Drivers of forest functioning, services and health outcomes
We here report on the first trans-continental study linking forest biodiversity, functioning and health outcomes, capitalising on interdisciplinary approaches. For example, recent heat mitigation research reported which forest characteristics determine surface or air temperature and relative humidity of forest microclimates35, but few have connected this to indices relevant to human perception and health outcomes33. In parallel, heat mitigation by ‘homogenous’ greenspaces is already thoroughly reported9,36, but ignores ecological intricacies. By using a BBN to merge multiple data sources, this gap was effectively bridged for multiple forest-health pathways.
The two most influential and independent forest characteristics were forest canopy density and tree diversity. Canopies are key drivers of ecosystem functioning18, creating a physical, chemical and biological filter to ambient conditions37. Tree diversity is also a recognised determinant of ecosystem function, ecosystem service provision and non-tree biodiversity18,38. Beyond confirming these known consequences, we here show that they also shape human health impacts. Even though effect sizes are relatively small, it may make a substantial difference at the scale of populations at which greenspaces can prevent well over hundreds of deaths9,10.
The process of disentangling mechanistic pathways via the Ecosystem Service Cascade Model also revealed dependencies at spatiotemporal, societal and individual levels. At the spatiotemporal level, the importance of forests to human health was defined by the surrounding environmental conditions, where locations with high particulate matter pollution and periods with high heat loads benefited proportionally more from forest tempering effects13. Likewise, seasonality determines production of mushrooms39 and medicinal plants40, and the amount of songbird-generated biophony with potential mental benefits41. Societal context also plays a crucial role: local legislation and overall foraging culture are determinants for potential health benefits from non-timber forest products42. For example, while mushroom and berry collection is common in e.g. Poland, Germany and France42, it is legally not allowed in Flanders, Belgium. Mental wellbeing is also determined by societal realities: forests and dense vegetation can provoke fear of assault by criminals or wild animals43. This implies that our findings are best applicable to the world’s forests that are perceived as ‘safe’. At last, individual experiences may further shape health outcomes. Fear of crime varies with individual factors such as age, gender and culture43. Mental wellbeing was relatively insensitive to actual changes in forest characteristics in our analysis. This is partly explained by the pivotal role of perceived (visual and auditory) biodiversity, which can be based on cues like species richness, greenness, acoustic complexity or functional traits like colourfulness25 – thereby recurrently deviating from actual biodiversity21. Half of variation in thermal comfort is determined by factors other than the physical microclimate, including physiological acclimatisation, biological sex, thermal preference and expectations44.
Trade-offs bar all-round optimisation
Health outcome interactions were most clear for heat mitigation, medicinal plants, air quality and Lyme disease risk, with canopy density as the common denominator. The latter enhances mitigation of heat stress33,35 and particulate matter34, but reduces understory light availability45 which impedes production of medicinal plants. Closed canopies also create ideal conditions for tick activity and survival by maintaining relative humidity levels that rarely fall below 80%46. Whereas canopy density is the most influential forest characteristic, corroborating a recent study on ecosystem services47, it can inadvertently lead to unwanted side-effects. This does not apply to tree diversity: though less influential, it always returned positive effects – except for a small increase in Lyme disease risk. Note that the effect of increasing tree diversity and forest complexity on Lyme risk in Europe is contested, with reports of both negative48 and positive49 outcomes.
Some other, weaker, interactions were observed or theoretically expected. A separate analysis found enhanced levels of thermal and mental wellbeing to mutually reinforce each other, where forest environments incite this synergy26. This non-linear, subtle interaction did not clearly emerge here (Fig. 3). Other indirectly explored interactions include the increase in questing tick nymphs with higher levels of medicinal plants, because ticks use understory vegetation to reach vertebrate hosts28,49. At the same time, more lush understory vegetation affected perceived density, which was a driver for perceived biodiversity and thus potentially determines mental wellbeing. Greater bird diversity increases biophony, but also influences tick nymphal infection prevalence as birds are suitable hosts for multiple Borrelia strains50. Some interesting interactions could not be explored. High rainfall frequency and abundance may increase mushroom biomass39, but also improve the air filtering capacity of the forest by cleaning the leaves and rendering them more sticky51. Given that air pollution may worsen mental health52, filtering of particulate matter by forests may have additional mental health effects.
Again, this emphasises the need to consider results in the light of local needs. In a theoretical region with low-to-absent Lyme prevalence and foraging regulations restricting medicinal plant harvesting, silvicultural interventions may aim for closed canopies to foster the synergy in heat and particulate matter improvements. Prioritisation of target health outcomes should follow the health impact, the number of people affected and forest effect magnitude given the local context. For instance, in 2022, air pollution and heat caused an estimated 300 00053 and 60 00054 deaths in Europe, respectively, which could be effectively mitigated by forests9. In contrast, despite widespread malnutrition in Europe53, harvesting mushroom and medicinal plants may only have marginal health impacts compared to industrial sources of food and medicine production42. Still, these may have great importance locally and have recreational co-benefits not addressed here42.
Suboptimal forests are better than no forests
Despite the large variability, our findings indicate that forests generally have net benefits to health, regardless of their biodiversity and structure (Fig. 4). Mental wellbeing effects were especially little influenced by actual measures because they essentially revolve around perceived forest characteristics, whereas predicted heat mortality strongly varied between forest types. Yet, even the least optimal forest stands led to strong heat reductions. Indeed, even young plantations have been found to reduce perceived temperatures by 10°C under hot conditions33. In fact, the whole variety of forest conditions was generally unequivocally favourable to human health, except for ticks which are especially abundant in forests compared to any other habitat28.
Altering forest characteristics is thus less consequential than the mere presence of forests, which has two positive implications. First, studies considering forests as homogenous entities certainly ignore plenty of variation, yet their findings may be roughly applicable to a wide range of forest conditions. Second, increasingly prevalent reforestation efforts, despite being mostly constituted of young plantation forests55, may already yield substantial health benefits to people.
Strengths and weaknesses define avenues for future research
While our modelling effort brings about insights on largely uncharted scientific terrain, limitations require consideration before extrapolating our conclusions. From the technical side, BBNs were elemental to linking forest characteristics with their health effects owing to the capacity to model complex causal pathways with heterogeneous data sources. Yet, they have inherent weaknesses. First and foremost, the mandatory discretisation of continuous variables is disadvantageous for environmental modelling, where such variables are omnipresent. This leads to significant information loss that can partly be compensated for by increasing the number of states – though this ramps up the number of required observations to populate Conditional Probability Tables56. We compensated for this by using expert opinion as priors, which improves information content for state combinations that are not covered by empirical data31. Despite these measures, a clear effect size dilution was visible especially for long causal chains. While partly due to discretisation, this incidentally also reflects real-life processes: as the myriad of unmeasured confounders and aforementioned dependencies modulate nature-health relationships, small final effects are expected. Forest-health benefits and their modulation by forest characteristics should therefore not be exaggerated.
From the conceptual side, a major strength and singularity is the direct integration of multiple forest-health pathways. Yet, our selection of forest-health effects is not comprehensive. Others include, for example, reduction of noise stress, modulation of pollen allergy prevalence and fostering of spiritual wellbeing3. These may create additional synergies and trade-offs that we have not covered. Next, our analysis focuses on local scales (plot- or stand level) but some pathways require consideration of landscape-scale dynamics. Most notably, highly mobile vertebrates such as ungulates and birds are likely influenced by characteristics of whole forest complexes. At last, outcomes should be cautiously interpreted in light of assumptions listed in the Supplementary Information. In sum, pathways assume that users interact intimately with the forest environment: our ‘virtual guinea pig’ is consistently exposed to forest microclimate, atmosphere, soundscape and visual aspects and regularly consumes non-timber forest products. These assumptions may be naive in many cases, especially for urbanites, and resonates with the challenge of quantifying nature exposure, accounting for the frequency, duration and type of nature contact57.
In short, future research may turn towards following avenues: i) directly comparing multiple forest-health pathways and their interactions, ii) considering mechanistic processes via frameworks like the Cascade model and coupling statistical approaches like Structural Equation Models or BBNs, iii) incorporating relevant undesirable health effects, and iv) investigating how biodiversity-health relationships apply to (semi-)urban environments.
Management recommendations and conclusions
Despite the case-specificity and complex pathway interactions, general patterns stand out. Firstly, any European forest is likely to have beneficial effects regardless of how it is managed, certainly compared to urban environments5. Any type of forest is also likely to be more beneficial than low-stature vegetation for heat and particulate matter reduction, mushroom production and mental wellbeing, though forests host more ticks28.
Yet, forest managers and policy makers have several degrees of freedom to enhance health effects and mitigate risks, with potentially considerable impact at the public health level. Our findings suggest that targeting canopy density (leaf area index) and stand density (basal area) are the most effective tools to modulate physical health outcomes in particular. Management strategies aiming at densification such as continuous cover forestry may enhance heat buffering and air filtering capacities, but may lead to an increased risk of Lyme and reduced medicinal plant yield. This clear trade-off requires careful consideration of local priorities regarding these four health outcomes. Canopy cover changes will also affect forest functioning itself, with potential cascading effects. For example, thinning may lead to increased water availability for certain tree species under drought58, but rapid canopy opening may also perturb understory biodiversity35. In contrast, increasing tree diversity represents a relatively safe, no-regret intervention with net advantages1 and important co-benefits for biodiversity conservation4,59. In that sense, this may make it a compelling all-round management strategy in many situations with a win-win for biodiversity and human health, especially if local public health priorities are difficult to identify. Diverse forests are especially appealing given their higher resilience to multiple global change drivers and insect pests60, which may secure provision of health benefits in the longer term59. In sum, despite rather low direct health impacts, increasing forest tree diversity emerges as a robust strategy for promoting human health whereas altering forest density can be used to maximise specific benefits according to local contexts.