Cell division in Schmidingerella
Cell division patterns were investigated in the field material from the Chesapeake Bay at the Northwest Atlantic, using protargol staining to visualise the most important taxonomic features (Fig. 2 and 'Terminology'). Only properly orientated and sufficiently stained cells were subjected to morphometric analyses. Overall, the results show that cell cycle-induced changes in the oral and somatic ciliature and the nuclear apparatus are not strictly synchronised, as indicated by the considerable variability observed (Figs. 3 and 4). As typical for tintinnids and Oligotrichea in general, (i) the division mode is enantiotropic (with shifting cell main axes and a more or less pronounced inverse orientation of proter and opisthe), (ii) the development of the new oral ciliature takes place in a subsurface pouch without contact to the parental ciliature (hypoapokinetal stomatogenesis), and (iii) mainly the opisthe’s ciliary rows (kineties) are generated by intrakinetal proliferation of basal bodies plus their associated fibrillar structures (kinetids) [38]. To obtain sufficient data for the descriptive statistics, we differentiate only between the three main division stages (early, middle, and late), in addition to morphostatic specimens and post-dividers. In the field material sampled during a single occasion, early dividers were most abundant (n = 210; Figs. 4 and 6) followed by middle dividers (n = 70), late dividers (n = 43), and morphostatic specimens (n = 31). In the supplementary material (Figs. S1–4; Tables S1–5), detailed line drawings and comprehensive morphometric data on morphostatic specimens and dividers are provided.
Morphostatic specimens (Figs. 2, 3 and S1C and D; Table S1). The length of the kineties and the numbers of kinetids in a kinety are highly variable because a differentiation of the morphostatic specimens from very early dividers (start of intrakinetal proliferation) and postdividers with still shorter (opisthe; Figs. S1A and B) or still longer (proter) ciliary rows is frequently difficult (see below). Additionally, deviations from the typical somatic ciliary pattern are occasionally found in form of short kinety fragments in uncommon positions or a somewhat irregular arrangement of the kineties.
Figure 2 Main morphological cell features recognisable in protargol-stained morphostatic specimens of Schmidingerella collected from the Chesapeake Bay at the Northwest Atlantic. Ventral (A) and dorsal (B) views. Asterisk marks position where the oral ciliature of the posterior divider (opisthe) develops in a subsurface pouch without contact to the parental ciliature (hypoapokinetal stomatogenesis). Those basal bodies having associated a distinct cilium are marked by a white dot; for details on the ultrastructure of the oral and somatic ciliature, consult Gruber et al. [29, 30]. MA, macronuclear nodules; PE, contracted peduncle attaching the cell to the bottom of the lorica (not shown); PF, vaulted peristomial field surrounded by the elevated peristomial rim bearing the collar membranelles. Scale bar = 50 µm.
Figure 3 Comparative morphometric analyses (for characters, see Fig. 2) of protargol-stained Schmidingerella specimens collected from the Chesapeake Bay at the Northwest Atlantic. In the case of split kineties (e.g., in late dividers), the sums of the proter’s and opisthe’s kinety lengths and numbers of kinetids are given. The lengths were measured as cord of the organelles. The shorter ciliary fields and lower kinetid numbers indicate that the postdividers studied were formerly opisthes. DK, dorsal kinety; LA, lateral ciliary field; LF, left ciliary field; RF, right ciliary field.
Figure 4 Changes in the shape and arrangement of the macronuclear nodules during the cell cycle in protargol-stained Schmidingerella specimens from the Chesapeake Bay. Both the horizontally orientated nodule and the following L-shaped pattern indicate that the interphase nuclear apparatus with two longitudinally orientated nodules has not been reorganised. After the traverse of the replication bands (sites of DNA replication and histone synthesis), both nodules fuse to one longitudinally orientated mass. 1, one horizontal macronuclear nodule; 2, macronuclear nodule/s arranged in L-shaped pattern; 3, two longitudinal macronuclear nodules; 4, one longitudinal macronuclear nodule; ED, early divider; ELD, early late divider; EMD, early middle divider; LMD, late middle divider; VLD, very late divider.
Morphostatic specimens are about 72 × 61 µm in size in contracted state; their length:width ratio is about 1.2:1. The cell is attached to the bottom of the lorica by a contractile peduncle. The somatic ciliary pattern consists of a right ciliary field with about 16 kineties, a left ciliary field with about 19 kineties, and a lateral ciliary field with about 13 kineties (on average 11 kineties considering also division stages) plus a ventral kinety composed of a monokinetidal anterior and a dikinetidal posterior portion, and usually one dikinetidal dorsal kinety (Fig. 2; [21]); a dikinetidal posterior kinety is lacking. The kineties of the fields are monokinetidal with cilia about 5–6 µm long in the right and left ciliary fields and 2–3 µm in the lateral ciliary field, except for one anterior dikinetid each in the right and left rows with a long (about 17 µm) anterior and a commonly sized posterior cilium. The kineties and kinetids are more densely spaced in the lateral ciliary field than in the right and left ciliary fields, especially, concerning its 5–7 rightmost rows. The ventral kinety is distinctly apart from the right ciliary field, namely, separated by a comparatively broad (about 14 µm) unciliated stripe; thus, it does not commence anteriorly to the right kineties. It extends obliquely and rather parallel to the lateral kineties leftwards to mid-body, where it curves posteriorly and parallels the posterior portion of the dorsal kinety, terminating near the end of cell proper; frequently, it is serpentine due to the cell contraction. The cilia associated with the monokinetids are about 5 µm long, while those associated with the posterior dikinetidal basal bodies increase in length from 6–7 µm in the anterior kinetids to about 10 µm in the posterior ones; the anterior dikinetidal basal bodies are unciliated. The dorsal kinety is distinctly separate from the right and left ciliary fields, extends in a leftwards curvature to the posterior end of cell proper, and is composed of dikinetids having associated a 6–9 µm long cilium with each posterior basal body; frequently, it is accompanied by dikinetidal kinety fragments. The kinetids of a kinety are ostensibly linked by an argyrophilic fibre, corresponding to the long overlapping postciliary ribbons of the kinetids [29]. The oral apparatus occupies the apical cell portion. Even in contracted specimens, the circular adoral zone is perpendicular to the main cell axis and consists of membranelles up to 53 µm long. The about 18 collar polykinetids form a contortus pattern on the peristomial rim and are thus reliably counted only in finished oral primordia; four or five ventral polykinetids extend into the buccal cavity together with invariably one buccal membranelle and the stichomonad (single file of identically orientated basal bodies plus associated fibrillar structures) endoral membrane [30]. The fibrillar system associated with the oral ciliature matches that described in detail by Gruber et al. [30]. Rarely, beaded strands extending about 12 µm beyond the collar membranelles are visible, possibly representing mucocysts extruded from tentaculoids (pin-shaped cytoplasmic extensions; [32]) or striae which are recognisable as longitudinal cytoplasmic stripes of argyrophilic granules on the collar membranelles. About half (56%) of the morphostatic specimens possess two ellipsoidal macronuclear nodules longitudinally orientated in the posterior 75% of the cell; an L-shaped pattern formed by one or two nodules is found in about 33% of specimens, while two horizontal nodules rarely occur (about 11%). One specimen even had replication bands (regions involved in DNA replication and histone synthesis while traversing the macronuclear nodules) in the longitudinally orientated nodules. The two micronuclei (about 3 µm across) were rarely recognisable, probably because they are usually very close to the macronuclear nodules. A low amount of scattered lorica forming material was detected in a single specimen. Food vacuoles contain remains of dinoflagellates (up to 30 × 21 µm in size), centric diatoms (up to 34 µm across), euglenids (up to 45 × 11 µm in size), the silicoflagellate Dictyocha, and coccolithophorids.
Figure S1 Schmidingerella sp., a postdivider (previous opisthe) (A, B), a morphostatic specimen (C, D), and early dividers (E–H) from protargol-stained field material collected in the Chesapeake Bay. Ventral (A, C, E, G) and dorsal (B, D, F, H) views showing the ciliary patterns and nuclear apparatuses. Note that the processes in the somatic ciliature, the nuclear apparatus, and the oral primordium are not completely synchronous, i.e., early dividers might still have not reconstructed the interphasic nuclear apparatus (G). The oral primordia of the early dividers show an anarchic field of basal bodies (E) or the formation of two-rowed membranelles from the anterior right to the posterior left (G). DK, dorsal kinety; LA, lateral ciliary field; LF, LFʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s left ciliary field; MA, macronuclear nodules; OP, oral primordium; RF, RFʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s right ciliary field; VK, ventral kinety. Scale bar = 50 µm.
Figure 5 Protargol-stained Schmidingerella dividers from field material collected in the Chesapeake Bay. Upper row shows the ventral ciliary patterns (A, C, E, G, I). Lower row displays the corresponding optical longitudinal sections demonstrating the accumulation of the lorica forming material and its translocation into the anterior cell portion (B, D, F, H, J). A–D Early dividers. E, F Late middle divider. G, H Early late divider. I, J Very late divider. CM, collar membranelles; LA, LAʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s lateral ciliary field; LF, LFʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s left ciliary field; LFM, lorica forming material; MA, macronuclear nodules; OP, oral primordium; RF, RFʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s right ciliary field; VK, VKʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s ventral kinety. Scale bar = 20 µm.
In the following descriptions of the divisional stages, the increase in length or kinetid numbers refer to the previous stage if not stated otherwise.
Early dividers (Figs. 3, 4, 5A–D, S1E–H and S2A; Table S2). They are on average 81 × 66 µm in size and thus about 12% longer than morphostatic specimens; the length:width ratio is still about 1.2:1. The hypoapokinetal stomatogenesis commences with the formation of an anarchic field of basal bodies left of the ventral kinety’s monokinetidal anterior portion and posteriorly to the lateral ciliary field (Fig. S1E). Soon, the oral primordium sinks into a subsurface pouch and the basal bodies in its middle portion align horizontally. Next, two-rowed membranelle precursors are generated from the anterior right to the posterior left (Figs. 5A and S1G); so far unincorporated basal bodies cluster mainly along the oral primordium’s left and posterior margins. Finally, the parallel membranelle precursors become clockwise inclined (ventral view), and the whole oral primordium commences to spiral, curving its posterior (finally proximal) portion anteriorly and to the cell centre (Figs. 5C and S2A). The portion of the ventral kinety anterior to the oral primordium extends longitudinally and almost parallel to the lateral kineties. At the level of the opisthe’s developing oral apparatus, it arches rightwards and extends as straight oblique row below the oral primordium to the posterior quarter of left cell side, where it curves to the posterior end of cell proper, paralleling the dorsal kinety’s posterior portion. At the level of the oral primordium, a gap between the monokinetidal anterior portion and the mainly dikinetidal posterior portion with potentially some anterior monokinetids widens; in 3% of specimens, overlapping postciliary ribbons no longer connect both portions or are not stained. Single basal bodies in the ventral kinety’s dikinetidal posterior portion as well as paired basal bodies in the ventral kinety’s monokinetidal anterior portion indicate an intrakinetal proliferation of basal bodies (elongation by about 12%). In the right and left ciliary fields, a few kinetids migrate posteriorly, generating a gap between the future proter’s and opisthe’s kinety fragments which remain connected by overlapping postciliary ribbons. Simultaneously, the right and left ciliary fields elongate by about 71% and 15%, respectively (by about 52% and 12% in kinetid number, respectively; always refers to the longest rows). Their posterior fragments are rather similar in length and number of kinetids and soon have one dikinetid at their anterior ends (Figs. 5C, S1G and H and S2A). They are generally shorter and comprise fewer kinetids than the anterior fragments, especially compared to the extremely elongated proter’s right kineties. The kineties in the lateral ciliary field are hardly elongated (by about 14% in length and 24% in kinetid number) and the kinetids remain densely spaced; interestingly, the posteriorly projecting postciliary ribbons of the kineties curve leftwards (Figs. 5C, S1G and S2A). Only in late early dividers, the lateral kineties commence to distinctly proliferate basal bodies and parallel with their posterior portions the upper margin of the oral primordium’s pit (Figs. 5C and S2A). The dorsal kinety is elongated by about 17% due to intrakinetal proliferation as indicated by interspersed single basal bodies (Fig. S1H); hence, the kinetid number has increased by about 38% (rough estimate). By about 30% more specimens have two longitudinally orientated macronuclear nodules, while specimens with different patterns (Figs. 4, 5A and S1G), demonstrating an ongoing reconstruction of the nuclear apparatus, have become fewer. Replication bands traverse the nodules in about 17% of specimens. Lorica forming material (LFM) is not recognisable in early dividers (Figs. 5B and D), except for a single specimen containing very few small granules scattered throughout the cell (Fig. 6B).
Figure S2 Schmidingerella sp., protargol-stained dividers from field material collected in the Chesapeake Bay. Ventral views (A, B, G), optical longitudinal sections (C, H), dorsal view (D), and lateral views (right and left; E, F). A An early divider. The membranelles of the new oral apparatus are still incomplete. B–F Early middle dividers with cylindroidal to funnel-shaped oral primordia. G, H A late middle divider with the new membranelles arranged in a 6-shaped pattern. DK, dorsal kinety; LA, LAʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s lateral ciliary field; LF, LFʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s left ciliary field; LFM, lorica forming material; MA, macronuclear nodules; OP, oral primordium; RB, replication bands; RF, RFʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s right ciliary field; VK, VKʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s ventral kinety. Scale bars = 50 µm.
Middle dividers (Figs. 3, 4, 5E and F and S2B–H; Table S3). They are on average 97 × 71 µm in size and thus about 20% longer than early dividers; the length:width ratio likewise increased to about 1.4:1. The oral primordium of middle dividers comprises the final number of membranelles, which are all three-rowed by now. In early middle dividers, the polykinetids extend on the inner wall of a cylindroidal or funnel-shaped indentation perpendicular to the main cell axis (Figs. 5E and S2B, E and F), and their membranelles commence to grow out. The endoral membrane, which has originated probably de novo, extends at the proximal end of the indentation. In late middle dividers, the oral primordium is roughly 6-shaped in ventral view, i.e., it commences with the distal membranelles directly underneath the ventral kinety’s anterior fragment and performs a clockwise turn (ventral view), plunging into the future buccal cavity, which extends into the ciliate’s right cell half (Figs. 5E and S2G). The gap separating the ventral kinety’s monokinetidal anterior fragment from the dikinetidal posterior fragment with some anterior monokinetids has enlarged and postciliary ribbons connecting both portions are no longer visible. Interspersed single basal bodies indicate an ongoing intrakinetal proliferation in the dikinetidal ventral kinety portion and the dorsal kinety. The total number of kinetids increased by about 21% in the dorsal kinety (rough estimate) and by about 12% in the ventral kinety. In approximately 30% of specimens, the dorsal kinety is accompanied by kinety fragments of varying length (not shown). The corresponding kinety fragments of the long proter’s and short opisthe’s right and left ciliary fields are frequently connected by postciliary ribbons traversing an unciliated horizontal stripe (future division furrow) which gradually broadens. While the right and left ciliary fields have started early to alter and are further elongated by about 25% and 12%, respectively (by about 51% and 41% in kinetid numbers), the developments in the lateral ciliary field are delayed but tremendous. It has elongated by about 137% in length and 128% in kinetid number, particularly in the proter, in which it curves around the oral primordium’s anterior left quarter (Figs. 5E and S2G); the opisthe’s lateral kinety fragments commence to separate and are somewhat shorter than those in the two other fields. The lateral kinetids are less densely spaced than in previous stages, especially in the posterior kinety portions. The number of specimens with replication bands traversing the two longitudinally orientated ellipsoidal macronuclear nodules increased to about 80% (Figs. 4, 5F and S2H); the nodules in about 3% of dividers are in the pre- or post-replication stage. In early middle dividers, most specimens lack LFM, about 27% have a low amount (Fig. S2C), and about 3% have moderate quantities (Figs. 6B and S2H). The granules are usually scattered throughout the cell but show tendencies to enrich in the ventral cell half around the oral primordium (Figs. 5F and S2H). In contrast, all late middle dividers contain LFM: about 25% have low amounts, 73% have moderate amounts (Fig. 5F), and 2% have high amounts which tend to cluster around the opisthe’s membranellar zone (Fig. 6B).
Figure S3 Schmidingerella sp., protargol-stained early late dividers from field material collected in the Chesapeake Bay. Ventral views (A, C) showing the ciliary patterns and the corresponding optical longitudinal sections (B, D) displaying the distribution of the lorica forming material. DK, DKʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s dorsal kinety; LA, LAʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s lateral ciliary field; LF, LFʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s left ciliary field; LFM, lorica forming material; MA, macronuclear nodules; OP, oral primordium; RF, RFʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s right ciliary field; VK, VKʻ, proter’s, opisthe’s ventral kinety. Scale bar = 50 µm.
Late dividers (Figs. 3, 4, 5G–J, S3 and S4; Table S4). They are on average 104 × 73 µm in size and thus about 7% longer than middle dividers and about 45% longer than morphostatic specimens; the length:width ratio is still about 1.4:1. In very late dividers, proter and opisthe have already started to separate and are only connected by a dorsal cytoplasmic bond, while the oblique posterior area of the ventral notch (division furrow) is occupied by the opisthe’s oral primordium (Figs. 5I and S4D and F). The distal collar polykinetids of the opisthe have performed an anti-clockwise rotation, resulting in a circular adoral zone (Figs. 5G, S3A and C and S4A). In early late dividers, the polykinetids are arranged in a contortus pattern and extend across a low peristomial rim parallel to the ventral side (Figs. 5G, S3A and C and S4A). In very late dividers, the ciliated membranellar zone further evaginates and becomes successively perpendicular to the main cell axis with its anterior portion overlaid by the projecting proter’s ventral side bearing the extremely long lateral kineties (Figs. 5I and S4D and F); simultaneously, the peristomial rim bulges, obtaining almost its typical shape. The buccal cavity previously directed obliquely to the right anterior cell portion migrates underneath the lower right quarter of the new adoral zone of membranelles (cp. Fig. S3A and Fig. S3C). The anterior fragment of the ventral kinety is still monokinetidal, except for one specimen with some posterior dikinetids (Fig. S4A), and somewhat longer than in middle dividers, while the posterior fragment consists of several monokinetids followed by many dikinetids and a few interspersed basal bodies. The kinetid number is almost unchanged in the dorsal kinety, which shows a rather indistinct separation of the proter’s and opisthe’s fragments. While the right and left ciliary fields display a moderate increase in length (by about 16% and 14%, respectively) and kinetid numbers (by about 19% and 12%) like the kinetid numbers of the lateral kineties (by about 15%), the elongation of the latter is again more pronounced (by about 63%). Generally, the proter’s fragments contribute distinctly more than the opisthe’s fragments to the total kinety lengths (LF: about 1.8:1; LA: about 4.3:1; RF: about 3.6:1) and total kinetid numbers (LF: about 1.5:1; LA: about 4:1; RF: about 2.3:1) notably in the lateral ciliary field (Figs. 5I, S3C and S4A and D). Whereas the percentage of specimens with replication bands traversing the macronuclear nodules decreased from about 38% in early late to 2% in very late dividers (Fig. 4), the percentage of cells with fused nodules forming a longitudinally orientated elongate ellipsoidal mass increased from about 15% in early late to about 81% in very late dividers (Figs. 5J and S4E and H). In early late dividers, the LFM has arranged around the oral primordium and finally aggregates underneath the proter’s long lateral ciliary field (Figs. 5H and J, S3B and D and S4B, E and G). This large cluster consists of a peripheral longitudinal stripe of small granules embedded in bigger granules (Figs. 5J and S4E and G). Simultaneously, specimens with moderate quantities diminished from early late to very late dividers (from about 35–0%; Fig. 6B).
Postdividers (Figs. 3 and S1A and B; Table S5). Since late dividers are only by 45% longer than morphostatic specimens, a further cell elongation must take place in postdividers, which affects mainly the proter. The comparison of kinety lengths and kinetid numbers between morphostatic specimens and very late dividers (cp. Table S1 and Table S4) indicates likewise a reconstruction of the somatic ciliary pattern after cell division. In the opisthe, the longest field kineties are shorter (by about 17–49%) and comprise fewer kinetids (by about 17–35%) than those in morphostatic specimens, whereas the kineties are longer and have more kinetids in the proter’s right ciliary field (by about 95% and 89%, respectively) and, especially in the lateral ciliary field (by about 257% and 159%, respectively). In the proter’s left ciliary field, however, the rows have almost the same length and number of kinetids as in morphostatic specimen (by about − 5% and + 7%, respectively). The longer right and lateral rows suggest a shortening by kinetid resorption in postdividers representing former proters together with a second round of basal body proliferation in their short dorsal and ventral kineties; apparently, the dikinetidal portion of the ventral kinety is reconstructed mainly after cell division. Similarly, the short kineties of postdividers representing former opisthes necessitate a further basal body proliferation and a concomitant elongation (Figs. S1A and B). The interphase nuclear apparatus, viz., two more or less separated longitudinally orientated nodules, is restricted to 31% of postdividers, while the remaining ones have usually one horizontally orientated (about 50%; Fig. S1B) or inverted L-shaped (about 13%) nodule. A single micronucleus is rarely visible. All available specimens have a complete lorica and do not contain any recognisable granules of LFM.
The present study provides the first volumetric analyses of a tintinnid’s LFM (Figs. 6–9; Tables S6 and S7). Both methyl blue-eosin and protargol stain the intracellular granules of the LFM. Due to a much better differentiation of the granules by the former method than by protargol, which also stains the nuclear apparatus and the ciliature, the quantitative and distributional changes of the intracellular LFM during the cell cycle were analysed in detail only in the monoclonal Schmidingerella from the Northeast Pacific. However, the analysis of the Northwest Atlantic specimens reveals identical processes, allowing a sound generalisation and a more precise localisation of the intracellular material in relation to the ciliary structures.
For describing the LFM accumulation, we define four categories of quantities and distribution patterns each (Figs. 6 and 8; Table S6) and subdivide the cell division in five stages based on the shape of the oral primordium (see 'Terminology’; Figs. 1 and 7). Although the categorisation of the LFM quantities was somehow guided by the division stages, the processes were found to be not entirely synchronous. Anecdotal live observations showed that the cell cycle (Fig. 1) lasts about 24 h. The material was first detected in one early divider (1% of specimens; Figs. 6A and 8). Such small granules which are scattered throughout the cell (Pattern A) and amount up to 1,037 µm3 (category 1) are also detected in roughly half (51%) of the early middle dividers, in which all membranelles already obtained their final three-rowed structure (Figs. 6A, 7A and B, 8 and 9; Table S6). The material further gradually accumulates with a maximum of 4,474 µm3 (category 2) in about 67% of late middle dividers, in which the granules commence to arrange primarily around the oral primordium (Pattern B) (Figs. 6A, 7C and D, 8 and 9; Table S6). In this division stage, the material also starts to aggregate between the opisthe’s and proter’s membranellar zones. An S-shaped pattern dominates in early late dividers (about 46%; Pattern C) (Figs. 6A, 7E and F, 8 and 9; Table S6). Eventually, the material clusters almost exclusively underneath the proter’s lateral ciliary field (see below) with a peripheral longitudinal stripe of small granules embedded in bigger granules (Pattern D) (Figs. 6A, 7G–J, 8 and 9; Table S6). The volume of LFM in very late dividers (n = 5) varies considerably, ranging from moderate (4,098 µm³) to extremely high (21,860 µm³; Table S7); the remaining three very late dividers volumetrically analysed have on average 12,479 µm3 of LFM (Table S7). After separation of both cells, this quantity of LFM is used by the proter to construct its new lorica. To sum up, the LFM accumulation given in percent of its final quantity accelerates during cell division, successively increasing from 8% (early to early middle dividers) via 17% (early to late middle dividers), and 35% (late middle to early late dividers) to 40% (early to very late dividers; Fig. 1; Table S7) in the monoclonal Schmidingerella specimens from the Northeast Pacific.
Figure 6 Bar plots showing the accumulation of lorica forming material (LFM) during cell division in Schmidingerella. A Methyl blue-eosin-stained dividers from monoclonal culture material collected in the Northeast Pacific. B Protargol-stained dividers from field material collected in the Chesapeake Bay at the Northwest Atlantic. 0, no material; 1, low quantity (1–1,037 µm3); 2, moderate quantity (1,038–4,474 µm3); 3, high quantity (4,475–21,860 µm3); ED, early divider; ELD, early late divider; EMD, early middle divider; LMD, late middle divider; n, number of specimens investigated; VLD, very late divider.
Figure 7 Ventral views of monoclonal, methyl blue-eosin-stained Schmidingerella specimens from the Northeast Pacific displaying the purple-coloured lorica forming material (LFM; upper row) and the identically orientated corresponding 3D models of the LFM (lower row). A, B Early middle divider with low quantity (maximum category 1) of LFM scattered throughout the cell (Pattern A). The oral primordium consists of the final number of three-rowed membranelles extending on the inner wall of a funnel-shaped indentation. C, D Late middle divider with moderate quantity of LFM (maximum category 2) mainly arranged around the oral primordium (Pattern B) which forms a 6-shaped pattern. E, F Early late divider with high quantity of LFM (category 3) arranged in an S-shaped pattern around the oral primordium (Pattern C). G, H Very late divider with most material in the anterior cell portion partially covering the obliquely orientated oral primordium (Pattern D). I, J Very late divider just before separation of proter and opisthe. The former contains the entire LFM (Pattern D). The oral primordium is almost perpendicular to the main cell axis. L, lorica; OP, oral primordium. Scale bars = 40 µm.
The disproportionate material accumulation in the middle cell portion probably indicates the main site of its production close to the macronuclear nodules (Fig. 9; Table S7). In late dividers, the LFM generation first stops in the posterior cell portion and finally in the entire cell, while the material is successively translocated anteriorly into the proter (Figs. 7G–J and 9).
To estimate the LFM’s occupancy of the cell volume, the latter was calculated by two different methods: (i) a computer-aided calculation based on the simplified cell outline, and (ii) a geometric calculation, using the cell's dimensions and the formula for a rotational ellipsoid. For determining the finally available LFM quantity, five very late dividers were analysed (Fig. 9; Table S7). In these specimens, the LFM volumes range from 4,098 µm3 to 21,860 µm3, with an average of 12,679 µm3 (without extremes: 12,479 µm3). The cell volumes estimated by the two methods (shape function vs. rotational ellipsoid) deviated somewhat without a clear tendency of higher values generally obtained by one specific method (Table S7). Likewise, the cell volumes do not demonstrate a steady increase during the cell cycle. Comparing the LFM quantities with the corresponding cell volumes estimated by means of the shape function yields occupancies of 2.3–10.3%, on average 6.7% (Table S7).
Comparison of intracellular lorica forming material (LFM) and lorica wall volume
Understanding the behaviour of the LFM from its release by the proter until the formation of the hardened lorica wall requires calculating the volume of the lorica wall and comparing it with the quantity of intracellular material. Based on micrographs displaying optical longitudinal sections of nine typically shaped (excluding Coxliella-shaped ones) Bouin-fixed loricae of Northeast Pacific specimens, the wall volumes were ascertained. They range from 98,655 µm3 to 136,609 µm3 with an average of 120,203 µm3 (M = 120,778 µm3; SD = 11,446 µm3; n = 9). The conservative comparison between the maximum intracellular amount (21,860 µm3) and the minimum wall volume (98,655 µm3) indicates at least a 4.5-fold swelling of the LFM after secretion.