MSCs are resistant to the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis and necroptosis
There are conflicting reports of MSC sensitivity to stimuli that trigger apoptosis via the extrinsic pathway19, 20, 24, 25. We therefore first assayed the survival of human BM-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs) following FAS receptor ligation with an agonistic antibody against FAS. Human Jurkat T lymphoma cells, used as a positive control, were approximately 90% Annexin V+ following 24 h treatment with 1µg/mL anti-FAS antibody (Fig. 1A). By contrast, human BM-MSCs exhibited little apoptotic cell death with increasing concentrations of anti-FAS antibody (Fig. 1B). Only approximately 20% apoptotic cells (Annexin V+PI− and Annexin V+PI+) were observed at 10µg/mL, despite the fact that BM-MSCs expressed high levels of FAS (Fig. 1C). Ligation of FAS with a different reagent, recombinant FcFASL (a trimeric form of FASL)26, efficiently killed Jurkat cells (Fig. 1D), but was similarly ineffective in BM-MSCs, inducing apoptosis in ~ 40% of cells (Fig. 1E). Likewise, mouse BM-MSCs (Fig. 1F) also displayed increased resistance to FAS ligation compared to mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) immortalised with SV40 (Fig. 1G).
To determine why MSCs were relatively resistant to death receptor-mediated apoptosis, we examined whether antagonising inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAP) could better activate caspase 8-dependent apoptosis. In the presence of the pan-IAP antagonist SMAC-mimetic, Compound A27, human BM-MSCs exhibited robust cell death following treatment with anti-FAS antibody (Fig. 1H), suggesting that IAPs limit MSC sensitivity to FAS-mediated apoptosis. We confirmed that this apoptosis was caspase-dependent, as the effect was significantly abrogated in the presence of the broad spectrum caspase inhibitor, zVAD-FMK (Fig. 1H).
Next, we investigated the susceptibility of MSCs to necroptosis, an alternative, inflammatory form of cell death that can be initiated by certain TLR or TNF receptor signals when caspase-8 activity is inhibited28. Treatment with TNF alone for 24 h at concentrations up to 100 ng/ml did not induce significant cell death in human BM-MSCs (Fig. 1I). Moreover, the addition of the caspase inhibitor Q-VD-OPh and SMAC-mimetic failed to induce TNF-mediated necroptosis in human BM-MSCs (Fig. 1J). Human BM-MSCs were also refractory to TLR-mediated necroptosis when stimulated with poly(I:C) or LPS in the presence of caspase inhibition with zVAD-FMK (Fig. 1J).
Taken together, these data demonstrate that human MSCs are not killed efficiently via the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis, and also fail to undergo necroptosis from various stimuli in the presence of caspase inhibition.
Human and mouse MSCs rely on different BCL-2 family proteins for their survival
We next investigated the sensitivity of human MSCs to cell death via the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. A class of small molecules termed BH3 mimetics specifically inhibit different pro-survival members of the BCL-2 family of proteins29. These include: ABT-199 (BCL-2 inhibitor30), A-1331852 (BCL-xL inhibitor31), and S63845 (MCL-1 inhibitor32). Using Jurkat cells as a positive control (Fig. 2A), human BM-MSCs were efficiently killed following treatment with the triple combination of these BH3-mimetic drugs in a dose-dependent manner, with maximal cell death induced after treatment for 3 h at 0.25 µM of each agent (Fig. 2B). Titration of the triple combination of BH3 mimetics demonstrated that the majority of cells exhibited an AnnexinV+PI− early apoptotic phenotype within 2 h of 0.125 µM (Fig. 2C). By contrast, BKX-MSCs that do not express the intrinsic apoptotic effector molecules, BAX and BAK8, remained viable at the highest dose tested (1.25 µM) (Fig. 2C, right). Reducing the treatment time to 2 h, human BM-MSCs were nearly 100% Annexin V+ at a concentration of 1.25 µM (Fig. 2D). In contrast, mouse BM-MSCs required a substantially longer treatment duration as well as a higher concentration of the BH3-mimetic drugs (10 µM) to achieve the same effect (Fig. 2E). This was confirmed over a time-course, whereby human BM-MSCs were Annexin V− at 1 h, but approximately 90% Annexin V+ at 2 h when treated with1.25 µM BH3-mimetic drugs (Fig. 2F). Treatment of mouse BM-MSCs with 10 µM BH3-mimetic drugs resulted in a noticeably slower rate of killing, requiring 12 h to achieve over 90% cell death (Fig. 2G). Compared to mouse BM-MSCs, MEFs exhibited an even slower rate of killing, whereas MEFs deficient in BAX and BAK were resistant to death, as expected (Fig. 2G).
We next determined which pro-survival proteins were required for the survival of human or mouse MSCs. As expected, concurrent inhibition of BCL-2, BCL-XL, and MCL-1 using 1.25 µM of the BH3-mimetic drugs resulted in the majority of human BM-MSCs being killed. The same effect was observed when BCL-XL and MCL-1 were simultaneously inhibited (Fig. 2H), suggesting that human MSCs require combined inhibition of BCL-XL and MCL-1, but not BCL-2, to efficiently induce apoptosis via the intrinsic pathway. BCL-2 inhibition in combination with either BCL-XL or MCL-1 inhibition at 1.25 µM resulted in approximately 40% of cell death of human BM-MSCs, whereas sole inhibition of either BCL-XL or MCL-1 resulted in approximately 25% of cell death (Fig. 2H). At 10 µM, all combinations were able to efficiently induce cell death in human BM-MSCs, with the exception of BCL-2 inhibition alone (Fig. 2H). On the other hand, for mouse BM-MSCs, inhibition of only MCL-1 resulted in approximately 60% apoptosis (Fig. 2I), demonstrating that MCL-1 is the key pro-survival protein in mouse MSCs. MCL-1 inhibition in combination with either BCL-2 inhibition or BCL-xL inhibition resulted in over 80% of cell death of mouse BM-MSCs (Fig. 2I). These data reveal that BCL-2 is dispensable for MSC survival and that human MSCs are safeguarded by BCL-XL and MCL-1, whereas mouse MSCs predominantly require MCL-1 for cell survival.
Human MSCs from different tissues have varying sensitivity to BH3-mimetic drugs
MSCs derived from different tissues sources display heterogeneity in terms of their transcriptome, secretome and functional properties, including differential potential and immunomodulatory capacity33. We therefore compared the sensitivity of human MSCs derived from three common tissue sources to the BH3-mimetic drugs of interest. Human MSCs derived from adipose tissue (AD-MSC) treated with increasing concentrations of BH3-mimetics exhibited greater resistance compared to MSCs derived from umbilical cord (UC-MSC) and BM-MSCs (Fig. 3A). This finding was consistent across the three different AD-MSC donor lines tested. Human UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs exhibited a similar level of sensitivity to the BH3-mimetic drugs (Fig. 3A).
Steady-state quantitative PCR revealed that the relative transcription of BCL2 was similar across different donors and tissue types (Fig. 3B, left). Although transcription of BCL2A1 (encoding BCL-XL) (Fig. 3B, middle) and MCL1 (Fig. 3B, right) was more variable, AD-MSCs expressed BCL-XL at significantly higher levels compared to UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs. Together, these data demonstrate that MSCs derived from adipose tissue exhibit a greater resistance to apoptosis induced by BH3 mimetics compared to MSCs derived from umbilical cord and bone marrow, likely due to expression of higher amounts of these pro-survival molecules.
Priming of MSCs by pro-inflammatory cytokines increases their sensitivity to apoptosis
Inflammatory licensing of MSCs is being employed as a strategy to improve MSC function and efficacy34. Priming cultured MSCs with cytokines such as IFN-γ, TNF and IL-1ß prior to infusion into patients is thought to mimic the inflammatory cues present at sites of tissue injury, which are required to induce the anti-inflammatory program in MSCs17. To determine whether inflammatory priming influences the sensitivity of MSCs to induction of apoptosis, we cultured human BM-MSCs with a combination of TNF and IFN-γ for 24 h prior to treatment with 1.25 µM BH3-mimetic drugs for 2.5 h. Exposure to TNF and IFN-γ alone without BH3 mimetic treatment did not trigger apoptosis, as previously reported in mouse MSCs35, 36, since primed vehicle-treated human BM-MSCs remained AnnexinV−PI− (Fig. 4A). While the proportion of AnnexinV+PI− early apoptotic cells was unchanged when BM-MSCs were exposed to either TNF or IFN-γ alone, the combination of 10 ng/ml TNF and 10 ng/ml IFN-γ resulted in approximately 30% of BM-MSCs displaying an AnnexinV+PI+ late apoptotic cell phenotype (Fig. 4B). Priming with a ten-fold higher dose of IFN-γ (10 ng/ml TNF and 100 ng/ml IFN-γ) increased the proportion of AnnexinV+PI+ late apoptotic BM-MSCs (Fig. 4B). We confirmed the finding that priming sensitises MSCs to apoptosis induction with BM-MSCs from two additional donors. Up to ~ 40% of BM-MSCs primed with 10 ng/ml TNF and 100 ng/ml IFN-γ prior to apoptosis induction displayed an AnnexinV+PI+ late apoptotic phenotype (Fig. 4C). These results suggest that inflammatory cytokines impact how MSCs respond to apoptotic stimuli.
To further test whether priming increases MSC sensitivity to apoptosis, we treated BM-MSCs from all three donors with lower concentrations of BH3 mimetic drugs and examined the changes in their Annexin V and PI staining profile (Fig. 4D-F). At the lowest doses tested (0.03125 µM and 0.125 µM), the proportion of live (Annexin−PI−) cells was comparable between unprimed and TNF-primed BM-MSCs, but was significantly reduced by priming with IFN-γ or the combination of TNF and IFN-γ (Fig. 4D, left panel). This effect was most notable at 0.125 µM, where the proportion of live cells was reduced from approximately 50% in unprimed BM-MSCs to 25% in BM-MSCs primed with IFN-γ. TNF acted synergistically with IFN-γ to further reduce the proportion of live BM-MSCs to less than 1–2% (Fig. 4D, left panel, and Fig. 4E-F). At higher concentrations of BH3 mimetic drugs (0.5 µM and over), greater than 98% of unprimed BM-MSCs displayed an early Annexin V+PI− phenotype, while approximately 25% of TNF and IFN-γ-primed BM-MSCs exhibited an Annexin V+PI+ late apoptotic profile (Fig. 4D, right panel). Overall these results confirm that inflammatory priming renders MSCs more sensitive to induction of apoptosis via the intrinsic pathway.
We next sought to examine how inflammatory priming influences the kinetics of apoptosis induction. At 30 min post BH3 mimetic drug treatment, BM-MSCs that were either unprimed, or primed with a single cytokine, remained Annexin V−PI− (Fig. 4G). Only a small proportion (5–7%) of BM-MSCs primed with the dual combination of TNF and IFN-γ were AnnexinV+PI+. Efferocytosis involves the release of “find-me” signals from apoptotic cells to attract phagocytes prior to expression of “eat-me” signals, such as phosphatidylserine, that mediate engulfment37. To better resolve these early changes in apoptotic MSCs, we therefore examined activation of the plasma membrane channel, Pannexin 1 (PANX1). This channel is irreversibly activated during apoptosis due to cleavage at the C-terminus by caspase-3 and − 7, triggering the release of “find-me” signals such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP)38. TO-PRO-3, a small monomeric nucleic acid stain, selectively enters cells during the early stages of apoptosis via the PANX1 channel, while the subsequent loss of cell membrane integrity during late apoptosis allows TO-PRO-3 to enter cells in a PANX1-independent manner39. We therefore used TO-PRO-3 to monitor early cell death progression in BM-MSCs by first gating out TO-PRO-3hi late apoptotic cells (Fig. 4G), and then analysing the proportion of cells with intermediate TO-PRO-3 staining as an indicator of PANX1 activation. We identified that dual priming with low doses of TNF and IFN-γ (0.01 ng/ml and 0.1 ng/ml, respectively) prior to BH3 mimetic drug treatment did not initiate earlier activation of PANX1 channels, as the TO-PRO-3 staining profile between unprimed and primed BM-MSCs was comparable (Fig. 4H). Higher concentrations of TNF or IFN-γ alone (≥ 1 ng/ml), however, increased the proportion of BM-MSCs with activated PANX1 (Fig. 4I and data not shown). At 10 ng/ml, over 50% of BM-MSCs primed with either TNF or IFN-γ alone were TO-PRO-3int compared to approximately 20% for unprimed BM-MSCs, while the majority (over 95%) of BM-MSCs were already TO-PRO-3int after 30 min when primed with both cytokines (Fig. 4I, blue histograms). Importantly, primed BM-MSCs treated with DMSO (vehicle) only did not display this TO-PRO-3int staining profile (Fig. 4I, grey histograms), demonstrating that inflammatory cytokines themselves do not activate PANX1 channels in MSCs. Taken together, these data show that inflammatory priming increases the sensitivity of MSCs to apoptosis.
Inhibition of human MSC apoptosis reduces the release of apoptotic bodies in vivo
Following induction of apoptosis, cells undergo a coordinated disassembly process with distinct morphological changes, including plasma-membrane blebbing, membrane protrusion and fragmentation into subcellular fragments of 1–5 µM, termed apoptotic bodies40. Apoptotic body formation has predominantly been demonstrated in response to cell death stimuli in vitro. Using live cell imaging, we resolved BM-MSCs undergoing apoptotic cell disassembly following treatment with BH3 mimetic drugs, tracking the fragmentation and release of apoptotic bodies from Annexin V+ cells (Fig. 5A, B). Further, we were also able to detect apoptotic bodies by flow cytometry, based on their relative size (FSC/SSClo) and intermediate staining with Annexin V (Fig. 5C).
In vivo, mouse and human MSCs administered intravenously into BALB/c mice or immunodeficient mice rapidly undergo apoptosis within the lungs8. To evaluate apoptotic body formation by MSCs in vivo, lungs from mice injected with BM-MSCs were harvested over a time-course, digested and stained with activated caspase-3 as a marker of cells undergoing apoptosis. Apoptotic bodies could be identified by their small size and the presence of activated caspase-3 (Fig. 5D). Injection of apoptosis-resistant BKX-MSCs led to a marked reduction in apoptotic bodies detected ex vivo compared to the parental MSCs (Fig. 5D), confirming that they were derived from dying MSCs. Quantification of apoptotic bodies within the lungs revealed that amounts peaked at 1–2 h post injection for parental MSCs (Fig. 5E). They were significantly reduced in mice that received BKX-MSCs (Fig. 5E). These data confirm that intravenously injected MSCs release apoptotic bodies in vivo following entrapment within the lungs.
Inflammatory priming accelerates the in vivo clearance of MSCs
Next, we sought to determine how inflammatory priming impacted in vivo apoptosis of MSCs in the lungs. Unprimed or dual primed CTV-labelled BM-MSCs were administered to mice via intravenous injection and the apoptotic status of the injected MSCs was analysed within the lungs (Fig. 6A). At 30 min post injection, we could detect CTV+ CD73+ events within digested lung tissue. The majority of these stained positive for FLICA, indicative of activated caspase 3/7, and were identified as either apoptotic MSCs or apoptotic bodies (Fig. 6B). Only a small proportion of FLICA− viable MSCs were detected. Overall, there was a significantly higher number of FLICA− viable MSCs detected in the lungs of mice that received unprimed BM-MSCs compared to those mice that received primed BM-MSCs, but no differences in the number of apoptotic MSCs or apoptotic bodies (Fig. 6C). Furthermore, within the CTV+FLICA+ apoptotic MSC gate, a higher proportion of primed BM-MSCs were within the CD45+ population, likely indicating an interaction with or engulfment by host phagocytic cells (Fig. 6D).
To confirm that we were indeed detecting differences in the number of viable MSCs within the lungs, we re-plated cells from digested lung tissue as viable MSCs would adhere to tissue cultureware and propagate as colonies in culture. Analysis of human CD73 expression within the CD45− population six days later (Fig. 6F) showed a significantly higher proportion of human CD73+ MSCs in cultures obtained from mice that had received unprimed BM-MSCs compared to those that received dual primed BM-MSCs (Fig. 6G). Together, these data support our in vitro findings that MSCs exposed to inflammatory cytokines are more sensitive to the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis, leading to accelerated in vivo clearance within the lungs.