Patients with preexisting degenerative canal stenosis are more prone to spinal cord injury when encountering cervical hyperextension force. Degenerative changes in the cervical spine lead to a reduction in the volume of the spinal canal. The decrease in buffer space for the spinal cord makes it more susceptible to compression and impact under the hyperextension force. Miyanji et al. analyzed a group of patients with cervical trauma and found that older patients with cervical degeneration experienced more severe spinal cord compression and injury (6). Uribe et al. found that cervical hyperextension could lead to folding of the degenerative ligamentum flavum, causing a shearing-type injury to the spinal cord (7). Besides, cervical extension could affect the volume of the spinal canal. The spinal cord occupies only 40% of the anterior-posterior diameter of the cervical canal in the mid-sagittal plane for healthy adults. During cervical extension, the anterior-posterior diameter of the cervical canal would decrease by approximate 2 to 3 mm (8). Therefore, excessive cervical extension could aggravate preexisting canal stenosis and compression of the spinal cord. Furthermore, the spinal degeneration reduces range of motion of the cervical spine. When undergoing excessive cervical extension, the discoligamentous complex rupture could disrupt the stability of the cervical spine. The hyperextension mechanism results in retrodisplacement of the intervertebral disc and adjacent vertebrae and consequent impingement of the spinal cord. Meanwhile, deformation of the spinal cord makes it more susceptible to injury from compressive forces in the anterior-posterior direction (9).
When patients exhibit neurological deficits, surgical treatment is necessary to achieve neurological decompression and segmental stability. All patients in this study had multilevel cervical stenosis, so posterior procedures were chosen to acquire adequate decompression of the spinal canal. Cervical laminoplasty and laminectomy have been proven to be equally effective in neurological decompression (10). Similarly, our results demonstrated significant improvement in spinal cord function in both groups and no significant difference in the degrees of improvement. Considering the difficulty in complete healing of the ruptured discoligamentous complex and potentially secondary instability, a supplementary fixation and fusion would be beneficial in the injured segments (11). Cervical laminectomy is an effective approach for the treatment of multilevel spinal stenosis. In this study, bilateral lateral mass screws were utilized following laminectomy. For the patients with combined CHI and stenosis, this approach can simultaneously relieve static compression by extensive laminectomy and eliminate dynamic instability by fixation and fusion.
Cervical laminoplasty is also commonly used to treat multilevel spinal stenosis. In addition, it was used for the treatment of cervical injury without obvious segmental instability. For example, laminoplasty could help patients with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament achieve satisfactory recovery after acute cervical injury (12). Conventionally, cervical laminoplasty is not suitable for cases with segmental instability due to potential risk of instability exacerbation. For those with segmental instability, the supplementary fixation should be used to restore stability (13). Chen et al. analyzed 15 cases treated by laminoplasty with lateral mass screw fixation due to ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament combined with instability. They found that compared to laminectomy with fusion, this procedure had comparable clinical efficacy and a lower incidence of complications (14). Our results did not show significant difference in the complication rate between the two groups, which might be attributed to relatively small sample size and short-time follow-up. Even so, this procedure has some potential advantages. The retained lamina increases the fusion contact area and serves as a bony protective layer to reduce the risks for postoperative dural sac compression by hematoma or cicatrization and long-term dural adhesions (15). Additionally, it prevents excessive posterior drift of the dural sac, thus decreasing traction force on the nerve roots (16).
In this study, the selective unilateral pedicle screw fixation was chosen for the laminoplasty procedure based on the following reasons. First, placement of the pedicle screws does not interfere with opening of the lamina and placement of the mini-plate, while the lateral mass screws might hinder placement of the mini-plate on the lateral mass. Second, the instability induced by CHI is primarily in the flexion-extension direction, while motion of rotation and lateral bending is usually less affected. Despite weakness in resisting rotation and lateral bending, unilateral fixation can provide equivalent stability in the flexion-extension direction compared to bilateral fixation. A biomechanical study found that laminoplasty with unilateral lateral mass screw fixation is comparable to laminectomy with bilateral fixation in the flexion-extension stability (17). The strength of pedicle screw fixation is superior to lateral mass screw. Therefore, unilateral pedicle screw fixation is sufficient enough for the injured segments. Lastly, the selective fixation could lower possibility of adjacent segment degeneration by preserving most segmental motion (18).
This study has some limitations. First, there are differences between the two groups in decompression, fixation, and fixed segments. Therefore, we cannot determine the effect of each specific step on the clinical efficacy. However, this study compared laminoplasty with pedicle screw fixation and laminectomy with lateral mass screw fixation as two integrated surgical approaches. The results only indicate the efficacy of the combined strategies and are not applicable to the specific step. Second, both CHI and spinal stenosis could lead to neurological deficits. Since it was impossible to accurately evaluate the neurological function before the injury, it was unclear whether the neurological function at baseline was comparable between the two groups. Nevertheless, the improvement of the neurological function from the preoperative to postoperative assessment could elucidate the therapeutic effects of the two approaches. Finally, due to the lack of postoperative MRI at follow-up, the direct effect of decompression cannot be assessed. These issues may warrant further investigation.