the edges (margins) of the trough, where they exerted large control on the development of mini-basins due to basement re-organizations in response to tectonic movements during the evolutionary stages of the Benue Trough (Anudu et al. 2019). These lineaments have also been identified as NE – SW striking faults on seismic sections in the adjoining Chad Basin in northeastern Nigeria, where they occur as major basin bounding faults (Avbovbo et al. 1986; Suleiman et al. 2017).
Electromagnetic very low frequency (EM-VLF) survey interpretation
Stacked profile plots of the raw data (In-Phase and Quadrature components), Fraser filtered and the Karous-Hjelt (K-H) filter for each of the survey lines are presented in Fig. 8. Interpretation of these plots gave insights on the location of potential prospective conductive bodies beneath the study area.
The In-Phase data showed crossovers with the horizontal axis, with prominent negative peaks over suspected conductive zones. Negative inflections were also observed on the Quadrature component at points of In-Phase crossovers, suggesting the presence of a good conductor enclosed in a lesser conductive body (Abdullahi and Osazuwa 2010). The Fraser filter plot also showed peak amplitude signatures over zones along the profiles that are underlain by anomalous steep dipping features or large-sized causative source bodies. Low frequency broader amplitudes, suggests causative sources located deeper in the subsurface. The spatial distribution of subsurface current density with pseudo-depth is displayed on the Karous-Hjelt filter plot, which revealed that positive peaks in the Fraser filtered plot coincided with positive current densities, while negative peaks aligned with negative current densities. In general, the higher current density values are related to conductive structures (Karous and Hjelt 1983). Conductive zones appeared as red or yellow color, while resistive zones were displayed as blue color on the Karous-Hjelt model.
Generally, the basic principle in EM-VLF interpretation is that the higher the In-Phase values of the anomaly, the greater the conductivity of the underlying structures in relation to the surrounding rock. Some of the anomalies were characterized by sharp amplitudes and high intensity, while others exhibited broad amplitudes and lower intensity. Suspected mineralized veins were delineated on the gridded survey area using characteristic coincidence of positive inflections on filtered In-Phase anomaly and were further interpreted on current density maps (Becken and Pedersen 2003). Because the host rocks were characterized by poor conductivity signatures, it was easier to interpret the EM-VLF anomalies caused by the mineralized veins. Brief explanation of the profiles is given below.
Profile line 1
This traverse covered a total length of 3000 m, on an E - W orientation straddling the suspected alteration zones and structures mapped from the ground magnetic data interpretation. Inversion of the acquired data points yielded current density (conductivity) values ranging between − 10 to + 10%, with optimum depths of about 45 m (Fig. 8a). Six (6) zones of high conductivity (current density) signatures were identified along this profile on the horizontal distance between 0–250 m, 300–900 m, 875–1500 m, 1300–1750 m, 1750–2375 m, and 2500–2750 m. These anomalous zones were designated a, b, c, d, e, and f. The high conductive zone a at the distance between 0–250 m displayed anomalously high amplitude In-Phase signatures, indicating high potentials for the presence of conductive minerals which may occur in the highly fractured non-conductive shale host rocks. This zone is delineated in this study for further detailed mineral exploration studies.
Profile line 2
This profile covered a total length of 3000 m, and 300 data points which were inverted to produce current density (conductivity) ranges of -10 to + 10% with optimum depths of about 48 m (Fig. 8b). Three (3) anomalous zones of high conductivity were identified and designated a, b, and c, at the horizontal distances of 200–1100 m, 1250–1800 m, and 2190–2300 m. Zone a is interpreted to be hosted by highly indurated shales that has imprints of associate minerals such as pyrite, siderite and chalcopyrite, along with veinlet of lead and quartz. Zone b is interpreted as conductive zone with relatively high amount of gange minerals like quartz; while Zone c is interpreted as altered shale consisting of associated minerals of lead deposits and veinlets.
Profile line 3
Inversion of the 300 data points acquired over a horizontal distance of 3000 m yielded current density (conductivity) values ranging between − 10 to 10%, with optimum depths of around 45 m (Fig. 8c). Three zones of high conductivity were identified and designated a, b, and c. Zone a was observed along the profile between 1150–2750 m, with depths extending beyond 45 m. Zone b is interpreted as an indurated shale with associate minerals such as pyrite, siderite and chalcopyrite, along with veinlet of lead and quartz. Zone c is interpreted as altered shales consisting of low percentage of associated lead mineral deposits and veinlets, and high concentration of gange mineral.
Profile line 4
This profile covered a total length of 2580 m, over which 258 data points were acquired. The inverted data produced current density (conductivity) ranges of -10 to + 10%, with optimum depths of around 40 m (Fig. 8d). Four (4) zones of high conductivity (a, b, c, and d) were identified along this profile. These conductive zones were interpreted as indurated shales with associated ore minerals like pyrite, siderite and chalcopyrite, along with veinlet of lead and quartz, and gange minerals.
Profile line 5
This profile has a total length of 2960 m. The inversion of 296 data points acquired over this profile produced current density (conductivity) ranges of -10 to + 10%, with optimum depths of around 40 m (Fig. 8e). Four zones of high conductivity (current density) were identified along this profile (a, b, c, and d). Anomaly a is interpreted as having a thick conductive body that is surrounded by the broader anomaly b, which has lower intensity. The same way, anomaly c is enclosed in the lower intensity anomaly d. Anomaly a is interpreted to be an indurated shale with associate minerals such as pyrite, siderite and chalcopyrite, along with veinlet of lead and quartz. Anomaly b is interpreted to be a conductive zone with relatively higher amounts of gange minerals. The same interpretation is given for anomaly c and d. The low current density zones (blue color) are interpreted to be fresh shale units with no mineral alteration.
Profile line 6
This profile has a total length of 3000 m. A total of 300 data points was used for the inversion and has produced current density (conductivity) ranges of -10 to + 10% with optimum depths of around 45 m (Fig. 8f). The identified anomalous zones a and b were interpreted to be an indurated shale with conductive bodies associated with minerals such as pyrite, siderite and chalcopyrite, along with veinlet of lead and quartz. The low current density zones were also interpreted to be as fresh shale units.
Profile line 7
This profile has a total length of 2970 m. The 297 data points used for the inversion produced current density (conductivity) ranges of -10 to + 10%, with optimum depths of around 45 m (Fig. 8g). Four high conductivity (current density) zones were identified along this profile. Anomaly a is interpreted to be highly conductive and could have resulted from conductive minerals and/or water that percolate to the subsurface through surface fault systems observed around that area. Anomaly b, c, and d are surrounded by current density range of 0 to 2.5%. This surrounding zone is interpreted as the contact aureole formed by the hydrothermal fluid that filled the faults and fractures. They may consist of associate minerals. Anomaly d is interpreted as conductive zone with relatively higher amount of conductive body than gange mineral. The low current density zones are interpreted as fresh shale units.
Profile line 8
This profile covered a total length of 2980 m. Inversion of the acquired 298 data points produced current density (conductivity) ranges of -10 to 10%, with optimum depths of around 45 m (Fig. 8h). Four zones of high conductivity (current density) were identified along this profile. The anomalies (a, b, c, and d) were interpreted as highly conductive zones with relatively higher amount of conductive body than gange mineral. The anomalous zones are surrounded by lower current density typical of the contact aureole formed by the hydrothermal fluid that filled the faults and fractures. The lowest current density zones were interpreted as fresh shale units.
Frasier filter 2D map
Figure 9 shows the 2D Fraser filter map of the study area. The map revealed variations in high and low amplitude anomaly values ranging from − 10.7 to 9.1, reflecting differences in conductivities of the underlying geological units and structures. The high amplitude zones aligned with the delineated linear features in the study area, which trend predominantly in the NE – SW, N – S, and NW – SE directions. These structural orientations conform with major tectonic trends in the Middle Benue Trough (Ajakaiye et al. 1986; Olasehinde et al. 1990; Yusuf et al. 2022). The linear features displayed different degrees of conductivity, depicting ore-filled fractures and/or mineralized zones in the study area. A total of nine (9) conductive linear features were identified and designated AEM-1 to AEM-9. The longest conductive linear feature is AEM-1, which has a length of about 2330 m, trending NE - SW and stretches from Profile line 1 to Profile line 6. AEM-1 has a very strong conductive response (> 0.9 to 9.1), and was also observed within the Karous-Hjelt filter model section of Profile lines 1, 4, 5 and 6. This feature was delineated as a potential lead-zinc mineralized target in the study area. AEM-2 conductive structure cuts across Profile lines 2, 3 and 4. This feature has a total length of about 1080 m, trending in the NE-SW, with a broad conductive anomaly towards its northern end. AEM-3, located to the west of AEM-1, has a length of 1500 m. This feature cuts across Profile lines 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. AEM-4 is a Y-shaped conductive linear feature that has a length of 1300 m, extending through Profile lines 4, 5, 6 and 7. Another Y-shaped conductive feature is AEM-5. It has a higher conductivity level than AEM-4. AEM-5 has a length of about 1400 m and cuts across Profile lines 5, 6 and 7. AEM-6 has a length of 1320 m, cutting through Profile lines 3, 4, 5 and 6. The conductivity across this structural feature is interpreted as truncated, hence forming some sought of a pinch and swell structure. Similar conductive feature are AEM-7 and AEM-8 which has lengths of 612 m and 1000 m, respectively. AEM-7 cuts across Profile lines 1 and 2, while AEM-8 cuts across Profile lines 1, 2 and 3. They are both located to the south of AEM-6. AEM-9 has a broad anomaly with a length of about 500 m. The anomalies from the identified linear features may be attributed to the presence, as well as architectural geometry, of mineralized veins, fissures, fractures, or fault systems beneath the study area. However, the two main anomalies of interest (AEM-1 and AEM-3) formed the basis for the ER-IP survey in the study (Fig. 10).
Electrical resistivity and induced polarization (ER/IP) survey interpretation
Res/IP line 1
The 2D resistivity and chargeability models revealed several significant chargeable bodies, with chargeability > 140 msec and resistivity values ranging from 13.2 to 434 Ωm (Fig. 11). The chargeable bodies were grouped into high chargeability – high resistivity anomalies, and high chargeability – low resistivity anomalies. The identified bodies designated A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H showed high chargeability with varying resistivity values. Chargeable bodies A, C, F, G and H are characterized by low resistivity (21.7 to 59 Ωm) and high chargeability signatures (40 to < 100 msec); while the chargeable bodies B, D, E and K are characterized by moderate to high resistivity (80 to 263 Ωm) and high chargeability values (> 100 msec).
In electrical imaging surveys, mineralization zones are generally characterized by high chargeability with low resistivity signatures. Hence, the anomalous bodies of major interest delineated along this profile include A, C, F, G and H. Lead-zinc ore bodies occur with associated minerals like quartz, siderite etc., which are generally highly resistive minerals. Therefore, the chargeable bodies B, D, E and K were equally identified to be of potential interest because their high chargeability values suggest mineralization presence, while the corresponding moderate to high resistivity signatures could be attributed to their associate minerals.
Res/IP line 2
The resistivity and chargeability models for this profile revealed the presence of conductive structures interpreted to be mineralized targets, with optimum depths of around 48 m (Fig. 12). Two distinct zones were observed on the resistivity model, each segregated by a relatively flat boundary. The structural discontinuities (fault zones) showed resistivity values ranging from 29.2 to 143 Ωm.
The imaged chargeable bodies A, B, E, G and H were interpreted to be the lateral continuity of the anomalies identified in Res/IP line 1. Chargeable bodies E, G, H is characterized by high chargeability with low resistivity values, while A, B, I, and J is characterized by moderate to high resistivity and high chargeability values. Chargeable bodies D, C, F, and K in Fig. 11 combined to form the chargeable body I in Fig. 12, while the new chargeable body J appear larger and closer to the surface than in Res/IP line-1. The increase in resistivity of the bodies A and I indicate an increase in associate minerals like quartz.
Res/IP line 3
Figure 13 shows the geoelectrical section of this profile across the identified target conductive structures. The resistivity model highlighted eight zones of discontinuities (Faults) with resistivity values ranging from 63.4 to 237.0 Ωm. The delineated chargeable bodies I, J and E were observed to be laterally continuous from Res/IP line 2. The chargeable body B reflected low mineralization potential due to its low chargeability value when compared to other bodies across the profile. Chargeable bodies I and J exhibited low resistivity and high chargeability signatures, while the chargeable body E showed moderate resistivity and high chargeability values. A new chargeable body of interest Z highlighted along this profile depicted a very high resistivity value (> 882.0 Ωm) and high chargeability (> 96.0 msec), suggesting potential mineralized zone with high percentage of highly resistive gange minerals.
Res/IP line 4
The geoelectrical section of this profile is presented in Fig. 14. The model highlighted six zones of weakness (faults) with resistivity ranges of 9.2 to 121.0 Ωm. The identified chargeable bodies B, I, J and Z were interpreted to be continuous from Res/IP line 3. The anomalous chargeable bodies B, I and J are characterized by high chargeability with low to moderate resistivity signatures, while the chargeable body Z displayed high chargeability and very high resistivity. Chargeable bodies at the western part of the Res/IP line 4, at 50 m and 150 m were not highlighted because they have chargeability < 12 msec.
Res/IP line 5
Figure 15 is the resistivity and chargeability model for this profile, which cuts across the northern end of the interpreted conductive structures AEM-1 and AEM-3. Six zones of weakness (faults) were highlighted across this resistivity section. The faulted zone showed resistivity variations from 28.1 to 122.0 Ωm. A broad high resistivity body is observed at the western end of this profile.
The observed chargeable bodies B, I, J and Z are interpreted to be continuous from Res/IP line 4. Chargeable bodies B, I and J are characterized by moderate chargeability with low to moderate resistivity values, while the chargeable body Z which recorded high chargeability and very high resistivity across Res/IP lines 3 and 4, showed moderate chargeability value of about 16.8 msec and moderate resistivity value of about 256.0 Ωm. The reduction in chargeability response may be attributed to a decrease in chargeable minerals within the interpreted faults.
Fresh core samples acquired at potential mineral target areas along Res/IP lines 2 and 3 (Figs. 12 and 13) were used as ground-truthing to buttress our findings in this study. The cored mineralized zones were characterized by high chargeability and low resistivity values. The cored interval from Drill Point 1 revealed numerous faulting within target depth. The faults were filled with quartz mineral and chalcopyrite. Lead-zinc minerals were identified on a fresh cut surface the quartz mineral, suggesting that the ore mineral was enclosed within the quartz rock (Fig. 16). The cored interval from Drill Point 2 revealed fault surfaces of highly indurate shale samples. The fault plane has no filling. However, a small spec of chalcopyrite is seen (Fig. 16c and d).
The chargeability values obtained from the 2D inversion of the chargeability data formed the basis for three-dimensional (3D) gridding using the kriging algorithm. The obtained 3D voxel model isolated chargeable bodies (potential mineralization) with chargeability values > 15 msec, which were regarded as anomalies of interest (Fig. 17). Quantification of the ore reserve was achieved by evaluating the volume (V) of the chargeable voxel, and multiplying the obtained value with a density (ρ) value of 6.4 g/cm3 to compute the tonnage of the mineralized body and also ensure that error in computation is kept at the barest minimum.
The volume (V) of chargeable body was calculated to be 853,250 m3.
Hence, the tonnage of the mineral deposit was determined using the equation:
$$Tonnage=\text{853,250}\times 6.4$$
$$=\text{5,460,800} tonnes$$
Loke and Baker (1996) and Marescot et al. (2003) have shown that the size of a chargeable anomaly is generally about half of the causative structure/bodies. Therefore, half of the computed tonnage is the nearest estimate to the true tonnage of the interpreted mineralization. This is given as;
$$Nearest estimate=\frac{\text{5,460,800}}{2} tonnes$$
$$=\text{2,730,400} tonnes$$
Using the price of lead at Indiamart ($467.1), the estimated value of the deposits for the surveyed area is calculated to be:
$$Estimated value=467.1\times \text{2,730,400}$$