ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder affecting children's learning and life. Executive function impairment is the core manifestation of ADHD, and inhibitory control is an important part of executive function. In this study, under the inhibition control tasks, such as Go/No-go, Stroop, and Flanker, fNIRS was used to analyze the differences between children with ADHD and healthy children before and after treatment, and the changes of fNIRS in children with ADHD before and after MPH treatment. The multiple inhibition control task paradigm was used to conduct multiple analyses. These results suggest that brain activation in children with ADHD is different from that in healthy children when performing inhibitory control tasks. After 8 weeks of MPH treatment, the behavioral data of children with ADHD improved significantly in inhibition control neuropsychological tests, and the characteristic brain areas of children with ADHD improved significantly in inhibition control tasks, resembling those seen in healthy children.
Analysis of core symptoms and behavior problems in children with ADHD
In this study, the SNAP-IV scale was used to assess the severity of core symptoms in children with ADHD and was completed by parents of children according to their children's behavior in the past 6 months, with good reliability and validity. The results showed that, regarding core symptoms, the performance of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity in children with ADHD significantly improved after MPH treatment (P < 0.01). Currently, MPH is the preferred treatment for children with ADHD; therefore, its effect on the core symptoms is evident. In previous studies, the efficacy rate of MPH after 6 weeks of treatment was 83.3%, and the complete remission rate was 44%. In this study, 13 of the 14 children with ADHD had lower core symptom scores after 8 weeks of MPH treatment. The effective rate was 92.9%, of which six children had complete remission (42.9%), indicating that the children with ADHD in this study responded well to MPH. Therefore, exploring improvements in executive function in children with ADHD treated with MPH is important.
Analysis of executive function-related behavior treatment in children with ADHD
In this study, the BRIEF Scale was used to assess changes in executive function after MPH treatment in children with ADHD. The BRIEF scale evaluates the executive function-related performance of school-aged children in eight dimensions. This evaluation tool is closely integrated with Chinese culture and life background, has good reliability and validity, and is suitable for evaluating executive function-related behavioral performance of Chinese school-age children. In this study, after MPH treatment, the working memory and monitoring-related symptoms of children with ADHD were significantly improved (P < 0.05). Working memory mainly includes short-term memory, memory capacity, sustained attention, and anti-interference ability impairments, while monitoring is reflected in insufficient self-knowledge and the inability to arrange and coordinate tasks. Their self-control abilities were poor.
Previous studies have found that children with ADHD treated with MPH have a significant improvement in memory capacity and a decrease in behavioral scores related to memory capacity concerning working memory performance. Combined with the improvement in MPH for children's attention, the score of related dimensions of working memory in this study significantly improved, which is consistent[11] with the results of another study. There is no relevant neuropsychological test to support the improvement of monitoring ability; however, MPH can improve the overall information-processing ability of children with ADHD. Therefore, the overall control ability of children in learning and life tasks improves, and the scores for self-control and self-knowledge-related performance decrease [12]. However, improvement in children's behavior regarding inhibition, conversion, emotional control, initiation, planning, and organization was not evident. According to the detailed analysis of the scale items, differences were observed among the dimensions and a certain crossover. These dimensions were significantly related to children's adaptive ability, fear of difficulty, and emotional stability and required more behavioral and psychological interventions.
Analysis of fNIRS in healthy children and children with ADHD before MDH treatment
The Go/No-go task was mainly used to reflect the response inhibition function of the tested children, in which the Go task was used to test their ability to perform operations, and the No-go task was used to test their response inhibition ability[13]. In this study, compared with healthy children, fNIRS results in pretreated children with ADHD during the Go/No-go task suggested that channel 9 in the left medial frontal gyrus, including the frontal eye field (FEF), was located in the right posterior central gyrus, and channel 12 in the somatosensory cortex was located in the left superior marginal gyrus. Channels 21 in the superior limbic gyrus, 42 in the left superior temporal gyrus, and 42 in the auditory association cortex were more activated than those in healthy children.
The FEF controls visual attention. In the task paradigm, only a stimulus appeared at the center of the screen. The load is low in healthy children, while it may be high in children with ADHD, who require more FEF activation to maintain attention[14]. The SC is mainly responsible for the processing of physical sensory information, and some studies have found that the SC is associated with emotional control problems in various mental disorders. The Go/No-go task used in this study was characterized by repeated problems. Children with ADHD are more impatient and anxious and may exhibit increased[15] SC activation. The main function of the Supramarginal gyrus (SmG) is to determine the optimal operating load. With an increase in operating load, SmG activation becomes more evident[16]. Children with ADHD have impaired response inhibition abilities, and the interfering factors before the keystroke response are more complicated. The load of choosing whether to keystroke was also higher than that in healthy children, and the degree of SmG activation was also higher. The Primary Association Cortex (PAC) is responsible for the reception, recognition, and preprocessing of auditory information. In the Go/No-go task, the field environment was relatively quiet; however, there were signals and sounds unique to the instrument markers. Children with ADHD have poor sustained attention and anti-interference abilities. They are easily disturbed by external sounds, and the PAC is more likely to be activated [17]. Owing to the impairment of attention, inhibition, and emotional control in children with ADHD, compensatory enhancement of FEF, SC, and SmG activation occurs when performing go/no-go tasks with a low task load and enhancement of PAC activation owing to auditory interference.
The Stroop task is a common neuropsychological paradigm that assesses children's ability to control conflicting information[18]. Compared with other Stroop studies based on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and fNIRS, in this study, no significant difference was observed in the activation degree of the fNIRS when performing the Stroop task between healthy children and children with ADHD before medication administration, which may be mainly owing to the incomplete curing degree of text knowledge in schoolchildren aged 7–12 years. Therefore, the degree of conflict between common sense and color is not evident[19,20 ]. In the follow-up task design, the anti-Stroop task, which is more sensitive to school-age children, should be adopted to test conflict-monitoring ability in school-age children[21].
The Flanker task is also a traditional psychological paradigm mainly used to test conflict adaptability[22]. In this study, No significant difference was observed in the activation degree of fNIRS during the flanker task between healthy children and children with ADHD before treatment. Flanker tasks can be divided into two design methods. The first is a design whose main indicators are accuracy and response. This method is widely used in assessing preschool children's conflict adaptability; however, the sensitivity of outcome indicators is[23] poor. The other is the pre- and post-control design, which compares the difference in behavioral data at different stages during the task and has a strong sensitivity to outcome indicators. In this study, the flanker task reference was used for design alone, and the difficulty was not significantly adjusted; therefore, no significant difference was observed in brain region activation. In a follow-up experiment, the stimulation duration, interval time, and interference intensity should be adjusted, and a before-and-after control design should be used to better detect the conflict adaptability of school-age children with ADHD.
Analysis of fNIRS before and after MPH treatment in children with ADHD
The children with ADHD enrolled in this study were 8.71 ± 1.35 years old. With increasing age, children's reaction inhibition ability gradually increased, and the difficulty of the Go/No-go task was relatively low. Therefore, the detection sensitivity of reaction inhibition ability in older children with ADHD was poor, and it was not easy to show a significant improvement in behavioral results. However, in the fNIRS results of children with ADHD after MPH treatment, channel 7 activation, located in the left middle frontal gyrus, including the frontal eye movement area, decreased, suggesting that behavioral changes could be detected using fNIRS. FEF activation was decreased in children with ADHD after MPH treatment, indicating that visual attention load and mobilization levels were reduced during Go/No-go tasks. This indicates that after MPH treatment, the brain activation of children with ADHD becomes more similar to that of healthy children when performing a response inhibition task.
The behavioral results of the Stroop task revealed that children with ADHD had a significantly improved rate of correct responses in different color-related tasks after receiving MPH treatment, indicating that their conflict-monitoring ability improved. Improvement in conflict monitoring ability can help children with ADHD process information faster, maintain attention, reduce interference from external distractions, and improve[41] the core symptoms of children with ADHD. Therefore, MPH can improve the core symptoms and behavioral problems of children with ADHD by improving their ability to monitor conflict.
However, no significant difference was observed in the fNIRS results between the two groups, which could be attributed to two reasons. In a combined Stroop task and fMRI study, the dorsal ACC (DACC) in children with ADHD showed increased activation after MPH intervention, with no significant changes in a separate brain region. However, the DACC correlated with and affected[21] the overall activation of the frontopolar cortex (FPC). The monitoring depth of fNIRS under the skull is approximately 1–3 cm; therefore, detecting specific changes in DACC hemoglobin or observing the correlation between DACC and FPC in various brain regions is impossible. According to current theories, after MPH treatment in children with ADHD, the control effect of the striatum on the DACC is improved, and the function of each brain region on the FPC is improved by the DACC by improving[24] the connection properties and transmission efficiency of each brain region. However, school-age ADHD children do not have a deep impression of the solidification of general knowledge of words, and the conflict-monitoring load is low, which fails to cause definite changes in brain function. In a follow-up study, in addition to changing the Stroop task to an anti-Stroop task, which is more suitable for school-age children, increasing the brain depth and breadth measurement and exploring the two dimensions of brain activation and connectivity is necessary.
In this study, no significant differences were observed in the behavioral results of tasks in flanker and results of fNIRS monitoring of cerebral cortex blood oxygen changes before and after the MPH intervention. The main reason is that the study used the flanker task reference alone, the difficulty was not significantly adjusted, and no significant differences were observed in brain region activation. In subsequent experiments, the stimulation duration, interval time, and interference intensity should be adjusted, and a reference should be made to the before-and-after control design to better detect conflict adaptability in school-aged children with ADHD. The limitations of this study are the small number of cases, and further cases will be increased in the future.