This is the first systematic study to compare the efficacy of PSIB with RYGB and JIB for weight loss and glucose reduction using the STZ-induced diabetic rat. Our findings elucidated that: (1) all three surgical groups had reduced blood glucose levels and improved glucose tolerance, and the efficacy of PSIB was better than that of RYGB and JIB; (2) although the rats in all three surgical groups exhibited reduced appetite, only JIB reduced body weight in STZ-DM rats; and (3) within a short span, partial hepatic function was improved by PSIB but impaired by JIB.
Our findings demonstrated the superior efficacy of PSIB over JIB in improving glucose metabolism. Classical JIB requires transection of the jejunum and end-to-end anastomosis of the jejunum to the distal ileum, which separates the jejunal branch from the autologous pacemaker and disrupts the electrophysiology of the small bowel, producing an ectopic pacemaker[8, 9]. In contrast, PSIB did not transect the jejunum, but only made a simple side-to-side anastomosis of the small bowel, which maintained the normal electrophysiology of the small bowel, enabling a certain amount of paraproperistalsis in the bypassed small bowel segments, with a much smaller amount of food regurgitation than that of the end-to-side anastomosis of JIB. Melissas et al.[10] reported that simple side-to-side jejunoileal anastomosis (SJA) to transfer food and biliopancreatic secretions to the distal small bowel normalized FBG levels and OGTT in Goto Kakizaki rats. Therefore, we hypothesized that one of the reasons for the superior efficacy of PSIB over JIB in lowering blood glucose levels could be attributed to the side-to-side anastomosis, which eliminates the retrograde peristalsis of the bypassed small bowel segment, thereby reducing glucose absorption[11]. Furthermore, the proximal end of the blind collaterals were ligated with silk threads, which prevented chyme ingress into the bypassed small bowel segment and reduced the digestive and absorptive area of the GI tract, and achieving a synergistic effect with the side-to-side anastomosis to ensure paraperistalsis of the small bowel. One of our previous studies showed that ligation has a better glycemic effect than no ligation[12]. However, a small amount of bile and other digestive fluids are still allowed to pass through the intestinal collaterals, resulting in substantial changes in the intestinal flora and bile acid metabolism, thereby improving glucose metabolism[13, 14].
Our results showed that in a STZ-induced diabetic rat, the efficacy of PSIB in improving glucose metabolism was better than that of RYGB, with comparable weight loss. RYGB improves glucose metabolism by regulating gastrointestinal hormones, such as GLP-1 and PYY, β-cell function, and intestinal flora[15]. Similar to RYGB, PSIB improves glucose metabolism by regulating gastric hormones, such as gastric starvation hormone, leptin, and fibroblast growth factor 21, and by altering the intestinal flora[16]. Given the superior efficacy of PSIB in treating diabetes mellitus than that of RYGB, we believe that the specific mechanisms are not identical. A study by Patel et al.[17] revealed that gastric bypass plays a dominant role in regulating body weight, whereas small intestinal bypass affects glucose homeostasis mainly through body weight, insulin, and enteric proinsulin-independent mechanisms. However, it does not explain the similarity in the effect of RYGB and PSIB on weight loss in our model. Moreover, Angelini et al.[18] further revealed that the jejunum plays an important role in controlling insulin sensitivity. These two studies may partially explain the effectiveness of PSIB over RYGB in achieving hypoglycemia.In this study, no difference in weight control was observed between PSIB and RYGB; however, further studies are needed to determine whether RYGB is more effective than PSIB in reducing weight in other models, such as the obese rat model. For non-obese patients with diabetes, RYGB should be considered with caution because it is more commonly associated with adverse events and nutritional deficiencies[19, 20]. This study also provides a theoretical basis for the clinical application of PSIB; however, further clinical studies are required.
The overall incidence of hypoalbuminemia after MS is 3–18%[21]. In the present study, total protein levels were significantly decreased in the JIB group, but not in the PSIB or RYGB groups. This aligns with those of previous findings, which demonstrates that excessive bypassing of the small intestine results in malnutrition and consequent liver impairment. In addition, HDL and LDL levels at 6 weeks were lower in the JIB group. Kral et al.[22] suggested that this may be related to increased efflux and/or increased catabolism, e.g., decreased food intake and protein synthesis. Our results showed that although food intake was reduced in both the PSIB and RYGB groups, there was also a trend towards lower TG and LDL levels, but this was not statistically significant. This may be because, although RYGB reverses the dyslipidemia associated with obesity, TG and HDL levels typically improve after weight loss[23].
Our study had certain limitations. First, this study included a small sample size and was conducted over a short period of time. Second, because non-obese rats were selected, significant differences in the efficacy of weight loss could not be demonstrated. Third, alterations in gastrointestinal hormones, pancreatic islet cells, and intestinal bacteria in the surgical group could not be measured or compared, warranting further investigations.
In conclusion, PSIB reduces blood glucose levels and improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in the early postoperative period, and its efficacy is superior to that of classical RYGB and conventional JIB. Because the non-obese diabetic rat model used in this study did not exhibit significant weight loss after PSIB, this may be beneficial for non-obese diabetic or mildly obese patients with diabetes to achieve good glycemic control without weight loss. Further clinical studies are required to validate these findings.