Establishment of testing apparatus
In order to allow the expression of a wide repertoire of territorial behaviors between two competing male laboratory mice, we built an experimental device consisting of two large compartments (120 x 60 cm, 70 cm height) connected by a removable barrier (4 x 70 cm; Fig. 1a). We chose to validate our setup using outbred CD1 mice because this strain has been shown to express robust resident-intruder aggression in laboratory tests28,29. Initially, one of a pair of unfamiliar sexually experienced adult males was placed into each of the two compartments of the apparatus and monitored for 48 hours. Following this habituation period, the barrier was opened and the males were allowed to interact for a period of 2 hours (Fig. 1a). Behaviors were recorded by a pair of overheard cameras during the first and last 20 minutes of the territorial challenge period (Fig. 1b). Manual scoring from video was used to quantify and track the timing of social behaviors (attack, chase, flight, defensive upright posture; Fig. 1c), while two-animal automated tracking from video was used to extract the animals x-y position and calculate time spent in a set of predefined regions of interest within the apparatus (hiding, exploration, opponent’s resources investigation and total locomotion; Fig. 1b).
Mice pairs consistently showed a stereotyped progression of territorial behaviors following the opening of the barrier. Initially, both mice explored the apparatus, followed by a period in which both mice engaged in repeated bouts of attack and disengagement. Attacks were interspersed by bouts in which one of the two males chased his opponent and the other showed high speed flight, a behavior that typically peaked within one second after onset and reached speeds of over fifty centimeters per second (Fig. 1d). Flights were often punctuated by the fleeing animal taking a defensive upright posture in which the animal reared on its high limbs and faced the aggressor. Eventually, attacking behavior became more infrequent and one of the two mice consistently showed flight responses when approached by the other mouse (Fig. 1e), a behavioral pattern associated with increased immobility and hiding behavior in which the animal remained in the corners or along the walls of the compartments or sitting on top of the water bottle or plexiglass home cage for long periods of time. These observations suggested that the behavior of the two males gradually diverged during the two-hour observation period and pointed towards the emergence of a social hierarchy.
(a) Unfamiliar CD1 adult males (white) mated for one week with females (brown) were habituated for two days in large adjacent environments connected by a removable gate and with free access to a central shelter with food and water. On the third day, females were removed and the gate was opened for 2 hours to allow the two males to explore the full apparatus and display territorial behaviors that were recorded by overhead video cameras. (b) Representative path plots of two interacting male mice extracted from video recordings (10 minutes). (c) Representative video frames showing selected territorial behaviors manually scored from video recordings (upright posture, attack, chase, flight). (d) Quantification of flight behavior showing speed of fleeing animal and distance between the two animals during the late interaction phase (mean ± SEM, t = 0 indicates flight onset; N = 176 flights, N = 7 mice). (e) Representative 30 sec traces of distance between two mice (top) and speed (bottom) with territorial behaviors for each mouse indicated by vertical lines (attack, upright posture, flight, chase).
Emergence of dominance hierarchies
We first sought to quantify the evolution of the relationship between mouse pairs. Consistent with an initial balance in territorial behaviors between opponents we found that there was no significant deviation from parity in the first twenty minutes of the challenge period for attack, chase, flight, upright posture, hiding, exploring, and locomotion (Fig. 2a). To follow the subsequent evolution of hierarchical behaviors we calculated difference scores for each behavior between early (0–20 minutes) and late (100–110 minutes) phases of social interaction. Differences in the number of attacks, chases, and flights, and time spent hiding increased significantly over time, while those for exploration, opponent’s resources investigation, locomotion and upright postures did not change significantly (Fig. 2a), although the latter showed a trend for decreasing over time, presumably as the overall number of attacks and chases decreased and flights without chase became the predominant defensive strategy. These findings demonstrate that the territorial behaviors of mouse pairs diverged significantly over time and suggest the emergence of a social hierarchy.
To understand how individual behaviors might be coordinated to reflect a coherent territorial strategy we performed a within-animal correlation analysis of behavioral measures across the entire CD1 population during the late phase of the observation period. Two groups of behaviors emerged that showed positive within-group and negative between-group correlations (Fig. 2b). The first group comprised attack, chase, exploration, and locomotion and the second included flight, hiding, and, to a lesser extent, upright postures. These correlations demonstrated that the more aggressive a mouse is, the more it explores its environment and the less likely it is to flee or hide. Because dominant wild-derived mice in semi-natural enclosures are more aggressive and explorative and spend less time hiding than subordinate animals12,30 the behavioral organization observed suggested that both hierarchy and territory were firmly established at the conclusion of the two hour challenge period.
Next, we carried out a principal component analysis (PCA) of all behaviors to identify optimal behavioral factors that might reliably describe the global behavioral patterns of each animal in the pair (Fig. 2cd). The first principal component (PC1) accounted for approximately 40% of the total variance in behavior and was strongly positively correlated with attack, chase, exploration, and locomotion and negatively correlated with flight, upright postures, and hiding (Fig. 2c). The second principal component (PC2), on the other hand, explained about 20% of the variance in behavior and was positively correlated with measures of social engagement (attack, chase, locomotion, flight, upright posture) and negatively correlated with non-social behaviors (exploration). The PCA indicates that behavior in our test can be described by two major orthogonal factors, one that reflects dominance status and the other that reflects social engagement. Finally, we plotted each mouse pair by their PC1 (dominance) and PC2 (social engagement) scores and labeled each mouse as dominant or subordinate based on the relative magnitude of their PC1 score (Fig. 2d). Taken together, these results suggest that within a two-hour period our apparatus is able to elicit the emergence of robustly divergent territorial behavior strategies that reflect the establishment of a stable social hierarchy between pairs of laboratory mice.
(a) Quantification of the absolute value of differences in territorial behaviors between mice pairs (Attacks, chases, flights, upright posture: N = 7 pairs, 3 pairs were excluded because one mouse hid in a location inaccessible to its opponent during the entire late interaction period; hiding, exploring, opponent’s resources investigation, locomotion: N = 10 pairs; Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test: p-values for attacks = .047, chases = .017, flights = .031, hiding = .01; permutation test to evaluate differences between opponents within each time period: †p-values for late chases = .040, late flights = .038, late hiding = .010; mean ± SEM). (b) Correlation matrix indicating how behaviors covary within the mouse population during the late interaction phase (N = 20 mice; only significant correlations are indicated). (c) Individual loadings of the first two principal components (PC1: variance = 40,2%, PC2: variance = 20,1%) carried out on territorial behaviors (chase, attack, exploration, locomotion, upright posture, flight, hiding). (d) Plot of PC1 and PC2 values for each pair, with the mouse with the higher PC1 value in each pair labeled as dominant and the other as subordinate.
Strain comparison
Next, we set out to determine whether similar social hierarchies could be elicited in the C57BL/6 mouse strain. This strain is widely used in behavioral neuroscience studies due to the availability of genetically modified congenic lines that aid researchers in carrying out cell-type specific neural monitoring and manipulation. Consistent with previous studies that reported a low penetrance of resident-intruder aggression in C57BL/6 mice27, we found that, while all CD1 pairs exhibited attack behaviors during the two-hour observation period, only 61% (11/18) of C57BL/6 pairs showed attack (Fig. 3a), although C57BL/6 mice did exhibit significant exploratory behavior during this time confirming that the lack of aggression was not secondary to an absence of social interaction (Fig. 3b; Fig. S2). However, no significant differences in territorial behaviors emerged during the two-hour period in C57BL/6 pairs (Fig. S2), a finding that persisted even in the subset of mice pairs that exhibited aggression (Fig. S3), suggesting that this strain was not able to develop robust social hierarchies. Moreover, while time spent in physical proximity decreased significantly in CD1 pairs between the early and late periods, proximity remained high throughout the test in C57BL/6 mice (Fig. 3a) showing that the failure to develop a hierarchy was linked to a failure to socially disengage. In line with these observations, both dominance (PC1) and social engagement (PC2) scores in C57BL/6 mice clustered closely together and the difference in dominance scores in each pair was significantly smaller than in CD1 mice (Kruskal-Wallis test, H = 19, ***P < .001; Fig. 3cd). Furthermore, behavioral measures were poorly correlated in C57BL/6 mice and in some cases showed anomalous correlations (e.g. positive correlation between attack, upright posture, and flight; Fig. 3e). Together, these data point to a disorganization of territorial behavior in the C57BL/6 strain in our test.
Finally, we examined whether hybrid mice that result from the crossing of CD1 outbred and C57BL/6 inbred mice (F1 hybrid, CD1xB6) could develop robust social hierarchies in our test. If successful, hybrid mice could permit the use of heterozygous Cre-driver alleles deriving from the C57BL/6 parent that would otherwise be cumbersome to derive on or backcross to the CD1 strain. Fortunately, hybrid mice showed a similar evolution and organization of territorial behavior and social hierarchy as that found in CD1 mice (Fig. 3a-e). In particular, 94% of hybrid mice pairs showed aggression (Fig. 3a) and hybrid mice showed significant exploratory behavior (Fig. 3b), a significant decrease in proximity behavior (Fig. 3a), and the emergence of robust differences in dominance (PC1; Fig. 3cd), and a pattern of correlations between behavioral measures similar to that seen in CD1 mice (Fig. 3e).
A more detailed analysis of the evolution of behavioral measures over time confirmed a failure of C57BL/6 pairs to show any significant differences in attack or hiding across the observation periods, while CD1xB6 hybrid mice showed a gradual and robust emergence of hierarchy (Fig. 3f; Fig. S4). Notably, both hybrid and CD1 mice pairs showed a sequential emergence of differences in territorial behaviors with differences in attacks preceding differences in hiding (Fig. 3f; Fig. S1). The staggered emergence of behavioral differences suggests that defensive hiding may be a direct consequence of the differences in aggression, rather than being a separately developing hierarchical trait. Overall, our results demonstrate that while C57BL/6 mice failed to show the emergence of an organized social hierarchy, CD1xB6 hybrids could do so robustly and in a manner similar to CD1 mice.
(a) Percentage of mice pairs showing attack behavior for each genetic strain (top). Quantification of proximity between mice within each pair (bottom; CD1: N = 10 pairs, C57BL/6 and hybrids: N = 18 pairs; Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test: p-values for CD1 = .027, hybrids = 7.7x10− 3; mean ± SEM). (b) Representative path plots of two interacting male mice (dominant, subordinate) extracted from video recordings (10 minutes from the late phase) for a pair of C57BL/6 (left) and CD1xB6 F1 hybrid (right) mice. (c) Plot of PC1 and PC2 values for all mice pairs (left) labeled by strain. Comparison of PC1 difference (dominant minus subordinate) values between strains revealed a significant difference between C57BL/6 mice and the other strains (right; N = 18 pairs for each strain; Dunn correction for pairwise comparisons, p-values for CD1 vs. C57BL/6 = .001, C57BL/6 vs. hybrids = 4.6x10− 5; mean ± SEM). (d) Plot of PC1 and PC2 values for C57BL/6 (left) and CD1xB6 F1 hybrid (right) mice pairs labeled as dominant or subordinate according to PC1 score. (e) Correlation matrices between territorial behaviors for C57BL/6 (left) and CD1xB6 F1 hybrid (right) populations during the late interaction phase (N = 36 mice; only significant correlations are indicated; actual p values are reported in supplementary material). (f) Quantification of the evolution of behavioral differences between dominant and subordinate C57BL/6 (left) and CD1xB6 F1 hybrid (right) mice across subintervals (10 minutes) of the early and late observation periods (N = 18 pairs for each strain; Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test; p-values for hybrids 90–100 min, attack = 1.5x10− 3, hiding = 1.6x10− 3, 100–110 min attack = 4.9x10− 3, hiding = 7.7x10− 3; mean ± SEM).
Urine marking behavior
Urine marking plays a key role in the signaling of territorial boundaries in mice31. However, until now, urine marking quantification methods were restricted to testing one animal at a time, making it difficult to extract relative territorial behavior measures. To simultaneously quantify urine marks for both animals in our test we developed a dual-dye labeling protocol based on the systemic delivery of fluorescein and erythrosin b dyes to mouse pairs and the image-based quantification of these dyes in urine excreted during exploration of the apparatus. Following the successful establishment of hierarchies, mice were briefly removed from the apparatus, injected with dyes, returned to their home cage for 45 minutes, and then returned to the apparatus and allowed to explore freely for 60 minutes. Upon completion of the test, the floor of the apparatus was imaged with a color camera and patches of the two excreted dyes segmented and quantified (Fig. 4ab). A quantification of the extent of dye marks revealed a significant difference in marking behavior between CD1xB6, but not B6 mice pairs (Fig. 4b). Among hybrid, but not B6 pairs, mice with higher dominance (PC1) scores showed significantly more extensive marking than subordinate mice (Fig. 4c). Such mice also consistently marked across the entire apparatus, consistent with their showing territorial behavior across both compartments. Finally, we tested whether the dyes adversely affected mouse behavior at the concentrations used. No significant differences in total locomotion or anxiety as measured in the elevated plus maze (Kruskal-Wallis test – acute locomotion: H = 0.30, p = .83; chronic locomotion, H = 1.19, p = .55; acute anxiety: H = 0.38, p = .83; chronic anxiety, H = 0.25, p = .88), body weight (two-way repeated measure ANOVA – main effect of time: F4.07, 85.5 = 1.53, p = 0.20; main effect of treatment F2, 21 = 1.17, p = .33); time x treatment interaction: F14,15 = 1.07, p = .39), or olfactory preference for dye-containing urine were detected following either one or six daily injections (Fig. S5a-d). These results establish a method for the quantification of urine marking in interacting mouse pairs and confirm that the behavioral hierarchies that emerge in our apparatus also extend to territorial marking behaviors.
(a) Representative urine marks deposited by a mouse injected with erythrosin b (fuchsia) or fluorescein (yellow). (b) Representative images of cumulative urine marking of two interacting mice of the C57BL/6 (left) or CD1xB6 F1 hybrid (right) strain (10 minutes). (c) Quantification of percentage of marked area for pairs of dominant and subordinate mice for the C57BL/6 (left) or CD1xB6 F1 hybrid (right) strains. Correlation matrices indicate the association between urine marking behavior and other territorial behaviors within the C57BL/6 (left) or CD1xB6 F1 hybrid (right) population (hybrids: N = 7 pairs, C57BL/6: N = 8 pairs; Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test: for hybrids p = .016; mean ± SEM; only significant spearman correlation coefficients are reported; actual p values are reported in supplementary material).