This is the first study describing the foraging behavior of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins. In this study, diverse tactics have been observed that were displayed by dolphins more or less frequently depending on the location. The described behaviors and encounter features provide insights into the foraging characteristics of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins including group size and cohesion, environmental features, and associations with human activities.
4.1 Foraging encounter characteristics
First, dolphins from all locations were often recorded switching from foraging to other activities and back, milling and travelling being the most frequent transitions. This observation was expected given the fact dolphins have to find prey that are usually distributed in patches. Dolphin activity is probably often categorized as ‘travelling’ when they are searching for prey, ‘foraging’ once they found a prey patch, and ‘milling’ or ‘travelling’ again when they attempt to find the next patch. For this reason, an ambiguous behavioral category labelled ‘travel/forage’ has sometimes been used (e.g., Shane 1990). The occurrence of foraging behaviors during other activities may also represent an indication of opportunistic foraging where animals are engaged in an activity and encounter prey without actively searching for it (Nowacek 2002).
Beibu dolphins were found to mostly forage in open but particularly shallow waters (6m deep maximum), Zhanjiang dolphins in open waters of various depths, and PRD dolphins were observed foraging in various water depths and locations, including open waters, near-shore waters, and boat channels. These environmental features probably correspond to the habitat characteristics at each location and choice opportunities for dolphins. In Beibu for example, the high extent of shellfish farms and intense dolphin-watching activities are probably restricting access to near-shore areas (see Serres et al. in Press). On the other side, East-PRD is an area subject to intense human activities, including much shipping traffic and thus associated boat channels and harbors. Dolphins inhabiting this area may be forced to forage in these human-impacted zones with associated risks of collision and related injuries (e.g., Chan and Karczmarski 2019; Kot et al. 2022)
Differences in the dolphin group size and cohesion were observed during foraging encounters among the three geographic populations. Unlike Beibu and PRD dolphins who were mostly observed foraging in small groups with various dispersion ranges, dolphins from Zhanjiang were mainly observed foraging within large and dispersed groups. Several species of cetaceans have been reported to often spread out into widely spaced subgroups (e.g., dusky dolphins Lagenorhynchus obscurus, pilot whales Globicephala spp, Risso’s dolphins Grampus griseus, bottlenose dolphins Tursiops sp, killer whales Orcinus orca). Spreading out may either reduce foraging competition among individuals or increase the probability that prey is detected (Heithaus and Dill 2009). In Zhanjiang, these large groups seem to just be aggregations of animals attracted to the same resource with little interaction among individuals as they appear to pursue prey individually. This observation probably highlights low benefit of defending food resources against competitors in that particular location, potentially linked with high prey availability. It has been proposed that when prey can be defined as “rare and random” (Poisson-distributed), dolphins tend to forage in close coordination whereas when the prey is easy to access, dolphins typically aggregate for other purposes like protection against danger or mating opportunities (Vaughn et al. 2007; Wursig and Pearson 2014). Since the shark-related predation risk has been shown to be slightly higher in Zhanjiang than in other locations, protection against predation could represent an additional factor to explain the large aggregations (Chen et al. in Press; Serres et al. 2021).
The group size, cohesion, and behavior of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins described in this study suggest that these animals mostly engage in Individual Random Feeding (IRF) and Group Random Feeding (GRF) (Rossi-Santos and Flores 2009). IRF is the foraging activity where dolphins are spaced out and randomly dispersed either alone or in subgroups with random orientations and no visible cooperative or coordinated movements but instead, individuals moving in various directions in an erratic way with frequent accelerations and bursts in the surface. In GRF, dolphins are also moving in different directions and engaging in bursts and accelerations, but in larger more cohesive subgroups with subgroups sometimes merging and splitting and frequent transitions with travelling behavior. Given the observed group cohesion parameters, it can be hypothesized that dolphins from Zhanjiang could tend to mostly engage in IRF whereas dolphins from Beibu and PRD would mostly engage in GRF. However, deeper investigations should be conducted to validate these hypotheses. Because UAV flights were not conducted on all encounters and since the water was usually too turbid to see dolphins once they dived, particular tactics including potential cooperation may have gone unnoticed.
4.2 Observed foraging behaviors
Like reported by Bijukumar and Smrithy (2012) in India, Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins often engaged in prey chasing involving high speed pursuit with body position inversions, abrupt changes of direction, and frequent leaps at the water surface. Cetaceans have been shown to actively herd their prey through taking advantage of natural prey schooling and flight behavior behaviors in order to enhance their ability to capture them (e.g., Gazda et al. 2005). These manipulations may help predators get a hiding prey out, capture an individual prey, or increase the density of prey. In the present study, Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins were observed swimming around and below fish shoals to gather the prey together and eventually accelerating abruptly to catch a fish. Even though up to three dolphins were observed foraging on the same large fish shoal, coordinated efforts involving animals cooperating were not observed during the three years of data collection. It is not an easy task to determine whether groups of foraging cetaceans are cooperating or not, especially from the boat's point of view. However, this result suggests that cooperation during foraging, if existent, is probably not a preponderant tactic in the three studied Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin populations.
During foraging, including prey-herding, breaching may be used by dolphins to lead fish schools to compact (e.g., Acevedo-Gutierrez 1999; Tardin et al. 2011; Vaughn et al. 2008; Würsig 1986; Würsig and Würsig 1980) and the link between foraging activity and side breaching has already been reported in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Serres et al. 2023). This type of percussive behavior may be used to disrupt shoals of fish (Tardin et al. 2014). The difference between side breaching and half-side breaching is the proportion of the dolphin’s body exiting the water. Half-side breaching may require less energy than side breaching and therefore represent an alternative for dolphins to save energy while keeping the targeted impact on the prey. It is interesting to observe that dolphins from Beibu engaged in such percussive behaviors much less than their congeners from Zhanjiang and PRD. One potential explanation for this difference is the presence of intense dolphin-watching activities in Beibu (Wu et al. 2020) Such activities are based on the ability of skippers to find and follow dolphins, and aerial behaviors like side breaches can be easily detectable from a long distance. Beibu dolphins may have associated aerial behaviors with the following dolphin-watching boat disturbance and therefore reduced their display. However, deeper investigations are needed to confirm this hypothesis.
Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins were sometimes observed with mud traces on their skin while foraging, probably revealing that they were searching for or pursuing fish on muddy sea floors. Several cetacean species engage in benthic foraging including killer whales in New Zealand foraging on rays that they pin to the bottom and dig for or bottlenose dolphins in the Bahamas engaging in “crater feeding” where the dolphin dives into the sand almost up to the flippers to catch its prey (Rossbach and Herzing 1997). The observation of mud clouds during several foraging events may indicate that Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins engage in mud-related tactics to catch fish more efficiently. ‘Mud ring feeding’ has been described by Ramos et al. (2021) in Chetumal-Corozal Bay, Mexico with bottlenose dolphins using this strategy to encircle prey and catch them as they escape. In the present study, unlike what is observed during mud ring feeding, not one but most individuals were witnessed individually creating mud clouds, clouds were not forming rings, and dolphins were not observed catching fish that tried to escape in the air. Therefore, it is unlikely that the strategy of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins was to encircle the fish within the mud rings like observed in Mexico. Conversely, the ‘mud plume feeding’ described in bottlenose dolphins in Florida (Lewis and Schroeder 2003) seems to correspond to the observed Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin behavior. Dolphins may benefit from such a tactic through (1) the concentration of prey in the clouds they use for protection or foraging (higher concentrations of food in the suspended sediment) or (2) the temporary visual and physical barrier clouds represent that confuses and disorientates the prey by preventing collective antipredator responses (Abrahams and Kattenfeld 1997). In the present study, it was impossible to observe the underwater behavior of dolphins because of the high water turbidity, therefore the exact behavioral sequence dolphins engaged in is not clear and ‘mud plume feeding’ remains a hypothesis. It should be noted that this behavior was observed in PRD only, and more specifically in East-PRD. The prevalence of this behavior in this population could be linked to the characteristics of the sea floor of the area, East-PRD seabed being mostly composed of mud/clay (Shi et al. 2013; Xia et al. 2013) while it is mixed in Beibu (sand and clay, Cao et al. 2021) and mostly sandy in Zhanjiang (Han 2015). However, learning processes and cultural transmission within the population could also be responsible for the spreading of this behavior in a restricted area.
Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins were also observed foraging around gillnets or seine nets, and behind trawlers. Dolphins have been observed interacting with gillnets, trawlers, and encircling nets worldwide (Italy, Lauriano et al. 2009; North Carolina, Read et al. 2003; Mexico, Chávez-Martínez et al. 2022) with coastal species such as bottlenose and humpback dolphins being the most commonly observed foraging behind trawlers (Bonizzoni et al. 2022). While foraging around gillnets was observed at all locations, interactions with trawlers and seine nets were most frequent in PRD. In line with these observations, associations with pair trawlers have already been documented in East-PRD (Barros et al. 2004; Jefferson 2000) where only some individuals frequently forage behind pair trawlers while others are never observed engaging in such a tactic (Jefferson 2000). Foraging on gillnets, around seine nets, or following trawlers provides dolphins with a concentrated food source (Díaz López 2006; Fertl and Leatherwood 1997), therefore increasing the success while decreasing the energy expenditure associated with foraging. Trawlers and seine nets are often detectable over kilometres by dolphins thanks to the sounds of the boats’ engines, thus reliably indicating food patches (Norris and Prescott 1961). It remains unknown if Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins feed on the fish outside of the net, stuck in the mesh, or caught in the net, if they are scavenging on discarded animals, or feeding on species that are themselves attracted by the trawler, thus their exact foraging tactic cannot be determined. It should be noted that foraging in association with human activities as observed in this study is linked to increased risks for the dolphins, including risks of entanglement in nets, ingestion of fishing equipment, and exposure to pollutants and noise (Fertl and Leatherwood 1997). Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins are known to suffer from bycatch that can be lethal or leave significant injuries (Serres et al. 2023; Slooten et al. 2013), and such bycatch may sometimes be linked with risky foraging tactics like foraging in association with human activities. In addition, potential effects on dolphins’ distribution, diet, social structure, and behaviour may arise from such foraging tactics (Bonizzoni et al. 2022).
Finally, Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins were occasionally observed foraging near shellfish farms in Beibu and PRD and relatively frequently near fish farms in Zhanjiang. Some dolphin populations or communities have been shown to take advantage of the higher density of prey and often forage in proximity to fish or shellfish farms (e.g, Bearzi et al. 2008; Bedrinana-Romano et al. 2023; Diaz Lopez 2002, 2006, 2012; Diaz Lopez and Shirai 2007; Diaz Lopez and Methion 2017; Harnish et al. 2023; Methion and Diaz Lopez 2019; Pace et al. 2012; Pirrodi et al. 2011). The occurrence of such tactics depends on the presence and density of mariculture activities in the environment of dolphins (Bonizzoni et al. 2014; Ribeiro et al. 2007). Since mariculture was not much developed in Zhanjiang at the time of the study (Serres et al. in Press) and included not only shellfish but also fish farms, dolphins from this location may have benefited from it. However, such tactics may have impacts on predation risk, interindividual competition, bonds between individuals, and resulting social structure (Díaz López and Shirai 2008; Methion and Díaz López 2020). On the other side, foraging next to shellfish farms was only observed in Beibu and PRD. This result was expected since the extent of shellfish farms was much worse in Beibu and West-PRD than in Zhanjiang and animals may therefore have been forced to cohabit with these activities.
Cetaceans are known to present variations in foraging tactics (Heithaus and Dill 2009). Within a species, different populations or communities can exhibit different foraging tactics linked with differences in group structure, social behaviour, predation risk, and habitat characteristics (Bearzi et al. 1999; Bel’kovich et al. 1991; Shane 1990; Shane et al. 1986; Würsig and Pearson 2014) with the prey distribution potentially playing a central role (Acevedo-Gutierrez and Parker 2000). For example, foraging behaviors restricted to certain groups, communities, or matrilines have been documented in several bottlenose dolphin populations (e.g., Chilvers and Corkeron 2001; Mann and Sargeant 2003). In the present study, the human activities experienced by dolphins in each population were different with pair trawling being common in PRD and fish farms being mostly present in Zhanjiang for instance. Dolphins may take advantage of the activities that are present in their habitat (e.g., higher prey density next to fish farms or around trawlers). Regarding other factors potentially impacting the differences in foraging tactics observed among populations, the predation risk has seldom been investigated in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin populations but it has recently been suggested to be higher in Zhanjiang than in Beibu (Serres et al. 2021) where a particular community seems to be more subject to shark attacks than others (Chen et al. in Press). On the other side, prey availability remains uninvestigated at the studied locations, making it hard to propose hypotheses linked to this factor. Finally, the potential social learning processes and spreading of cultural elements have never been studied in this species. Social learning is a process that involves the social transmission of a novel behavior among peers and between generations (De Waal, 2001) and is an essential element to characterize culture in animals (Laland and Hoppitt 2003), this behavior being shared by some but not necessarily all individuals of the same species. The presented observations could reflect such social learning of specific foraging behaviors within populations. We suggest that predation risk, prey density and distribution, and social learning should be further investigated to better understand the factors underlining the differences in foraging tactics highlighted in the present study.