The coexistence of multiple pathogenic species in the same host can lead to higher virulence, increasing disease risk and severity, compared to monomicrobial infections 12,13. The order in which microorganisms infect the host strongly influences their interactions 12. Depending on the system, the first or second arriver could have advantages that favor survival 12. However, the priority effects of pathogen coexistence have been little explored.
In this study, we studied polymicrobial biofilms of C. albicans and P. aeruginosa PAET1 with different inoculation times. CFUs counts and microscopy images showed that being the first colonizer confers an advantage for surface adhesion and further biofilm development in polymicrobial biofilms. This is clearly observed in the 1Pa2Ca condition, where P. aeruginosa PAET1 arrival reduces the potential adhesion sites for C. albicans, resulting in the domination of the community composition by the bacteria (Fig. 1–3). This exclusion effect occurs naturally in the gastrointestinal and vaginal tracts, where local microbiota restricts C. albicans colonization 14. It has also been reported in vitro with bacteria from burn wounds 5.
When fungi arrive first (1Ca2Pa), the percentage of C. albicans in the community composition increased in comparison with the other polymicrobial biofilms (Fig. 1, and more markedly in Fig. 3), but P. aeruginosa PAET1 continued dominating in number. We explain this bacterial dampening of the priority effects by their small size and ability to colonize fungal structures 5,15, allowing them to attach between and on top of C. albicans cells (Fig. 2). This reaffirms the scaffold role of C. albicans in polymicrobial biofilms by increasing the attachment surface, and the importance of including fungi in the study of microbial communities associated with disease 5.
Lastly, in the situation of the synchronous arrival of bacteria and yeast (CaPa), both species compete for attachment to the underlying substrate, as previously reported for other C. albicans-bacteria interactions 5,16. This competition led to a patchy distribution of both microorganisms on the surface, with intra-species clumps (Fig. 2). Interestingly, in the CaPa condition, higher C. albicans death was observed, followed by 1Ca2Pa (Supplementary Fig. 1). This could indicate that P. aeruginosa PAET1 utilizes mechanisms that compromise fungal integrity to gain access to colonization space, supported by the antagonistic relationship described elsewhere among this duo 17–27.
However, the clinical consequences of the association of C. albicans and P. aeruginosa remain unclear. Contradictory conclusions from in vivo studies range from reduction of virulence to synergy and enhanced mortality of co-infections compared to mono-infections 6. P. aeruginosa and C. albicans are frequently co-isolated from tracheobronchial samples, being more common in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) 6,27–29. In both conditions, co-infection with this pair leads to reduced lung function, prolonged hospital stays, and higher intensive care unit mortality 27. For those reasons, we decided to include pulmonary epithelial cells in the model and evaluate virulence variations of the polymicrobial biofilms associated with priority effects.
The simultaneous inoculation of bacteria and fungi (CaPa) showed an increase in virulence compared to Ca or Pa biofilms (Fig. 4b), but it was not statistically significant. This disagrees with previous in vivo studies in pulmonary models that found higher biofilm biomass, virulence, and inflammation in polymicrobial biofilms of C. albicans and P. aeruginosa compared to their monomicrobial infections 30–34. We believe the discrepancy is due to the short duration of the experiment (20 h of inter-species interaction); prolonged exposure of the epithelial cells to biofilm growth would likely increase the magnitude of virulence differences. However, it is interesting to note that CaPa was the condition with more inter-species competition (Supplementary Fig. 1) but less virulence (Fig. 4b).
On the other hand, biofilms formed by sequential inclusion of microorganisms produced a significant reduction in epithelial cell viability compared to the monomicrobial control, being 1Ca2Pa the most virulent group (Fig. 4b). This result is highly significant because co-infections in the real context are unlikely to be simultaneous 35. Previous work showed that mouse mortality is higher when preformed P. aeruginosa biofilms are inoculated with C. albicans than when they are not 32,36. Moreover, the addition of C. albicans to preformed biofilms of P. aeruginosa induces the expression of the bacterial genes mucA and psl, and higher inflammatory responses than mixed biofilms formed by simultaneous inoculation 32. In contrast, the effect of P. aeruginosa after C. albicans colonization is not that clear. Previous instillation of C. albicans protected mice against P. aeruginosa virulence (bacterial burden and lung injury), presumably by a priming effect 28,37,38. Conversely, Roux et al. reported that previous instillation of C. albicans increases P. aeruginosa colonization, pneumonia development, and cytokine production in rats 39,40. In patients, C. albicans colonization of the respiratory tract was identified as a risk factor for Pseudomonas VAP 41,42.
Our model showed that not only does the individual burden of each specie account for the virulence of polymicrobial biofilms, but also the community composition (interaction of both microorganisms’ biomass) (Fig. 4c). However, we do not know which type of priority effects are responsible for the increase in P. aeruginosa PAET1 virulence in the epithelial pulmonary cells after C. albicans colonization (1Ca2Pa) compared to its monomicrobial infection (Pa) (Fig. 4b). Described interactions between both microorganisms could play a role, such as C. albicans stimulation of P. aeruginosa expression of virulence factors (pyoverdine, phenazines and rhamnolipids) and biofilm formation 27,33,34,43.
Our results support the hypothesis of C. albicans as a co-conspirator in pulmonary infections, agreeing with previous studies that associate its presence in the respiratory tract with higher morbidity or mortality 44,45. However, the co-isolation of C. albicans and P. aeruginosa from respiratory samples does not consider antifungal administration unless there is histological evidence of fungal infection 27,28,46. Mainly due to the lack of agreement on the significance of C. albicans presence and inconclusive evidence on the implementation of antifungal treatment in humans 6,28,33,44,46,47. Therefore, C. albicans detection is usually assumed as colonization 46. Hoping to contribute to elucidating these questions, we tested whether priority effects influence microbial response to antibiotic and antifungal treatment, alone and in combination.
We found that P. aeruginosa PAET1 susceptibility to MER decreases when its biofilm is formed concomitantly with C. albicans (CaPa) compared to when it is formed alone (Pa) (Fig. 5b). This effect has been reported before and was associated with the mannan and glucan polysaccharides of the extracellular matrix (ECM) 48. However, we found that the protective effect was abolished after the mixed antibiotic and antifungal treatment MER + CAS (Fig. 5b), suggesting some contribution of fungal activity. Surprisingly, this synergistic effect was not present in polymicrobial biofilms formed from the sequential addition of colonizers (1Ca2Pa and 1Pa2Ca) (Fig. 5b), showing that community priority effects can impact microbial antibiotic susceptibility.
We also saw that in polymicrobial biofilms, P. aeruginosa PAET1 protects C. albicans from CAS treatment, regardless of the arrival time of colonizers (Fig. 5c). Combined antibiotic and antifungal treatment MER + CAS did not alter this effect (Fig. 5d), but the inclusion of NAC did (Fig. 5e), suggesting involvement of P. aeruginosa PAET1 ECM rather than bacterial activity (Supplementary Fig. 3). More studies need to confirm these findings, but susceptibility changes derived from polymicrobial interactions are frequently associated with the extended protection of one species’ ECM for another 48–50.
Nevertheless, as the history of colonization events can be patient-specific, treatments not affected by priority effects should be preferred in the management of polymicrobial biofilms. For these reasons, we reaffirm the inclusion of N-acetylcysteine as an exciting option in the treatment of C. albicans and P. aeruginosa co-infections, as previously reported 32. We believe that the inclusion of biofilm disrupting agents could help elucidate whether antifungals are required to eradicate interkingdom biofilms. Our study showed that MER + CAS combination did not significantly improve the reduction of both microorganisms in any polymicrobial condition compared to MER treatment alone (Fig. 5b vs Fig. 5d). However, the comparison of MER treatment with NAC + MER and MER + CAS + NAC resulted in an increased reduction of at least 1 Log10 of CFUs per mL of P. aeruginosa, and C. albicans and P. aeruginosa, respectively, in all polymicrobial conditions (Fig. 5b vs Fig. 5e and Supplementary Fig. 2b). Whether the reduction in C. albicans biomass has clinical relevance in disease outcomes remains a question that needs to be answered.
Our study confirms that priority effects modify community structure and function 51,52, making it necessary to consider them in modeling in vitro systems. We recognize that the protocol used to assess biofilm virulence can be tested to extend the duration of biofilm growth and to evaluate the treatment effectiveness. But it allowed us to identify that sequential colonization favors microbial interactions that enhance virulence against alveolar epithelial cells, being more marked in the 1Ca2Pa condition. Contrary, the successive addition of species abolishes the protective effect of C. albicans to P. aeruginosa against MER. Finally, N-acetylcysteine could enhance the treatment efficacy of C. albicans and P. aeruginosa interkingdom infections, independently of the priority effects.