We explored neurochemical changes associated with two hypnotic states of varying depth as second investigation of a larger multimodal hypnosis project (Project HypnoScience). The present work builds on the initial fMRI related connectivity findings, applying an identical study setting with 52 hypnosis-experienced healthy participants and the same standardized hypnosis method (Matos et al. 2023). Complementary to fMRI, we focused on alterations in the neurochemical milieu – measured via Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) - in two key areas identified in Matos et al. (2023). The first region (PO) - localized in the parieto-occipital junction - was defined as most strongly differentiating the hypnotic states from the control conditions, whereas the second voxel placement was defined based on most strongly differentiating both hypnotic states. This area is located within the posterior division of the left superior temporal gyrus (pSTG, see Fig. 2). Thus, we addressed the question as to whether the two hypnosis states - compared to respective control states/conditions as well as to each other - are associated with altered neurochemical profiles in the PO and pSTG voxels.
All participants were familiar with the hypnosis states, thus assessments regarding the validity of the states perceived inside the scanner was possible. Respective questionnaire data unveiled high levels of similarity inside vs outside the MR scanner with mean values of 8.55 for HS1 and and 8.49 for HS2 out of a maximum of 10 (10 corresponding to “identical”). Furthermore, questionnaire data confirmed high levels of stability and low levels of effort exerted to maintain the hypnotic and control states. Also, levels of sleepiness over the time course of the MRS measurements were low.
Note that a comprehensive neurophenomenological assessment was acquired in the EEG study of Project HypnoScience with the administration of the Phenomenology of Consciousness Questionnaire (PCI) and Altered States of Consciousness Questionnaire (ASC-11D). Due to the identical study design, study requirements and a strong overlap of participants, those results are embedded (cautiously) in the context of this study to better characterize neurochemical-behavioral associations. Questionnaire data not only uncovered evidence for HS1 and HS2 significantly differing from CS1 and CS2 in their neurophenomenological attributes, but also showed significant hypnosis depth-dependent alterations in subjective experience such as changes in emotion, attentional absorption and body perception (Niedernhuber et al. 2024).
In addition to the neurochemical and questionnaire data, respiration and heart rate data were recorded during the measurements. We found significantly slowed breathing rates in hypnosis compared to the control conditions, which is on par with the observations from the fMRI-study and with a recently published review (Fernandez et al. 2022). Furthermore, we also found differences in breathing rate, with prolonged breathing cycle durations during HS2 compared to HS1. Note that slowing in respiration in HS2 compared to HS1 was also observed in Matos et al (2023), although the effect missed significancy levels (Mean respiratory cycle duration for the fMRI-study: HS1 = 6.26, HS2 = 7.17). The difference between both studies regarding this comparison is most likely attributable to the larger number of respiration datasets analyzed in the MRS compared to the fMRI study, thus exhibiting higher levels of statistical power.
We also observed significant alterations in heart rate variability (HRV) in both hypnotic states compared to their control conditions, thus HS1 vs CS1 and HS2 vs CS2. Specifically, higher LF/HF ratios were observed in hypnosis. However, we would like to weight these results with particular caution. The HF component of the HRV signal corresponds to the spectral power of the 0.15–0.4 Hz frequency range from the inter-beat-interval (IBI) time course (Shaffer und Ginsberg 2017). The HF frequency range also called the respiratory band as it reflects HR variations coupled with the respiratory cycle under the assumption that the respiratory frequency corresponds to the 0.15–0.4 Hz range (Shaffer und Ginsberg 2017). However, this is not the case in the present study, as we observed mean respiration cycle durations of 6.94 for the HS2 conditions, which corresponds do frequency values of 0.14 Hz (1/6.94). Thus, the increases in the LF/HF ratios during hypnosis are most likely due to wrong attribution of the respiratory signal to the LF component (0.04–0.15 Hz), thus impede a valid interpretation of the results. For that reason, we will not discuss the HRV results further.
Neurochemical changes induced by hypnosis
The topic on neurochemical aspects of hypnosis is a novel field, with an almost inexistent body of literature. We are only aware of a conceptual work on the possible involvement on neurochemicals in hypnotic suggestions (Acunzo et al. 2021) and an experimental study which explored the link between neurochemical concentrations and hypnotic suggestibility in the anterior cingulate cortex (DeSouza et al. 2020).
With regard to hypnotic states, the present work is - to the best of our knowledge - the first study exploring the link between hypnotic states and neurochemical alterations. Thus, the presented results must interpreted with adequate caution and need to be regarded as preliminary until further studies have been conducted.
Due to the lack of existing work on neurochemical changes induced by hypnosis, the discussion will focus on the role of myo-inositol in neurophysiology and its role in neuroimaging work investing other modalities in order to create a framework for the imbedding of our finding.
Hypnosis induced changes within the Parieto-Occipital Area - PO:
In regard to the PO voxel, we identified changes in the total myo-Inositol (tmI) concentrations. The ANOVA revealed a main effect of depth and interaction effect of condition (Hypnosis /Control condition) x depth. The post-hoc t-tests identified significant differences for the comparisons HS2 vs CS2 and HS2 vs HS1 as drivers of the observed ANOVA results.
The tmI-signal reflects the sum consisting of the spectra of myo-inositol (mI) and Glycine (Gly). At field strengths of 3T, mI and Gly resonances are usually fitted as combined spectrum due to the strongly overlapping patterns (illustrated in Fig. 3). That said, in this study it is not possible to disentangle the distinct contributions from mI and Gly to the observed signal drop in tmI.
With regard to Gly, its most prominent role of Gly is its function as an inhibitory neurotransmitter and co-agonist of glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors (Legendre 2001). Gly is synthetized in higher concentrations in the spinal cord and brainstem and to a lesser extent in neocortex regions (Choi et al. 2011; Probst et al. 1986).
Investigations on visual processing point towards an involvement of Gly in the visual cortex during visual stimulation in areas comparable to our PO-voxel (Lin et al. 2012; Schaller et al. 2013). Lin et al. (2012) examined neurochemical dynamics in the parieto-occipital compartment of the brain using MRS at 7T. Neurochemical changes were induced using visual stimuli. They observed no effect in mI, but significant concentration reduction in Gly as response to visual stimuli. They interpreted the findings as evidence for strong neuronal activity, as Gly is a precursor for glutathione, a prominent antioxidant in the brain. Hence, the increase in glutathione synthesis during neuronal activity may result in a reduction in Gly (Lin et al. 2012). Altered processes in areas linked to visual processing have been suggested to play a role in the HS2-state and altered states induced by psychoactive substances such as psilocybin and Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (Moujaes et al. 2023). Based on these observations, it is possible that the observed alterations in tmI in the HS2 state reflect increases in Gly, possibly due to hypnosis-induced changed in such parieto-occipital areas. However, the confirmation of this hypothesis necessitates a series of future studies with corresponding specific settings.
With regard to Myo-inositol, is one of the nine stereoisomer forms of the simple C6 sugar alcohol, which together make up the inositol group. It is mainly an intracellular molecule with an overall bias towards higher concentrations in glia cells relative to neurons, substantiating its common application as a marker for glial proliferation in clinical settings (Stagg und Rothman 2014). This neurochemical compound usually receives less attention in functional studies, probably due to its lesser understood role in the context of neuronal activity.
There is some research showing mI alterations in processing other modalities in both, animals and humans (but no hypnosis intervention). For example, an animal study observed an acute reduction in mI in the contralateral somatosensory cortex during electrical forepaw stimulation in anaesthetized rats (Xu et al. 2005). In the same vein, Gutzeit et al. performed a series of experiments which measured neurochemical reactions to an experimental dental pain stimulus in the human insular cortex. In their first study, a reduction of 9.7% were observed in the left insula during pain stimulation (Gutzeit et al. 2011). In a follow-up study, Gutzeit et al. observed again a reduction in mI during pain stimulation in sub-areas of the insular cortex (Gutzeit et al. 2013). Previous work from the same group investigating fMRI-correlates of acute dental pain using the same experimental dental pain model found an increase in the BOLD-contrast during pain in the same areas of the insular cortex (Brügger et al. 2011; Brügger et al. 2012). Therefore, it could be assumed that the drop in mI goes along with an increase in excitatory neuronal activity, which also was proposed by Xu et al. (2005).
As possible driver behind alterations in mI in such functional MRS studies, the role of mI as a precursor in intracellular second messenger cycle has been discussed (Rango et al. 2008; Stagg und Rothman 2014). Myo-Inositol plays a central role in the phosphoinositol (PI) cycle, in which the inositol-based signaling molecule IP3 is synthetized. IP3 is part of the intracellular signaling cascades which evokes the release of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum inter alia enabling long-lasting synaptic modulations such as glutamate-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP) (Anwyl 2009). However, the percentage of intracellular mI involved in the PI cycle is relatively low (Stagg und Rothman 2014), thus limiting the probability of this hypothesis as possible origin of the observed effects. An alternative explanation may be the influence of neuronal activity related metabolic effects on mI uptake by glia and neurons, such as pH-levels, lactate concentration and extracellular acidification (Stagg und Rothman 2014). As mentioned at the beginning, the neurochemical effects induced by hypnosis are, of course, quite different from pain. We are also aware that neurochemical response cascades are much more complex than those we observed here by means of the change in mI.
As a first conclusion, studies investigating Gly and mI point towards a negative correlation of neuronal activity and concentrations of both substances. Thus, we put forward the cautious hypothesis that the observed significant increase in tmI may reflect a tonic reduction in neuronal activity in the PO region while subjects are in the deeper hypnotic state (HS2). This hypothesis needs to be validated in the future, ideally by combining MRS measurements in the PO magnetic field strengths of at least 7 Tesla with resting-state fMRI measurements in the same setting.
Posterior superior temporal gyrus - pSTG:
In contrast to the PO-region, no statistically significant changes in neurochemical concentrations were identified.
A possible reason could be rooted in the spectral quality acquired from the pSTG-region. Although the overall spectral quality of the included pSTG datasets were of good quality, their SNR and LW estimates were not as good as for the PO-region. The slightly broader linewidth and lower SNR levels could have been enough to induce sufficient levels of variance to over-mask hypnosis evoked neurochemical effects. Further on, the proximity of the voxel to the skull could have negatively impacted shimming performance, thus resulting in reduced spectral quality (Kreis 2004; Stagg und Rothman 2014). Furthermore, a total of 41 pSTG datasets were analyzed in comparison to the 50 included datasets in the PO analysis. The reduced number of included datasets could thus have impacted statistical sensitivity.
However, also reasons non-related to the spectral quality and statistical power could be taken into account. As discussed in the PO-section above, the lack of significant neurochemical alterations between the measurements might be attributable to the temporal characteristics of MRS-measurements in general. It is possible that although the pSTG region is strongly involved from a functional connectivity perspective - shown by the fMRI findings in (Matos et al. 2023), the “snapshot” feature of the MRS method could have averaged out neurochemical dynamics in the 0.01–0.1 Hz range responsible for the observed fMRI results. In that sense, possibly in contrast to the PO-region, the pSTG does not show tonic changes in the analyzed neurochemicals between the HS1, HS2, CS1 and CS2 conditions. Please note, that this interpretation should be currently treated with caution as this study reflects the first approach measuring directly the neurochemical milieu while subjects are in hypnosis. Future research with dedicated and improved MRS-methodology as well as optimally suited MRS compatible hypnosis paradigms are needed to fully resolve this question.
Furthermore, several other regions need to be neurochemically investigated, because - as clearly shown in (Matos et al. 2023) - it is a far-reaching network of different brain areas involved in mediating hypnosis.
First, familiarity of the study population with the hypnotic states was a prerequisite for enrollment in the study. Although this requirement allowed the comparison of the perceived states inside to outside the MR scanner, a certain confirmation bias cannot be excluded. Thus, it would be of significant importance to to investigate a hypnosis-naïve population.
Second, the study was conducted at a field strength of 3 Tesla which is insufficient to independently resolve mI and Gly spectra. Thus, an option would be to replicate this approach at field strengths equal or higher 7 Tesla to enable an improved individual concentration estimates of mI and Gly.
In addition, we investigated two regions using MRS based on the results from our previous fMRI study (Matos et al. 2023). In our opinion it is entirely possible that neurochemical shifts linked to hypnotic states are more pronounced reflected in other brain regions. Future studies are required to delve deeper into this topic.
Last, although neurophenomenological assessments during the EEG-study (Niedernhuber et al. 2024) provide insights about the phenomenological landscape of the hypnotic states, a direct reference to this study is not ideal. Future studies need synchronous neurophenomenological assessments in the same setting for optimal interpretability.