In the present study, the differences in bacterial diversity and composition between children with orthodontic anomalies undergoing orthodontic treatment were investigated according to their breathing preferences. Our results are in contrast to the expectations set by previous research highlighting a significant difference in beta diversity and microbial profiles between patients with POSA and/or MB and controls.17,18 Even though this information is not in agreement with our observations, it's worth considering that in our group of patients, even though some of them were diagnosed with higher POSA risk based on home sleep apnea test and AHI score, they were all
with AHI below 10.
Studies on microbial diversity in children with POSA have noted a significant difference in beta diversity; Haemophilus, Fusobacterium, and Porphyromonas were found in higher abundances in samples collected from adenoids and tonsils of patients with POSA than in controls.7,12 POSA also affects the microbiota composition of the buccal mucosa, altering levels of Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Fusobacteria, and Actinobacteria.17
MB is often found in children with POSA but also in otherwise healthy subjects, further influencing the oral and nasopharyngeal microbiota, enriching bacteria with pathogenic potential, such as Acinetobacter sp. in supragingival plaque, Neisseria sp. in unstimulated saliva, Streptococcus pneumoniae in the pharynx, and Stenotrophomonas sp. in the nostrils.7 MB has been also linked to chronic gingival inflammation and higher plaque index.18 The tonsillar microbiota in patients with POSA differs, with a greater presence of genera such as Porphyromonas, Moraxella and Corynebacteria in patients with POSA and adenotonsillitis and higher prevalence of Leptotrichia, Campolybacter or Paludibacter in children with POSA and adenotonsillar hypertrophy.13 The surfaces of the adenoids and palatine tonsils harbor bacterial growth that may contribute to mucosal infection and influence POSA or recurrent tonsillitis.14 Differences in abundance include higher abundances of Parvimonas, Prevotella, and Treponema in patients with recurrent tonsillitis, and Haemophilus and Capnocytophaga in patients with POSA, with a predominance of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes in sleep-disordered breathing.14
The oral microbiome houses hundreds of microbial species with a dominance of Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Spirochaetes, and Fusobacteria.19 Disruption of homeostasis in the oral microbiota can lead to a wide range of problems, including caries, gum inflammations, aphthae, halitosis, etc.20
Halitosis, or bad breath, is caused by volatile compounds produced mainly by anaerobic bacteria, such as sulfur compounds, ketones, sulfides, aldehydes, and amines. The tongue with its papillae and anaerobic sites offers a suitable environment to anaerobic bacteria causing halitosis.20 In healthy subjects without halitosis, Streptococcus salivarius is the predominant species; in patients with halitosis, however, it was typically absent and the microbiota differed from healthy patients, with Solobacterium moorei, Atopobium parvulum, Eubacterium sulci, and Fusobacterium periodonticum showing the strongest associations with halitosis.21
The higher relative abundance of Solobacterium in children with MB compared to children with NB is a significant result of our research. Solobactertium is a bacterial genus that has been previously associated with halitosis. 22,23 It thrives in anaerobic conditions, such as those found on the dorsum of the tongue or in the periodontal pockets, and is known for its sulfurous metabolic byproducts that contribute to bad breath.21–24
Our study uniquely identifies the specific relationship between Solobacterium and MB. MB can often lead to a dry oral environment, thus reducing the self-cleaning ability of the oral cavity, increasing plaque accumulation, and facilitating bacterial colonization. Therefore, dry mouth, known also as xerostomia, disrupts the natural balance of the oral environment.25 This imbalance may result in an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria, such as Solobacterium moorei, which may further intensify the problem of bad breath as it creates a favorable environment for these bacteria to decompose cellular debris and proteins, leading to the production of malodorous compounds. 22–24 Thus, MB may not only contribute to the conditions that favor the growth of Solobacterium, but can also intensify the symptoms of halitosis that the bacterium causes. This finding not only strengthens the link between specific bacterial genera and MB but also implies a potential pathophysiological role for Solobacterium in mouth breathers.
Multiple studies reported changes in the oral microflora during orthodontic therapy; however, most of them investigated saliva or dental plaque samples. 26,27 In our recently published study, we emphasized the importance of the complex perspective in the research of the dynamics of the oral ecosystem. .15 We found that in patients whose plaque index deteriorated in the medium term after the bonding of the appliances (before the end of the 7th month of the treatment), the probability of finding any of the seven selected periodontal bacterial strains combined with oral candidas in GCF/dental plaque samples was 10 times higher than before their orthodontic therapy.15
The main limitation of our study is the process of diagnosis of the MB. There are several approaches to diagnosing the mouth-breathing pattern, including mirror and/or water retention tests. 28 In our study, we have used visual assessment of the lip seal, clinical examination of the nasal movements and, most importantly, complex medical history was taken from the patient’s parent. The latter is often used for diagnosing mouth breathing; 29 however, Costa et al. stated that such investigation may be insufficient and that children should be referred for an ENT examination30, which we weren’t able to achieve in all our patients, even though they have been all referred to an ENT specialist. Still, we can consider our pilot study methodologically strong because we have matched groups with many clinical parameters observed and examined across various medical fields. Moreover, the conditions for sample collection were very strict and the samples were analyzed using state-of-the-art approaches.