The present results revealed eDNA molecular identification from eleven IAS spanning four main groups (arthropods, fungi, plants, and bacteria) using molecular data from samples collected in international shipping containers arriving at Canadian ports. This confirms container transportation as a potential pathway for introducing IAS in Canada regardless of taxonomic group. More importantly, we are proposing a fast, scalable, and accurate molecular biosurveillance method that allows IAS eDNA detection that, if added to the current biosurveillance protocols, would allow more containers to be explored and signalled for deeper biosurveillance. Currently, only a small percentage of imported containers are inspected, as traditional biosurveillance methods are not scalable. Noticeably, finding the IAS eDNA does not directly translate into finding a viable IAS; however, this might not be the case for the microorganisms detected here. Regardless of the potential differences between microorganisms and microorganisms’ viability, IAS DNA detections in the containers might signal their propagule presence and the need for more comprehensive biosurveillance in those cases where detection occurred before triggering further measures. It is already well established that species become aliens and invaders only after spreading out of their native range, typically through primarily human-mediated processes. Invasive alien species (IAS) are any harmful non-native species (insects, fungi, plants, bacteria, viruses, etc.) whose introduction or spread threatens the environment, the economy, and/or society, including human health (Canada 2015b). They can originate from any non-native geographic range, including continents, neighbouring countries, or other ecosystems within the same country (Canada 2015b). Also, IAS can extend their geographical range beyond their natural dispersal through global trade, international shipments, and transportation (Paini and Yemshanov 2012). In that regard, risks for IAS new introductions or recurrence are simply higher without sufficiently sensitive biosurveillance protocols in place at ports of entry.
Barcoded specimens
Both a shell and tissue fragment of Cepaea nemoralis were collected from shipping container debris from a container originating in Germany. Cepaea nemoralis is commonly known as the wood snail or banded grove snail, among others, and has been widely introduced nearly worldwide, intentionally and unintentionally (Dees 1970; Mead 1971; Abbott 1989). Cepaea nemoralis feeds primarily on plant detritus and, therefore, seldom acts as an agricultural pest but can damage crops in high numbers and is still considered a potential pest species by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) (Turton 1857; Dees 1970; Thompson 1996). There is also a concern about the potential negative impacts of non-native snails, such as C. nemoralis, on native snail populations (Mead 1971; Cowie and Robinson 2003; Whitson 2005). The successful molecular identification of a morphologically unidentifiable tissue fragment present in a shipping container highlights the advantages of the DNA-based biosurveillance approaches over traditional methods. In the latter case, the morphological integrity of key morphological characters remains necessary for successful identifications. However, as reaffirmed here, effective molecular detections can be reached regardless of specimen morphological integrity and life cycle stage.
Ascomycota DNA-based evidence was detected from a shipping container originating from China, potentially belonging to Cercospora sojina, a fungal plant pathogen with 14 races recorded in the country of container origin (Ma and Li 1997). Unfortunately, there is low resolution for the COI fragment to unambiguously resolve at the fungi species level. Cercospora sojina causes frogeye leaf spots in most soybean-growing countries (Athow and Probst 1952; Bernaux 1979; Akem et al. 1992; Ma 1994). It was first reported in Japan in 1915 (Melchers 1925), then in the United States in 1924 and is now present in 26 additional countries globally (Lehman 1928; Lin and Kelly 2018). Reported losses of frogeye leaf spot range from 10–60%, making it an economically significant species (Bernaux 1979; Dashiell and Akem 1991; Akem et al. 1992; Ma 1994; Mian et al. 1998). Lastly, a larval specimen belonging to the genus Tipula (Tipulidae) was detected from a shipping container originating in Germany. Tipula is the largest genus of the family, with over 2,400 species (Oosterbroek 2022). Larvae of Tipula sp. are indistinguishable morphologically at the genus level due to a significant variation in larval character states (Gelhaus 1986), which makes DNA identification of larval specimens especially important. Although most species of Tipula are not invasive and generally not considered pests, there are at least two examples, such as Tipula paludosa and Tipula oleracea, considered invasive turfgrass pests in North America (Wilkinson and MacCarthy 1967; Gelhaus 2005). Current results ratify the capacity for successful molecular identifications at larval stages and tool utility in a regulatory context. Again, this constitutes an advantage over morphology-based identifications, where key traits are often linked to the adulthood life stage, or in some cases, there is simply a lack of taxonomic keys at the early stages of species development.
Metabarcoding detections
Bark beetles (Subfamily Scolytinae) are among the most destructive forest pests globally (Grégoire et al. 2015; Raffa et al. 2015). However, they also play an essential role in forest ecosystems as they typically live in dead or decaying plants and thus are critical early decomposers (Raffa et al. 2015). Nevertheless, when droughts or extreme environmental events occur, bark beetles shift to occupying live trees, causing outbreaks and severe damage to forests (Wermelinger 2004). eDNA from the spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) was detected here; which is an endemic species to Eurasia (Wermelinger 2004) but is now widespread from Europe, across Asia to Japan (EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH) et al. 2017a) (Global Biodiversity Information Facility [GBIF]) and ranks among the most destructive of the bark beetles (Grégoire et al. 2015). It is also one of the most common bark beetles to be intercepted at U.S. ports of entry (Haack 2001), and it is predicted it could colonize select North American tree species if given a chance (Flø et al. 2018). The potential presence of this species was detected in samples taken from a shipping container originating in China, demonstrating the effectiveness of molecular biosurveillance tools in early detection and signalling the need for a broader inspection of the flagged container.
Our study also detected Lymantria dispar eDNA in debris from a shipping container from Ghana, a country outside the recognized species' geographic distribution. Although containers can get "contaminated" elsewhere with a given IAS, border control in Canada will be needed first to detect them and then avoid their establishment and spread, irrespective of their origin. Lymantria dispar is typically treated as three subspecies, L.d. dispar, L.d. asiatica and L.d japonica, with the subspecies L. d. dispar endemic to Europe, Asia and North Africa between latitudes of 30°N and 60°N (Zahiri et al. 2019). Studies examining the possible future spread based on climatic and shipping port variables, among other variables, indicate a low likelihood of the species occurring in Ghana (Yanjun et al. 2021; Song et al. 2022). Despite the low likelihood of spreading to Ghana, other factors that could explain the presence of L. dispar eDNA in the shipping container: stops at different ports with established L. dispar populations during its journey or having previously visited a country where contact with L. dispar is likely, are possible explanations. Current information recorded by the CFIA on the specific shipping container (where Lymantria dispar eDNA was found) includes only the most immediate port of export. This implies that the IAS may have infiltrated the shipping container through previous origins or departures and remained undetected (Paini and Yemshanov 2012). The latter highlights the need to obtain the exact locations of all ports visited during each shipping expedition, as this information is necessary for concluding the possible distribution of L. dispar.
Fusarium oxysporum fungus eDNA was detected in shipping containers from Taiwan, China, Ghana, and Germany, although not linked to any specific formae speciales. Fusarium oxysporum has many different host-specific strains, many of which are global in their distribution (Gordon 2017). Some strains of F. oxysporum act as pathogens to various plant species; those that are wilt-causing are responsible for damaging many economically relevant plant species (Olivain and Alabouvette 1997). Fusarium oxysporum is mainly managed through soil fumigation, which is environmentally damaging, or through breeding resistant cultivars, which is difficult when dominant genes are unknown and when new strains overcome host resistance (Fravel et al. 2003). In Canada, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cannabis is considered a regulated pest, and its biosurveillance is essential to prevent any potential unfavourable impact in the hemp-related industry. Several strains of F. oxysporum affecting cannabis were detected in British Columbia in 2013–2014 and reported in 2018 from Ontario and British Columbia. However, they have not been linked to f. sp. cannabis. Thus, these strains are likely generalized crown and root rot forms of the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum and more research is needed to determine this pathogen's host range and distribution (Punja and Rodriguez 2018). Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cannabis causes crown infection and root browning, ultimately leading to stunted growth, yellowing leaves and/or plant death (Punja 2021). Consequently, early detection along other potential routes of introduction is crucial to prevent future spread.
Puccinia coronata eDNA was also detected in containers from Taiwan, China, Germany, and Iran. It is a fungus causing crown rust disease in oats (Nazareno et al. 2018), barley and wheat (Jin et al. 1992; Niu et al. 2014), and some grasses (Jin and Steffenson 1999). Puccinia coronata is divided into multiple physiological variants (formae speciales), which do not necessarily reflect genetic differences but are used to differentiate host preference (Nazareno et al. 2018). The pathogen causing crown rust of oats is typically referred to as Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae (Nazareno et al. 2018), which causes pustules to form on the leaves, leading to significant yield losses (Berlin et al. 2018). Crown rust of oats is globally distributed and continues to cause epidemics with yield losses of up to 40% (Martinelli et al. 1994; Nazareno et al. 2018).
Similarly, Puccinia graminis eDNA was detected in containers from Taiwan, China, and Germany, signalling a plant fungus known as stem rust, mainly affecting wheat and other cereals (Abbasi et al. 2005). Many authors speculate that the fungus originated in Asia or North Africa and was spread globally by human activities (Abbasi et al. 2005). However, resistant strains of wheat and fungicide have been developed (Singh et al. 2008; Bhattacharya 2017; Lewis et al. 2018), and new variants have caused recent outbreaks and epidemics, leading to significant economic losses (Lewis et al. 2018). Outbreaks include those in Germany and Ethiopia in 2013 (Olivera et al. 2015; Lewis et al. 2018) and Sicily in 2016 (Bhattacharya 2017).
Urocystis agropyri, or flag smut of wheat, is an economically damaging fungal plant pathogen first reported in Australia in 1868 (McALPiNE 1905; Ram and Singh 2004). Since then, it has spread globally, mainly via infected seed, to all continents and almost all wheat-growing Countries, including Canada (Pal Singh 2017). However, flag smut in Canada only affects grasses and not wheat (Purdy 1965). The damaging effects of flag smut can cause losses of up to 100% in wheat crops (Purdy 1965; Pal Singh 2017). Once introduced, it persists for at least four and up to seven years (Purdy 1965; Pal Singh 2017).
Gremmeniella abietina, found in containers with undisclosed country of origin, a fungus causing shoot blight and stem canker of conifers, has two distinct races in North America, both of which affect pine, spruce, larch and fir species (Government of Canada 2012; Botella and Hantula 2018). It was first detected in North America in Michigan in the mid-1900s. The “European race” is the more virulent of the two strains and killed over 90% of pine trees in the Adirondack mountains of New York in 1974 (Government of Canada 2012). Gremmeniella abietina is found in most provinces in Canada, in the northeast U.S., all of Europe, Georgia, and Japan (Botella and Hantula 2018). Gremmeniella abietina can survive under a wide range of climatic conditions and can be present in an endophytic (asymptomatic) stage for an undetermined period, giving it the potential to spread to new areas while making its detection at early stages especially difficult from a morphological perspective (EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH) et al. 2017b). Using eDNA detection methods can facilitate early identification of this pest to control its spread.
Venturia nashicola, or scab of Asian pear, occurs in China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan and infects the Asian and Chinese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta and P. ussuriensis) (Chevalier et al. 2004; Abe et al. 2008; González-Domínguez et al. 2017). It was also found in a container with undisclosed country of origin. This fungus is a distinct species and is host-specific to Asian pear varieties, as shown by various studies (Ishii and Yanase 2000; Park et al. 2000; Abe et al. 2008). Venturia species often infect the fruits of a plant, causing considerable economic losses in fruit crops (Sivanesan 1977). In Eastern Asia, V. nashicola is one of the most serious pathogens in Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta, P. bretschneideri, and P. ussuriensis. The pathogen causes fruit drop, cracking, and malformation. Current results ratify pathway risk assessment as one of the most critical tasks in preventing this IAS (Hulme 2009).
Additionally, the current study detected eDNA from Dioscorea polystachya from shipping containers originating in Germany, Taiwan, and China, with no observed evidence of their propagules being present in the samples. Dioscorea polystachya, commonly called the Chinese Yam, is a regulated pest in Canada (Government of Canada 2016). It is a climbing vine species and has the potential to quickly spread to natural habitats, which can reduce biodiversity and damage other plant species (Government of Canada 2016). Dioscorea polsctachya is native to China but is now grown throughout East Asia in areas including Japan, Korea, the Kuril Islands, and Vietnam (Xu and Chang 2017). Dioscorea polystachya was likely introduced to Japan and the United States around the 17th and 19th centuries, respectively, and is now considered invasive in those countries (Xu and Chang 2017). Dioscorea polystachya is currently not established in Canada (Government of Canada 2016) but is more tolerant to frost than other yams (Xu and Chang 2017), enabling it to survive the Canadian climate. Since this species has yet to be introduced to Canada, early detection through shipping container routes can help prevent its potential establishment.
On the other hand, Senecio inaequidens, commonly known as South African ragwort, is a flowering species native to South Africa. Its recent spread to Hawaii and Australia has had detrimental effects, including liver damage to livestock and humans ( While not discovered in Canada yet; there is a potential pathway due to high traffic between infected countries in Europe. Its eDNA was identified in containers from Germany, where it is known to be established.
Clavibacter michiganensis is a pathogen that causes bacterial canker disease in tomatoes. It is one of the most devastating agricultural diseases and is found in all regions of tomato production. In the present study, its eDNA was found in containers coming from Taiwan and Germany. The bacterium causes canker and wilt symptoms by invasion through open wounds and proliferation in the xylem (Nandi et al. 2018). Young and well-fertilized plants in high humidity conditions are prone to infection, resulting in widespread crop loss in developing countries (Abo-Elyousr et al. 2019).
Importance of molecular biosurveillance in shipping containers
Invasive species, especially those that are small or undetectable, can often be missed even during intensive border surveillance of shipping containers, leading to increased spread through human-mediated pathways (Chapple et al. 2013). In addition, limited funding and resources for biosecurity can result in a lack of thorough inspection of containers (Lucardi et al. 2020). A recent study showed that despite having global regulations in place for the proper treatment of wood packaging material used for global trade (eg., International Standards For Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 [ISPM 15]), pests' movement between borders continues to be detected, likely due to fraud, insufficient treatment and/or non-compliance (Greenwood et al. 2023). In these cases, molecular biosurveillance has a significant advantage, as it can detect multiple invasive species cost-efficiently and more effectively than traditional methods (e.g., morphology IDs), regardless of size, morphological integrity, or life stage, while not being labour-intensive at the inspection phase. In order to successfully implement molecular biosurveillance in shipping containers, an expansive knowledge of shipping container history, including previous destinations or ports and their immediate origin, is necessary (Paini and Yemshanov 2012). For example, Australian government policies only evaluate the immediate area of departure, allowing species from previous ports to infiltrate and remain hidden in marine shipping containers for extended periods, leading to increased spread and subsequent damage in different countries (Paini and Yemshanov 2012).
The global shipping container trade transports various goods, ranging from seafood to fresh fruits, which require refrigerated shipping containers to preserve produce longevity (Lucardi et al. 2020). Temperature-controlled shipping containers provide an ideal environment for harbouring IAS for several reasons, as they: i) contain air-intake grills which can collect propagules of IAS along their journey (Whitehurst et al. 2020) ii) usually contain soil and debris which can behave as a reservoir for harmful bacteria and fungi, and iii) can prevent the degradation of harmful organisms (extending their viability) since they are temperature controlled (Whitehurst et al. 2020). Additionally, in creating an ideal environment for invasive organisms, temperature-controlled containers can also increase the preservation of an organism’s DNA, providing an opportunity for eDNA biosurveillance.
IAS negatively impact the economy, environment, and/or agriculture. The impacts on the agricultural sector can be expressed in terms of financial costs, with Canada losing 175 million CAD per year in efforts to manage the top ten alien species (Hulme 2014). Significant costs include management, monitoring efforts and loss of international trade. Plant pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, affect North American crop yield the most, and without management, it would lead to a 51–82% loss of crops (Hulme 2014). International and global trade agreements facilitate exchange but also allow new pathways for invasion, with Canada receiving 44% of imports from the USA or Mexico (Hulme 2014). Due to these regional agreements, most pests found at the Canadian border originate from the USA (Hulme 2014). Through early detection of invasive species by implementing effective eDNA metabarcoding protocols, detrimental effects of IAS can be minimized. By incorporating eDNA-based identification techniques, known IAS or regulated species can be accurately detected when working with large samples consisting of several species and can also be used to confirm prior morphological identification (Darling and Blum 2007; Milián-García et al. 2023). Therefore, they can be combined with preexisting methods for cost-effective and reliable results, allowing us to trace the origins of a broad range of species.
Although IAS eDNA detection does not translate directly into viable species or their propagules' presence in the containers, especially for macroorganisms, it might not be the same for the microorganisms detected. For example, Fusarium oxysporum viability in soil samples can be observed for at least one year (Vakalounakis and Chalkias 2004; Paugh and Gordon 2021). At the same time, Urocystis agropyri can survive for four years in soil samples and even longer in favourable storage conditions. Similarly, Claribacter michiganensis can remain viable in soil samples (Trevors and Finnen 1990), and propagules of Gremmeniella abietina can survive in branches left on the ground after two years (Laflamme and Rioux 2015). It suggests that strict molecular biosurveillance approaches combined with microorganism viability tests may be a critical management tool for IAS prevention and mitigation risks.