E-cigarette aerosol contains several toxins and compounds
We began our analysis by investigating the chemical composition of a commercial brand of tobacco-flavored nicotine-containing and nicotine-free e-cigarette aerosol using GCMS. Interestingly, both nicotine-free and nicotine-containing aerosol contained similar numbers of compounds (313 and 308 respectively), but less than half (188) of the compounds were common to both aerosols (Supplemental Table 1), indicating a large difference between the constituents. Notable among these common compounds were paraldehyde, acetyl chloride, allyl acetate, anabasine, dimethylphosphine, diacetyl sulphide, diglycerol, dimethyl sulfoxide, ethylhydroxylamine, erythritol, fluoro-acetic acid, glyceraldehyde, glycerin, glycol, nitro-methane, phosgene, propylene glycol, trimethylpropoxy silane, thioacetic acid, trimethylphosphine, thiodiglycol, and xylitol. Additionally, among the predominant compounds identified in nicotine-free aerosol were esters and salts of hexanoic and octanoic (caprylic acid) and propionic acid, while minor tobacco alkaloids (nornicotine, anabasine, cotinine, nicotine nitriles) and compounds containing butane and silanes were more frequently identified in nicotine-containing aerosol.
Oral bacteria metabolize e-cigarette aerosol
We then investigated the metabolic byproducts produced by commensal-rich, intermediate, and pathogen-rich biofilms when exposed to these nicotine-containing or nicotine-free e-cigarette aerosols, or to clean-air (control). Overall, 4,474 peaks were generated and 4,215 were identifiable beyond a zero threshold. Spectral deconvolution and annotation to the molecular level identified 969 unique metabolites and 23 pathways corresponding to these metabolites after subtracting those identified in the clean-air and no-biofilm control groups (Supplemental Table 2).
Since metabolites can also be products of normal bacterial cell cycle, we investigated the percentage of naturally occurring metabolites versus those that are part of the human exposome. Over 82% of the metabolites that were identifiable to a molecular formula belonged to the category of human exposomes based on the Human Metabolite Database10. This category was also the most numerically abundant class of metabolites identified. A large fraction (27%) of the exposome family of compounds mapped to antimitic, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents.
Interestingly, the predominant bacterial metabolites were quorum sensing molecules and dipeptides, pointing to significant communications among the gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in the multi-species biofilms.
To gain insights into the sources of variability in the e-cigarette metabolome, we used principal components analysis (PCA) on variance-stabilized abundances of peaks. PCA revealed nicotine concentration (0mg versus 6mg) as a source of variation along with biofilm diversity (Fig. 1A). Corroborating this, the Chao and Shannon indices demonstrated the greatest level of metabolite diversity when all biofilms were exposed to nicotine-containing aerosol (Figs. 1B and 1C). Furthermore, although enrichment analysis identified 879 metabolites common to both nicotine-free and nicotine-containing aerosol (Supplemental Table 2), DESeq revealed statistically significant differences in abundances between 95 of these common metabolites (Supplemental Table 3). Moreover, 887 metabolites were unique to nicotine-containing aerosol and 1027 metabolites were unique to nicotine-free aerosol. Time series analysis revealed that the majority of metabolites and compounds were generated within one hour of exposure to e-cigarette aerosol (Fig. 1D).
Byproducts of e-cigarette metabolism depend on bacterial community composition
Univariate analysis of nicotine-free and nicotine plus aerosol using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) demonstrated that 39.1% of the variation between biofilms was explained by component 1 following exposure to nicotine-free ENDS, while exposure to nicotine-containing aerosol accounted for 37.6% of the variation of component 1 (Figs. 2A and 2B), indicating that biofilm diversity was also a robust determinant of metabolite profile. Corroborating this, covariate analysis demonstrated a significant interaction between biofilm diversity and aerosol composition (Fig. 2C). Additionally, spectral deconvolution revealed that 423 metabolites were generated from nicotine-free aerosol when exposed to commensal-rich biofilms, while intermediate biofilms generated 505 metabolites and pathogen-rich generated 566 (Supplemental Table 2). Similarly, following exposure to nicotine-containing aerosol, 380, 436 and 597 compounds were generated by commensal-rich, intermediate, and pathogen-rich biofilms. Exposure to commensal-biofilms generated significantly higher levels of metabolites that mapped to antimitic, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents. However, pathogen-rich biofilms were exposed to nicotine-containing aerosol generated significantly greater amounts of compounds related to the pyridine and pyrrolidine pathways of nicotine metabolism (notably, 2-ketoglutaramate, 6-hydroxy-N-methylmyosmine, and ethyl 4-(acetylthio)butyrate) than commensal-rich biofilms. A machine learning algorithm trained on this dataset identified 15 compounds that were able to discriminate between biofilm diversity and aerosol composition (Fig. 2D). Notable among these were homo-serine-lactone, pyrollidine and dopamine, which showed high out-of-box (OOB) prediction for nicotine-containing aerosol and pathogen-rich biofilms.
Metabolite pathway enrichment analysis corroborated our findings that pathways regulated by these metabolites depend on biofilm diversity. For instance, the compounds generated from nicotine-free and nicotine-containing aerosol by commensal biofilms mapped to significantly fewer metabolic pathways when compared to those produced by intermediate and pathogen-rich biofilms (Figs. 3A-C). Globally, commensal-rich biofilms were significantly enriched in pathways of lipid, carbohydrate and energy metabolism, xenobiotic degradation and intermediate metabolites. E-cig metabolism by intermediary biofilms impacted metabolism of nucleotides, beta-alanine, caffeine, riboflavine, tyrosine, vancomycin, alanine, carbohydrate (fructose, galactose, ketone bodies), lipid and proteins, steroid biosynthesis, and glycan biosynthesis and degradation. Pathogen-rich biofilm metabolism demonstrated enrichment of pathways related to biosynthesis of flavenoids, indoles, ascorbates, ketones, proteo-glycans, steroid, inositol and pyridine alkaloids, and the pyrrolidine pathway, among others. Of note, several oligopeptide metabolites were also enriched, pointing to enrichment of proteolysis-related pathways. However, lack of a peptide pathway database precluded their inclusion into the pathway mapping.
E-cigarettes induce quorum-sensing regulated gene expression in oral biofilms
Since several peaks identified in the study mapped to bacterial quorum sensing molecules; and compounds and metabolites such as glycerol, acetaldehydes, glycol etc. are known to impact bacterial growth and development, we investigated gene expression profiles in commensal-rich, intermediate and pathogen-rich biofilms in response to nicotine-containing and nicotine-free aerosol exposure and compared them to clean-air exposure (Fig. 4A and Supplemental Table 4) using 86 million analyzable sequences that mapped to 8973 transcripts. Multivariable association analysis identified 2049 KEGG orthologs that were significantly upregulated following exposure to nicotine-free or nicotine-plus aerosol when compared to clean-air (Supplemental Table 4). 1872 of these were significantly upregulated in response to nicotine-plus aerosol exposure when compared to clean air, and 2257 in response to nicotine-free aerosol. Interestingly, 1810 genes were upregulated in response to both nicotine-free and nicotine-rich aerosol. Of these, over 100 transcripts encoded quorum sensing and competence, 37 coded for biofilm formation and 72 genes contributed to glycerol metabolism. When the analyses were directed to biofilm type, 458 and 475 genes were significantly overexpressed in intermediate and pathogen-rich biofilms when compared to commensal-rich biofilms respectively. Prominent among the genes upregulated in intermediate and pathogen-rich biofilms were those encoding organic carbon-compound metabolism, quorum sensing, antimicrobial resistance, secretion systems and transporters. Commensal-rich biofilms demonstrated upregulation of genes encoding capsule, peptidoglycan and glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis, rhamnose containing glycans, and extracellular polysaccharide biosynthesis, notably sialic acids, e.g., legionaminic acid and neuraminic acid. Moreover, graph theoretics revealed robust and statistically significant correlations between transcripts and metabolites (Figs. 4B-4G). In commensal-rich biofilms, two large hubs demonstrating high betweenness and degree centrality were evident, one that was anchored by genes encoding phosphotransferase systems, transporters (carbohydrate, oligopepetide) and metabolites corresponding to lipid, carbohydrate, and energy metabolism. Prominent anchors of the second large network were genes that corresponded to xenobiotic degradation, and stress response and metabolites that mapped to the xenobiotic degradation pathway. Pathogen-rich networks also demonstrated two large hubs, however, the hubs evidenced one-third (one-fourth) fewer connectivity between metabolites and transcripts than commensal-rich (intermediate) biofilms, as well as one-tenth (one-twelfth) betweenness centrality than commensal-rich (intermediate) biofilms. One hub consisted of networks between quorum sensing and bacterial motility genes with metabolites related to ketone and steroid biosynthesis, while bacterial metabolites related to quorum sensing correlated with genes encoding antimicrobial resistance, siderophores, osmotic stress, molecular chaperones and CRISPR in the second network neighborhood.
E-cigarette exposure alters biofilm topography
To explore the structural impact of these metabolic and transcriptional changes, we used confocal laser scanning microscopy to visualize the biofilms and computed topographical parameters with IMARIS. Exposure to nicotine-free and nicotine-plus aerosol increased the surface area of the biofilms within one hour of exposure, followed by a steady decline over 8 hours (Fig. 5, panel d(i) and d(ii)). For further experiments, we selected the 1-hour biofilm. Several topological features provided evidence of adaptation of biofilm to the environment even after a short period of exposure to aerosol (Fig. 5, panels e(i-iv)). The most salient feature was the significantly higher surface-to-volume ratio in aerosol-conditioned commensal-rich biofilms when compared to clean air control. In further confirmation of this, this difference in ratios was evident only in the live cells (Fig. 5e(i)), not in the dead cells (Fig. 5e(ii)), suggesting a dynamic rearrangement of growth patterns. More importantly, the average biomass (mass that is connected to the base or substratum, (Fig. 5e(iii))) and diffusion distances (Fig. 5e(iv)) were also significantly higher based on vaping exposure in commensal-rich communities.
Salivary metabolome profile of e-cigarette users recapitulates metabolism of nicotine-plus aerosol by pathogen-rich biofilms
We then investigated whether these metabolites could be identified in the saliva of a previously characterized cohort of e-cigarette users, dual users of e-cigarettes and cigarettes, and former smokers who currently use e-cigarettes8. We identified 3645 metabolites and compounds beyond a zero threshold. Spectral deconvolution and annotation to the molecular level identified 513 unique metabolites. As expected, psLDA revealed significant separation between the metabolomic profiles of pure e-cigarette users when compared to dual and former smokers. (Fig. 6 and Supplemental Table 5). We then compared these metabolome profiles with those generated by in vitro biofilms 196 of these were also identified in the in vitro analysis (Supplemental Table 5).