3.1. FW generation statistics and management practices
3.1.1. FW generation statistics
The average daily FW generated (WA) from the operations at the hotels during the audit periods are provided in Table 1. The FW composition within the waste being generated at the hospitality institutions confirms the predominant composition of FW in the waste generated within the hospitality sector. The need for sustainable FW management arises that recover nutrients, materials, and energy from the FW.
Table 1
Audit findings of FW generation audit
Institution | \(\:{\varvec{R}0}_{\varvec{a}\varvec{x}}\) (%) | \(\:{\varvec{R}\varvec{O}}_{\varvec{A}\varvec{x}}\) (%) | Composition (%) | \(\:{\varvec{P}}_{\varvec{a}\varvec{x}}\) (kg) | \(\:{\varvec{P}}_{\varvec{A}\varvec{x}}\) (kg) | PAx/room occupied |
1 | 100.00% | 56.00% | 72.00 | 182.05 | 101.95 | 1.01 |
2 | 61.95 | 47.58% | 72.00 | 147.70 | 113.44 | 2.25 |
2 | 85.33 | 39.00 | 64.00 | 111.76 | 51.08 | 1.62 |
Table 2 shows the comparison of the waste generation estimates for the respective hotels against reported estimates in other jurisdictions. The waste generation figures for hotel 1 are well within the reported figures from other reports and jurisdictions. Though the waste generation figures are within the reported figures in Table 2 they are lower than the 4 kg/room/day reported by Giang et al. (2017) for a 4-star hotel in Hoi An, Vietnam (Hoang et al., 2017). The waste generation figures obtained during the assessment are generally within the ranges of 1.71, 2.32 and 6.57 kg/guest/day reported by Son et al.(2018) respectively for three, four and five-star hotels in in Hue City, Vietnam. Maximum values of 3.33 kg/guest/day were also reported in Asia (Chan & Lam, 2001; Omidiani & Hashemihezaveh, 2016).
Table 2
Comparison of the waste generation figures for the respective hotels against reported figures in other jurisdictions
Hotel | Estimated Waste Generation (kg/day per room occupied/guest) | Reported Figures from Other Sources (kg/day/ per room occupied/guest) |
UNEP 2003 | (Bjørn Olsen et al., 2018) | (Pham Phu et al., 2018) |
1 | 1.01 | 1.00* | 2.00** | 1.60 | 2.50*** |
2 | 2.25 |
3 | 1.62 |
*European tourists |
** American tourists |
*** In Vietnam with 58.5% being biodegradables |
3.1.2. FW management practices
Table 3 provides the FW management regarding separation, collection, treatment, and disposal methods at the respective institutions. Source separation of FW is currently being practiced at 1 and 3 especially within their kitchens and dining rooms. However, the source separated FW at 1 is sent to a waste collection point where Municipal Waste collection trucks collect the waste indiscriminately mixing the source separated FW with other waste fractions for final disposal at the landfill or dumpsite. This renders the FW source separation a futile exercise hence the need for an offtake system in the form of composting or anaerobic digestion (AD) for the FW. At 2 FW is indiscriminately collected by Municipal Waste collection trucks for final disposal at the dumpsite.
Table 3
FW Management practices at the audited institutions
Institution | Source separation | Indiscriminate collection | Dumpsite | Composting |
1 | √ | √ | √ | |
2 | | √ | √ | |
3 | √ | | | √ |
3.3. ELCA
The ELCA results provides the impacts of the disposal at SWDS, composting and AD of FW across several environmental impact categories unlike the IPCC guidelines which specifically focuses on the global warming impacts only. Individual ELCA studies on FW have focused on specific impact categories as indicated in the studies reviewed by Batool et al. (2024). The results herein presented are for all the impact categories under SimaPro shown in Table 5 with regards to disposal of SWDS, composting and AD of FW being generated at the selected three hotels.
Table 5
SimaPro impact categories
Impact category | Unit |
Global warming potential (GW) | kg CO2 eq |
Stratospheric ozone depletion (SOD) | kg CFC11 eq |
Ionizing radiation (IO) | kBq Co-60 eq |
Ozone formation, Human health (OF-HH) | kg NOx eq |
Fine particulate matter formation | kg PM2.5 eq |
Ozone formation, Terrestrial ecosystems (OF-TE) | kg NOx eq |
Terrestrial acidification (TA) | kg SO2 eq |
Freshwater eutrophication | kg P eq |
Marine eutrophication | kg N eq |
Terrestrial ecotoxicity (TE) | kg 1,4-DCB |
Freshwater ecotoxicity | kg 1,4-DCB |
Marine ecotoxicity | kg 1,4-DCB |
Human carcinogenic toxicity (HCT) | kg 1,4-DCB |
Human non-carcinogenic toxicity (HNCT) | kg 1,4-DCB |
Land use (LU) | m2a crop eq |
Mineral resource scarcity (MRS) | kg Cu eq |
Fossil resource scarcity (FRS) | kg oil eq |
Water consumption (WC) | m3 |
3.3.1. Global Warming
The disposal of FW in SWDS results in positive GW impact as shown in Fig. 5. This confirms findings from other ELCA studies reported by Fu et al.(2021) and Kurniawan et al(2023) that the disposal of FW in SWDS including landfills produces the greatest net positive GW impact. Batool et al.(2024) ranked the different FW management and treatment technologies based on findings from ELCA studies with the disposal of FW in SDWS having GW impact being the major environmental burden. The GWP is through the emission of methane (CH4) that is generated from the anaerobic decomposition of the FW in the SWDS. The recovery and use of CH4 significantly reduces the GW impact.
Both composting and AD have positive GW impact albeit lower than the disposal of FW in SWDS. However, if the avoided GHG emissions from the production of NPK fertilsers that are replaced by the compost are factored, composting will have net negative GW impact as shown in Fig. 5. In the same vein if the GHG emissions from the production of NKP fertilsers replaced by the compost or organic fertilizer from the AD digestate as well as the energy replaced by biogas produced during AD, AD will result in a net negative GW impact higher than that of composting shown in Fig. 5. A net negative GW impact indicates a net environmental benefit. This study findings confirm findings by Nyitrai et al. (2023) who reported that AD of FW leads to a net GWP benefit. AD is therefore more beneficia to the environment or preferrable to composting with regards to GW impact. Xu et al. (2015) have considered AD amongst the best FW management options and Eriksson et al. (2015) observed the comparative benefits of AD over composting.
Table 4
Estimates of GHG emissions from disposal at solid waste disposal sites (dumpsites), composting and AD of FW generated at selected hotels.
Institution | 1 | 2 | 3 |
GHG | SWDS | Composting | AD | SWDS | Composting | AD | SWDS | Composting | AD |
CH4 (Gg) | 1.03 x 10− 3 | 1.95 x 10− 4 | 2.98 x 10− 5 | 1.15 x 10− 3 | 2.17 x 10− 4 | 4.33 x 10− 5 | 5.79 x 10− 4 | 8.40 x 10− 5 | 1.68 x 10− 5 |
N2O (Gg) | - | 8.95 x 10− 6 | - | - | 1.30 x 10− 5 | - | - | 5.04 x 10− 6 | 0 |
Total GHG (kgCO2eq) | 2.57 x 104 | 6.39 x 103 | 7.46 x 102 | 2.88 x 104 | 9.29 x 103 | 1.08 x 103 | 1.45 x 104 | 3.60 x 103 | 4.20 x 102 |
% Reduction | - | 75% | 97% | - | 68% | 96% | - | 75% | 97% |
3.3.2. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
Just like with GWP, the disposal of FW in SWDS yields net positive SOD whereas composting and AD yield almost equal net negative SOD signalling net positive environmental benefits of composting and AD. The results are shown in Fig. 5. Batool et al. (2024) in their review observed and reported that AD of FW is the best performing technology with regards to SOD i.e. performs better than both composting of FW and disposal FW in SWDS. This study shows that composting and AD performs almost the same which disagrees with the review findings from Batool et al. (2024) that indicated that composting performs badly compared to disposal at SWDS. The discrepancy could emanate from the SWDS considered in the review by Batool et al. (2024) being landfilling whilst this study considered open dumping in shallow unsanitary landfills with no landfill gas capture and recovery.
3.3.3. Ozone Formation
Ozone formation impact was assessed with regards to human health and terrestrial ecosystems. Results show the same magnitudes for both human health and terrestrial ecosystems based OF impacts. Results show slight variations wherein terrestrial ecosystems being 2% higher than the estimates for human health OF. Figure 6 shows the results with regards to human health OF. The disposal of FW in SWDS leads to positive OF estimated at 1.48 x 103 kgNOxeq per ton of FW for each of the human health and terrestrial ecosystems based OF. Resultantly a net positive OF for both the human health and terrestrial ecosystems based OF of 2.95 x 103 kgNOxeq per ton of FW disposed in an open dumpsite.
Composting and AD of FW produces volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (Cui et al., 2022; Mustafa et al., 2017; Nie et al., 2018, 2019) which were regarded by Shao et al. (2011) and Gong et al. (2017) as main precursors to ozone formation. Study results showed that composting results in human health and terrestrial ecosystems based OFP of 1.63 x 10− 1 and 1.69 x 10− 1 kgNOxeq per ton of FW respectively. Composting therefore contributes 3.32 x 10− 1 kgNOxeq per ton of FW for both the human health and terrestrial ecosystems based OFP.With regards to AD, human health and terrestrial ecosystems based OF of 2.81 x 10− 1 and 2.84 x 10− 1 kgNOxeq per ton of FW were respectively estimated. AD therefore contributes 5.65 x 10− 1 kgNOxeq per ton of FW for both the human health and terrestrial ecosystems based OF. However, when the associated avoided OFP from the production of replaced NPK fertilsers and renewable energy, composting and AD results in net negative OF as shown in Fig. 6.
3.3.4. Ionizing Radiation Potential
Results show that the disposal of FW at SWDS has no IR impact whereas composting has IR of 4.55 X 101 kBqCo-60eq per ton of FW thus positive IR impact thus bringing about negative impacts even after considering the avoided emissions from the avoidance of use of chemical fertilizers. Though the AD process has positive IR of 8.35 x 10− 1 kBqCo-60eq per ton of FW, when the avoided emissions from the replacement of LPG gas, grid electricity and chemical fertilizers are considered, the AD system brings about negative IR impacts hence environmental benefits. IR potential from the disposal of FW at SWDS, composting and AD are shown in Fig. 7.
3.3.5. Fine Particulate Matter Formation
The AD and composting of FW were projected to generate 2.46 x 10− 2 and 3.00 x 10− 2 kg PM2.5eq per ton of FW respectively. This shows that AD and composting of FW leads to positive FPMF. However, when the avoided emissions from the replacement of chemical fertilizers by compost or organic fertilizer from composting and AD as well as replacement of LPG and grid electricity by AD derived biogas, both composting and AD systems results in negative FPMF. The disposal of FW at SWDS leads to no FPMF. These results are shown in Fig. 7.
3.3.6. Terrestrial Acidification
Disposal of FW at SWDS leads to positive TA impacts of 5.32 x 10 − 2 kgSO2eq per ton of FW whereas the composting and AD of FW lead to positive TA of 5.42 x 10 − 1 and 2.94 x 10 − 1 kgSO2eq per ton of FW respectively. Results showed that AD has the least TAP confirming findings by Batool et al. (2024) that identified TA amongst the high LCA impact categories for disposal of FW at SWDS and treatment of FW through composting. The avoided emissions from the replacement of chemical fertilizers by compost or organic fertilizer from composting and AD as well as replacement of LPG and grid electricity by AD derived biogas results in negative TA for both composting and AD systems shown in Fig. 8
3.3.7. Land use
The disposal of FW at SWDS and treatment of FW through the AD lead to LU I pacts of 2.61 and 2.53 m2acropeq per ton of FW respectively. Composting brings about the highest LU of 2.26 x 103 m2acropeq per ton of FW. This also confirms findings by Batool et al. (2024) that identified LU amongst the high LCA impact categories for treatment of FW through composting. Factoring in the avoided emissions from replacing chemical fertilisers with organic fertiliser as well as LPG and grid electricity with biogas leads to overall negative LU for the AD system. LU results for the disposal of FW at SWDS, composting and AD are shown in Fig. 8.
3.3.8. Freshwater and Marine Eutrophication
The freshwater and marine eutrophication impacts assessment results are provided in Fig. 9. The disposal of FW at SWDS, composting and AD of FW were estimated to contribute to positive freshwater eutrophication of 9.27 x 10− 2, 2.06 x 10− 2 and 2.52 x 10− 1 kgPeq per ton of FW respectively. AD has the highest freshwater eutrophication followed by disposal at SWDS. Regarding marine eutrophication potential, disposal at SWDS, composting and AD was estimated to contribute to 1.13, 1.14 x 10 − 1 and 1.45 x 10− 2 kgNeq per ton of FW respectively. Avoided emissions from the replacement of chemical fertilisers with compost only results in net negative emissions with regards to freshwater eutrophication. Net positive marine eutrophication was estimated even after considering avoided emissions from the replacement of chemical fertilisers with compost from the composting. Net negative freshwater eutrophication and marine eutrophication were quantified when the avoided emissions from the replacement of chemical fertilisers with compost, LPG with biogas and grid electricity with biogas from the AD system.
3.3.9. Terrestrial, Freshwater and Marine Ecotoxicity
The TE, freshwater and marine ecotoxicity results are provided in Fig. 10. The disposal of FW at SWDS, composting and AD of FW were estimated to contribute to positive TE of 5.42 x 10− 1, 1.07 x 102 and 5.06 x 101 kg 1,4-DCB per ton of FW respectively. Likewise, positive freshwater ecotoxicity for the disposal of FW at SWDS, composting and AD of FW of 1.53 x 101, 4.9 and 2.27 kg1,4-DCB per ton of FW were respectively observed. Positive marine ecotoxicity were also estimated for the disposal of FW at SWDS, composting and AD of FW of 4.88, 1.51 and 6.65 kg1,4-DCB per ton of FW respectively. When the avoided emissions from the use of compost or organic fertiliser and biogas are considered, both composting and AD systems results in net negative terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecotoxicity as shown in Fig. 10. with AD having the highest negative ecotoxicity indicating the greatest environmental benefit.
3.3.10. Human Toxicity
The results for human carcinogenic toxicity (HCT) and human non-carcinogenic toxicity (HNCT) are shown in Fig. 10. The disposal of FW at SWDS, composting and AD of FW were estimated to contribute to positive HCT of 4.18 x 10− 2, 9.01 x 10− 2 and 6.91 x 10− 2 kg 1,4-DCB per ton of FW respectively. Likewise, positive HNCT for the disposal of FW at SWDS, composting and AD of FW of 7.52, 3.06 and 4.56 kg1,4-DCB per ton of FW were respectively observed. Just like for ecotoxicity, when the avoided emissions from the use of compost or organic fertiliser and biogas are considered, both composting and AD systems results in net negative HCT and HNC as shown in Fig. 10. with AD having the highest negative human toxicity indicating the greatest environmental benefit.
3.3.11. Mineral and Fossil Resource Scarcity
The results for MRS and FRS are shown in Fig. 11. No MRS and FRS impacts from the disposal of FW at SWDS. The composting and AD of FW were estimated to contribute to positive MRS of 4.68 x 10− 1 kg Cu eq and 1.21 x 10− 1 kg oil eq per ton of FW respectively. Likewise, positive FRS for the composting and AD of FW of 8.83 kg Cu eq and 1.35 x 101 kg oil eq per ton of FW were respectively observed. The avoided emissions from the use of compost or organic fertiliser and biogas for the composting and AD systems lead to net negative MRS and FRS as shown in Fig. 11. with AD also having the highest net negative MRS and FRS indicating the greatest environmental benefit.
3.3.12. Water Consumption
The results for WC are shown in Fig. 12. No WC impacts from the disposal of FW at SWDS. The composting and AD of FW were estimated to contribute to positive WC of 1.13 x 101 kg m3 and 2.10 x 10− 1 m3 per ton of FW respectively. However, even after the avoided emissions from the use of compost or organic fertiliser, the composting of FW has a net positive WC of 4m3 per ton of FW. AD systems lead to net negative WC after considering the avoided emissions from the use of compost or organic fertiliser and biogas as shown in Fig. 12.
3.3.13. Ranking of the FW Management and Treatment Methods
The disposal of FW at SWDS, composting and AD of FW whose impacts were assessed were ranked based on their environmental performance against each of the life cycle impact categories. The ranking results are shown in Fig. 13. providing a clearer picture regarding the environmental performance of the FW management and treatment methods. It gives the best and worst environmental performing method per each impact category with the disposal of FW in SWDS being the worst method for most of the impact categories namely Global Warming, Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Ozone Formation -Human Health, Ozone Formation -Terrestrial Ecosystems, Terrestrial Acidification, Freshwater Eutrophication, Marine Eutrophication, Ecotoxicity, and Human Toxicity. Composting was worst performing with regards to three impact categories namely, ionizing radiation, land use and water consumption. AD was the best performing methods across all the impact categories serve for Stratospheric Ozone Depletion where it came second after composting. Therefore, overall, AD is the best methods leading to net negative environmental impacts consistent with findings from Fu et al. (2023) and Batool et al. (2024). The disposal of FW at SWDS thus is the worst FW management and treatment method.