Enzymatic synthesis of benzylmalonyl-CoA
Since no CoA ligases or CoA-transferases are available to activate benzylmalonate to the CoA-thioester, we assayed several variants of the Ecr enzyme family for synthesizing benzylmalonyl-CoA via reductive carboxylation of cinnamoyl-CoA (Peter et al. 2015). The prototype enzyme of this family is crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase (Ccr), which catalyzes the reductive carboxylation of crotonyl-CoA to ethylmalonyl-CoA in the recently discovered ethylmalonyl-CoA cycle of acetyl-CoA assimilation (Erb et al. 2007; Erb 2011), but these enzymes also convert CoA-thioesters of various other 2,3-unsaturated acids to the corresponding saturated 2-carboxyacyl thioesters (Peter et al. 2015), including cinnamoyl-CoA to benzylmalonyl-CoA (Peter et al. 2016). We obtained the best yields of benzylmalonyl-CoA with a previously reported mutagenised Caulobacter crescentus Ccr containing three amino acid exchanges and therefore used this enzyme to produce the substrate for benzylmalonyl-CoA dehydrogenase (Vögeli et al. 2018, Schwander et al. 2016).
Stereochemistry of benzylmalonyl-CoA
Based on the conserved active site geometry of Ccr, we expected that the enzyme generated stereospecifically (S)- benzylmalonyl-CoA, yet the obtained product appeared to be a racemic mixture when applied in our further experiments (see below). Therefore, we determined whether benzylmalonyl-CoA spontaneously racemizes in solution by determining the time-dependent exchange of the C-2 proton in D2O-based Tris-Cl buffer (pD 8.0) as proxy for the analogous racemization reaction. A gradual increase of deuterium content in benzylmalonyl-CoA from 0 to almost 100 % was observed within 13 h at room temperature, indicating a spontaneous deuteration rate of 4.2 x 10-5 s-1 (Fig. 2), assuming first-order kinetics. Racemization does not involve kinetic isotope effects and therefore should occur even faster than deuteration. Because of the time needed for extraction and preparation of benzylmalonyl-CoA, we expect that our experiments were always performed with racemic mixtures, regardless of the enantiomer specificity of Ccr. Unfortunately, the lack of standards prohibited us to identfy which enantiomer was produced by the enzymes.
Identification of IaaF as a benzylmalonyl-CoA oxidase
The iaaF gene from Aromatoleum aromaticum was cloned into vector pAsg5 with a 5’ strep-tag fusion (IBA Lifesciences, Göttingen, Germany), expressed in E. coli, and the produced protein was purified by affinity chromatography. We obtained an apparently pure yellow protein which consisted of a single subunit of the expected size (41 kDa after SDS-PAGE). The native mass of the enzyme was determined as 159 kDa by gel filtration chromatography (data not shown), suggesting a homotetrameric quaternary structure. Spectrophotometric characterization of the purified protein confirmed the presence of a flavin cofactor, which was extracted by acid-precipitation of the protein and identified by comigration with an FAD reference via paper chromatography. The FAD content was calculated as 4.2 per homotetramer, assuming a molar extinction coefficient of 11.3 mM-1 cm-1 at the absorption maximum of 450 nm (Leutwein and Heider 2002). The cofactor was fully reduced by stepwise addition of either benzylmalonyl-CoA or dithionite as reductants (Fig. 3). Changes of the spectra occurred only after overstoichiometric amounts of about 50 µM of benzylmalonyl-CoA or 200 µM of dithionite had been added (Fig. 3), suggesting that dissolved oxygen in the buffer initially acted as electron acceptor, before reduction of the enzyme took effect. After adjusting for this effect, the calculated molar ratios between added reductant and IaaF reduction revealed stoichiometries of 1.2 dithionite and 1.9 benzylmalonyl-CoA needed to reduce one IaaF monomer, respectively (Fig. 3). Although both reductants are two-electron donors, only the dithionite stoichiometry is as expected for full reduction of the FAD, whereas the value for benzylmalonyl-CoA is about twice as large. This indicates that IaaF reacts stereospecifically with only one enantiomer of the racemic benzylmalonyl-CoA obtained after synthesis and storage (see above). Although the non-reactive enantiomer racemizes spontaneously (see above), the observed rate of deuterium exchange is 1.700-fold lower than the maximum kcat value of IaaF and therefore, racemization does not take effect during the duration of the experiment.
Catalytic properties of benzylmalonyl-CoA dehydrogenase
Activity of IaaF was assayed photometrically essentially as previously described for benzylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase (Leutwein and Heider 2002). The assays were started with enzymatically produced benzylmalonyl-CoA (see above) with O2 serving as electron acceptor, and were evaluated by recording the absorption increase at 308 nm due to the production of cinnamoyl-CoA (using an experimentally determined e308 = 15.4 mM-1 cm-1). The expected physiological substrate of IaaF during indoleacteate degradation is (2-aminobenzyl)malonyl-CoA, which was not available for testing. However, the missing amino group in benzylmalonyl-CoA does not appear crucial for substrate recognition, since the compound was readily accepted by IaaF and yielded a maximum turnover rate of 2.7 U mg-1 (apparent kcat = 1.8 s-1). We only observed activity in the presence of oxygen and did not observe benzylmalonyl-CoA oxidation coupled to the reduction of typical artificial electron acceptors for acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, such as the ferricenium cation or phenazine-methosulfate/dichlorophenyl-indophenol under aerobic or anaerobic assay conditions. Moreover, IaaF did not react with purified recombinant electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) from A. aromaticum, which serves as physiological electron acceptor for other acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, as recently described by Vogt et al. (2019). In contrast to other known acyl-oxidases, e.g. from rat peroxisomes or from Arabidopsis (accession numbers 1IS2, 2IX5), IaaF contains a sequence motif very close to the characterized ETF-interaction site of human medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (Toogood et al. 2004)). However, this motif is also present in sulfinopropionyl-CoA desulfinase (Schürmann et al. 2015), which does not react with ETF either.
The photometric assay was confirmed by following the turnover of benzylmalonyl-CoA by HPLC analysis. After starting the reaction by adding the substrate, we observed the decrease of its concentration and the formation of a new CoA thioester over time which was identified as cinnamoyl-CoA by its UV-Vis spectrum (Peter et al. 2016, Johns 1974). Because A. aromaticum grows almost equally well on indoleacetate under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, IaaF may act physiologically as an oxidase if oxygen is present, but obviously needs a still unknown oxygen-independent manner for FAD re-oxidation in denitrifying cells. Because of its high demonstrated activity with benzylmalonyl-CoA and the complicated name of its physiological substrate, we propose benzylmalonyl-CoA dehydrogenase as enzyme name, referring to its affiliation to the acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family, which also includes the acyl-CoA oxidases (Kim and Miura 2004). After the reaction with benzylmalonyl-CoA leveled out, it could be restarted by adding methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase to the assay. This confirms that IaaF is strictly stereospecific and initially converts only one of the benzylmalonyl-CoA enantiomers, while the other one is only used only after it is enzymatically epimerized. To our knowledge, this is the first time benzylmalonyl-CoA is reported to be converted by a methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase. As noted before, the non-enzymatic racemization rate of benzylmalonyl-CoA is too slow to interfere in this experiment. None of our experiments produced any trace of phenylpropionyl-CoA, indicating a strict coupling of decarboxylation and oxidation of benzylmalonyl-CoA in the IaaF reaction. The use of oxygen as electron acceptor for benzylmalonyl-CoA oxidation by IaaF suggested the production of H2O2 as byproduct. Using a fluorescence-based detection system, we indeed confirmed the release of H2O2 by IaaF in an about equimolar ratio with the benzylmalonyl-CoA oxidized (Fig. 4A).
Apparent kinetic parameters of IaaF were determined for conversion of benzylmalonyl-CoA to cinnamoyl-CoA. The data fitted well to a strongly substrate-inhibited Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics with a rather low apparent Km value of 1.6 ± 0.3 µM for benzylmalonyl-CoA, an apparent Vmax value of 5.1 ± 0.4 U/mg (equals to apparent kcat of 3.5 s-1), and a low apparent substrate inhibition parameter Kis of 9.1 ± 1.3 µM. Because of the low Kis value, the enzyme falls short of its theoretical maximum rate, exhibiting a maximal observed rate of only 2.7 U/mg at 7 µM benzylmalonyl-CoA (Fig. 4B).
IaaF was also tested for its reverse activity, i.e. reduction of cinnamoyl-CoA under anaerobic conditions in the presence or absence of CO2 (supplied from a 100 mM bicarbonate/CO2 buffer at pH 6.8). Dithionite-reduced benzyl or methyl viologen have previously been used as low-potential reductants to provide exergonic redox conditions for the reverse reaction of benzylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase (Vogt et al. 2019), but benzylmalonyl-CoA dehydrogenase did not convert cinnamoyl-CoA to either benzylmalonyl-CoA (with carboxylation) or phenylpropionyl-CoA (without carboxylation) under these conditions, as analysed by HPLC analysis.
Finally, we performed some assays regarding the substrate spectrum of IaaF. To accomplish this, we synthesized various alkyl- or aryl-substituted malonyl-CoA derivatives using several previously described ECR family variants (Vögeli et al. 2018). These compounds were isolated, lyophilized and used as substrates. Experiments were performed as coupled photometric enzyme assays with the enoyl-CoA reductase Etr1p which unspecifically reduces all unsaturated decarboxylation products produced by IaaF with NADH as electron donor (Rosenthal et al. 2015). Activities were measured by recording the absorption decrease at 340 nm due to NADH oxidation, after the assays were started by adding the respective malonyl-CoA derivatives at concentrations of 50 and 100 µM. These concentrations are high enough to cause already strong substrate inhibition in case of benzylmalonyl-CoA (Fig. 4B) and represent a compromise between providing still measurable IaaF activities, both in controls with benzylmalonyl-CoA and in assays with ill-fitting alternative substrates with high expected Km values. The results are shown in tab. 1, indicating that IaaF still showed by far the highest activity with benzylmalonyl-CoA, even under substrate-inhibited conditions.
The observed 30 % decrease in benzylmalonyl-CoA turnover rates between the assays with 50 and 100 µM substrate is consistent with the recorded substrate inhibition kinetics (Fig. 4B). Using the alternative substrates, we detected low activities of IaaF with hexylmalonyl-CoA, (3-methyl)butylmalonyl-CoA, and butylmalonyl-CoA, whereas no activity was observed with ethylmalonyl-CoA, methylmalonyl-CoA, or phenylpropionyl-CoA. Therefore, IaaF seems to accept several aliphatic alkylmalonyl-CoA analogs with a chain length of four or more C-atoms in straight or branched alkyl chains, but to reject analogues with side chains of only one or two C-atoms. Moreover, it appears crucial that the substrate carries an a-carboxy group, as apparent by the complete inactivity of IaaF with phenylpropionyl-CoA. All alternative substrates show higher turnover rates at 100 µM than at 50 µM concentration, suggesting very high apparent Km values and no substrate inhibition effects at the applied concentrations. Because all measured activities with these substrates were rather low and did not appear to have physiological impact, we did not continue with a full enzyme kinetic characterization.