This is the largest study to date to explore the relationship between ACs blood concentrations and depression in a cohort enriched of clinical cases psychiatrically well characterized. Alterations of small effect size in levels of short-chain ACs, reduced acetylcarnitine (C2) and elevated propionylcarnitine (C3), were linked to the presence and intensity of depression. Results were confirmed in pooled analyses with > 4,000 observations additionally including an additional sample with data collected in subjects still available at 6-year follow-up.
Findings from a previous study 22 leveraging genomic data and Mendelian randomization analyses suggested a potential causal relationship between low C2 and depression risk. Consistently, in the present study lower C2 levels as compared to healthy controls were observed for subjects experiencing a current depressive episode as well those who had remitted. This pattern supports the interpretation of decreased C2 levels as a potential “trait marker” indexing an underlying vulnerability for the development of depression, in line with previous genetic analyses 22. Nevertheless, lower C2 in remitted subjects could also represent the result of a “scar effect” of depression, not improving after symptomatologic remission. Further longitudinal analyses in initially non-depressed subjects are needed to properly disentangle these two mutually non-exclusive scenarios.
Furthermore, we found that C3 levels were positively correlated with the severity of depression, acting as a potential “state marker” of the current symptomatology. This finding is in contrast with the expectation from Mendelian randomization analyses, showing an association between genetically predicted lower C3 levels and depression risk. Discrepancies between analyses employing genetic instruments and actual phenotypes may provide intriguing insights on relevant dynamics. For instance, it could be speculated that such discrepancies may reflect compensatory mechanisms aimed at correcting underlying vulnerability, consistently with previous findings 31 showing an increase in C3 during antidepressant treatment. Presently such hypothesis remains merely speculative; to reconcile the genetics and observational estimates additional longitudinal and experimental studies are needed. Intriguingly, the direction of the association with depression was opposite for the two short-chain ACs C2 and C3. Although having a partially overlapping genetic basis, the actual correlation of C2 and C3 blood concentrations was weak (r = 0.2) and these ACs are components of partially independent pathways (Fig. 1). C2 is a downstream product of mitochondrial beta-oxidation of long-chain fatty acids. Disruptions in this process may result in reduced in C2 levels. C3 is a downstream product of the metabolism of branched-chain amino-acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine) and of odd-chain fatty acids. In diseases where amino-acid metabolizing enzymes are dysfunctional or absent (e.g., propionic acidemia and methylmalonic acidemias characterized by neurological symptoms, muscle weakness and low energy) C3 accumulates, and higher blood levels are used as a screening tool. Hence, it is possible that C2 and C3 play distinct roles in various molecular pathways associated with depression. Further research is required to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this aspect.
Finally, while genetically predicted higher levels of the medium-chain ACs C8 and C10 were associated with increased depression risk in previous Mendelian randomization analyses, no significant association with depression presence or severity was found for levels of these ACs in the present study. Potential compensatory mechanisms correcting underlying vulnerability may be speculated as one of the reasons for such discrepancies, consistently with previous findings showing decrease in C8 and C10 after antidepressant treatment 31 Nevertheless, other conceptual and methodological differences may explain discrepancies in results between genetically informed (capturing average lifetime risk and etiological mechanisms) and observational (capturing time specific or acute events and disease progression) analyses. As addressed for other mental disorders, the integration of static genetic data and dynamic “omics” data is necessary to define better biomarkers for clinical management 32. Furthermore, the network of biological pathways involving ACs and converging on the mitochondria is extremely complex (Fig. 1). Rather than alterations in single components, the impact on depression pathobiology may be due to the net effect of different dysregulations and interrelated compensatory mechanisms in such a complex network, which could be fully unraveled only by further functional and mechanistic studies.
The present findings are in line with previous evidence suggesting that metabolic alterations are not uniformly associated with all clinical manifestation of depression, but map more consistently with specific symptom profiles 33. Across different analyses, lower C2 and higher C3 levels were associated with an atypical/energy-related symptom profile characterized by altered energy intake/expenditure balance (e.g. hyperphagia, weight gain, hypersomnia, fatigue, leaden paralysis) and previously shown to be linked 2,27,34 to inflammatory and metabolic alterations. Less consistent evidence across analyses were found for an association between higher C3 levels and an anhedonic symptom profile previously linked with inflammation and neurobiological reward processes. The clustering between specific biological and clinical features has been postulated to identify a theoretical dimension labelled “immuno-metabolic depression (IMD)”2 (aligning with the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework; 35 that may be conceptualized as a depression dimension in mapping the degree of expression of transdiagnostic bio-behavioral processes overlapping with those of other constructs (e.g. sickness behavior) 36,37, psychiatric diagnoses (e.g. bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder) or somatic (e.g. cardiovascular diseases, diabetes) conditions. In this context, engagement of the specific immuno-metabolic biological pathways (e.g. AC metabolism) in conjunction with the expression of specific clinical symptoms (e.g. atypical/energy-related, anhedonia) may identify depressed subjects at higher cardiometabolic risk. For example, altered levels of short-chain ACs, including C2 and C3, have been observed in coronary artery disease and diabetes 6,38.
Findings from the present study align with hypotheses 3 suggesting that mitochondrial energetic dysfunction may be involved in the pathophysiology of depression. Cellular energy dysfunction may contribute to depression through various pathways, leading to neurotoxicity and impaired neuroplasticity 4,39. In animal models, C2 supplementation promoted neuroplasticity, synthesis of neurotrophic factors, modulation of glutamatergic dysfunction, reversal of neuronal atrophy in regions like the hippocampus and amygdala, and improvement in depression-like behavioral symptoms 14,40–42.
Moreover, mitochondrial dysfunction and related oxidative stress can activate the innate branch of the immune system, leading to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines influencing various depression-related pathophysiological mechanisms: monoaminergic neurotransmission disruption, tryptophan degradation toward neurotoxic catabolites, glutamate-related excitotoxicity, decreased neurotrophic factors and alterations in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis 3,23,43. Mitochondrial bioenergetic dysfunctions may also have broader impact on immune processes. It has been recently shown 44 that T cells from depressed patients displayed a compromised metabolic profile accompanied by heightened gene expression of CTP1a (carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A), the mitochondrial enzyme responsible for ACs synthesis.
It is important to acknowledge that the relationships we found between AC levels, MDD diagnosis, depression severity and depression profiles may be explained to some extent by shared distal environmental and lifestyle factors (e.g., comorbid somatic diseases, sedentary behavior, smoking, high-fat diet, alcohol consumption 45–48 that could act as confounder or mediators of the association. Nevertheless, when analyses were adjusted for BMI, level of physical activity, number of somatic comorbidities, smoking status and alcohol use, results were substantially unchanged.
Alternatively, altered levels of ACs may be a direct consequence of depression or related clinical aspect such as use of antidepressants. Nevertheless, previous genetic study employing Mendelian randomization 22 found no evidence supporting a causal role of depression liability in influencing AC levels. Furthermore, in the present study we repeated the analysis excluding subjects using antidepressants and associations were not substantially impacted.
A major limitation of the present study is the cross-sectional design of the analyses, which estimated the associations between AC levels and depression at the same assessment (either baseline or 6-year follow-up), precluding conclusions about causality. Strengths of the current study are the large sample size, the detailed clinical assessment of depression and related characteristics and the availability of the same data collected from subjects still available 6 years after follow-up (totaling > 4,000 observations), allowing to further test the consistency and robustness of the associations detected. Nevertheless, the present findings warrant external replication in independent samples with similar measures when these become available. At the same time, it is important to remark that the finding of lower C2 as risk factor for depression is highly consistent with data from other studies using clinical samples, animal models and genomic data 22,49.
In the future, longitudinal studies will be necessary to capture trajectories of changes over time in AC levels and depressive symptoms in order to properly disentangle trait vs state effects and provide empirical grounding for causal interpretation, triangulating evidence with experimental medicine approaches. To date, only few small studies with heterogeneous methodology tested carnitine/acetylcartinitine supplementation in depressed patients, producing inconsistent results 50. In parallel, in-depth mechanistic studies could identify the precise biological mechanisms underlying the association between ACs and depression. An interesting approach would be to study differences in ratios between long, medium and short chain ACs in order to assess possible alterations in enzymatic function in depressed patients, a method already used in other fields of medicine 51,52.
In conclusion, the present study identified alterations of small effect size in blood levels of short-chain ACs related to the presence and severity of depression, especially of clinical profiles expressing symptoms reflecting altered energy homeostasis. Cellular metabolic dysfunctions may represent the biological substrate connecting depression with different cardiometabolic outcomes and a key pathway in depression pathophysiology potentially accessible through AC metabolism.