Summary of metamorphic evolution. The bulk garnet domains record a peak metamorphism of ~ 8 kbar and ~ 690°C occurring at ca. 1850 Ma in response to the Paleoproterozoic orogeny, and the terrane subsequently exhumed to upper crustal levels before ca. 1830 Ma24,25. The kyanite-bearing peak assemblage might be rehydrated during the Paleoproterozoic exhumation24,25 or over long period residence at the upper crustal levels26 (Fig. 5a‒b). The garnet chemical dykes intersecting the bulk garnet domains document a transient thermal event at ca. 110 Ma, with P‒T conditions of 7.5‒8.5 kbar and 600‒640°C that lasted for less than 0.1‒0.3 kyr (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Fig. S2). The Cretaceous thermal event modified garnet in parallel with the dehydration of muscovite, chlorite, margarite, and biotite, some of which are preserved as inclusions within garnet chemical dykes (Figs. 3e‒f, 3k‒l, and 5). The dehydration of these hydrous minerals at ca. 110 Ma could release significant amounts of fluids that contributed to the high H2O contents and the complex network of fracture and healing textures observed in garnet chemical dykes (Fig. 5c).
Transient supralithostatic fluid overpressure at ca. 110 Ma. The brief nature of the Cretaceous thermal excursion requires a transient and local heat source5,39, which is, arguably the most likely, the contemporaneous andesitic porphyritic intrusions nearby (Fig. 2a and 2e; Supplementary Fig. S1G‒H). We note that the converted depth of the thermal anomaly is significantly greater than common emplacement depths of porphyritic to granitic plutons in the region26. The emplacement P‒T conditions of the ca. 110 Ma porphyritic intrusions are determined at 700‒760°C and 1‒3 kbar (Fig. 4a; Supplementary Table T11). Given the uncertainties (± 1‒2 kbar) in phase equilibria modeling and geothermobarometers40, a pressure disparity at least of 4.5 ± 3.0 kbar exists between the metapelites and nearby porphyritic intrusions. Such a pressure discrepancy in the juxtaposed units indicates either rapid uplift of the metapelite in response to porphyritic intrusions, or transient deviation from lithostatic conditions.
The first scenario is impossible as the metapelites are not incorporated as xenoliths within the andesitic porphyries; rather, they are intruded by the porphyries, with quartz-feldspar veins prevalent near the intrusions (Fig. 2). Besides, thermochronology and P‒T path reconstructions suggest that the metapelites of the Jungsan Group had already cooled and been exhumed to < 4 kbar and < 500°C by ca. 1830 Ma24,25. There is no record of tectonic burial reaching depths of 7.5‒8.5 kbar in the region from 1830 to 110 Ma26. Moreover, such fast uplift (4.5 ± 3.0 kbar within hundreds of years) defies any observed or modeled plate convergence and subduction rates41,42. On the other hand, rapid garnet growth associated with the short-lived pressure variation is consistent with rapid fluctuations in pore fluid pressure due to switches from locally undrained to drained conditions8,18. Therefore, a non-lithostatic fluid overpressure model is more feasible.
We suggest that the garnet chemical dykes record supralithostatic fluid overpressure due to rapid dehydration in metapelites. Simulations by Auge et al. (1998)9 and Aarnes (2010)19 provide key insights into the process, showing that high-temperature intrusions can rapidly heat and dehydrate country rocks. If a large amount of fluid fails to dissipate, possibly impeded by low permeability of the rocks, localized high pore fluid pressure exceeding lithostatic load can be generated9,19. The structures of the outcrops and petrographic characteristics align well with the setup in these conceptual simulations. The ca. 110 Ma andesitic porphyries provide enough heat to drive a significant temperature overstepping for dehydration reactions in the metapelites. The metapelites have low permeability due to their deep burial by the Paleoproterozoic orogeny, and contain abundant hydrous minerals likely resulted from the rehydration during the Paleoproterozoic exhumation (Fig. 5a‒b). These metapelites thus could have acted as a source of rapid fluid generation near the intrusions, while those colder rocks further away may act as seals, thus allowing fluid accumulation and eventually overpressure. The brittle fractures or brecciation filled by quart- and feldspar-rich veins (Fig. 2b‒d) are suggestive of supralithostatic fluid overpressure and hydraulic fracturing14,43. The initial fluids escaped may have fractured garnet, and the further pore fluid overpressure commenced garnet growth and healed the fractures (Fig. 5c). Matrix minerals may have experienced similar fluid-induced fractures, but the evidence is prone to recrystallization20.
Such an ‘autoclave’ scenario2,5 builds up high fluid pressures in a confined volume. For an independently test, we conduct fluid overpressure simulation using the equations of state and thermodynamic dataset of Holland and Powell (2011) (ds6244) and the measured bulk-rock compositions of the metapelites. We assume that the surrounding metapelites are rigid and impermeable so that fluids released by dehydration reactions cannot escape and are trapped in a confined space (isochoric reaction), similar to the ‘autoclave’ geometry2,5. The resulting elastic compressibility leads to a deviation from the lithostatic pressure and generates fluid overpressure. We model the dehydration of the metapelites through isobaric heating (500 to 600°C) under different pressures (1 − 4 kbar) to reflect the heating from the porphyry intrusions. The calculation methods are detailed in the refs. 2,5. The degree of fluid overpressure largely depends on the volumes of dehydrated hydrous minerals such as chlorite and muscovite, and changes with the pressures for the isobaric heating (Fig. 6). We find that, at pressures equivalent to the emplacement depths of porphyry intrusions (1 − 2 kbar), high fluid overpressure of 4.5 ± 3 kbar would readily generate even if the confined space has an unrealistically high relative volume expansion (> 80%; Fig. 6). Besides, the heating to 600°C is a conservative estimate and a higher degree of heating would produce greater fluid overpressure5. Therefore, to achieve the pressure contrast of 4.5 ± 3 kbar, the metapelites do not need to be perfectly impermeable or rigid, and the dehydration do not require being isochoric. The simulation is a semi-quantitative analysis; nevertheless, the results represent a first-order test and are insensitive to the details of simulation settings2,5.
In sum, the brief pressure disparity recorded by the metapelites and responsible andesitic porphyries nearby could be reasonably reconciled by transient supralithostatic fluid overpressure generated by rapid dehydration of the metapelites. This brief pressure contrast was followed by rapid brittle hydraulic fracturing and vein formation which released the high pore fluid pressure.
Implications. The growth of garnet and its compositions have been widely used as reliable indicators of burial/exhumation depths to constrain crustal evolution in a wide variety of settings3. The underlying assumption is that the formation of garnet occurs under lithostatic pressures, enabling the direct conversion of thermodynamic pressures derived from garnet compositions into depths1,3. However, our findings present another example that challenges this paradigm and show that garnet growth could reflect supralithostatic fluid overpressure of several kilobars due to rapid dehydration in low permeability rocks. Previous numerical models have explored the potential of dehydration-induced fluid overpressure9,10,16–18, yet our study is the first to test this mechanism both on magnitude and timescale in natural metamorphic records, with a specific focus on garnet. Our findings also suggest that while rocks typically do not possess unconfined strength exceeding 100‒200 MPa, the presence of confinement and undrained conditions may have allowed for the development of greater fluid overpressure8.
Dehydration reactions that form garnet typically release significant amounts of fluids within narrow P‒T ranges8,21, and most metamorphic rocks exhibit low permeability9,10,43. Pulsed dehydration and rapid garnet growth (< 1 Myr) also have been reported from many tectonic zones worldwide, such as the Sifnos accretionary complex45, the Alps belt29,46, the Tianshan subduction belt47, the Almagro accretionary complex20, and the Franciscan Complex in California8. Some garnets in these regions also exhibit similar fracture and healing textures (e.g., refs. 20,46), raising the possibility that rapid garnet growth driven by supralithostatic fluid overpressure might be more prevalent than previously recognized. The potential deviation from lithostatic conditions and resulting misinterpreted tectonic reconstruction require more attention or reevaluation.
Furthermore, our research suggests that a favorable situation for dehydration-induced fluid overpressure involves younger thermal pulses superimposed on older metamorphic belts. Given the proximity of many younger orogenies to or originating from ancient orogenic belts46,48, the associated superimposed metamorphism and rapid garnet growth may record varying levels of fluid overpressures. This effect could potentially lead to an overestimation of burial depths in younger orogens, and might have contributed to the apparent increase in peak pressures observed from Precambrian to present orogens49. The presence of dehydration-induced fluid overpressure, in conjunction with stress- and melting-induced pressure variations2,4–6,8, thus challenges current orogenic reconstructions based on the lithostatic assumption.
The fluid overpressure generated by rapid dehydration of metapelites persisted for several hundred years and was followed by transient brittle failure and hydrofracturing (Figs. 2 and 4c). Many earthquake nucleation models consider dehydration-induced fluid overpressure13–15, but the mechanism responsible for generating such high pore fluid pressures over timescales relevant to the recurrence of significant earthquakes (100‒1000 years) remains untested in nature. We use garnet diffusion chronology to quantify the duration of dehydration-induced fluid overpressure, and show that dehydration reactions stimulated by rapid heating could produce such transient fluid overpressure. This process may be critical for fault weakness and seismic initiation in thrust or normal fault settings, where rapid temperature increases and fast dehydration of hydrous minerals similar to pelitic rocks in this study could occur9,16. The brief brittle failure following fluid overpressure may trigger localized low-frequency tectonic tremors14,15,20. Given the regional distribution of metapelites and subduction-related magmatic intrusions at ca. 110 Ma in the Korea (Figs. 1b–c and 2a), it is conceivable that the localized dehydration-induced seismic events may have accumulated to a larger-scale earthquake and contributed to the development of contemporaneous fault systems and basin evolution in the region26.