Joint snRNA-seq and snATAC-seq profiling of sEOAD in three brain regions
To investigate the dysregulated gene regulatory mechanisms in sEOAD brains, we generated joint snRNA-seq and snATAC-seq (snMultiome) profiles from each sample. We conducted 10x Chromium single-nucleus multiome assays on the nuclei isolated from postmortem PFC (n = 9), EC (n = 6), and HIP (n = 5) tissues of the sEOAD individuals and matched controls. The four individuals with sEOAD (age at death: 59–64 years) did not have any established causal variants in APP, PSEN1, and PSEN2 associated with EOAD, as documented on the Alzheimer’s Forum website ( The five age-matched controls (age at death: 61–65 years) had no neuropsychiatry diagnoses (Fig. 1a & Supplementary Table 1). Sample-level quality control was performed using the CellBender tool to remove systematic background noise in the snRNA-seq assay, followed by filtration of low-quality nuclei and putative doublets in both assays (Supplementary Fig. 1, Methods). In total, we generated high-quality transcriptomic and epigenomic profiles of 71,763 nuclei. The normalization, unsupervised dimension reduction, and integration were performed based on either gene expression, open chromatin accessibility profiles, or both modalities combined. The results revealed consistent cell clustering structures across three brain regions, as visualized using Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) (Fig. 1b, Supplementary Fig. 2).
We annotated the 71,763 nuclei by mapping the snRNA-seq profile to reference snRNA-seq datasets of the human brain from previous studies24, 25. These 71,763 nuclei were categorized into eight major cell types (with confidence score > 0.95 from references) and high-resolution sub-cell types (Fig. 1b, Supplementary Fig. 2a). Consistent with previously published snRNA-seq studies of the human brain7, 9, 24–26, we observed cell type-specific marker gene expression within each annotated cluster, including AQP4 in astrocytes, SLC17A7 in excitatory neurons, GAD2 in inhibitory neurons, CSF1R and CD74 in microglia, MOBP in oligodendrocyte, PDGFRA in oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), FLT1 in endothelial cells, and PDE5A in vascular and leptomeningeal cells (VLMC)/pericytes (Fig. 1c). Chromatin accessibility information around cell type marker genes also revealed unambiguous patterns distinguishing major cell types in the brain (Fig. 1d, Supplementary Fig. 2b-d). Together, these results indicated that the snRNA-seq and snATAC-seq data were of high quality and that cell type annotations were reliable. Because VLMC/pericytes and endothelial cells accounted for fewer than 200 nuclei, they were excluded from further analyses.
Our cell type composition analysis using the scCODA tool27 revealed the alterations in cell type abundance among different brain regions and conditions (Fig. 1e, Extended Data Fig. 1, Supplementary Table 2). Excitatory and inhibitory neurons were significantly less abundant in the EC and HIP compared to the PFC (posterior probability of inclusion > 0.95), while the other six major cell types remained stable across regions (Extended Data Fig. 1a). These differences may be due to tissue sampling closer to the white matter in the HIP and EC, resulting in a higher proportion of glial cells compared to the PFC. Although a lower abundance of excitatory neurons was observed in the sEOAD PFC compared to controls, no significant differences in the proportion of other cell types were found between sEOAD and controls across the three brain regions (Extended Data Fig. 1b-d). These findings aligned with the notion that AD brains are pathologically characterized by neuronal loss, at least in the PFC28. Although not statistically significant, a higher abundance of oligodendrocytes was observed in sEOAD than in controls, particularly in the EC (Extended Data Fig. 1b-d).
Cell type-specific dysregulation of gene expression in sEOAD across brain regions
To systematically characterize transcriptomic changes, we performed differential gene expression analysis in each major cell type of different brain regions between the sEOAD and control groups. We identified 1,222 sEOAD-associated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the PFC, 3,359 in the EC, and 5,430 in the HIP (Supplementary Data 1). These sEOAD DEGs were identified based on consensus signals from both MAST and mixed-effect models (adjusted p-value < 0.05, absolute log2 fold change [|log2FC|] > 0.25), accounting for sex, age at death, and batch (Fig. 2a, Methods). Despite similar numbers of nuclei captured in each brain region (Supplementary Fig. 2b-d), nearly three times as many sEOAD DEGs were found in the EC and HIP compared to the PFC. This finding from the snMultiome assay supports the previous reports that the EC and HIP are primarily affected in the early stages of AD pathogenesis29. Furthermore, sEOAD DEGs exhibited larger effect sizes (|log2FC| >1) in the HIP and EC compared to the PFC (Fig. 2b).
Among the DEGs in the sEOAD PFC, 249 were consistent with those identified in previous snRNA-seq studies of LOAD PFC (Fisher’s exact test, p-value < 2.2 × 10–16, Extended Data Fig. 2a). Notably, 184 DEGs were upregulated or downregulated in the same major cell types reported in the snMultiome study by Anderson et al.9. Three DEGs were consistent across all studies: upregulation of MRAS in astrocytes and upregulation of CHORDC1 and TP53TG5 in oligodendrocytes.
We identified 362 cell type-specific sEOAD DEGs consistently upregulated and downregulated across all three brain regions (Fig. 2c, Extended Data Fig. 2b), including 88 genes previously reported in snRNA-seq studies of LOAD PFC7, 9, 24. For example, CACNA1A was consistently upregulated in microglia across the PFC, EC and HIP (Fig. 2d, e, Supplementary Fig. 3). CACNA1A encodes a subunit of a calcium-dependent voltage channel (CaV2.1). The upregulation of this gene, specifically in microglia, was reported to be associated with Aβ load in the human brain30. We also identified other consistently dysregulated genes, such as downregulated CIRBP and upregulated ITGB8 in the astrocytes (Extended Data Fig. 2c). Those genes have been reported to be relevant to AD mechanisms31, 32.
Among the consistent DEGs across regions, we reported 274 genes that were not previously reported in snRNA-seq analysis of LOAD in the PFC. For example, CXXC4, which we found upregulated in excitatory neurons, is part of the Wnt signaling pathway and a key regulator of the amyloid precursor protein (Extended Data Fig. 2c). MAML2, which we found downregulated in oligodendrocytes, is part of the Notch signaling pathway, linked to neurovascular dysfunction in AD33. Additionally, 86 sEOAD DEGs were consistently downregulated in inhibitory neurons across three brain regions. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) revealed their enriched Gene Ontology (GO) Biological Process (BP) terms, such as “modulation of chemical synaptic transmission”, “regulation of trans-synaptic signaling”, and “synapse organization” [Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) adjusted p-value < 0.05, Extended Data Fig. 2d].
Most cell type-specific sEOAD DEGs showed varying dysregulation patterns across the considered regions. For example, GRM3, which encodes the glutamate metabotropic receptor 3 and is associated with synaptic function, was downregulated in astrocytes in the PFC and EC but not in HIP (Fig. 2f). This gene was found altered in AD and other neurological disorders34, 35.
In our GSEA of sEOAD DEGs for each cell type, we observed diverse enriched GO BP terms across the three regions (BH adjusted p-value < 0.05) (Fig. 2g). Upregulated DEGs in astrocytes and inhibitory neurons were consistently enriched in synaptic functions, such as "modulation of chemical synaptic transmission" and "regulation of trans-synaptic signaling," across all brain regions. However, only upregulated DEGs in excitatory neurons in the HIP were enriched in synaptic functions, indicating region-specific dysregulation. Upregulated genes in the microglia were enriched in cell morphology-related functions in the EC and HIP but not in the PFC. Downregulated DEGs in inhibitory neurons across all brain regions and in excitatory neurons in the HIP were enriched in "oxidative phosphorylation," "aerobic respiration," and "ATP metabolic process," suggesting potential mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced energy metabolism in sEOAD brains36, 37.
Cell type-specific candidate cis-regulatory elements (cCREs) for sEOAD DEGs
To assess potential cell type-specific open chromatin accessible signals associated with sEOAD, we performed peak calling on snATAC-seq assay using MACS2. We identified a total of 316,172 peaks in all major cell types, 75.3% of which were overlap with the results from a previously published cCRE dataset from the normal human brain by Li et al.4, and 61.5% of the peaks overlapped with the signals in the ENCODE cCREs database (Fig. 3a)38. Among these peaks, 22.45% were within 3 kbp of the nearest transcriptional start sites (TSSs), 46.21% were in intronic regions, and 24.13% were in distal intergenic regions (Fig. 3b).
To decode the dysregulated transcriptional regulatory circuitry in sEOAD brains, we conducted peak-to-gene linkage analyses in each brain region. We leveraged shared barcodes in snMultiome profiling to directly link epigenomic profiles with the respective transcriptomic profiles. We prioritized open chromatin peaks within 500 kbp of the TSS of each sEOAD DEG, focusing on significant positively correlated peaks (Spearman’s correlation > 0.05, BH adjusted p-value < 0.05) with the target gene, considering peak size, GC content, and fragment count. In total, we identified 3,794 cCRE-DEG associations in the PFC, involving 724 unique DEGs. In the EC, we found 21,349 of these associations, impacting 2,437 unique DEGs; while in the HIP, we reported 27,666 associations affecting 3,171 unique DEGs. Each cCRE was linked to a median of four DEGs in the PFC, six in the EC, and five in the HIP (Fig. 3c). The median distance between the cCRE and the TSS of the linked DEG was 140,980 bp in all three brain regions. The greatest proportion of the cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs were present within distal enhancer-like regions based on the annotations of ENCODE cCRE database (52.00% in PFC, 51.99% in EC, and 55.11% in HIP) (Fig. 3d, Supplementary Data 2). This pattern was consistent in cCRE linked to sEOAD DEGs across cell types and brain regions (Extended Data Fig. 3). The results suggested the critical role of distal enhancers in gene expression alterations in sEOAD brains.
Transcription factors are the primary regulators of gene expression, and their dysregulation has been associated with AD pathogenesis39. Using snATAC-seq data, we conducted motif enrichment analysis to nominate TFs that may contribute to altered gene expression in sEOAD in each cell type of each brain region. To prioritize bona fide signals, we focused on TFs expressed in over 25% of the corresponding cell types. In total, 217 TF motifs were enriched in the cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs (BH adjusted p-value < 0.05, Fig. 3e, Supplementary Data 3). Among them, 148 motifs were significantly enriched in the cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs across multiple cell types. For instance, motifs of ZNF148 had significant enrichment in cCREs associated with sEOAD DEGs in all major cell types (BH adjusted p-value < 0.05, Fig. 3e). Other TFs, such as EGR1/3 in excitatory neurons and SPI1 and IKZF1 in microglia, appeared to exert their regulatory functions in specific cell types. The motif activity of these TFs within specific cell types and brain regions was further supported by DNA footprinting analyses (Fig. 3f, g). Importantly, most identified TF motifs (198 out of 217) were enriched in the cCREs positively correlated with the upregulated DEGs, and they also enriched in distinct cCREs correlated with downregulated DEGs in the same cell type. This suggested TFs may function as both activators and repressors in different chromatin regions, thereby targeting different genes. Indeed, it has been reported that the effect of TFs on transcription is context-dependent; TFs can recruit different coactivators or corepressors, forming multi-subunit protein complexes to regulate transcription40, 41.
Cell type-specific regulatory networks in the sEOAD brain
To further explore the alterations in sEOAD brains, we identified cell type-specific TFs potentially modulating gene expression through enhancer binding in each brain region (Fig. 4a). Using SCENIC + algorithm, we inferred enhancer-driven regulons for each brain region, which comprising candidate TFs, open chromatin regions with enriched TF-binding motifs, and target genes across cellular states42. We prioritized the regulons exhibiting the highest 5% positive correlations and the lowest 5% negative correlations between TF expression and open chromatin region-based regulon enrichment scores. We identified 16, 31, and 17 key regulators in the PFC, EC, and HIP, respectively (Fig. 4b, Extended Data Fig. 4a, b, Supplementary Data 4). These regulators may act as either activators or repressors. On average, each regulon comprised 1,014 open chromatin regions and 262 target genes. We observed high cooperativity in prioritized regulons, as evidenced by the shared target regions and genes among them (Extended Data Fig. 4c-e). For instance, the chromatin regions and genes targeted by IKZF1 and FLI1 were highly overlapped in all three brain regions (Jaccard coefficient > 0.5, Extended Data Fig. 4c-e). These results suggested that a complex regulatory network, involving cooperativity from multiple TFs, is necessary to influence the transcriptome profiles in the human brain43, 44. Seven regulators were found to be conserved in specific cell types across all three brain regions, including RFX4 in astrocytes and FLI1, IKZF1, RUNX1, FOXN3, ETS2, and POU2F2 in microglia (Extended Data Fig. 4f).
We further explored the gene regulatory networks in the EC region. SCENIC + identified 31 regulons, indicating high regulatory activity (Fig. 4b). Among these regulons, we prioritized TFs with the motifs significantly enriched in cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs in the corresponding cell types (Fig. 3e, Supplementary Data 3). This process pinpointed five activators in astrocytes (RFX4, PAX6, RFX2, EMX2, and TCF7L2) and two in microglia for constructing gene regulatory networks. The five activators in astrocytes targeted a total of 102 upregulated and 113 downregulated DEGs in the EC (Fig. 4c, Extended Data Fig. 4e). Particularly, RFX4 showed high specificity and regulatory activity in astrocytes across sEOAD and control samples, as validated by DNA footprinting analysis (Fig. 4d). The inferred chromVAR motif activity of RFX4 was significantly higher in astrocytes of sEOAD individuals (BH adjusted p-values = 9.17 × 10− 32, Fig. 4d), indicating altered regulatory activity45. The RFX4 regulon contained 661 target genes, including 82 genes upregulated and 96 genes downregulated in astrocytes of sEOAD individuals. RFX4 (Regulatory Factor X 4) may play a role in psychiatric conditions in regulating genes crucial for brain development and function, including those involved in circadian rhythms and neural differentiation46. However, the disrupted regulatory effect of RFX4 on the transcriptome alterations in astrocytes of sEOAD has not been fully explored. In our sEOAD data, we observed the upregulation of GFAP, which encodes for glial fibrillary acidic protein, which is associated with astrocyte activation during stress and injury47. The GSEA of the DEGs targeted by RFX4 in astrocytes revealed diverse enriched GO BP terms, including “L-aspartate transmembrane transport”, “regulation of membrane potential”, and “Wnt signaling pathway”, among others (BH adjusted p-values < 0.05, Fig. 4e, f). This signified its potential role in regulating multiple transport-related pathways in the brain of sEOAD.
Furthermore, we prioritized activators in the microglia of EC, including FLI1 and IKZF1. Both TFs exhibited high specificity within microglial cells, as their motifs were significantly enriched in cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs in microglia. Specifically, these TFs targeted 71 upregulated and 20 downregulated DEGs (Fig. 4g). DNA footprinting analysis of IKZF1 showed high motif activity in the microglia of both sEOAD and control samples. Moreover, the inferred chromVAR motif activity was notably increased in sEOAD (adjusted p-value = 0.03, Fig. 4h). The IKZF1 regulon involved 47 upregulated and 20 downregulated DEGs in the microglia of sEOAD. The dysregulated genes targeted by IKZF1 were predominantly involved in immune-related functions such as “negative regulation of immune response”, “leukocyte-mediated immunity”, and “immune response-activating signaling pathways” (BH adjusted p-value < 0.05, Fig. 4i). This underscores the critical role of IKZF1 in mediating the immune response and pathophysiology of sEOAD.
Collectively, these results suggested that the cell type-specific transcriptomic profiles were regulated through cooperative interactions of multiple TFs and enhancers on their target genes in sEOAD brains. We highlighted a disrupted regulatory role for RFX4 in the astrocytes of sEOAD EC, which modulates genes involved in intercellular signaling pathways, and for IKZF1 in microglia, related to innate immunity and neuroinflammation.
Dysregulated intercellular signaling between non-neuronal and neuronal cell types
The altered regulatory relationships in non-neuronal cell types and their impact on neuronal circuit homeostasis and pro-inflammatory responses might play an important role in LOAD brains 48. To estimate such association in sEOAD brains, we conducted comparative cell-cell communication analyses using the MultiNicheNet tool49. This analysis facilitated the identification of dysregulated intercellular communication mediated by ligand-receptor pairs and their potential regulatory influence on the receiver cells. We prioritized the top 25 differential signals sent and received by specific cell types as condition-specific intercellular signaling.
Here, we highlighted the intercellular communication analysis of astrocytes and microglia in the EC. Specifically, the results showed that all top 25 differential signals sent by astrocytes were downregulated in sEOAD (Fig. 5a). The communication signals between EFNA5 in astrocytes to EPHA3 and EPHA6 in excitatory neurons were downregulated (Fig. 5a). The Ephrin–Eph signaling plays an important role in regulating cell migration in neurons. It is also associated with cytoskeletal rearrangements, as it regulates small GTPase activation and inactivation50. Furthermore, we observed multiple downregulated ligand-receptor pairs involved in neuroinflammation regulation, such as PTN-PTPRS/PTPRB signaling from astrocytes to excitatory neurons and A2M-LRP1 signaling from microglia to astrocytes (Fig. 5a, b). Remarkably, although more upregulated intercellular signalings were observed in the sEOAD PFC, downregulated PSAP-LRP1 signaling from microglia to astrocytes was noted in all three brain regions (Extended Data Fig. 5a-d). The reduced levels of PSAP protein have been associated with increased neurofibrillary tangle development and neuroinflammation51. Furthermore, we identified upregulated TGFB1-ITGB8 signaling from microglia to astrocytes, suggesting a potential increasing microgliogenesis in the sEOAD EC and PFC52.
We further explored the regulatory influence of ligands in sender cell types on the sEOAD DEGs in receiver cell types. Among the top differential communication pathways from astrocytes to excitatory neurons, ligands encoded by the EFNA5, OMG, and PTN in astrocytes exhibited increased ligand activity (Fig. 5c). Ligand EFNA5 exhibited the highest regulatory potential on downregulated expression of ARC. The Activity-Regulated Cytoskeleton-associated protein encoded by ARC plays a significant role in synaptic plasticity and neuronal activity53. Additionally, the TF coding genes in excitatory neurons, such as EGR1, EGR3 and FOS, were targeted by ligands in astrocytes (Fig. 5c). Similarly, the ligands EFNA5 and PTN in astrocytes displayed elevated regulatory activities on downstream genes in excitatory neurons in the PFC (Extended Data Fig. 5e). Conversely, ligands encoded by PSAP and A2M in microglia exhibited high ligand activity, potentially modulating the expression of targeted genes in astrocytes (Fig. 5d, Extended Data Fig. 5e, f). These results underscored the potential subtle and dynamic intercellular signaling influences on neuronal and glial functions in sEOAD brains.
Genetic variation at candidate CREs linked to sEOAD DEGs
To better understand the cellular impact of genetic variants identified by AD GWAS, we prioritized risk loci that overlapped with cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs. We curated 148 index single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), reported as genome-wide significant from four LOAD GWA studies (Fig. 6a)17, 18, 20, 21. We expanded these SNPs using linkage disequilibrium (LD) to include nearby variants with high coinheritance probability (LD R2 > 0.8 based on phase 3 of the 1000 Genomes Project data). We identified 3,180 unique SNPs associated with LOAD, of which 98.2% were in non-coding regions. Interestingly, 133 LOAD SNPs mapped in cCRE sequences were linked to 29 sEOAD DEGs across each brain region (Extended Data Fig. 6a). Particularly, cCREs in microglia in the EC and HIP were significantly enriched with LOAD GWAS variants, unlike those in the PFC (adjusted Fisher’s exact test, p-value < 0.05, Fig. 6b). In addition, cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs of excitatory neurons in HIP were enriched with LOAD GWAS loci. Notably, cCREs linked to the downregulated HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DRA genes in microglia intersected with the largest number of SNPs associated with LOAD (Extended Data Fig. 6a). The index SNP rs9271058 (reported in Kunkle et al.18) was mapped to a cCRE (chr6:32607513–32607728) linked to HLA-DRB1 in microglia in the EC (Fig. 6c). There were 43 SNPs mapped to a cCRE (chr6:32603881–32604799) that was linked to HLA-DRB1. Importantly, this distal-like enhancer cCRE contains TF motifs specific to microglia regulators, such as IKZF1 and FLI1. We found that the index SNP (rs74685827), and its associated SNPs reported by Bellenguez et al.21, intersected with the microglia- and astrocytes-specific cCREs linked to dysregulated SORL1 gene expression in the HIP (Extended Data Fig. 6b). We extended this approach to include 172 unique SNPs (LD R2 > 0.8) from five index SNPs associated with EOAD (p-value < 5×10− 8)54. We pinpointed 20 SNPs that intersected with cCREs correlated with HLA-DRB1 and MS4A6A in microglia within the EC, and 16 SNPs intersected with cCREs linked to HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DRA in the HIP. We further examined whether the cCREs of sEOAD DEGs harbored single-cell expression quantitative trait locus (sc-eQTL) identified in the human brain55. We identified 6, 27, and 33 brain sc-eQTL loci intersecting with cCREs of sEOAD DEGs in the PFC, EC, and HIP, respectively (Extended Data Fig. 6c, d).
We next performed stratified-linkage disequilibrium score regression (sLDSC)56 to assess the heritability enrichment of genetic risk loci in cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs in each cell type. In this analysis, we considered risk loci identified by LOAD, immune-mediated disorders, and other psychiatric disorders GWAS 57–74 (Supplementary Tables 3). Strikingly, we did not find enrichment of the LOAD-related SNPs in cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs (BH adjusted p-value > 0.05, Fig. 6d, Supplementary Data 5a). However, cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs in microglia in the HIP were significantly enriched with risk loci of ulcerative colitis (BH adjusted p-value < 0.05), though other immune-mediated traits did not show significant enrichment after multiple testing corrections. Conversely, we found significant heritable enrichment for neuropsychiatric disorders in cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs across brain regions. Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia risk variants were significantly enriched within cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs of excitatory and inhibitory neurons (BH adjusted p-value < 0.05, Fig. 6d).
Similarly, we performed sLDSC analysis on cell type-specific cCREs (Methods). As expected, microglia-specific cCREs demonstrated significant enrichment for the heritability of LOAD, as well as various immune-mediated disorders, such as Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and vitiligo (adjusted p-value < 0.05, Extended Data Fig. 6e, Supplementary Data 5b). A recent study revealed shared and unique genetic components among these disorders75. Furthermore, cell type-specific cCREs in excitatory neurons were significantly enriched in risk variants associated with neuropsychiatric disorders.
In summary, the cell type-specific cCREs linked to sEOAD DEGs suggested that LOAD risk variants in open chromatin peaks may account for a limited number of microglia transcriptome alterations. Further research is needed to determine the distinct genetic risk factors related to sEOAD.