One of the primary hurdles in fluorescent protein labeling is the achievement of a fully operational fluorescent fusion that serves as an exclusive source of the protein under scrutiny. This is crucial in cell division studies, where fluctuations in protein concentration or improper folding can result in irregularities in cell structure and division mechanisms. The objective of fusing FtsZ with a fluorescent tag as the only source of FtsZ in E. coli was achieved in 2006, owing to the utilization of suppressor strains and creation of an FtsZ-CtYFP fusion 29. A breakthrough occurred in 2017 with the creation of a fully functional FtsZ fusion incorporating mVenus inserted at the G55-Q56 site 30. Despite the successful mutation, this construct exhibits morphological and divisional abnormalities. In a recent study, a novel strain of E. coli featuring an FtsZ fusion tagged with a nanotag (FtsZ-ALFA) expressing fluorescently labeled nanobodies was generated 31. Although successful in achieving in vivo FtsZ labeling, this system poses challenges, particularly in optimizing nanobody expression via arabinose induction. Full replacement of a division protein with fluorescent fusion has been demonstrated with other components of the divisome, including FtsA32 and FtsN 33, as well as with FtsZ in gram-positive models such as B. subtilis 10. Creating functional fluorescent fusions with FtsZ is challenging due to its interactions with other divisome components, which can be disrupted by fluorophore insertion. Additionally, misfolding may occur in the absence of an appropriate linker.
Knowledge of FtsZ dynamics in cyanobacteria, such as Anabaena sp., has been less explored than in other bacterial systems. Researchers have primarily focused on the interactions between FtsZ and other proteins, and on assessing the repercussions of altering other divisome components on Z-ring positioning utilizing FtsZ tagged with fluorescent markers 34. However, initial research efforts were unable to offer comprehensive insights into the spatial organization of FtsZ protofilaments in vivo. In this study, we describe for the first time the intricate Z-ring dynamics in filamentous cyanobacteria, using a fully functional FtsZ-mVenus fusion protein within an in vivo system.
Prior FtsZ fusions in Anabaena sp. predominantly incorporated the wild-type (WT) copy as an extra source of the protein, with some instances featuring fusions controlled by the inducible petE promoter 35. However, these systems are not optimal for characterizing subcellular localization because of variations in expression level 7. Recently, Xing et al., explored the role of HetF as a divisome component that is significantly affected by the light intensity. In this study, a mutant with FtsZ fused to CFP was constructed as a fluorescent marker. However, it did not demonstrate the full substitution of wild-type FtsZ with the CFP-fused variant 36. In our study, we replaced the wild-type ftsZ gene with three distinct FtsZ fusions regulated by the Anabaena sp. native promoter, thus confirming full gene replacement. Among these mutants, only FtsZ-mVenus exhibited a morphology indistinguishable from the wild type (Fig. 1c), likely due to mVenus monomeric properties. In contrast, the tendency of GFP to dimerize 37 could account for the observed division anomalies and aggregate formation in the FtsZ-sfGFP mutant (Supplementary Figs. 5 and 6). Future investigations employing fluorescent fusions with cell division proteins in filamentous cyanobacteria should prioritize the use of monomeric, smaller, brighter, and more stable fluorescent markers. This approach is essential for minimizing misfolding and propensity towards dimerization and achieving robustness, thus leading to the attainment of strong fluorescent signals and preventing artifacts in fluorescence microscopy.
Similarly, in the multicellular bacteria Streptomyces coelicolor, it was possible to express an FtsZ-eGFP fusion, but the strain also contained a wild-type copy of the ftsZ gene 38. The sporulating hyphae of this model have a similar distribution of the Z-rings in almost all cells along the filaments, which the authors referred to as “Z-ladder”, as we found in Anabaena sp. In our observations, we consistently detected the presence of the Z-ring in cells regardless of their division state, and we found cells without a Z-ring in only a small percentage of the samples. This suggests that many cells actively generate and maintain the Z-ring structure in multicellular systems, even when not undergoing cytoplasm contraction, as corroborated by time-lapse recordings (Fig. 6). It was somewhat surprising that chromosome segregation was incomplete during cell constriction in Anabaena sp. (Fig. 2a). Cryo-CLEM analysis confirmed that unsegregated DNA colocalizes with the Z-ring during the final stage of constriction (Fig. 2b). Similarly, in the unicellular cyanobacteria Synechocystis, chromosome segregation occurs in the late stage of the cell cycle through a random and less stringent mechanism of DNA distribution, contrasting with the uniform spatial arrangement seen in classic bacterial models 39. These results support the notion that the nucleoid occlusion system might not be applicable to cyanobacteria, as previously described 40. In Synechococcus elongatus, a time-lapse study with individually labeled chromosomes described a linear organization along the long axis of the cell that allows equal segregation of the genetic material 41. This indicates that cyanobacteria might have different mechanisms of DNA distribution during cell division depending on the species. Both fluorescent FtsZ and chromosome labeling at the ori zone together could provide insights into the mechanism of DNA segregation in Anabaena sp.
The distribution of Z-rings with different diameters in Anabaena sp. under LD conditions (Fig. 3a) showed that most rings were in an early stage of cell division, but late rings can also be found along the filaments, even after 48 hours of dark synchronization (Fig. 3b). This indicates that cell division in Anabaena sp. under normal growth conditions was asynchronous, and alterations in light exposure affected the distribution of the Z-ring diameters. Consequently, cell division could be regulated by light in Anabaena sp. It has been proposed that the circadian rhythm plays a role in regulating cell division, affecting the localization of FtsZ in the unicellular cyanobacteria S. elongatus. In this model, it was shown that the Z-ring assembly is inhibited by KaiC during the early dark phase due to an increase in its ATPase activity 42, and that cell division is asynchronous with two subpopulations of cells that have different times of birth and cell cycle duration in 12:12 LD conditions 43. Therefore, as observed in Anabaena sp., it is not possible to achieve complete synchronization of the whole system, possibly because of other factors that can affect cell division such as nutrients, redox state, and environmental signals. This implies that the cells in the Anabaena sp. filaments are always in different metabolic states, and thus, the only valid approach for studies on gene expression in filamentous cyanobacteria is to use techniques that can show what is happening at the single-cell level. Therefore, studies measuring gene expression using the entire filament should not be considered 44.
A deep look at the Z-ring structure of Anabaena sp. was performed by 3D reconstruction along the Z plane of the Z-rings, revealing a heterogeneous distribution of FtsZ within the rings, with clusters of FtsZ distributed in a pearl necklace-like arrangement, as previously described for B. subtilis and S. aureus 10, both gram-positive bacteria. This arrangement consists of regions with higher concentration of FtsZ protofilaments (beads) and gaps with no signal. In our model, we found that the presence of gaps diminishes as the process of cell division progresses, which is consistent with the idea that these gaps could serve as a space that allows the accommodation of protofilaments. Therefore, the Z-ring condenses as the constriction advances. It is possible that other divisome components are present in the gap regions, as previously demonstrated with FtsN in E. coli 45. Similar to FtsN, other cyanobacterial proteins that interact with the cell wall can influence FtsZ positioning because of their dynamics during peptidoglycan remodeling.
The present study is the first to analyze the distribution of FtsZ in the in vivo Z-ring structure with fully segregant cyanobacterial strains. In our model, better resolution is necessary to resolve the spatial organization of individual FtsZ protofilaments, and how FtsZ may form within the ring and other substructures such as toroids 46 or mini rings 47. In Z-ring studies, cells parallel to the microscope optical axis are frequently used to increase the data quality because of the higher resolution in the XY plane compared with the XZ or YZ planes. We previously developed a vertical orientation method for filamentous cyanobacteria that allowed us to perform imaging of the whole Z-ring in one plane 28 and observed the same pearl necklace-like arrangement without 3D reconstruction in the FtsZ-mVenus mutant (Fig. 5a). With this methodology, we were able to record the dynamics of the Z-ring on a time scale of seconds, and with the results we suspect that the pearl necklace arrangement is highly dynamic with bidirectional movement of FtsZ protofilaments, which is consistent with observations in gram-positive systems like Streptococcus pneumoniae 48, and other gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli 11. Previously, FtsZ localization in the Z-ring in cyanobacteria was performed in unicellular Prochlorococcus using antibodies and fixed cells19. Similar to our results, the FtsZ protein predominantly localizes as a patchy midcell band rather than a continuous ring.
The dynamics of the Z-ring structure of filaments may be crucial for understanding the regulation and timing of cell division in this multicellular model. As a result, we recorded the complete cell division process of Anabaena sp. by time-lapse microscopy in the FtsZ-mVenus mutant (Fig. 6), and we found a large percentage of rings in an early stage that did not divide during the acquisition, with only a few rings actively dividing. The latent stage of the Z-ring constriction has been reported previously in C. crescentus, a gram-negative alpha proteobacterium that exhibits a dimorphic life cycle, in which there is a 30-minute delay between the positioning of the Z-ring and the contraction of the cells 49. In B. subtilis, non-constricted rings were found and described as “mature” rings using an FtsZ-GFP mutant 50, whereas in a strain of E. coli BW25113 that also expresses an FtsZ-GFP fusion, there is a period of approximately 50 minutes, during which a latent phase between the stabilization of the Z-ring and the constriction can be observed in M9 medium 51. The maintenance of a dynamic structure as the Z-ring is an energy-consuming process, therefore, the presence of early rings without an active cell division implies that FtsZ, and the Z-ring, could be performing in Anabaena sp. other important functions such as filament integrity. It is unclear whether the presence of non-dividing Z-rings in Anabaena sp. cells is maintained by the activity of other division proteins, or if the Z-ring is stimulated by a signal that triggers the assembly of the divisome to start constriction. Further studies are required to answer the question of when cyanobacterial cells go to division or, in other words, when the switch from the latent state of the Z-ring to an active and contractile structure occurs.
Cyanobacteria possess a gram-negative cell wall organization but share features with gram-positive bacteria such as the chemical composition, cross-linking, and thickness of the peptidoglycan 52. In a recent genomic analysis, Cyanobacteria were classified within the clade Terrabacteria, where they are closely related to Actinobacteriota and Firmicutes, both gram-positive 53. This duality between gram-negative and gram-positive in Cyanobacteria is also reflected in the mixture of their divisome components; therefore, the mechanism and dynamics of divisome assembly could be different from what is known in classic division models. In E. coli, the temporal hierarchy of divisome assembly is divided into two steps by a specific time delay, which is also true for gram-positive model B. subtilis 54,55. However, in the case of E. coli, the divisome follows a linear pathway of assembly dependency, whereas in B. subtilis, the assembly is interdependent and concerted 56. Our work is the first step in detailing the assembly of a divisome in a multicellular system and its temporal hierarchy. This can be accomplished by tagging other divisome components in our FtsZ mutants, such as CyDiv, SepF, and FtsQ, and subsequently performing time-lapse microscopy to determine the timing of their assembly.
Our findings suggest that Anabaena sp. might regulate cell division to improve filament fitness, with only certain cells consuming energy to enable reproduction along the filaments, which could lead to asynchronous division. In some filamentous cyanobacteria, complex cellular processes are highly regulated, such as differentiation into heterocysts under nitrogen-depleted conditions 57. This differentiation process is regulated by the diffusion of signaling molecules through filaments 58. As occurs during heterocyst differentiation, cells under division may produce some factors that inhibit the Z-ring constriction in the neighboring cells, or an asymmetric cell division, proposed in Anabaena sp., could influence cell division patterns, as observed in CyDiv protein localization 59. Proteins that are present exclusively in either the "new" or "old" nascent cells may mediate cellular aging and gating the constriction of the Z-ring.