To achieve a zero or low-carbon energy economy, an energy carrier capable of zero emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases is needed. Molecular hydrogen (H2) emerges as a promising contender for this role in this energy transition 13,31. Initiatives such as the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap, Germany’s ‘Energiewende’, and the hydrogen roadmap of the Netherlands (‘Nationaal Waterstof Programma’) alongside numerous other programs, underscore countries' ambitions towards a hydrogen value chain 9,20,24,39. However, due to hydrogen’s pivotal role in the energy transition, the expected increasing release of anthropogenic H2 emissions into the atmosphere can result in enhanced global warming from indirect effects.
Increased levels of atmospheric H2 can result in the lengthening of the lifetime of CH4 and ozone, and higher levels of stratospheric water vapour 4,12,13,27,32,38,42,44. Adding up to a global warming potential of 12.8 ± 5.2 over 100 years and a perturbation lifetime of 1.9 ± 0.5 years in the atmosphere, H2 surpasses carbon dioxide (CO2) in terms of greenhouse gas potency 12,14,25,40,41. The current estimates of the loss rate potential (including venting, purging and uncontrolled leakage) of anthropogenic H2 emissions, solely based on models, range from 1–10% of the total production 13,35. So far, however, these estimates have not been validated at all by actual measurements, due to the lack of appropriate measurement techniques.
Currently, H2 detectors utilised in industry are used for safety purposes only. Since the flammability range of H2 is at 4% volume, handheld detectors with a detection limit starting at 30 µmol mol− 1 or ppm up to 10% volume are used. However, since the atmospheric background concentration (mole fraction) of molecular hydrogen is ~ 0.5 ppm, anthropogenic H2 from leakages with no flammability risk but a potential impact on the climate remains undetected. Precise atmospheric H2 measurements within the scientific world started in 1957 with the introduction of the principle of liquefaction of air 11, followed in the 1970s 33 with a gas chromatographic (GC) method, designed to analyse molecular hydrogen in atmospheric air based on the reduction of mercuric oxide. In 1994, Wentworth et al. 43 designed the pulsed discharge helium ionisation detector (PDHID), for use in a widespread range of applications outside atmospheric science. In 2009, Novelli et al. 23 adopted this method on a GC-system to measure molecular hydrogen in the atmosphere. The GC-PDHID technique showed a stable performance with a linear response over the 0-2000 nmol mol− 1 or ppb range (AGAGE 30, CSIRO 8, NOAA 28,29). The combination of this lab-based-measurement system, and active AirCore sampling on mobile platforms, is the novel sampling technique designed and tested in this study. The active AirCore is a long thin tube that can preserve the profile of the trace gas of interest during sampling, storage and analysis with minimum diffusive mixing 1,17. The active AirCore was first designed and used for applications focused on CH4 from the energy (e.g. coal mines) and the agricultural sector (e.g. farms). In our study, the application of the active AirCore sampling technique is broadened to also include the sampling and analysis of atmospheric H2.
While the energy transition unrolls, further insights into the hydrogen value chain (production, transport, storage, end-use applications) and the potential risks of H2 leakage are of great importance 9,19,21,42. Historically, studies like EUROHYDROS 44, Harvard Forest (1996–1998 3, Mace head 1994–1998 34, focused on the natural hydrogen budget through short-term campaigns. Long-established international networks (AGE-AGAGE, NOAA, more recently ICOS 29,30) have been measuring atmospheric H2 in an accurate and systematic way, but their stations are mostly remote. Until now field campaigns specifically focused on regional and local anthropogenic H2 emission sources originating from the hydrogen value chain have been absent. In Sun et al. (2024) 35 it is rightly pointed out that: “It is important to note that the rates of hydrogen emissions are currently unknown across the value chain. Empirical measurements are needed to improve our understanding of where emissions are coming from and in what quantities.”. Consequently, to bridge the gap between model predictions and reality, our study offers innovative and versatile sampling techniques combined with a state-of-the-art high-precision hydrogen analysis system to provide empirical data from atmospheric H2 mole fractions originating from industrial activities.
Our study is the first -to our knowledge- that provides such empirical measurements from atmospheric H2 mole fractions originating from industrial activities. The proof of concept for this study entails detailed measurements of atmospheric H2 using the active AirCore sampling technique at an industrial site in the province of Groningen (the Netherlands). We first outline our analysis and sampling techniques, after which we discuss the measurement site and necessary a priori information. We then present our observations from two mobile platforms (car and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) before quantifying the emissions from the downwind sources. We use both a mass balance approach and an inverse Gaussian Plume model with multiple source configurations, and we discuss their respective uncertainties. We finish the paper with conclusions and a future outlook for our novel methodology.