Biofilm formation is greatest with urine isolates and occurs in both classical and hypervirulent pathotypes
To rigorously test biofilm formation across the 100 diverse K. pneumoniae isolates of the MRSN collection, we grew all strains statically in TSB supplemented with 0.5% glucose, a robust medium providing the most optimal biofilm formation conditions for our analysis. We then used a crystal violet staining readout and measured optical density at 550 nm to determine biofilm density without bias for cells or polysaccharide, as this dye stains both of these elements 26. The phylogeny was inferred from a core-genome alignment of 3,729 Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COGs) of proteins and 149,624 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sites (Fig. 1). This resulted in several well-supported clades, representing a broad range of MLSTs, which is in line with what was observed in the original work with these isolates 25. When comparing the biofilm formation of the 100 isolates, we saw a great diversity of biofilm formation abilities, ranging from no visible biofilm to formation of a very robust biofilm. Such heterogeneity indicates that biofilm is one of the most diverse and versatile traits in K. pneumoniae, as revealed by the high diversity index (Table 1). This is also observable in the distribution of biofilm formation, which showcases a long tail composed of ca. 15% of strains with an exceptionally strong capacity to form biofilm (Supplemental Figure S1A). Furthermore, the diversity of biofilm formation was spread between the clades, with each clade composed of both strong and weak biofilm formers, suggesting skim influence of phylogeny (Table 2). Our analysis was deposited to be made publicly available and consultable (
Table 1
The diversity index weighing the variance of a trait, allowing direct comparisons across traits.
Trait | Ix |
Biofilm | 1.18 |
Mucoviscosity | 1.52 |
AUC | 0.1 |
Generation time | 0.1 |
Maximum yield | 0.11 |
* Diversity indexes were calculated as the standard deviation of a sample, divided by the mean. |
Table 2
Phylogenetic inertia calculated using Bloombergs K and Pagels λ. We estimated the phylogenetic inertia of all tested variables using Pagel’s λ and Bloombergs K with the function included in the phytools package and a phylogenetic tree based on the core genome. The null hypothesis is λ = 0 (no phylogenetic effect).
Trait | Bloomberg’s K | P value K | Pagels λ | P value Pagel |
FimH | 0.07 | 0.540 | 0.73 | 0.008 |
MrkD | 0.58 | 0.008 | 1.00 | 0.012 |
EcpD | 0.05 | 0.329 | 0.84 | < 0.001 |
AMR | 0.13 | 0.127 | 0.73 | < 0.001 |
Virulence | 0.05 | 0.665 | 0.00 | 1.000 |
AUC | 0.13 | 0.210 | 0.71 | 0.003 |
Biofilm | 0.30 | 0.063 | 0.00 | 1.000 |
HMV | 0.06 | 0.650 | 0.00 | 1.000 |
We found overall many isolates in the diversity set had limited biofilm formation, with 38 isolates displaying moderate biofilm formation (Supplemental Figure S1B), and 46 isolates formed very limited biofilm (Supplemental Figure S1C). However, a select group of 16 isolates formed extremely dense biofilms (bin 1 crystal violet OD550 > 5) (Fig. 2A). To begin our comparison of the covariates which may influence biofilm formation, we first assessed the geography, patient isolation, and pathotype. When comparing the geographical origin with the biofilm formation abilities, as expected we did not find any correlation. Of note, we found that a sample isolated from Asia (MRSN 731029) had the greatest biofilm formation of the diversity set, samples from North America exhibited the most diverse formation, and samples from the Middle East, on average, formed the most robust biofilms (Fig. 2B). When considering the host isolation site, samples isolated from patient urine and wounds had the most diversity of biofilm formation abilities including those with the greatest biofilm formation, while isolates from the blood, human fluid, and the environment had the least ability to form biofilms (Fig. 2C). To observe the variability of biofilm formation with the presence of virulence genes, we graphed the K. pneumoniae isolates with virulence scores 1–5 (hvKp) next to those with a virulence score of 0 (cKp) 25. Although we found the mean formation abilities were equal, the two isolates with the greatest biofilm formation abilities were hvKp isolates (Fig. 2D).
Since biofilm formation abilities have been previously linked to curli fimbriae and cellulose production 27, 28, we assessed the abilities of the MRSN collection for production of these factors as previously described using congo red agar and calcofluor white agar plates, respectively 29. From our congo red analysis, we found a great diversity between the 100 isolates within the collection (Supplemental Fig. 2). Specifically, MRSN 564304 produced dark red phenotype indicative of curli production, while the strongest biofilm former MRSN 731029 displayed very little color. Furthermore, MRSN isolates 1912 and 5741 displayed a pink color rather than red possibly due to the abundance of capsule production like what is observed with the control hypervirulent K. pneumoniae NTUH (Supplemental Fig. 2). However, similar to what was recently shown with Klebsiella variicola 30, within the entire collection, the operon csgABCDEF was not present suggesting the phenotypes observed on congo red is due to another factor. In complementation of the congo red analysis, when grown on calcofluor white agar and visualized under UV fluorescence we saw diverse fluorescence, indicating variability in cellulose production within the entire collection (Supplemental Figure S2). As opposed to the curli operon, we did find the bcsABCDEFGQZ operon encoding for production of cellulose within the genomes of the collection. Most isolates had a complete operon, with exception of MRSN 736213, 16008, and 450199 that had bcsABCZ, bcsBCZ, and bcsABCEFQZ, respectively. Although MRSN 736213 had limited biofilm formation, MRSN 16008 and 450199 were strong biofilm formers. Collectively, we conclude that the strongest biofilm formers were isolated from the urine, both cKP and hvKp are capable of forming robust biofilms, and the presence of curli and cellulose are not sufficient to describe the biofilm formation abilities of this collection suggesting other factors are contributing to biofilm formation.
Mucoviscosity limits biofilm formation and is not exclusive to the K1 and K2 capsule serotype
Literature to date has shown that capsule is important for biofilm formation 31, 32. However, the increased encapsulation has been suggested to interfere with the attachment of bacterial cells resulting in decreased biofilm formation 21. To investigate the correlation between mucoviscosity and biofilm formation in this diverse set of K. pneumoniae isolates, we assessed the percent mucoviscosity to compare to our biofilm density analysis. This assessment was done as previously described using slow centrifugation and calculating the percent mucoviscosity as the change in supernatant optical density at 600 nm 14, 19, 33.
We found that most strains did not display high percent mucoviscosity, yet ca. 15% of strains exhibited important mucoviscosity (Supplemental Figure S3A). Such long tail in the distribution was similar to that of biofilm formation (Supplemental Figure S1A). Therefore, we assessed correlations between percent mucoviscosity and biofilm formation. First, we verified whether phylogeny strongly bias the analyses. We calculated both Pagel’s λ and Bloombergs K. We did not detect a significant phylogenetic signal in mucoviscosity and biofilm formation (Table 2). This could be explained by extensive horizontal gene transfer of virulence factors in these species, including the above mentioned rmp locus encoded in the hypervirulence plasmid 10. Overall, there was not a significant correlation with mucoviscosity and biofilm formation when assessing all isolates (Supplemental Figure S4B), or when considering virulence as a covariant independently (Supplemental Figure S4C and S4D). We found that although K1 and K2 capsule serotypes are often associated with increased mucoviscosity 9, among the 20% most mucoid isolates, only one had a K2 capsule serotype (Fig. 3A). Surprisingly, all isolates with a K3 capsule (N = 4) were among the most viscous, and significantly so (X2 = 11.8, P < 0.001). Furthermore, only three isolates (indicated with asterisk) in this set of isolates have the rmpACD genetic element shown to regulate the hypermucoviscous phenotype 34. The analysis of the isolates with highest percent mucoviscosity and most robust biofilm formers suggest a trade-off between the two traits, with only three isolates displaying increased percent mucoviscosity being able to form high biofilm (Fig. 3B).
For a robust analysis, we included another readout of encapsulation and analyzed the isolates migration on a percoll density gradient 35. This approach was selected over the more traditional uronic acid quantification due to the large diversity of uronic acid content of each serotype, making difficult comparison across serotypes. Our results were in line with the percent mucoviscosity results as we observed none of the most mucoid migrated to the bottom of the percoll gradient, indicating high capsule production in this set of isolates; while the least mucoid isolates had the most isolates that migrated to the bottom of the gradient, indicating low levels of encapsulation (Supplemental Figure S4). Surprisingly, the two most mucoid isolates MRSN 21352 and 607210 migrated less than the respective K1 and K2 capsule serotype hypermucoviscous controls K. pneumoniae NTUH K2044 and KPPR1S (Fig. 3C). Together, our results suggest although mucoviscosity limits biofilm formation but highly mucoid strains can form robust biofilms.
Mucoviscosity and antimicrobial resistance impact growth rate
Previous work has highlighted the impact of population yield on biofilm formation 22. To test if these findings applied more broadly than previously reported, and if like what was observed with our percent mucoviscosity and biofilm comparison, subsets of this collection had variable correlation with growth yield and mucoviscosity or biofilm. Therefore, we performed growth curve analyses with the isolates from the MRSN diversity panel to determine the generation time, maximum yield, and area under the curve (AUC). These parameters were then compared to the antibiotic resistance profile, virulence score, biofilm density, and percent mucoviscosity. Interestingly, we found that the growth rate parameters were much less diverse across the isolates than biofilm formation abilities (Table 1).
As expected, we observe a correlation between mucoviscosity and virulence score (GLM, p value = < 0.0001). Overall, we saw a negative correlation with all parameters tested when compared to AUC (Fig. 4). Specifically, when comparing the drug resistance status with the growth curve analysis, we found a significant (GLM, p value = 0.007; R2 = 0.07) negative correlation with drug resistance acquisition AUC (Fig. 4A). There was also a significant (GLM, p value = 0.002; R2 = 0.09) positive correlation with generation time and drug resistance and a negative correlation (GLM,, p value = 0.009, R2 = 0.06) with the maximum yield and drug resistance (Supplemental S6). Although the multi-drug resistant (MDR) group had quite a diversity of growth yields, this was comparably less diverse than the biofilm formation and mucoviscosity of this subset of isolates. Similar to antibiotic resistance, virulence factors such as mucoviscosity have been reported to be costly to the growth rate 30. Although the overall correlation was not as significant (Fig. 4B), we found that classical and hypervirulent strains did have differences in growth rate, as estimated by the area under the curve (AUC) (GLM, p value = 0.02; R2 = 0.03). In addition, there was a positive correlation generation time (GLM, p value = 0.061; R2 = 0.18) (Supplemental Figure S6).
Next, we compared our growth analyses to the biofilm formation capabilities and percent mucoviscosity, as previous work has shown that biofilm formation can be impacted by the growth rate of the population 22. We found a negative correlation between AUC and both biofilm formation (GLM, p value = 0.44; R2 = 0.0006) (Fig. 4C) and percent mucoviscosity (GLM, p value = 0.01154, R2 = 0.06) (Fig. 4D). Interestingly, MRSN 564304 had a substantial growth defect when compared to representative strains, fast growers, the most mucoid strain, and the greatest biofilm former (Supplemental Figure S7). With the concern that this outlier with an extremely slow growth rate may be skewing the significance of the correlation considering the sensitivity of Pearson’s correlations, we removed it from the analyses. This resulted in no qualitative difference (GLM, p value = 0.001, R2 = 0.1). However, this strain was within our set of strong biofilm formers and was the one isolate that appeared dark red on congo red agar and dark blue on calcofluor white agar (Fig. 1D). These data suggest that mucoviscosity may affect the growth rate of the isolates, but growth rate does not affect biofilm formation.
Fimbriae mutations differential impact on biofilm formation and mucoviscosity
It has recently been discovered that mutations within the gene encoding for the tip-adhesin of type III fimbriae (mrkD) or within the switch of type I fimbriae (fimH) impact biofilm formation in a capsule dependent manner 22. Furthermore, a recent study revealed insertional inactivation of mrkH, encoding for a c-di-GMP transcriptional activator, resulted in decreased biofilm formation 30, 36. In addition, another chaperon-usher system tip adhesin EcpD has been shown to be important for adherence to epithelial cells 37. As expected, we found that biofilm and mucoviscosity does not correlate with genome size (Spearman, p value = 0.89 and 0.09, rho = 0.01 and − 0.16 for biofilm and mucoviscosity, respectively). Therefore, to capitalize on the diversity of sequenced isolates within this collection, we next aimed to assess the fimbriae allele variations to determine impacts on biofilm.
We compared the mrkH, mrkD, fimH, and ecpD operons to identify variations from the most common allele (hereafter names as ‘reference’) and found a variety of alleles within the collection as well as isolates with the genetic elements absent from the genome (Fig. 1). Overall, there was a clear genotype-phenotype correlation with the three isolates (MRSN 560539, 375436, and 730567) that have insertion sequences in the mrkH gene and are all deficient in biofilm formation (Kruskal-Wallis, p value = 0.01) (Fig. 5A). In addition, there were many isolates with allelic variation in mrkD (10 different alleles with the dominant mutation being Q141E, present in 44 different isolates). Indeed, this mutation emerged early in the life history of K. pneumoniae and is present in most isolates from the first clade (Fig. 1). Interestingly, mrkD allelic variations did not show a correlation with biofilm changes but did have a minor impact on mucoviscosity (Kruskal-Wallis, p value = 0.07). However, the importance of this fimbriae system for biofilm formation is revealed by the two strains lacking either a portion or all of the mrk operon (MRSN 562722 and 21304, respectively) being among the lowest biofilm formers (Fig. 1 and Supplemental Figure S1). We observed a larger diversity of FimH alleles, a total of 17 different sequences, yet the reference was by far the most common. The second most common allele differed in V193I compared to the reference and was only present in three different isolates. No significant change in biofilm or mucoviscosity was seen with these mutations. Similar to the isolates with larger mutations of the mrk operon, we saw limited biofilm formation with MRSN 581745 that has an 829 base pair deletion between fimG and fimH (Supplemental Figure S1). Finally, we did not identify a homolog of ecpD tip adhesin gene in almost half of the isolates (and the most common change was observed in the signal peptide, V18A), (Fig. 5A). Interestingly, even though there was no overall impact (Kruskal-Wallis, p value = 0.46) of allele variations in the ecpD gene on mucoviscosity, those isolates with the V18A mutation had a wide range of mucoviscosity.
We found it extremely compelling that the Q141E allelic variation was found in 38 isolates as a single mutation and in six isolates with additional non-synonymous mutations in mrkD (Fig. 5B), many of which clustered together on the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1). The Q141E mutation is located within the lectin binding domain of MrkD, shown to be important for binding affinity (Fig. 5C) 22. Interestingly, the strongest biofilm former of the collection (MRSN 731029 collected from a urine sample in Asia) had a L133I mutation on the opposite side of the lectin binding domain (Fig. 5C). Comparatively, the mutations in fimH and ecpD occurred not in the lectin binding region but in the signal peptide and pilin domain, respectively (Supplemental Figure S8A and S8B). Our observations suggest mutations within the tip adhesion can have differential effects on the isolate’s biofilm formation and mucoviscosity but there is a strong correlation with a loss of biofilm formation associated with the mrkH insertion sequences disabling the c-di-GMP activator of the type III fimbriae.
Environmental sheer flow influences the biofilm formation potential and spatial distribution in strong biofilm formers
With the diversity of attributes of the top biofilm formers we wanted to visualize their biofilm compositions to learn more about biofilm structure and potential heterogeneity in morphology. The biofilms of the highest biofilm formers (Fig. 2D) were grown in static conditions with the same growth media to mirror our crystal violet staining and in microfluidic conditions to understand the role of mucoviscosity and fimbriae mutations with different environmental sheer flow. To introduce environmental sheer flow, we grew them under flow rate of 65 µL hr − 1 for 24-hours in a microfluidic 24-well plate that has a confocal microscopy compatible glass bottoms under the channels. Due to the increased serpentine clogging encountered when growing our K. pneumoniae isolates in the microfluidic plate using the TSB with 0.5% glucose we used M9 minimal media with 0.4% glucose as previously described for Escherichia coli 38, 39. With both biofilm growth conditions, the bacterial population and polysaccharide matrix was stained with Syto9 and calcofluor white, respectively. Confocal z-stack imaging facilitated the 3D rendering images to visualize the height and composition of the biofilms formed by each isolate.
We chose crystal violet staining as our measure for the MRSN diversity set biofilm formation because it is a robust, well studied method for high-throughput biofilm assessments; yet, there is no distinction between the cells and the matrix materials because crystal violet stains both without bias 37. Therefore, considering the diversity of the phenotypes of our 15 top biofilm forming isolates we wanted to visualize the bacterial cells independently from the matrix polysaccharides and determine how these components change when the biofilms are grown under environmental sheer flow. We found that in both static and microfluidic conditions, all isolates formed biofilms with average height between 30–50 µm and were found to have some level of polysaccharides within their matrix (Fig. 6 and Supplemental Figure S9). Specifically, when grown in static conditions, MRSN 731029 and 564304 displayed the most biofilm height (~ 50 µm), although 564304 had more polysaccharide matrix (Fig. 6A and 6B). These isolates when viewed from the top of the matrix revealed the cellular population as aggregates in microcolonies, compared to MRSN 16008, 5741, and 513382 that had uniformly dispersed cellular population when viewed through the z-stacks. (Fig. 6C, 6D, and 6E). Interestingly, MRSN 16008 had a thin layer of polysaccharide matrix with an abundance of cells above and below but the mucoid isolate MRSN 5741 had two distinct layers of polysaccharide matrix with less cells outside of the matrix. MRSN 513382 had a robust layer of polysaccharide matrix but decreased matrix height compared to the other isolates within the top biofilm formers (Figs. 6E). The cellular staining of MRSN 1912 with Syto9 was limited and we hypothesized this was due to the thickness of the matrix layer. To test this, we visualized biofilms grown with MRSN 1912 harboring pSL6_RFP to allow for constitutive RFP expression. We saw a slight increase in the cellular population under the matrix cap, although this was still minimal compared to the other isolates (Supplemental Figure S10).
When testing the effect of sheer force on biofilm formation of the isolates we found both the microcolony formation (Fig. 6A and 6B) and the polysaccharide cap phenotypes were no longer present (Fig. 6C-6F). Strikingly, MRSN 731029 and 564304 still had the most cellular density, although the MRSN 564304 displayed large gaps in the matrix when viewed from the top. MRSN 16008 had an abundant amount of polysaccharide matrix but less cellular density compared to MRSN 731029 and 564304. In addition, the two mucoid isolates that were able to form robust biofilms from our crystal violet readout responded to sheer force differently. MRSN 5741 had much less biofilm height and cellular staining when grown under sheer flow (Fig. 6D), but MRSN 1912 had increased biofilm height and cellular staining (Fig. 6F). These results reveal the diversity of spatial distribution between strong biofilm formers and the impact of sheer flow has differential effects on mucoid isolates that form robust biofilms.