In the last decade, four devastating earthquakes in the world have occurred in India, and low to mild intensities earthquakes are shaking our land frequently. It has raised questions about the adequacy of framed structures to resist strong motions since many buildings suffered great damage or collapsed. Therefore, existing reinforced concrete buildings can be analyzed to determine the strength or capacity to resist seismic loads. Performance-based design is used to assess the performance level of buildings subjected to earthquakes. Push-over analysis is one of the seismic methods to determine the performance level of the building. On the basis of pushover analysis whether damage occurs at member or structure level can be identified. Fiber-reinforced polymer wrapping is a composite material made of a polymer matrix reinforced with fibers. It has good ductility strength which can work effectively in earthquake-prone areas. In the present study, 20 story structures with horizontal irregularity have been analyzed with aramid fiber-reinforced polymer, glass fiber-reinforced polymer, and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer with the Pushover analysis method as per ATC- 40 [5]. The analysis is carried out for seismic Zone III with hard soil conditions. The parameters considered for the study are pushover curve, target displacement, story shear, time period, maximum story displacement, and story drift based on pushover analysis separately to find out the most suitable configuration of fiber-reinforced polymer.