In this study, we investigated the biosynthesis of C30 carotenoids in the Lactobacillaceae family, the largest family of beneficial bacteria known to date, and linked the crtMN-positive genotype to their lifestyles. For this purpose, we used an integrated comparative genomic approach combined with a phenotypic screening of a diverse in-house Lactobacillaceae strain collection and an assessment of the functional role of carotenoids in stress resistance.
Pangenome analysis of Lactobacillaceae revealed that crtMN-mediated carotenoid biosynthesis was a rare and scattered trait within the family: it occurred in 41% of all the genera but only in a few species or strains within each genus. It was found to be a core property in some nomadic species, such as Lp. plantarum; insect-adapted species, such as Fl. lindneri; and accessory in many others. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the biosynthetic crtMN genes are frequently transferred horizontally across species and genera, for example, from Lp. plantarum to Lv. brevis and within the Leuconostoc genus. This finding is consistent with the high mobility of carotenoid pathways observed at higher taxonomic levels16–18. Moreover, the trait appeared to have been gained convergently in Fructilactobacillus, with this genus having acquired crtMN genes from distinct donors during distinct events. Using a high-throughput extraction and analysis method, the crtMN genotype was matched with the synthesis of 4,4’-diaponeurosporene in five species. Functionally, we showed that Lp. plantarum strains that do not produce carotenoids were less resistant to UV and oxidative stress, in line with the general knowledge on carotenoids16 and the previously observed protection against oxidative stress conferred by 4,4’-diaponeurosporene biosynthesis in Lp. plantarum44. Finally, the scattered distribution and mobility of this trait across the family, coupled with its advantages in UV and oxidative stress, prompted us to systematically investigate the link between carotenoid biosynthesis and the lifestyle and ecology of Lactobacillaceae.
When testing for associations between two features associated with a set of species, as we have done here for carotenoids, phylogeny needs to be considered. This was done in our study by applying a phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) approach45. Such an approach effectively takes into account that closely related species will likely share similarity in any two traits (such as crtMN prevalence and lifestyle studied here) because of ”phylogenetic inertia”, not necessarily because the traits are correlated46. Since the lifestyles of Lactobacillaceae species are mostly conserved at genus level, this implies that the independent units of information are in general the genera rather than the species, resulting in a lower effective sample size and limitations in our dataset concerning statistical power. In addition, another limitation of our work is that a lifestyle assessment has not yet be attributed by 31,32 to 191 of the 361 Lactobacillaceae species in our dataset. This is due to lack of sufficient data on the isolation sources, metabolic potential, and related properties for these species31,32. For many of these species, only a single strain has been isolated from a single source. Repetitive isolation of species from the same environment, as well as substantiation with specific metabolic and experimental validation is required to attribute lifestyles, as the environment of isolation does not reflect the environment of adaptation (niche) for various reasons, such as random dispersal events and increasing anthropogenic effects on the biosphere. Such detailed information will have to be collected for these 191 Lactobacillaceae species to also be able to attribute a lifestyle in the future and further substantiate our analyses.
Despite these shortcomings in public data and taking into account the phylogeny, a near significant association was found between carotenoid biosynthesis genes and an insect-adapted lifestyle (p = 0.056). However, excluding phylogenetic relatedness, we found that crtMN genes were mostly absent in free-living species and completely absent in vertebrate-associated species, such as the L. crispatus, which is dominant in the human vagina40 and Lm. reuteri which typically colonizes the vertebrate gut31. The complete absence of carotenoids in well-studied vertebrate associated Lactobacillaceae suggests that carotenoid production is not selected for in mucosal and low-oxygen habitats, such as the gut and vagina. In contrast, carotenoid biosynthesis genes were strongly associated with nomadic and insect-adapted Lactobacillaceae indicating that oxygen- and UV-rich environments encountered by nomadic and insect-adapted strains can select for this trait. The habitat-adaptation strategy of nomadic carotenoid producers appeared to differ from that of insect-adapted species. Nomadic Lactobacillaceae species typically have large genomes (between 2.4 and 3.6 Mbp), making them metabolically versatile and adaptable to various environments. In other studies, nomadic species have been found to typically occur in low numbers in oligotrophic environmental niches, such as plant surfaces29,52, and in high abundances once carbohydrates become more available, such as in vegetable fermentation products53. Such fermentations are characterized by intense microbial competition and high-salt concentration53, possibly leading to osmotic and oxidative stress. In such fermentations and outdoor oligotrophic environments, we speculate based on the data obtained here that C30 carotenoids could provide a fitness advantage to nomadic lactobacilli by reducing susceptibility to oxidative stress.
Insect-adapted lactobacilli have smaller genomes (1.2–2.2 Mbp) with a concomitant decrease in carbohydrate metabolic capacity 31,32. This difference was also observed in our present study among crtMN carriers, as the insect-adapted crtMN carriers had remarkably small genome sizes (between 1.6 and 2.1 Mbp), but they still contained crtMN genes, indicating an evolutionary advantage. Interestingly, the insect-adapted crtMN carriers were all part of one clade within the Fructilactobacillus genus, a genus known to be transferred between pollinators via the environment, with flowers serving as key hubs31,47,48. Our data presented here indicate that the biosynthesis of C30 carotenoids, and its associated protection against UV radiation and oxidative stress, could be a significant advantage for these environmentally dispersed, insect-adapted Lactobacillaceae species. Our hypothesis is in line with the adaptation strategy previously described for leaf-dwelling bacteria, such as Clavibacter and Pseudomonas, which produce C40 carotenoids and other pigments to increase their survival in this UV-stressed environment9. Notably, carotenoid biosynthesis was absent in Lactobacillaceae associated with social pollinators, such as Lactobacillus apis and Bombilactobacillus. These bacteria are vertically passed down to offspring within the hive49, where they are protected from UV- and oxidative stress. An environmental survival strategy does not seem required for these bacteria49. An exception to this is the Apilactobacillus genus, which is also known to be dispersed among solitary bees via flower50. This genus was shown in our study here to have an unusual putative terpenoid cluster, characterized by a duplicated crtN and an absent crtM gene. However, it remains to be substantiated whether this duplication is associated with a particular phenotype or pigment.
Our hypothesis that Lactobacillaceae bacteria that are dispersed to plants via insects have a competitive advantage expressing C30 carotenoids was supported by our extensive culture approach and collection. A diverse array of carotenoid-producing Lactobacillaceae were isolated from flowers and leaves, with a relative high prevalence found for Lc. citreum in flowers. This species has – to the best of our knowledge - not yet been assigned to a certain lifestyle butour data presented here add support to an insect or flower-adapted lifestyle. In contrast, Lactobacillaceae isolates from vertebrate habitats studied here (mainly from the human vagina and respiratory tract), showed to be predominantly non-producers. Among the producing strains isolated, the nomadic Lp. plantarum was the most predominant species.
In addition to the ecological role, the presence of crtMN genes in Lactobacillaceae is of interest from an applied perspective, especially considering the beneficial properties and lack of virulence factors in this family of bacteria. For example, incorporating carotenoid-producing bacteria into food fermentations could add additional functional properties to these foods. In fact, 4,4’-diaponeurosporene is already present in many vegetable fermentations, as Lp. plantarum, a core producer, dominates the later stages of most typical vegetable fermentations, and Leuconostoc species generally dominate in the early stages53. Although the added benefits of 4,4’-diaponeurosporene in these fermented food ecosystems have not yet been studied, this metabolite has been connected to health-promoting effects via immune modulation. For instance, the introduction of crtMN genes originating from Staphylococcus aureus into Bacillus subtilis has been shown to reduce colitis in mice54 and increase resistance to Salmonella typhimurium infection55. Furthermore, in piglets, heterologously crtMN expressing-B. subtilis bacteria have been shown to improve the mucosal immune system of the gut56 and the respiratory tract57. These studies were carried out with genetically modified bacteria and are thus unlikely to reach large market applications, especially in Europe. In contrast, our results presented here indicate that natural carotenoid-producing Lactobacillaceae constitute an interesting alternative. Moreover, microbial biosynthesis can offer advantages over traditional production methods at it can be safer and less reliant on fossil resources than chemical synthesis and less influenced by seasonality or climate than plant-based biosynthesis58 and applied to C30 carotenoids59.
In summary, this study on the ecology and evolution of carotenoid biosynthesis in the Lactobacillaceae family revealed a scattered distribution of crtMN-mediated C30 carotenoid 4,4’-diaponeurosporene biosynthesis across 28 species and 14 genera and highlighted the mobility of this trait. C30 carotenoid biosynthesis appears to have emerged as a core property in several species, notably Lp. plantarum, Lc. citreum and Fl. lindneri. Furthermore, carotenoid biosynthesis was strongly associated with nomadic and insect-adapted lifestyles, where it offers an advantage via protection from UV and oxidative stress.