To address the loss of urban natural habitats and landscape fragmentation, this study establishes a multi-scale landscape connectivity evaluation and optimization method at the scales of Chongqing city, the Chongqing main metropolitan area, and the Chongqing main urban area. The specific research process (Fig. 2) is as follows: (1)Using the Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis (MSPA) method, core areas are extracted. The landscape connectivity index is employed to measure the structural connectivity level of the study area at multiple scales in the year 2020, and these levels are compared with each other. (2)Based on the landscape connectivity evaluation results of the study area in 2020, ecological sources are identified. According to the principles of functional connectivity evaluation, ecological corridors are generated using circuit theory. An ecological network is constructed at multiple scales, and these networks are compared with each other. (3)Based on the multi-scale comparison of structural connectivity and the ecological network, zoning management strategies for optimizing landscape connectivity in the study area are proposed.
3.1 Structural Connectivity Evaluation at Multiple Scales
(1) Core Area Extraction
Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis (MSPA) is a method that classifies the pixels of binary images based on mathematical morphology. It can extract various ecologically significant areas from the pixel level with advantages such as accuracy, speed, and low data requirements (Vogt et al., 2007; Wickham et al., 2010). In this study, key natural ecological elements such as forests and grasslands are used as the foreground (Lin et al., 2020), while other land types are treated as the background. The resulting binary raster data is imported into the Guidos software, which generates seven non-overlapping types of network structural elements (Fig. 3) (Vogt et al., 2017). Among these, core areas are typically large habitat patches such as wildlife habitats and forest reserves. They are the optimal network structural elements for increasing wildlife dispersal distances and promoting interspecies breeding (Chang et al., 2015), and are the primary focus of this study.
(2) Structural Connectivity Evaluation
The Probability of Connectivity (PC) index assesses the probability of connectivity between any two patches, providing a more precise numerical measure of the structural connectivity level in the study area (Pascual-Hortal and Saura, 2006). The Patch Importance Index (dI) represents the contribution of each patch to habitat connectivity. This is determined by evaluating the change in connectivity when any given patch is removed. A higher index value indicates that the patch supports a richer flow of materials and information (Zhang et al., 2021). The calculation formulas are as follows:
In the equation, PC ranges from 0 to 1 and increases with improved connectivity. Here, n represents the total number of patches in the landscape, ai and aj denote the areas of patches i and j respectively, indicating the probability of species dispersal between patches i and j. AL represents the area of the study area.
In the equation, dPC represents the change in overall connectivity when a specific patch is removed, used to measure the importance of that patch in maintaining landscape connectivity. PCremove denotes the overall index value of remaining patches after the removal of a single patch.
The study imported core area data obtained from MSPA analysis into Conefor sensinode 2.6 software to calculate PC and dPC values. Subsequently, the dPC values of each patch were visualized in ArcGIS and classified into 9 levels based on the natural breaks method (Fig. 4). Core area patches categorized as "Level 7," "Level 8," and "Level 9" in terms of dPC are crucial for maintaining urban biodiversity and habitat integrity, highlighting regions of particular focus in this study.
(3) Comparison of dPC values of core area patches at different scales
Analyzing at a single large scale may overlook landscape heterogeneity within regions, while analyzing at a single small scale may fail to capture the overall ecological land use pattern of a region (Liu et al., 2024). Understanding the differences in ecological processes across different scales can provide a scientific basis for developing more accurate and detailed ecological conservation plans (Yu et al., 2023). In this study, based on the dPC values of core area patches at three scales: "Chongqing city - main metropolitan area - main urban area," we conducted overlapping analyses to compare the variations among these scales. This approach aims to clarify the emphasis of landscape connectivity conservation strategies among these three scale levels.
3.2 Evaluation of Functional Connectivity at Multiple Scales
(1) Identification of Ecological Source Areas
Ecological source areas are critical regions that ensure biological diffusion and maintain ecological flows, providing essential ecological services and preserving the integrity of landscape patterns (Fu et al., 2020). In this study, core area patches with a dPC ranking higher than "Level 3" and an area greater than 5 km², which are of significant value for maintaining regional landscape connectivity, are identified as ecological source areas (Wang et al., 2021).
(2) Construction of Resistance Surfaces
Ecological resistance refers to the obstacles species must overcome during horizontal migration and ecological flow processes (Cui et al., 2020). This study constructs comprehensive resistance surfaces by combining resistance factors from natural conditions, the degree of human disturbance, and environmental responses. To reduce the impact of subjective human judgment on weight assignment results and eliminate information redundancy caused by potential correlations between resistance factors, the study employs Spatial Principal Component Analysis (SPCA) to determine the weights of each factor (Zou and Yoshino, 2017). The formula is as follows:
In the formula, RV and wk represent the resistance value of the ith evaluation unit and the weight of the kth resistance indicator, respectively; aik is the kth resistance indicator of the ith unit; and Fk is the common factor variance of the kth resistance indicator.
(3) Extraction of Corridors
Ecological corridors are potential pathways for biological migration and the exchange of ecological elements (Huang et al., 2021). The study uses circuit theory to identify the direction and boundaries of ecological corridors in heterogeneous landscapes (Peng et al., 2018). This theory, based on the principles of electrical circuits, is a method for studying dynamic ecological flow trends, assessing specific ecological processes of a species, and quantifying habitat functional connectivity. It considers the random walk characteristics of species and views the landscape as a conductive surface composed of systematic nodes and resistors (McRae et al., 2008; Fan et al., 2021). Here, the nodes are ecological source areas, and the current magnitude represents the probability of species dispersal along a particular path. A higher accumulated current value indicates better connectivity between two ecological source areas in the region, suggesting that more species or a particular species more frequently pass through the area (McRae et al., 2008). The calculation formula is as follows:
In the formula, I represents the current magnitude, indicating the probability of species dispersal along a particular path; V is the voltage between ecological source areas; and Reff is the effective resistance of the conductor, reflecting the degree of isolation between ecological sources. The higher the resistance, the greater the difficulty for species movement.
The study imports ecological source areas and resistance surfaces into Circuitscape 4.0 software and uses the Linkage Mapper module to generate corridors. Subsequently, the scope and boundaries of ecological corridors are identified based on cumulative resistance (Fig. 5).
(4) Comparison of Ecological Networks at Different Scales
between human and natural environments exhibit diverse and hierarchical characteristics across different spatial scales (Lu et al., 2023). Traditional ecological network construction often overlooks the relationships between ecological elements at varying scales, making it challenging to develop systematic solutions (Elmqvist et al., 2013). This study constructs ecological networks at three scales: "Chongqing city - main metropolitan area - main urban area," then conducts overlay analyses to compare the overlapping and distinct parts among them. This approach supports a comprehensive exploration of strategies for protecting and optimizing regional landscape connectivity.