Patient data collection
This retrospective study was conducted at Maharaj Nakhon Chiang Mai Hospital, covering the period from January 2015 to December 2022. Written informed consent was obtained from each patient or the patient’s legal guardian.
Participants, variables, and data sources
The study aimed to evaluate the clinical and radiological outcomes of patients with benign DAVF. Demographic information of the patients was obtained from the electronic medical records of Maharaj Nakhon Chiang Mai Hospital. The data collection process included gathering information on sex, age, presenting symptoms, location of the shunt, DAVF grading, clinical response, duration of response, and any side effects following HSRT treatment.
Ethic approval
The study received approval from the Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University Institutional Review Board (Study Code: SUR-2567-0214, Research ID 7566) and the present study was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. All study participants provided written informed consent.
Before 2019, HSRT treatment plan was established using Hi-Art treatment planning system (TomoTherapy®, Accuray, Madison, USA). The gross tumor volume (GTV) was delineated by radiation oncologist and was confirmed by neuro-interventionist. The planning target volume (PTV) was generated by a 3-mm isotropic expansion from GTV. The dosimetric evaluation was accepted as 100% of PTV was covered by at least 95% of the prescription dose (V95 = 100%). The HSRT dose schedule was 36 Gy in 6 fractions (Fx) administered every other day for two weeks. Subsequently, HSRT dose regimen was rescheduled to deliver 28 Gy in 4-daily Fx. The dosimetric assessment was accepted as 100% of the prescription dose coverage at least 99% of PTV (D99% = 100%).
Response evaluation
Symptomatic responses following HSRT were categorized into four groups: complete recovery, partial recovery, no recovery, and progression of symptoms. Radiological responses were classified as total obliteration, subtotal obliteration (indicating >90% regression of DAVF), partial obliteration (indicating >50% regression of DAVF), stable disease, and disease progression. Clinical response and acute side effects were evaluated six weeks post-completion of HSRT. Subsequently, clinical follow-ups were conducted every two months in the first year and every six months thereafter. MRI/MR angiography (using 3T SIGNA Pioneer General Electric: GE) or CT angiography (using SOMATOM FORCE, Siemens, Forchheim, Germany) were performed at six-month intervals during the initial two years and annually thereafter to assess DAVF response and post-radiation effects. Cerebral DSA examinations were scheduled for patients displaying worsening clinical symptoms or DAVF progression, as indicated by CVR on magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) or computed tomography angiography (CTA)
This study demonstrated the effectiveness of HSRT on benign DAVF primarily at the transverse sigmoid junction. A complete symptomatic recovery was observed in 75% of cases, with a high obliteration rate of 85.7% after follow-up and a low complication rate without clinically significant adverse effects.
The management strategy for DAVF should be individualized, depending on the location of the shunt, clinical presentation, and angioarchitecture of the DAVF, weighing the benefits and risks of each treatment modality. For benign DAVF without cortical venous reflux and no neurological deficit, intervention may not be necessary unless the patient's symptoms, such as pulsatile tinnitus, are intolerable. Spontaneous regression of DAVF is commonly seen in the cavernous sinus location; however, it is rare (<5%) in the transverse sigmoid location. Although endovascular embolization can provide immediate symptomatic relief, achieving complete obliteration for benign DAVF (Borden type I) through transarterial embolization can be challenging due to the complex and tortuous arterial supply. Transvenous scarification of the dural sinus may cause persistent sinus hypertension or local ischemia and increase the expression of vascular growth factors. A less invasive approach with a low complication rate should be considered for treating these patients.
Radiotherapy techniques for DAVF require a stereotactic process using stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) or hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (HSRT). The pathomechanism of radiosurgery targets both dural feeder arteries and fistulas, causing radiation-induced vascular hypertrophy, leading to the occlusion of the fistula. The complete obliteration rate is reported to be approximately 44-87%, depending on the type and location of DAVF13-15. Venous ectasia and cortical venous reflux are important predictors of failure in DAVF obliteration after radiosurgery16. Radiotherapy is not recommended as a first-line treatment for aggressive DAVFs due to their natural history and the long latency period, which can be as long as 6-12 months17. In contrast, benign DAVFs typically exhibit a more favorable treatment outcome with a higher occlusion rate when compared to malignant types (75% vs. 56%)18. This study shows complete symptomatic recovery in 75% of cases, with a high obliteration rate of 85.7%. Regarding SRS for DAVFs involving the transverse-sigmoid sinus, a study demonstrates complete obliteration in 44% of cases, with 67% experiencing complete recovery of symptoms. However, the limited previous study that underwent SRS using the Gamma Knife mainly included 67% of cases with aggressive types, with only four patients treated with SRS alone.19 Our study also demonstrates the benefit and safety of HSRT for DAVF type IIa (Cognard’s classification), which had retrograde sinus reflux with a high clinical response and high-rate obliteration without neurological complications during the latent period. Moreover, the gradual obliteration of DAVF after radiosurgery can avoid complications such as venous hypertension or infarction that can occur after endovascular embolization or surgery. Despite the promising efficacy and safety findings reported in this study, a notable consideration with radiosurgery is the potential risk of secondary radiation-induced malignancies, necessitating long-term follow-up in DAVF cases post-radiation treatment.
The DAVF occlusion period in this study aligns with literature reviews, occurring within a 1 to 3-year latency period after SRS16,20. Only one patient in our study experienced partial recovery of symptoms and increased tinnitus during follow-up.
The limitations of this study include its retrospective single-center design and the use of noninvasive imaging with MRA for radiologic follow-up, which is less accurate compared to cerebral DSA.