The primary feasibility outcomes
Our primary feasibility outcomes are:
The lower limit of the confidence interval of the inclusion ratio (the proportion of included participants randomised compared to all screened patients) equal to or above 60%? For example, if the number of eligible patients who agree to participate is 44 out of 60, then the proportion will be 73% with a 95% confidence interval (CI) between 60% and 84%. The lower limit for this feasibility outcome is therefore set at 60% and the lower limit of the confidence interval of the gathered data of the HUT-TBI Trial should be higher.
The lower limit of the confidence interval of the intervention success rate, (the proportion of participants allocated to the experimental intervention who received at least 60% of the planned exercise sessions) equal to or above 52%? For example, if the number of participants receiving 60% of the exercise is 70% (21 out of 30) of the participants randomised to the experimental intervention group, the lower limit of the confidence interval will be 52%. Accordingly, the lower limit of the gathered data of the HUT-TBI Trial should be higher.
Our safety outcomes are defined as either proportion of participants with serious adverse events (SAEs) and reactions (SARs) or adverse events or adverse reactions not considered serious (AEs or ARs) [14]. SAEs are defined as any undesirable event that result in death, is life-threatening, requires prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or requires intervention to prevent permanent impairment or damage, whether considered related to the trial intervention or not. AEs are defined as any undesirable event not considered serious occurring to a participant during the trial. The proportion of participants with at least one SAE, SAR, AR, or AE during the intervention period will be compared between the two intervention groups. The proportion of serious adverse events will be assessed through inspection and through statistical analysis (see below).
Exploratory clinical outcomes
For the exploratory clinical outcomes, we have chosen three outcomes: The Coma Recovery Scale - Revised (CRS-R), the Early Functional Ability scale (EFA), and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). The CRS-R reflects changes in consciousness and will be analysed at the four-week time point (end of intervention period) comparing the two groups. The EFA evaluates early functional changes and the FIM evaluates the ability to independently perform functions and activities of daily living. Both will be evaluated at the three-month time point. Secondly, the data for all three exploratory clinical outcomes will be presented as longitudinal data in a figure including confidence intervals. The data for the one-year follow up will be analysed in the same manner as above. Here we have included the Glasgow Outcome Scale – Extended, as it is routinely being used at the department performing the one-year follow-up.
Exploratory physiological outcomes
For exploratory physiological outcomes we have measured haemodynamic response to a head-up tilt at baseline, after two weeks, and after four weeks in both groups. From these data we will calculate a cerebral autoregulation index (Mxa) at each time point. In short, mean arterial blood pressure and mean middle cerebral artery flow velocity are correlated using a Pearson correlation coefficient. Correlations are calculated during 300 seconds in the supine position (rest) and 300 seconds during head up tilt with 70 degrees head elevation. The Mxa will then principally be considered dichotomously in order to reflect intact cerebral autoregulation of blood flow, with a correlation equal to or below 0.3 or impaired if it is above 0.3 [15]. Data at four weeks will be compared between groups. Secondarily, we will analyse the Mxa as a continuous variable and we will utilize other methods such as the Gosling Pulsatile index, or the cerebrovascular resistance index.
For the heart rate variability outcome, we will measure heart rate for five consecutive days from the time of randomisation. A steady period of five minutes before the first head up tilt will be analysed for low frequency, high frequency, and the ratio between low and high frequency both percentage and normalised units (frequency domain) [16]. For comparison between groups, a five minutes interval before the tilt test performed at the 4th week (end of intervention) will be used. Further, a comparison of each head-up tilt test (2 weeks and 4 weeks) will be analysed using the same domain parameters for between group comparison as longitudinal analysis. Finally, the frequency domain indices will be used in the attempt to establish a model for predicting the risk of experiencing orthostatic hypotension or impaired cerebral autoregulation at each head-up tilt test.
Afterwards, 24-hour analysis of the heart rate variability will be made within the time domain using the root mean square of successive RR intervals and the standard deviations of NN intervals in normalised units [16]. First, we will analyse the differences between groups at the three-day time point. Then the 24-hour analysis will be compared between groups as longitudinal data from the first day of inclusion till day five. Finally, the time domain parameters at the first day after randomisation will be used for a prediction model for clinical outcomes at four-weeks (CRS-R) and at three months (EFA and FIM).
Statistical analyses
All baseline characteristics will be presented for each intervention group. Continuous variables will be summarised using means and standard deviations or medians and interquartile range depending on distribution of data. Discrete variables will be presented as frequencies, proportions, and percentages.
All our analyses will primarily be intention-to-treat, i.e. all randomised participants will be included in the primary analyses. We will secondly perform per protocol analyses including the participants allocated to the intervention who received at least 60% of the planned exercise sessions.
If we do not reach the desired number of participants in the trial, we will consider to analyse our data using Trial Sequential Analysis [17, 18].
Feasibility outcomes
The first two primary feasibility outcomes will be derived from the trial with the above-mentioned lower limits of the proportions, and these two outcomes will not undergo statistical testing. For the intervention to be feasible, both feasibility outcomes should be achieved.
All analysis described below using general linear regression, logistic regression, or mixed-model linear regression will be adjusted for the protocol specified stratification variable (high or low GCS).
We will use inspection of data to evaluate adverse events due to the low power. Secondly, we will use logistic regression to compare the proportions of participants with one or more SAEs, SARs, Ars, and AEs between the two groups [1]. Accordingly, we will use an alpha of 5%. Each patient with at least one SUSAR during the intervention period will be analysed as exploratory feasibility outcome also using logistic regression analysis.
Exploratory clinical outcome
All exploratory clinical outcomes and physiological outcomes are on a continuous interval scale.
The exploratory clinical outcomes will primarily be compared between groups at specified time points. The CRS-R will be analysed at the four-week time point and EFA and FIM will be analysed at the three-month time point using general linear regression analysis. Secondarily, as a sensitivity analysis, longitudinal data will be analysed using mixed model linear regression with each participates as a random effect and the clinical outcome as the fixed effect for analysis of longitudinal data over multiple time points.
Each outcome, the outcomes minimal relevant difference, standard deviation and power level can be found in Supplementary table 1. The one-year follow up data for CRS-R, EFA, and FIM will be analysed in the same way only the three-month time-point will be replaced with one-year. Furthermore, for the one-year analysis the Glasgow outcome scale extended will be compared between groups using general linear regression and adjusting for stratification specific variables.
Exploratory physiological outcomes
The exploratory physiological outcomes measuring cerebral autoregulation will be compared at the 4-week time point (or end of intervention). To do this, we will use logistic regression with the Mxa (binary) as the dependent and further adjusting for age and sex. The Mxa will also be tested as a continuous variable (ranging from -1 to 1) using general linear regression analysis and mixed-model linear regression with each participant as a random effect for analysis of longitudinal data over multiple time points. The same approach will be used for the Gosling Pulsatile index and the cerebrovascular resistance index.
It is our intention to analyse and publish data on the heart rate variability frequency domain and time domain indices. The statistical analysis plan for these outcomes will be made public in a separate report.
Missing data
Trials conducted in the ICU are at high risk of missing data alone on the account of the patient´s condition [19]. If data are missing, we will consider using multiple imputation according to the recommendations by Jakobsen and colleagues [20]. For all continuous clinical outcomes, we will analyse survivors, and in a sensitivity analysis impute the lowest possible value for participants who died or dropped out as well as the best possible value. We will present the results of both analyses.
Trial status and profile
The inclusion period ended in December 2018 with only 38 patients included during a two-year period. End of the three-month follow-up period will be in March 2019 and the one-year follow up will be in December 2019. Flow of patients will be presented in a CONSORT diagram as reported in the protocol [1]. We will report the number of screened patients, the number of included patients, and the main reason for exclusion of eligible patients. Furthermore, we will present the number of patients who died within the four-week intervention period, within the first three months from randomisation, and within the first year.
Publication strategy
We plan to publish the following papers:
The primary feasibility outcomes and the analyses of the exploratory clinical outcomes will be published separately to establish feasibility of the intervention and the sample size of a larger multicentre study (publication I).
Analysis of the exploratory outcomes with the focus of investigating a specific physiological effect on cerebral autoregulation after a series of orthostatic exercises during head up tilt (publication II).
Analysis of one-year follow-up data once all data are collected, which is expected to be in December 2019 (publication III).
Presentation of results in tables and figures
Publication I: The CONSORT flow chart diagram will be presented as Figure 1. To assess the balance of our randomisation, description of baseline characteristics will be presented in a table (Table 1). Variables will be summarized as either frequencies and percentages or as continues or ordinal variables as mean with standard deviations (SD) or median and interquartile range (IQR) (see Appendix 1).
The primary feasibility outcome will be presented in Table 2 and Table 3. The first table will consist of the proportion of patients included in the trial as well as the number of patients who successfully received more than 60% of the intended interventions. Table 3 will present and describe the adverse events seen during the intervention period as well as the logistic regression analysis.
The exploratory clinical outcome will be presented as shown in Table 4, with the absolute numbers of each outcome at each time point in a Supplementary table 2. Furthermore, the longitudinal analysis will be presented in a figure showing each time point with confidence intervals (not illustrated).
Publication II: The second publication will present Table 1 as a demographic table. The results will be presented in a figure with included table (Figure 2). The figure will consist of three graphs (A, B and C) with data summarized beneath, showing heart rate (HR, mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), and middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (MCAVmean) Δ-values between supine position and during head up tilt at baseline, after 2 weeks and after 4 weeks. As supplementary material we will present a spaghetti-plot of each of the above variables in supine and in standing (Supplementary figure 1). Table 5 shows the Mxa values in supine and in standing for both groups at the end of the intervention period. Alongside this, a Figure 2 will illustrate the time line for Mxa, with Mxa on the y-axis and time on the x-axis, showing a mean with confidence intervals for each time point (baseline, 2 weeks, 4 weeks). Figure 2A will illustrate Mxa in the supine and Figure 2B in standing. Lastly, a Table 6 will show the frequency of intact cerebral autoregulation in the two groups with P-values indicating group differences.
Publication III: As in publication I this publication will analyse the outcomes after one year. Similarly, the data will be presented as Table 1 and Table 4 with the added 1-year data on each outcome as well as Glasgow outcome scale extended at the 1-year follow-up.