ETS is the treatment of choice for medically uncontrollable palmar hyperhidrosis. The goal of surgical treatment is to improve the quality of life; therefore, the cure of the disease should not be achieved at the expense of worsened quality of life due to surgical complications or severe side effects. Despite best intentions, surgical complication rates have not been optimal. Due to the incongruency of surgical techniques and variable clinical results, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons published their expert consensus statements for the surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis in 2011 [1]. In the consensus paper, a rib-oriented approach was recommended based on the high variability of the ganglion anatomy and the difficult identification of the ganglia due to the presence of fat. After their review of 1,097 published articles from 1991 to 2009, they concluded that the optimal operation for palmar hyperhidrosis is the interruption of the sympathetic trunk at the top surface of rib 3 using electrocautery or the application of metal clips. Alternatively, the interruption could be carried out at the level of the rib 4. The intrinsic problem with this rib-oriented approach is that the sympathetic trunk is interrupted at an approximate level; it is unclear which ganglia are exactly destroyed or partially damaged. Since most published ETS results are based on rib-oriented operations, both retrospective and prospective studies that compare levels of sympathectomy and surgical outcomes do not truly reflect the exact levels of sympathectomy. It is, therefore, not surprising that despite the publication of the consensus statement, the complication rate of compensatory hyperhidrosis did not significantly decrease [4].
The rami communicantes that arise from intercostal nerves are not short stubby connecting nerves, but they may travel long distances caudally or rostrally before connecting to the sympathetic trunk [5–7]. Rami communicantes associated with T2 ganglion and ICN 2 are highly variable compared to rami associated with T3 and ICN3 which have less variability [5–7]. The number of rami communicantes attached to a ganglion may number from one or two for T3 and T4 ganglia, but for T1 and T2 ganglia, the number of rami could be multiple. Although rami communicantes are variable, they are visible, and they can be tracked. Without finding the junction of the RC to the sympathetic trunk, the centers of thoracic ganglia within the sympathetic trunk cannot be easily discerned visually. Zhang et al. published their anatomic dissection study on the variations of the upper thoracic sympathetic chain [7]. They showed that the T3 ganglion is in the intercostal space 68%. Our data show that the T3 ganglion lies on the surface of R4 at 65% and in the third intercostal space at 35%. Our cadaver dissection data show that the T2 ganglion lies close to the superior border of R3 or on the R3 itself. We found that 43% of the right T2 ganglia and 38% of the left T2 ganglia are in contact with the superior part of R3. The T2 ganglia, therefore, can be injured if R3 level sympathectomy is performed, in particular, if coagulation mode electrocautery is utilized. Chung et al also showed that T2 ganglion touches or lies directly over R3 35% of the time [8]. If the sympathetic trunk is interrupted at the top of the third rib as recommended by the consensus statement, there is a high probability that the T2 ganglion will be damaged partially or completely. Consequently, if the target ganglion is T3, the sympathetic trunk should not be disconnected over rib 3, since by doing so, the T2 ganglion may become injured, which will increase the chance of compensatory hyperhidrosis. Based on the anatomic data, one can also surmise that it is imprecise to disconnect the sympathetic trunk over R4 if the targeted ganglion is T4 since cutting over R4 will injure the T3 ganglion 65% of the time.
The method to cut the sympathetic trunk should be chosen with consideration to optimize the best outcome. A modern-day electrosurgery machine, which is used to interrupt the sympathetic trunk, offers three modes of cutting through tissue: pure cut, blend, or coagulation mode. In pure cut mode, a cautery unit performs much like a stainless-steel scalpel unless the power setting is too low, which can lead to soft tissue coagulation. Although there is little control over bleeding when the pure cut mode is utilized, there is minimal thermal injury to the surrounding tissue. It is absolutely necessary to prevent unintended thermal injury to T2 ganglion by not using coagulation mode. A partially injured T2 ganglion may be worse than a completely destroyed T2 ganglion since injured T2 may not coordinate sympathetic signals and become a rogue ganglion. Disconnecting the RC from the T3 ganglion using pure cut mode is similarly important to prevent thermal injury to the intercostal nerves.