Plant collection and ethnobotanical identification
Tithonia diversifolia leaves were collected on August 30, 2022, at Fazenda São Jorge (latitude: 19.503 S, longitude: 41.065 W and altitude: 193 m), which is located in the municipality of Itaguaçu, southeastern Espírito Santo state, Brazil. A total of 10 kg of leaves (fresh mass) was removed before flowering, allowing a higher level of secondary metabolites to be concentrated in the leaves (Gama 2014). The taxonomic classification of the plant was carried out at the Mello Leitão Museum of Biology Herbarium, with specimen registration number MBML 55380.
Essential oil extraction and analysis
Ten kilograms of leaves were collected, crushed and stored in a freezer in 1 kg blocks at -20 °C for 3 days. The essential oil was then obtained by steam distillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus at 60 °C for 3-4 hours (Oliveira et al. 2020) using a 5-litre flask. After extraction, the oil was stored in an amber glass bottle in a refrigerator at -5 °C until analysis. Equation 1 (Santos et al. 2004) was used to calculate the oil yield.
TO = oil content (mL of essential oil in 100 g of dry biomass) or extraction yield (%)
Vo = volume of oil extracted (ml)
Bm = plant biomass (leaves) (grams)
U = biomass moisture, wet basis (%).
Analysis of the volatile components of the essential oil of Tithonia diversifolia was carried out at the Central Analysis Laboratory 1 (UFES/Alegre) using gas chromatography (Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 SE; Japan) with a capillary column (Support Rx-5Sil MS; 30 m x 0.25 mm, film thickness 0.25 µm). The chromatographic analyses were carried out with a drag gas (helium) flow rate of 1 ml/min and a split ratio of 1:10. After 1 min at 60 °C, the temperature was increased to 250 °C (4 °C/min) and maintained at 250 °C for 15 min. Mass spectra were obtained at 70 eV. For analysis, 30 µL of pure essential oil was diluted in 970 µL of hexane, and 1 µL of this solution was injected into the device. The volatile constituents were identified on the basis of their retention indices (Kovats, 1965) and their mass spectra, which were compared with reference data (Adams, 2001).
Obtaining and rearing T. urticae
The population of Tetranychus urticae used in the bioassays was established from collections in strawberry plantations in 2011 in the municipality of Guaçuí, ES (20° 46' 36.48” S and 41° 40' 37.92” O) and reared at 25 ± 1 °C, R.U. 70 ± 10% and 12 h photophase on pigeon pea plants, Canavalia ensiformes L. DC (Fabaceae), which were replaced every five days with healthy plants.
Evaluation of the toxicity of T. diversifolia essential oil to T. urticae via fumigation
To evaluate the acaricidal effect of T. diversifolia oil, tests to analyse the toxicity of T. diversifolia essential oil via fumigation on adult females of T. urticae were carried out at a temperature of 27.4 ± 1.9 °C, a relative humidity of 61.5 ± 7.0% and a 12 h photophase at the Center for Scientific and Technological Development in Phytosanitary Pest and Disease Management (NUDEMAFI) located on the Alegre campus of the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Leaf discs of pigeon pea 3 cm in diameter were placed in 50 ml plastic cups lined internally with a thin layer of damp absorbent cotton so that the leaf discs remained turgid during the test and to prevent the mites from escaping from the leaf area. Afterwards, 10 adult females of T. urticae between 24 and 48 hours of age were carefully transferred from the brood to leaf discs located at the bottom of the plastic cups. Then, small plastic cups with leaf discs containing adult females of T. urticae were placed at the bottom of 120 ml glass containers and used as fumigation chambers. The essential oil of T. diversifolia was applied with an automatic pipettor to 18 cm2 filter paper attached to the underside of the lid of the glass containers (fumigation chamber), leaving the mites exposed to the vapour of the essential oil for 48 hours. For sealing, glass jars (purge chambers) were wrapped in PVC film. After 48 hours of exposure to the oil, the numbers of live and dead mites were counted. The tests were carried out using a completely randomized design with five doses of T. diversifolia essential oil (5 µL/L, 10 µL/L, 20 µL/L, 40 µL/L and 80 µL/L air) and a negative control (no essential oil), with each treatment having five replicates. To assess mite mortality, a binocular stereomicroscope (ECZ-BLACK) was used at 80x magnification, and mites that showed no movement after light contact with tweezers on their cephalothorax were considered dead.
Obtaining and rearing Sitophilus zeamais
The insects were collected from a cornfield in the municipality of Alegre in 2012. The insects were reared and maintained from pure populations obtained from the laboratory of the Center for Scientific and Technological Development in Pest and Disease Management (NUDEMAFI) at the Center for Agricultural Sciences and Engineering of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (CCAE-UFES) in Alegre, Espírito Santo, Brazil, located at 20° 45' 49“ S latitude and 41° 31' 58” W longitude. To synchronize the age of the weevils, 6 glass containers with a capacity of 2 litres were used, containing 100 g of white maize and 50 unsexed adult insects to lay the eggs. To prevent the insects from escaping, the rearing containers were closed with organza-type fabric, thus allowing them to breathe. The containers containing the insects were kept at 26 °C (± 2 °C) with 70% relative humidity and a 12-hour photophase. After 10 days of confinement, the adult weevils were removed from the glass containers and discarded, after which the containers containing the seeds were stored until the next generation emerged (Rossetto, 1972).
Fumigation of S. zeamais with T. diversifolia essential oil for toxicity tests
The methodology described by Aslan et al. (2004) with adaptations was used to evaluate the fumigant effect of T. diversifolia essential oil on S. zeamais adults. Fifteen grams of white maize, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), was added to 500 mL glass containers, and they were infested with 20 unsexed S. zeamais adults aged between 0 and 15 days. Five different concentrations of T. diversifolia essential oil (5 µL/L, 10 µL/L, 20 µL/L, 40 µL/L and 80 µL/L air) and a negative control (no essential oil) were pipetted onto the underside of the lid of the containers. After 48 hours, live and dead insects were counted, and the percentages of insect mortality were determined, with individuals who did not move when touched with a brush being considered dead.
Repellency tests of S. zeamais with T. diversifolia essential oil by fumigation
Two free-choice tests were carried out using a methodology adapted from Nunes and Rizental (2015). In the first test, six 120 ml plastic arenas were used, which were symmetrically connected to a central container of the same volume by plastic tubes. In the central arena, 20 adult S. zeamais insects aged between 5 and 10 days were released, and 10 g of corn was added to the other six connected arenas. The undersides of the lids of the six peripheral arenas containing corn received 2 cm2 sheets of filter paper on which five different concentrations of T. diversifolia essential oil (5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 µL/L air) and the control (no essential oil) were pipetted (automatic pipette). After 24 hours of exposure, the number of insects attracted to the negative control and to the different concentrations of essential oil was counted. Three replicates were used in this first test to calculate the repellency index (RI%). The RI% was calculated for each of the essential oil doses using the equation model adopted by Guerra et al. in 2019 using the following equation:
IR (%) = the repellency index.
T = number of insects on the treated surface.
C = number of insects on the control surface.
For the second repellency test, five plastic containers connected to a central container were used. In this second test, five replicates were carried out with the same concentrations of T. diversifolia essential oil as in the previous test but without the negative control. This second test was carried out to determine the minimum concentration of essential oil that the insects could tolerate. After 24 hours, the number of insects attracted to the different concentrations of essential oil was observed.
Statistical analysis
The results of all the bioassays were subjected to regression tests, the data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the means were compared using the Tukey test at the 5% probability level using GraphPad Prism 6.0 statistical software.