In this study, the participants included 21 employees and experts in the field of outsourcing in the health sector, including 11 women and 10 men, and the age range of the participants was between 23 and 52 years. Table No. 1 is a summary of the demographic information of the interview participants.)
Table 1. Demographic information of interview participants
Demographic information
Number (percentage)
Demographic information
10 (48%)
Organizational positions
Manager of network development and health promotion
Health network manager
Health Deputy
11 (52%)
Director of Family and
School Health Department
Group manager of the prevention
and fight against diseases
Financial manager
of the university
Head of Oral Health Unit
Head of Environmental and Professional Health Department
Head of Education Unit
12 (57%)
Health care workers
Master's degree
6 (29%)
Environmental health and
occupational health expert
Family physician
3 (14%)
Representative of the contractor company
Contract matters
1150 raw codes were obtained from interview analysis and code extraction. Then, by combining these codes, 14 sub-themes or sub-themes and finally 3 main themes or themes were extracted. (Table No. 2), which included outsourcing challenges in three groups: contractor challenges, employer or university challenges, and workforce challenges.
Table 2. The main and sub-themes of health sector outsourcing challenges
Challenges of the contractor
Lack of decision-making authority and financial independence
Low profitability
Short-term contracts - feeling temporary
Absence of a strong protective law
Unfair valuation of services
Economic instability in the country
Challenges of the employer (university)
Lack of competitive environment
Inefficient performance monitoring and evaluation system
Inability to attract groups of doctors and dentists
Lack of transparency of contracts
Instability of forces
Decreasing the quality of service
Moving away from the goal of outsourcing
Customization of outsourcing
Manpower challenges
Lack of job security
Insufficient motivational mechanisms
Feeling of inequality and being ignored
Lack of unity of command
1 Challenges of the contractor
Contractors and representatives of private companies in outsourcing faced many challenges in this field, which are summarized below.
1-1 Lack of decision-making authority and financial independence
One of the biggest and most important challenges of the contractor's side in outsourcing was the lack of decision-making authority and financial independence, which has caused the form of handovers not to proceed according to the principles of outsourcing. In this regard, some participants stated:
Participant number 7: "Outsourcing has been done, but in practice, we did not proceed according to the main principles of outsourcing. The first principle in outsourcing is to give financial independence to the private sector, that is, in exchange for the money we give you, we want you to manage a special center for us. We want this quality from you, we will pay this much, and you don't have to deal with the details anymore."
Participant number 13: "When the company does not have the right to make decisions and practical independence in any field, it cannot have management."
1-2 Low profitability
The next challenge for the contractors was to make little profit, due to the low price of the outsourcing contracts and also the existing strict laws, the remaining amount of the contract, which is meant as a profit for the companies, is very small compared to the challenges and problems related to outsourcing. This motivation has reduced the presence of the private sector in outsourcing.
Participant No. 15: "The money that is paid to the companies as an outsourcing contract, with these strict rules on the payment of personnel salaries, practically does not have anything else for the company except a very little management right."
Participant number 18" It has a small profit that is not worth the trouble at all, which is why no company or private sector wants to enter this field. The health sector is not very attractive for the private sector because of its nature, it is necessary to provide free services to the people and you cannot earn money in this way."
1-3 Short-term contracts - feeling temporary
According to the laws of the Ministry of Health and the National Inspection Organization, outsourcing contracts must be concluded for one year, so that at the end of each year, by holding a tender, companies that have the ability to perform work at a lower price can be given the opportunity to participate in the tender. But the short term of the contracts has caused the contractor to feel temporary and see the time horizon of its progress as short term. In this regard, some interviewees stated:
Participant 7: "A series of items should be amended. For example, the requirement that all contracts must be signed for one year. This is a law that is not known for what purpose it was signed and what was the background of this law. Good. Obviously, no private company with any vision is willing to sign a one-year contract. As a private company, I put in the best performance and best energy to perform well, if a company comes next year and gives a lower price and wins the tender, what is my duty? I have to be unemployed."
1-4 Absence of a strong protective law
Because outsourcing does not have a strong protection law at the level of the legislature and the parliament, and often the laws related to outsourcing are proposed and approved at the level of the university's board of trustees, and in the implementation, the contractor company may not be able to rely on it when faced with problems. To be supported by these laws.
Participant No. 17: "If each university implements its own law, we will not be able to reach a single law for outsourcing in the country. When a single law is not implemented in the country, legislators at high levels do not care to consider this issue as a package." It should be considered complete, that is, for example, I want to implement a handover model in Torbet University. This handover model that I am doing, the ultimate goal is that I can approve it within the authority of the university's board of trustees. Here, I can no longer go to the parliament or the ministry. I mean, when you enact a law that is at the level of your university's board of trustees, on the other hand, the upper laws of the country may not be in line with your laws, you come up with a series of them based on what you have in mind. You take it and adapt it to the rules of the upper level. It is the same famous example that the cook who is divided into two, the food is either salty or unsalted. Like the family doctor who went to the level of the parliament, maybe we need to reach a certain form in the Ministry of Health in this handover model and go to pass as a law in the parliament some items that can be the upstream law of these contracts. Overshadow it, let's amend it right there, for example, say that this law has been handed over, so the private sector is no longer applicable here, for example, accountable supervision is not applicable here, in this way, many interferences will be removed."
1-5 Unfair valuation of services
During the implementation of service purchase and performance-based payment plans, one of the most important issues that should be addressed is service valuation, through which we can move towards a proper outsourcing by clarifying the service and its value. In this regard, the participants stated that currently the valuation is unfair
Participant No. 12: "In the beginning, when the volume and definition of the health sector services were done, this volume was correct, but what was wrong in the middle was the valuation of the services. The valuation of the services was based on savings. It was a manpower. Look, if we see everything in reality that is implemented everywhere and is not comparable, it is great. The working hours are per day. The performance-based payment system means that if you want to get the salary equal to 8 hours per day, you must also do the secretary's work in addition to being the secretary of the boss.
1-6 Economic instability in the country
One of the problems of private companies in outsourcing is the lack of economic stability and inflation in the country, and with the rapid increase in prices, it is very difficult to conclude a contract with the amount that was determined a year ago.
Participant No. 3: "When a company comes and wins the tender and starts working, it is the first problem, because with this economic situation, prices change every day, but the company receives the same money as written in the contract in the first year. Many times, companies They face problems in supplying their equipment and consumables, which means that at the end of the year, with these prices, the company has not made a profit and has nothing left."
2- Employer Challenges
The employer or the university has also faced many challenges and problems in outsourcing, some of which are mentioned below.
2-1 Lack of competitive environment:
One of the major problems of universities during outsourcing is the lack of presence and acceptance of the private sector in this field, and practically the number of companies applying for outsourcing is very few.
This has caused outsourcing companies to move towards monopoly instead of a competitive environment.
Participant No. 1: "Due to the problems of outsourcing, applicants are very limited in outsourcing tenders, not having the right to choose has caused the competitive environment to disappear and on the one hand, instead of competition, we move towards monopoly.
We are in a type 3 university, in this way, when we bid for outsourcing, we don't have many applicants because according to our budget, it is not enough for the companies to work, that's why the companies are limited, and we don't have many applicants, and therefore the power We have no choice."
2-2 Inefficient performance monitoring and evaluation system
Another problem that the university faces in handovers is the lack of a monitoring and accurate performance evaluation system. Due to the lack of a strong test verification system, it is not possible to accurately measure the performance of the special department in this field.
Participant No. 9: " Performance evaluation is: the process of evaluating the success or failure of employees' performance based on predetermined performance evaluation indicators.When there are no strong indicators in this field, it is not possible to comment on success or failure. "
Participant No. 6: "In previous courses, it has been observed that when the only indicator for monitoring the performance of personnel is the number of services, regardless of their quality, people only go towards filling out paper forms, and the quality and Actual performance is ignored."
2-3 Inability to attract groups of doctors and dentists
In addition to the problems that exist in the weak presence of the private sector applying for outsourcing, the provision of specialized personnel, especially the group of doctors and dentists, in less privileged and remote areas due to the low attractiveness of providing services in the health sector, has caused the university to face many challenges.
Participant No. 3: "The amount stated in the instruction (executive instruction for the provision and promotion of primary health care in urban and rural areas) and we have to sign a contract according to it is very small, so doctors do not welcome them to come for this reason. We have a lot of problems to provide doctors in these areas, the doctors who come with these working conditions and salaries are not stable and they leave soon."
2-4 Lack of transparency in contracts
Transparency in the contract means considering all possible aspects that may arise during the execution of a contract and providing a clear solution regarding these matters, but the participants in the interview stated that there are many blind spots in the current contracts that cause It does not have the necessary transparency.
Participant No. 5: "Not all cases have been seen in the contracts, and this makes the companies not responsible in some issues that are not clear, for example, the labor department fined the company according to the labor law, but they put the responsibility on the university.
Because the companies and their representatives and even those who wrote the contract in the university, sometimes they do not have the complete authority to perform those services and they have not had executive work, they do not include a series of issues in the contracts, this causes many problems later, because the first thought We haven't done it, now when we deal with the problem, we get confused, but if the professional forces who have done the field work are present during the contracts, the contracts will be more transparent and many of these problems will not occur anymore."
2-5 Instability of forces
One of the important challenges that has arisen for the university due to the short term of the contracts is the lack of stability of the workforce, which changes with the change of the company's subordinate forces. The participants in the interview also confirmed this and expressed they had:
Participant No. 7: "Because the forces are corporate and constantly changing, the lack of stability of the forces makes it impossible to find the real patients. For example, an expert in combating patients must know his service area well, know the people of that area and to be able to communicate with them in order to make a basic diagnosis."
Participant number 12: "The university spends money, conducts tests, recruits, trains, spends and delivers the company, and when the contract of the company ends, these forces remain undecided. New forces come again and this process is repeated again. "
2-6 Decreasing the quality of service
Decreasing the quality of services was also one of the challenges that the interviewees expressed as the adverse effects of the current outsourcing system
Participant No. 4: "Company forces that have a temporary status are not motivated to work, and sometimes they are only satisfied with the completion of programs and move more towards paperwork than they want to have real performance."
Participant No. 21: "When the basis of payment is only the number of services, without any monitoring of the quality and quantity of these services, as a result, employees to do only the number of tasks requested so that their salaries are not reduced. They are moving towards creating fake data and recording unreal documents."
2-7 Moving away from the main purpose of outsourcing
The involvement of the university in outsourcing challenges and affairs has caused outsourcing to move away from its main path and main goal
Participant No. 19: "We are so worried about cost, recruitment and tendering that we forget that the purpose of outsourcing is to improve the quality and efficiency and reduce the size of the government. If we consider these goals, our work will go much better. It may take more time and patience, but in the end, we will get a good result, but unfortunately, in the discussion of outsourcing that is being done now, it seems that the main goal of outsourcing has been completely forgotten."
2-8 Customization of outsourcing
The lack of precise, clear and unified rules in the field of outsourcing and assigning this matter to each university has caused outsourcing and contracting in each university to be done according to taste and there is no fixed procedure in all universities.
Participant No. 2: "If we are going to present a general model for handing over health care centers to the private sector, it is better to work on a general and basic model and be consistent for all universities. A basic model should be designed and then notified to the entire universities. Not that contract should be left to any university that makes contracts according to its own taste."
Participant No. 10: "When there is no clear instruction to outsource services, our managers act arbitrarily and outsource services that could be managed with the organization's forces without preliminary study and investigation. And instead, they don't outsource some activities that private companies can do much better."
3- workforce challenges
The workforce as one of the important elements in outsourcing also faced important challenges such as lack of job security, lack of sufficient motivational mechanisms, feeling of inequality and lack of unity of command.
3-1 Lack of job security
The perception of job security is conceptualized as the perception of security from maintaining and not losing a job, which is one of the cases and examples of the feeling of security, which forms the strongest motivational level of a person after physiological needs.(34) This need in the work environment is It is fulfilled by ensuring the continuity of work.(35) In fact, the perception of job security is a state that is the result of a person's evaluation of personal, organizational and environmental conditions and leads him to the conclusion that a certain factor does not threaten his job security. And he can be sure of the continuation of his employment now and in the future. If organizations cannot apply job security in new concepts, they cannot achieve the necessary efficiency and effectiveness from the proper job performance of their employees. Because the lack of job security hinders the empowerment of employees in terms of specialization, practical courage, learning experience, job satisfaction, work conscience and promotion opportunities, as a result, the professional and social expectations of organizations are not met.(36) In this regard, some participants stated:
Participant No. 4: "The short duration of university outsourcing contracts, which are mostly one year, and on the other hand, the difficult conditions and the contract renewal process with contractors have caused most contractors to work in an environment where both they and their personnel do not feel job security. We don't know how long to write a contract with our employee and we are losing most of our expert staff because of this."
Participant number 12: "Every day we have to be stressed that the conditions of the decisions may change or a new company may come and they don't want us anymore."
Participant No. 17: "At the end of the year, we have to stress so that they don't renew the contract this year."
3-2 Insufficient motivational mechanisms
Motivation is an internal driving force that determines the intensity, direction and continuity of a person's effort towards the realization of a goal (37), in other words, motivation is an internal state that causes energy generation, determining the direction and intensity of a behavior to reach a goal.(38) Correct management in the organization creates that managers strive by recognizing and anticipating the motivations of the human resources under their management so that they can satisfy their needs correctly and in time to improve their activity and real efficiency in To provide for organizational goals (39) In this regard, the employees considered the motivational situation insufficient and stated:
Participant No.6: "The forces are completely unmotivated. The company oppresses them a lot. Of course, these are educated forces, they know their rights better, but the law does not help them much. They usually compare themselves with other forces when they are so They see discrimination and difference, they become unmotivated and it affects their work.
Participant No. 18: " For me, who is employed by the government, my salary is different according to my years of service. There are a number of things such as class and group that increase with years and affect my salary, but these benefits exist for contract personnel. And this issue can greatly affect their morale and motivation. In my opinion, the problem of motivating company employees is very serious due to the lack of job security and lack of these benefits."
3-3 Feeling of inequality and being overlooked
According to Adams' "equality" theory, job satisfaction is the result of the behavior that is done towards us compared to others. Members and employees of the organization do not work in a vacuum. They always compare themselves with "others".(40) The basis of comparison (other) may be a member of the same work group, or another person in other departments of the organization, or even a group of people outside the organization. After evaluating how the organization deals with "person" and "other", the results of the evaluations are compared with each other and the person compares his position with another position. The result of this comparison for a person may be a feeling of equality or inequality. Adams describes the process of comparing equality in terms of input and output ratios. Data means what the individual gives to the organization, such as education, experience, effort, and loyalty. Staff also received the person from the organization in return, such as salary, reputation, social relations and internal rewards. One part of the evaluation of the data and data is based on objective observations (for example, the rights of the individual) and the other part is based on the perception of the individual. The following relationship represents equality comparison.
A person compares his data-to-data ratio with another data-to-data ratio. In the theory of equality, it is said that employees and members of the organization, if they feel unfair towards themselves, may reduce the level of their activity or distort or disrupt the level of consumption of themselves and others (as well as efficiency). They behave in such a way that others are encouraged to work less, reduce their consumption (data) and productivity, change the reference or what the person compares himself with, or leave the organization.(41) This issue was raised as one of the challenges of the workforce and in this regard the participants had the title
Participant No. 12: "Official employees of the same rank and our colleagues have less workload and more income than us, We do the same work in the same room, we have the same degree, but because we are a corporate force and they are official, our salaries and benefits differ from earth to heaven.”
Participant number 4: "When working, they tell us that you are also an employee of the same system and you have to work for the system, but when it comes to bonuses and other benefits, it's as if we don't exist at all, they don't see us at all."
3-4 Lack of unity of command:
Unity of Command, which is sometimes referred to as the chain of command, is one of the 14 principles of artistic management by Fayol, and it means that each employee must receive orders from a superior to do any work.(42) The participants in the interview stated in this regard.
Participant number 12: ""Corporate forces are recruited and selected by the university and work in the company. On the one hand, since the force is a company, it must be accountable to the contractor and pursue the goals of its superiors. On the other hand, it must also be accountable to the university. The employee has several bosses and receives orders from several bosses, and sometimes the orders of these bosses overlap.
Participant No. 17: "We have 100 superiors, each of them gives an order and we have to execute it. All this is written in management books about unity of command, but the exact opposite of this is happening here. We have to answer to several people as leaders."