A temporal co-occurrence network has been reconstructed for a subtropical group of 88 sympatric Australian birds at a wildlife refuge in South East Queensland. This network is the first of its kind in ecology to make use of the PCIT network inference algorithm. Species occurrence records are a cornerstone of community ecology and biodiversity assessment. When taken in conjunction with species biomass, occurrence data can generate insights into the flow of energy and biological material through ecosystems.
The main findings are that a) the distribution of all co-occurrences is skewed to the negative rather than being centred on 0, indicating the presence of one bird species tends to exclude another broadly in line with a competitive exclusion model b) total observed bird biomass is similar on successive sampling dates (e.g. ~38 kg on the 29th and 30th September) indicating the habitat has an upper limit on the birdlife it can support, although α diversity and the component species may differ enormously from one day to the next c) raptors tend to possess many negative co-occurrence relationship with other avian species indicating that their presence is strongly inhibitory d) a cohesive ‘module’ or cluster of positively co-occurring diminutive bird species is clearly detected and e) the network as a whole deviates from the expectation of a scale-free connectivity distribution for unknown reasons.
The co-occurrence output represents an abstraction of bird community ecology via an estimate of temporal co-existence. It can be contrasted with, say, an empirically derived food web which is a ‘real’ network anchored on bona fide documented patterns of consumption (and therefore of empirically proven energy and material transfer). Here, the fact we are using an abstraction means some of the co-occurrence observations may be incidental, in which case their ecological meaning is less clear. Nevertheless, the partial correlation approach taken does represent a step towards minimising the detection of spurious interactions arising from auto-correlation.
In taking this abstract approach one can create new hypotheses regarding bona fide species interactions such as those driven by niche competition and predator-prey relationships. Moreover, 88 bird species is a large enough assemblage to make a co-occurrence network that has a complex yet meaningful topology. That is, it can be subject to a formal analysis of its constituent modules and one can quantitative features of individual nodes which may reveal new biology. The co-occurrence network approach adds value to baseline species monitoring activities as it explicitly quantitates species interactions from the basic isolated ‘species-level’ observations that have been made.
With this in mind, having a quantitative understanding of bird species co-occurrence will a) help assess the impact of future interventions such as duration and intensity of fire, livestock agriculture and the behaviour and populations of feral pests and b) can be used as a model for how one might quantitate complex interactions in other taxa for whom reasonably large and reliable data sets also exist.
Other authors have previously used the basic concept of co-occurrence in the context of bird ecology. For example, patterns of bird species co-occurrence have been estimated for avian assemblages in the Black Forest of Germany (Basile, Asbeck et al. 2021), Mediterranean wetlands (Fois, Cuena-Lombrana et al. 2022), Alpine environments (Garcia-Navas, Sattler et al. 2021) and Spanish Steppes (Barrero, Ovaskainen et al. 2023). However, none of these examples report a bird species co-occurrence network whose detailed topology has been clearly visualised, formally analysed using principles from network theory and submitted in a format that can be interrogated by other members of the scientific community. Cytoscape software is a freely available community resource and the .cys file has been made available as part of this publication such that interested readers can visualise and navigate the network themselves.
In terms of overall topology there are two striking observations. Firstly, that there is a cohesive module of positively co-occurring species dominated by diminutively sized non-threatening birds such as Red Backed Fairy Wrens, Little Friarbirds, Silvereyes, White Browed Scrub Wrens and Willie Wagtails Rhipidura leucophrys. And secondly, that Birds of Prey (Gray Goshawks, Brown Goshawks, Collared Sparrowhawks, White Bellied Sea Eagles and Square Tailed Kites) and indeed a number of other non-raptorial large sized birds (such as Australasian Darters, Australian Pelicans, Pied Cormorants, Royal Spoonbills, Little Black Cormorants, Laughing Kookaburras, Glossy Black Cockatoos Calyptorhynchus lathami and Channel Billed Cuckoos Scythrops novaehollandiae), tend to be located on the periphery of the network. This indicates large (and sometimes aggressive) birds either possess a small number of connections and / or the connections they do have do not allow the network to be easily traversed.
Viewing the pattern of all pairwise correlations, whether deemed significant by PCIT or not, reinforces the view that Birds of Prey tends to possess negative co-occurrences to the other 87 bird species with whom they are being compared. This is consistent with their presence causing other birds to either flee the environment completely or to seek refuge such that they cannot be detected by an observer. Further to this, the distribution of all pairwise correlations (based on all 88 bird species, not just raptors) is skewed to the negative, indicating that in general the presence of a given avian species tends to inhibit the presence of other species.
This latter observation is consistent with niche competition and the concept that any habitat possesses a carrying capacity that represents the upper limit for a given ecological guild. This resonates with the arguments of (Diamond 1975) regarding forbidden species combinations of birds in the Bismark archipelago and also the observations of (Barrero, Ovaskainen et al. 2023) where the bird assemblage in a natural Steppe in central Spain is configured around the Eurasian skylark which possesses principally negative competitively driven associations with many of the coexistent species.
The season with the highest cumulative observed bird biomass is Autumn and the lowest is Winter, with Spring sampling dates intermediate. These differences presumably relate to some combination of seasonally based bird migration patterns and also the restricted availability of energetic resources in the form of nuts, seeds, fruit and other important dietary components that may vary on a seasonal basis. The hierarchical clustering analysis indicates that Autumn has the most unique assemblage of observed birds, and that when sampling does occur on consecutive days it is very likely to lead to similar patterns of bird observations.
In this subtropical, native woodland habitat at Hiddenvale, a reliable indicator species for the presence of a wide diversity of other birds looks to be the Silvereye. This species is not only present in the cohesive module of positively co-occurring species within the network but also possesses the highest total number of significant connections, the highest radiality (or network influence) and the second most positive average pairwise co-occurrence. In Australia, Silvereyes are widely distributed small, omnivorous passerine birds. They breed in September to December (Austral Spring to Summer) and in late summer, South East Queensland populations migrate further north. These co-occurrence findings suggests a hypothesis that deliberately creating habitat conducive to populations of Silvereyes may represent a rational means of promoting a high biodiversity of numerous other bird species at Hiddenvale reserve.
The various analytic approaches used here (hierarchical clustering, network inference and hypergeometric enrichment) capture numerous ecological relationships (such as the predation threat created by the presence of Raptors both as individual birds and also as a collective functional group) that would likely be considered ‘real’ to ecologists but that in many cases would not pass significance thresholds by conventional statistical measures. This highlights the power of these more ‘holistic’ methods to reliably detect cryptic, ecologically relevant signals in observation data that undoubtedly possesses some inherent noise.