Study findings
We conducted a case-crossover study using case data on heat illness incidents in junior high and high school sports club activities in Japan, along with WBGT data from nearby weather stations. The analysis of both pre- and post-stratification data confirmed a significant relationship between heat illness incidence and WBGT variables (WBGT-0, WBGT-1, and WBGT-2). This finding is consistent with previous research showing that many heat illness cases in Japan occur at a WBGT of 28°C or higher (Nakai et al. 2007) and that the odds of heat illness in junior high and high school of major Japanese cities increase with higher WBGT (Iwashita 2018). Interestingly, the coefficients for many of WBGT-2 categories were negative and significant, indicating that higher temperatures two days prior were associated with a decreased probability of heat illness. This suggests that higher WBGTs two days prior to the incident might lead to behavioral changes that reduce the risk on the incident day. These results suggest that accuracy in analyzing the risk of heat illness in sports activities may be improved by considering not only the WBGT at the time of the event, but also the WBGT up to several days prior. By applying a case-crossover approach to case data from the JSC-System, which covers most of the child and student population (Japan Sport Council 2021), we were able to confirm the significant relationship between the WBGT variables and heat illness incidents during school sports club activities, mitigating the risks of selection bias and ecological fallacy associated with the previous literature (Nakai et al. 2007; Iwashita 2018).
In the stratified analysis, significant differences in odds ratios were observed within strata in groups stratified by club, region, location, year, month, and WBGT-Summer. This indicates that it is important to adjust the HSTs to account for the above variables in order to manage the risk of heat illness.
High odds ratios were observed for baseball, football/futsal, kyudo (Japanese archery), softball, tennis, and track and field clubs. It is interesting to note that the odds ratios were high not only for clubs named after sports that require continuous exercise and are played outdoors (football/futsal, tennis, and track and field). Although not directly supported by this study, the high odds ratios in baseball, softball, and kyudo may possibly be due to the continuous high metabolic demand during practice, which is a large part of club activities, and the relatively thick uniforms that cover large parts of the body and impede heat dissipation. Further attention should be paid to the results for archery, as the confidence intervals are very wide probably due to the limited sample size (n=453). The higher odds ratios in the early months (April to June), in northern regions (Hokkaido, Tohoku, and Hokuriku), and in sites where WBGT-Summer equals to or is less than 18℃(Ministry of the Environment Japan) consistently suggest that heat illness risk in sports club activities increases when heat acclimatization is insufficient and the WBGT is high at the same time. This aligns with the finding that heat illness occurs in June at lower temperatures and humidity than in July (Nakai et al. 2007), and higher latitude areas in Japan have more heat illness cases than lower latitude areas at a maximum daily WBGT of 33°C (Oka et al. 2023). The analysis also revealed that higher odds ratios were observed when club activities were conducted outdoor locations, suggesting an increased risk of heat illness with greater exposure to outdoor heat. All three outdoor categories, "Playgrounds and schoolyards," "Out-of-school playgrounds and stadiums," and "Roads," had significantly higher odds ratios than the indoor categories, "Gymnasium/Indoor sports ground," and "Out-of-school sports halls.” Although the installation rate of air conditioners in school gymnasiums is still low in Japan (about 10%) [28], the risk of heat illness may be reduced indoors compared with outdoors, where direct sunlight can be avoided, and environmental conditions can be controlled. For the year, 2019 had a higher average odds ratio than all other years and significantly higher than 2017. It is deduced that in 2019, the relatively cool month of July caused people to become insufficiently heat acclimatized and August became very hot, resulting in a large number of heat illness cases nationwide (Ministry of the Environment Japan) (See Supplementary Fig. 10 for monthly mean WBGT in Japan from 2010 to 2021). Such changes in the risk of heat illness due to annual changes in the heat environment are likely to be reflected in the results of this study. Although no significant differences in odds ratios were observed by day of the week, the odds ratio on Mondays were relatively small and may be influenced by the restorative physical fitness of the weekend.
These findings highlight the need for the flexible adjustments of HSTs. Specifically, the categories of 28<WBGT≦31°C for "ceasing strenuous exercise" and that of 31°C<WBGT for "ceasing all exercise" should be adjusted considering factors such as club, region, location, year, month, and WBGT-Summer.
Clinical implications
Every year, thousands of heat illness cases in Japanese junior high and high school sports clubs highlight the need for enhanced countermeasures. The odds ratios for heat illness obtained in this study, which increase rapidly as WBGT rises, reinforce the need for compliance with the current HSTs as a basis. In particular, if the WBGT is between 28°C and 31°C, strenuous exercise should be ceased, and if the WBGT is 31°C or higher, all exercise should be ceased. Key measures include consistent WBGT monitoring and responsive actions at club activity. In a prefecture in Japan's Kanto region, approximately 90% of junior high schools measure WBGT, with 64.1% taking action based on the measurement (Kubo and Akaogi 2023). However, a broader nationwide understanding is still needed.
The stratified analysis in this study showed that the risk of heat illness varies according to factors such as clubs, regions, locations, months, WBGT-Summer, and years. This underscores the need for adjustments of HSTs in school sports clubs, adapting to specific contexts, in addition to the compliance with the existing HSTs. It is recommended to lower the HSTs by one category for; (1) clubs at high risk of heat illness (baseball, softball, soccer/futsal, tennis, track and field, kyudo, and other with sustained exercise or thick uniforms); (2) months from April to June; (3) cooler regions (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Hokuriku, or where WBGT-Summer≦18℃); (4) outdoor activities; (5) when heat rapidly increases while heat acclimatization is inadequate (e.g., a cool July followed by a hot August, as in 2019). Along with lowering HSTs, establishment of a heat acclimatization period with short practice time (Cooper et al. 2020), enhancing cooling measures to suppress body temperature increases before, during, and after activities (Bongers et al. 2017), promoting indoor practices in air-conditioned environments, and implementing more frequent and shorter breaks are also important strategies. For example, in high school American football in the hot and humid state of Georgia, adherence to WBGT-based activity modification categories and a mandatory 5-day heat acclimatization period with short practice times reduced heat syncope and heat exhaustion illness rates by 35% to 100%, depending on the WBGT category (Cooper et al. 2020). Such combined heat illness measures could be effective in Japan as well. In addition, in order to spread the flexible adjustments of the HSTs, it is considered important to call through influential organizations such as the Japan Sport Association, which developed the current HSTs that are referenced by a wide range of organizations including Nippon Junior High School Physical Culture Association, All Japan High School Athletic Federation, and national federations for various sports.
This study analyzed heat illness (mainly EHI) incidents from 2010 to 2019 during junior high and high school sports club activities in Japan. Therefore, it has not been confirmed whether the observed relationship between the WBGT and heat illness is applicable to other years, age groups, countries, or classic heat illness. Still, the method of the study is applicable when data on heat illness incidents, including time and geographic information, and WBGT (or basic weather indices for estimation of WBGT (Liljegren et al. 2008; Ono and Tonouchi 2014)) data are available, and could contribute to the study of quantitative evaluation of heat illness risk and countermeasures under conditions other than those covered in this study. Future research should expand to a broader demographic and context, especially considering potential changes after the COVID-19 pandemic. Because children have a larger relative skin area than adults and may be more susceptible to thermal injury in extreme environments (Falk and Dotan 2008), children younger than those targeted in this study (e.g., elementary school children and infants) should also be prioritized for future research. The analyzed data lacked details on conditions during heat illness incidents, such as specific exercise, metabolic rates, cooling measures, rest periods, duration, or individual’s physical/mental conditions. Hence, the results may be influenced particularly by factors such as rigorous training, unusual activities (such as punishment runs), exercising in poor health, or effective cooling. Additionally, in stratified analysis, some strata had small sample sizes, which may have affected confidence intervals and statistical significance. For example, the odds ratio in the kyudo club was very high compared to the others, but the confidence interval was very wide probably due to the limitations of the sample size (n=453), and there is room to research whether the result reflect reality. Through more comprehensive surveillance of heat illness incidents, it is expected that detailed circumstances can be explicitly taken into account, increasing the credibility of future studies on the relationship between heat illness and environmental conditions and, in turn, enabling more specific heat stroke prevention recommendations (Hosokawa et al. 2021). In addition, the matching of heat illness cases to WBGT data at the municipality level may not reflect the exact location and surrounding environment of the incident, thus affecting the results. More detailed information of the incidents such as latitude, longitude, land use, and elevation, ideally with local WBGT measurements, may provide a more accurate analysis. Finally, since WBGT may underestimate heat stress in environments where sweat evaporation is limited, such as high humidity and low wind speed (Budd 2008), future research could assess heat illness risk more accurately by considering humidity and wind speed directly in the analysis.