Study area
As South Africa’s second-largest city, Cape Town was home to approximately 4.6 million residents in 2020 (City of Cape Town, 2020). Figure 2 illustrates the location of the city within the Western Cape Province of the country. Characterized by its temperate climate, Cape Town experiences dry summers and wet winters. The city’s average annual temperature is 16.7°C with an average yearly precipitation of 515 mm (Petschelt & Hermann, 2013).
Climate change and an expanding population are exacerbating the scarcity of water resources in Cape Town. If the winter rain is insufficient, the city faces challenges in meeting the water needs of the residents. For instance, due to the 2015 to 2018, severe drought the most intense in Cape Town’s recorded history (Egieya et al., 2024), the levels of water in the six major dams which account for 96% of the city’s water supply, dropped to below 13.9% (Webster, 2019). This severe situation necessitated the implementation of stringent water conservation measures. Given the strong interdependence of water and food through irrigation, as well as the water required for food production and processing, the drought had profound repercussions on agriculture and food production in Cape Town and its surrounding areas (Green Cape, 2019). Water scarcity can thus precipitate food scarcity, particularly, in areas where agriculture plays an important role in the local economy, such as Cape Town, where agriculture is vital for food production and a significant source of employment, with 44 000 residents working in this sector in 2020 (City of Cape Town, 2020). A decline in agricultural productivity inevitably leads to job losses. Moreover, resource shortages in the water and food (i.e. agriculture) sectors are further compounded by the nationwide electricity shortage in South Africa, which necessitates regularly scheduled power outages called “load-shedding”. This energy shortfall hampers the provision of other resources, as electricity is essential for water transportation and food production (Ryan, 2022). These interlinked challenges underscore the need for sustainable policies to ensure the future fulfilment of Cape Town’s resource demands.
Stock and Flow Diagram of the WEF Nexus
Building on the insights about qualitative connections within the nexus derived from the CLD, a stock and flow diagram (SFD) was developed. The SFD formulation employed the Euler integration method for the simulation because of its suitability for models that incorporate IF-THEN-ELSE logic and discrete objects (isee systems, 2023a). Through a series of tests, the optimal timestep for the simulation was established to be 0.25 months ( week), with a total simulation duration of 480 months, or 40 years commencing in January 2023. For clarity, the diagram (Fig. 3) was segmented into five nodes: water, food, population, land, and climate. The interconnections between these nodes are facilitated using “ghosts”, which in STELLA (isee systems, 2023b) are shortcuts to other variables within the system.
In Fig. 4, the allocation of water resources as an SFD in the system is illustrated. At the center of Fig. 4 is the “Available Water” stock, which is the amount of water left after subtracting the water used (demand) from the available water (supply). On the water supply side, most of the water (approximately 96%) comes from the six major dams that serve the city. There are also three groundwater sources (aquifers) used (City of Cape Town, 2023b). Figure 4 also includes water from seawater desalination and reused water, which are part of the plan to increase the resilience of the water supply (WI scenario). On the demand side, there are three main uses of water: agriculture, urban areas, and non-revenue water or water losses (i.e., water that is lost and not paid for) (McKenzie et al., 2012). The urban water demand is categorized according to its users, including commercial, industrial, residential, and government. As different crops and livestock have different water requirements, the agricultural water demand outflow is split between the variety of livestock and crops cultivated in the CoCT and its surrounding agricultural areas.
In Fig. 5, the food node shown in SFD has a similar structure to the water node (i.e., Fig. 4). Here, the focus is on “Food Availability”, which is the amount of food available after considering both food supplied, and food demanded.
The supply side consists of two main sources: food that is imported and food that is produced locally. These sources contribute to the overall food supply in the area.
On the demand side, there are three ways food leaves the system: through exports (food sent to other places), food waste (food that is not consumed or used), and food consumption (food eaten by the local population).
The “Food Availability” stock thus shows the balance between the supply and demand for food. It is important to note that this stock includes an array of foods, both staple and non-staple, to reflect the different eating habits of various population groups. Staple foods include food groups such as eggs, meat, dairy, and grains, whereas non-staple foods comprise mostly fruits (Egieya et al., 2024). The variety indicates a diverse food supply to meet the varied needs and preferences of the population (Odunitan-Wayas et al., 2020).
Since population growth has a strong influence on resource use, it is pertinent to include a population node, as shown in Fig. 6. This node is positioned around a key element called “Population Size”. The “Population Size” stock is like a container that changes based on people coming in and going out. The inflows into the population are, on the one hand, those who join through births or immigration (migrating from elsewhere). The term "outflows" refers to the movement of individuals from the population, either through emigration or death.
An important feature of this population model is that the population size is categorized into different Living Standard Measure (LSM) groups. These groups are based on the average incomes and spending habits of different population groups. By dividing the population into these LSM groups, the model can more closely represent different parts of the population using resources (Ntloedibe et al., 2020). According to the study by Odunitan-Wayas et al. (2018), this categorization aids in understanding and preparing for the various requirements and resource utilization patterns of different segments of society.
There is a limited amount of land available in Cape Town that can be used for different purposes. Because of this, any changes in how land parcels are utilized affect the city’s demand for resources (see Fig. 7). For instance, if agricultural land is converted to residential areas, it will affect the amount of food that Cape Town can produce (Le Roux et al., 2016). The agricultural land is further divided into sections used for different crops and livestock to track their water requirements and properly manage this situation.
To account for the effects of climate change on the system, a climate node (Fig. 8) was included. This sector is crucial because an increase in average temperatures can significantly affect water resources. Specifically, higher temperatures lead to more evaporation of water from dams as well as evapotranspiration (the combined process of water evaporation and plant transpiration) from crops (Nistor et al., 2017). To accurately estimate the effects of these temperature changes, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) suggests using the Penman-Monteith equation (Allen & Pereira, 2006). This equation is a widely recognized method for calculating evapotranspiration. It considers various factors like temperature, humidity, sunlight, and wind speed to provide a more precise understanding of how much water crops need and how much water is lost from reservoirs due to evaporation. For this study since not all the data was available, a simplified version of the Penman equation, developed by Linacre (1977) was employed (Eq. (1) and implemented in the WEF nexus model developed by Egieya et al. (2024). This equation requires fewer climate parameters to estimate potential evapotranspiration.
Where E0 represents the evaporation rate in mm per day, T is the mean temperature in °C, h the elevation in meters. A denotes the latitude in degrees and Td the mean dew point in °C.