The lung expansion characteristics measured by XV provide information not only about function averaged across the lung, comparable to what is measurable using spirometry[47], but also demonstrates the variability between different regions of the lung, via the standard deviation and the skew of the lung expansion histogram.
The baseline (BL) and healthy (HT) mouse groups show similar lung expansion histograms, in terms of mean, standard deviation and skew, helping to establish a baseline for healthy lung function using the described techniques. The only difference between these two groups is that the BL group received a small radiation dose associated with 2D imaging before the usual infection timepoint. A consistent negative skew is seen in the lung expansion histograms, see Fig. 6A–G, indicating a larger proportion of the lung is expanding above the mean specific ventilation. This is reflected by the regions of green, orange, and red in their lung expansion maps, see Fig. 4. Visually, they also consistently demonstrate uniformity in their PTA images, see Figs. 2A–G, indicating good lung aeration.
The features described above are also observed in the control group results, both NC and CYC, which isolated the effects of a PBS instillation (without infection), and of cyclophosphamide, respectively. In these groups there is a consistent negative skew seen in the histograms of lung expansion, Figs. 6H–O. The scatter plot in Fig. 8C shows no significant difference between the skew of the HT-BL, CYC, and NC groups with all p > 0.999.
The skew of the negative treatment (NT) group, where infection is now delivered, is significantly different to that of all control groups (HT-BL, NC, CYC), with all exhibiting p < 0.001. The control groups all demonstrate a negative skew indicating that a larger proportion of the lungs is expanding by a larger amount. The longer tail to the distribution indicates that there are some parts of the lung which naturally expand less than a non-skewed distribution would predict. This perhaps corresponds to the edges of the lungs where expansion is limited by the presence of the chest wall. In contrast, the infected groups demonstrate a positive skew indicating that a larger proportion of the lungs is expanding by a smaller amount. In these mice there are some parts of the lung, however, that are expanding more than would be predicted by a non-skewed fit to the distribution, potentially corresponding to regions that have not been infected and remain at a higher expansion than the infected parts of the lungs. In other words, the distribution shifts towards poorer expansion in the case of the infected mice.
This difference in skew demonstrates a difference in lung expansion in the infected mice that can only be measured using a regional measure like XV. The skew of the positive treatment (PT) group is also significantly different to that of each of the control groups with all p < 0.001. Finally, there is no significant difference between the skew of the NT and PT groups. However, this is a relatively small population sample, and the large variability within these two groups suggests that a larger sample size is required.
The projected thickness of air (PTA) images structurally assess and demonstrate how obstruction and lung injury affect lung aeration. Loss of thickness in the PTA was not necessarily caused by a decrease in lung expansion, but rather a lack of lung aeration. There may be lung tissue that is damaged and exhibits reduced ventilation, however, if the lung tissue is still aerated, the PTA will look uniform, thus providing information about airway obstruction, but not function. This offered a novel structural assessment technique that allowed for the visualisation of obstruction in the airways, which prevents local lung aeration.
A smooth PTA map, and thus relatively uniform lung aeration, was seen in mice in different intervention groups, for example HT3, CYC4, PT1, and NT1, see Fig. 2F and 2M, and Fig. 3A and 3H respectively. With only this structural assessment of the lung aeration we would not have been able to assess whether there were differences in function between those mice, and thus the treatment effect. However, when comparing the functional XV information, these mice demonstrate differences in their lung expansion. HT3 and PT1 demonstrate a consistent picture of health, where the PTA has smooth thickness, indicating good lung aeration, and the lung expansion maps also demonstrate good lung expansion, as indicated by the areas of green and orange, see Figs. 4F and 5A respectively. CYC4 measurements also indicate healthy lungs with smooth PTA thickness and good lung expansion, as indicated by the notable areas of green, see Fig. 4M. However, the PTA image for CYC4 does not capture the areas of orange seen in HT3 and PT1, indicating they have greater lung expansion. NT1 on the other hand, despite having good lung aeration in the PTA, demonstrates poor lung expansion (notable areas of blue) on the lung expansion map, see Fig. 5H, and a histogram sitting relatively low on the expansion axis, Fig. 7H. Thus, the structural information provided by the PTA alone does not fully characterise the effects of infection or treatment. Further functional testing using XV is required to determine this.
XV also allowed for regional assessment of lung function, not currently achieved by conventional lung function assessment techniques. An example of this is the mouse NT3, seen in Fig. 5J. In the representative mid-section slice the lung expansion map demonstrates a difference in lung function between the left and right lungs. The left lung is expanding well, as the lung field is predominantly green with areas of the lung expanding even more as indicated by the regions of orange and red. The right lung on the other hand is not expanding as well, with less green in the lung fields and more areas of turquoise and blue. Furthermore, we can see the differences in lung expansion in the lower region compared with the upper region of the lungs. The lower segment demonstrates good lung expansion (green/orange/red), whereas the upper segment demonstrates poor lung expansion (blue). For a fuller set of the NT3 lung expansion data please see Supplementary Figure S3. It is unknown what may have caused this regional variability in the lung expansion in NT3. It may be due to inconsistent delivery of the P. aeruginosa inoculum throughout the lung fields, or due to pre-existing differences in that mouse’s lung function.
While there was no significant difference detected in function between the PT and NT groups following bacteriophage therapy, this study demonstrates the utility of XV as a quantitative assessment of lung function. XV allowed us to also visualise the functional differences in different regions of the lungs. This regional assessment of lung function and expansion is not currently achieved with conventional spirometry techniques and could provide benefits for earlier disease detection and improved treatment planning. Furthermore, PTA was a qualitative technique that allowed the visualisation of aerated tissues in the lung to aid in structural assessment. By creating a mask of the lungs and removing the bones and other soft tissue, we were able to more clearly obtain qualitative information about the lung structure and visualise the aerated lung tissue.
There was one key outlier, which was Mouse NC3, with the lung expansion generating a histogram with multiple peaks, see Fig. 6J. The two dominant peaks are around 0% and 0.15% expansion, with a fitted mean of 0.113 and a skew of -0.636. This demonstrates that while the mouse had not been infected, it still has an area of lung with reduced lung expansion. This further demonstrates the capacity for XV to assess the regional lung function, as well as global function.
A key limitation of this study is the lack of gold-standard comparison, in both the assessment of lung function as well as biological analysis. Lung function assessment using devices such as the SCIREQ flexiVent would be beneficial to compare to the XV lung function results. The lack of gold-standard lung function testing makes it hard to know whether the global changes seen in the imaging would be corroborated by traditional lung function tests, which only provide global values of lung function.
No biological analysis of the mice was undertaken. As a result, we are unable to compare the functional assessments to any biological assessments to observe for correlation. Previous biological assessments of the same bacteriophage formulation performed by Chang et al. showed significant reduction in bacterial load 24 hours post bacteriophage treatment33. They also demonstrated upregulation of cytokines in the lung parenchyma at 24 hours post bacteriophage treatment indicating an ongoing inflammatory response. However, this reduction in bacterial load was not correlated with any functional assessment.
The timeline between treatment and functional assessment presents a limitation with our study design. While previous studies have shown bacterial load reduction 24 hours post treatment, they also showed upregulation of inflammatory cytokines33. The lung inflammation caused by infection may impact the function and expansion of the lung parenchyma. Some studies have shown that it takes up to 72 hours for lung function to return to normal following inoculation with P. aeruginosa[48, 49]. Allowing more time for the mice to have recovered from the inflammation in the lungs may impact the results of functional assessment in future studies.
A further limitation of this study is that both the P. aeruginosa infection and the bacteriophage treatment were delivered intratracheally. This can result in inconsistent delivery of particles throughout the lungs, as described by Yang et al. [50]. Consequently, the bacteriophage may have been delivered to a different region of the lung than the infection, resulting in an infection-treatment mismatch.
The study is limited by the natural heterogeneity in lung function between different mice. In our analysis we are relying on baseline lung function and expansion to be comparable between groups. As demonstrated by the local variations in lung health seen in NC3, discussed above, this is not always the case. Due to radiation dose considerations, we do not have the time-resolved CTs that would be required to calculate the baseline lung function of the infected mice and thus the results may be confounded if mice in these groups naturally had reduced lung expansion compared with the control mice. We attempted to reduce this by using standardised mice of a specific breed. As a result, our experiment design used a model with separate groups for controls, rather than having a repeated-measures design where there were pre- and post- tests in each animal. This means there may have been something not-treatment-related that caused the differences seen in NC3.